List - American School of Paris
List - American School of Paris
2009 Middle School Summer Reading AMERICAN SCHOOL O F P A R I S Founded 1946 Dear Middle School Student, As you know, reading is a lifelong experience—your education doesn’t stop when you’re out of school! The ASP Middle School teachers would like to encourage you to read a lot this summer, and not just in English. This document is in two sections. The first explains the required reading assignment for all students in the regular English program. (EAL students are should read at whatever level they feel most comfortable.) The second section is the recommended reading list from the French teachers, and this applies to students at all levels. Enjoy yourself! Jim Ferguson Middle School Director *** Where to get your books English books For those of you who may be new to Paris, please note that there are several major English language bookstores in the city. The Red Wheelbarrow 22 rue Saint-Paul 75004 Paris métro: Saint-Paul tel: 01.48. 04. 75. 08 W.H. Smith 248 rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris métro: Concorde tel: The Village Voice 6 rue Princesse 75006 Paris métro: Mabillon tel: Virtually all of these books can be ordered on line from or (click on livres en anglais). French books French books are easy to get in France! The store with the biggest choice is probably FNAC (, which has numerous branches. You can also order any of the books from . AMERICAN SCHOOL O F P A R I S Founded 1946 2009 Middle School Summer Reading Required Reading in English The English teachers and librarians have compiled this list carefully with the aim of helping you discover new titles and authors over the summer. In cases where the book has “series” written next to it, you may read the next title in that series if you have already read the book that’s listed. The Middle School English teachers and librarians have made a careful selection of titles, combining classics with contemporary novels, a number of which were Newbery Medal-winners. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child will read the books required from the accompanying list. Because we encourage our students to take notes in the required book as they read, we recommend that students buy their own copy and have it on hand in the new school year. Requirements: • Students entering 8th grade must read a minimum of three books by three different authors from this reading list. • Students entering 7th grade are required to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho plus a minimum of two other books by two different authors from this reading list. • Students entering 6th grade are required to read A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements, plus a minimum of two other books by two different authors from this list. As you read, you may find it helpful to note important or memorable passages in the books (use post-it notes or pencil). Your English teacher will assign projects based on your summer reading. Make sure you have the books with you when school starts! To find out more about any of these books, go online to the American School of Paris website. Go to the “Quicklinks” drop down menu and click on the Destiny Library Catalog. Then click on LA BIBLIOTHEQUE. Enjoy a summer full of great reading! See you in August. Sincerely, Diane Smith – 8th grade English Teacher Elli Gildnes – 7th grade English Teacher Julie Forbes – 6th grade English Teacher Sherri Rouiller and Meg Seaver – Librarians AMERICAN SCHOOL O F P A R I S Founded 1946 2009 Middle School Summer Reading Underlined titles are more suitable for older students. Author Adams, Douglas Adams, Richard Alexie, Sherman Almond, David Anderson, Laurie Halse Appelt, Kathi Avi Balliett, Blue Blackman, Malorie Bloor, Edward Blume, Judy Bowler, Tim Boyce, Frank Cottrell Boyne, John Brande, Robin Brooks, Kevin Burnett, Frances Hodgson Cassidy, Anne Cassidy, Cathy Choldenko, Gennifer Colfer, Eoin Collins, Suzanne Compestine, Ying Chang Corder, Zizou Cormier, Robert Craig, Joe Creech, Sharon Cross, Gillian Curtis, Christopher Paul Dahl, Roald Danziger, Paula Title The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (series) Watership Down The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Skellig Chains The Underneath The Seer of Shadows The Calder Game Pig Heart Boy Taken Deenie Storm Catchers Millions The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Evolution, Me & Others Freaks of Nature Kissing the Rain The Secret Garden Looking for JJ Indigo Blue Al Capone Does My Shirts Airman The Hunger Games Revolution is Not a Dinner Party Lion Boy (series) Rag and Bone Shop Jimmy Coates: Assassin? Walk Two Moons The Dark Ground The Watsons Go To Birmingham Danny, the Champion of the World The Cat Ate My Gymsuit Divakakaruni, Chitra Druitt, Tobias Duncan, Lois Sister of my Heart Corydon and the Island of Monsters (series) Stranger with my Face Fine, Anne Flake, Sharon French, Jackie Funke, Cornelia Gaiman, Neil Gardner, Sally Geason, Susan Geras, Adèle Giff, Patricia Reilly Green, Tim Haddix, Margaret Peterson The Road of Bones The Skin I'm In Hitler's Daughter Inkspell The Graveyard Book The Red Necklace Flight of the Falcon Troy Eleven Football Genius Found Haddon, Mark Hale, Shannon Henkes, Kevin Hiaasen, Carl Higson, Charlie Hinton, Nigel Horowitz, Anthony Howe, James Hunter, Erin Ibbotson, Eva Kadohata, Cynthia Kent, Rose Kluger, Steve Korman, Gordon L’Engle, Madeleine Lester, Julius Levine, Gail Carson Lewis, C.S. Lockhart, E. London, Jack Lowry, Lois Lupica, Mike MacHale, D.J. Mazer, Norma Fox McCaughrean, Geraldine McKay, Hilary Moriarty, Jaclyn Muchamore, Robert The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime Princess Academy Olive's Ocean Scat Silverfin (Young Bond series) Time Bomb Gatekeepers (series) The Misfits Warriors (series) The Secret Countess Kira Kira Kimchi & Calamari My Most Excellent Year No More Dead Dogs A Wrinkle in Time Day of Tears The Wish The Chronicles of Narnia (series) The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks The Call of the Wild Number the Stars Travel Team The Merchant of Death (Pendragon series) The Missing Girl Plundering Paradise Saffy’s Angel (sequels) Feeling Sorry for Celia The Recruit (Cherub series) Myers, Walter Dean Naidoo, Beverley Namioka, Lensey Fallen Angels The Other Side of Truth Ties that Bind, Ties that Break Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Ness, Patrick Alice the Brave Knife of Never Letting Go Nix, Garth Nye, Naomi Shihab Paolini, Christopher Park, Linda Sue Pattou, Edith Paulsen, Gary Pearson, Mary E. Peck, Richard Pfeffer, Susan Beth Pennac, Daniel Philbrick, Rodman Pierce, Tamora Pullman, Philip Raskin, Ellen Rawls, Wilson Riordan, Rick Roberts, Willo Davis Rosoff, Meg Sachar, Louis Salinger, J.D. Shusterman, Neal Singer, Nicky Spinelli, Jerry Sutcliff, Rosemary Stewart, Trenton Lee Taylor, Mildred Tolkin, J.R.R. Verne, Jules Walker, Alice Webb, Sarah Werlin, Nancy Westerfield, Scott Whelan, Gloria White, Andrea Wilson, Jacqueline Wolff, Virginia Euwer Wrede, Patricia Zevin, Gabrielle Zindel, Paul Zusak, Markus The Keys to the Kingdom (series) Habibi Eragon (series) A Single Shard East Harris and Me Scribbler of Dreams Here Lies the Librarian Life As We Knew It Dog Freak the Mighty First Test (Protector of the Small Quartet) His Dark Materials (series) The Westing Game Summer of the Monkeys The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson series) The View from the Cherry Tree How I Live Now Small Steps The Catcher in the Rye The Schwa was Here Feather Boy Stargirl The Eagle of the Ninth The Mysterious Benedict Society Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry The Hobbit Around the World in Eighty Days The Color Purple Amy Green Teen Agony Queen The Rules of Survival Uglies Homeless Bird Surviving Antarctica Dustbin Baby Bat 6 Enchanted Forest Chronicles (series) Elsewhere The Pigman The Book Thief AMERICAN SCHOOL O F P A R I S Founded 1946 2009 Middle School Summer Reading Recommended Reading in French Your French teachers have chosen a varied selection of books ranging from beginners’ to native speakers’ level. You are not required to read any number of books in particular but the teachers recommend that you read for pleasure, and at your own pace and level, over the summer. Even if you’re a complete beginner in French you could explore the magazines or leveled books and see how much you can figure out on your own. If you already have studied French, you will be able to find a suitable book among any of the leveled series listed below. No matter what your level is, if you have a particular interest in sports, computers, etc., then pick up a French specialist magazine in this field and have some fun. Profitez bien de vos vacances. Rendezvous à la rentrée! Cordialement, Lara Bailly Sylvie De Oliveira Pascale Doyle Valérie Jackson French as a Foreign Language List (Liste Français Langue Étrangere) Collection Lire le Français (Clé International) Découverte (Clé International) Les Mini Syros (Syros) Lecture Jeunesse (Copp Clark Pitman Ltd.) Lire en français facile (Hachette, FLE) Titre Levels : Beginners (bleu), Intermediate (vert), Advanced (rouge) Levels : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Mini Souris Série Jeunesse Levels : 1, 2 Advanced French and Native-Speakers List (Liste Avancé/Francophone) Underlined titles are more suitable for very good readers and native speakers. Les titres soulignés sont plus adaptés pour les bons lecteurs et les francophones. Auteur Arrou-Vignod Asklund, J. Bordage, P. Bottero, P. Brisou-Pellen, E. Buzzati, D. Danzigues, P. Daudet, A. Fresse, G. Friot, B. Gautier, T. Gilberte Niquet Giono, G. Giorda Hassan, Y. Jay, A. Joly, D. Kérillis, H. Kessel, J. L’instit. Lavolle , L.N. Titre Le collège fantôme Un trésor dans l’ordinateur Ceux qui sauront Les mondes d’Ewilan Deux graines de cacao Les cinq Ecus de Bretagne La fameuse invasion de la Sicile par les ours Moi, Lili Graffiti Lili Graffiti La rentrée de Lili Le petit chose Sale temps pour les grenouilles Histoire pressée Le roman de la momie Le jour du match L’homme qui plantait des arbres La plante mystérieuse Un grand-père tombé du ciel Complot à Versailles Sous la Révolution française La classe de 6ème découvre l’Europe La classe de 6ème tourne un film Le lion Concerto pour Guillaume Lesrévélations Menteur ! L’acrobate de Minos Lefevre, T. Voyage au pays des arbres Celui qui n’avait jamais vu la mer Le voleur de Noël Léourier, C. Le chemin de Rungis Martel, Y. Maupassant, G. L’histoire de Pi Une partie de campagne Neuf contes et nouvelles Histoires fantastiques Rendez-vous au collège La 6ème Le royaume de Kensuke Le Clézio, JM Méliade, S. Morgenstern, S. Morpugo, M. Mourlevat, J-C. Nozière, J.P. Pef Pennac, D. Petit, X.-L. Pinguilly, Y. Prévert, J. Renard, J. Sand, G. Sempé Shangdi, F. Slocombe, R Smadja, B. Tournier, M. Uhlman, F. Valdès, Z. Vasconcelos, J.M. de Vernes, J. Zenatti, V. L’enfant Océan Des crimes comme ci comme chat Les belles lisses poires de France Cabot-Caboche L’évasion de Kamo Kamo, l’idée du siècle Kamo et moi Le col des milles larmes Manèges dans le désert Le secret de la falaise Le ballon d’or Contes pour enfants pas sages Poil de Carotte Le chêne parlant Le petit Nicolas Thimothée découvre l’Inde Le détectice du Palace Hôtel Il faut sauver Saîd Vendredi ou la vie sauvage Sept contes L’ami retrouvé Au clair de Luna Mon bel oranger Le tour du monde en 80 jours Adieu mes 9 ans.
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Underlined titles are more suitable for very good readers and native speakers.
Les titres soulignés sont plus adaptés pour les bons lecteurs et les francophones.