Online CV Salmon fall 16


Online CV Salmon fall 16
Carole SALMON, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Department of World Languages and Cultures
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Interim Chair
Department of Cultural Studies (now World Languages and Cultures)
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Associate professor of French Studies and Culture
Department of Cultural Studies, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Fall 2014-now
Fall 2013-Spring 2014
September 2013- now
Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, LA
-Ph.D. in French Studies (dissertation topic in sociolinguistics)
Advanced Level French Classes:
Advanced Conversation and Composition (WLFR.3480)
Contemporary French Civilization and Culture (WLFR.3200)
The French-Speaking world (WLFR.3100)
Francophone Identities through Cinema (WLFR.3800)
Contemporary French Cinema (WLFR.3400)
Survey of Francophone Literatures (WLFR.3020)
Advanced French Conversation (WLFR.3460)
Francophone Communities in North America (WLFR.3150)
Survey of French Literature, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century (WLFR.3010)
Quebec Literature and Culture (WLFR 3000)
Online Elementary French Courses (designed and taught since 2009):
French I and Culture online (WLFR.1010)
French II and Culture online (WLFR.1020)
French III and Culture online (WLFR.2110)
French IV and Culture online (WLFR.2120)
- Nominated for the Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2016)
-Department’s teaching award (2009, 2015)
- Nominated for the Teacher Awards sponsored by the UML Student Government Association
(2009, 2010)
-Recipient of the 2014 UML’s recognition of published works, awarded for the co-edited volume
How the Films of Pedro Almodóvar draw upon and influence Spanish Society
Other Teaching Activities: Mentoring Programs
2013- 2014 & 2014-2015: Participation in the Research Co-op Program, sponsored by the
College of FAHSS. Research project dealing with the Franco-American interviews in English
collected during the 2011 fieldwork across New England. Student-mentoring program for one
academic year.
2012-2013. Participation in the Emerging Scholars’ Program, sponsored by the Center for
Women and Work at UMass Lowell. Project title: “The Franco-American French language and
culture in the collective memory.” Student-mentoring program for one academic year.
Presentations at Conferences (selected)
ACTFL. Panel session co-organizer and participant: “Study Abroad Programs in the
Curriculum: Building Successful Experience(s).” Boston, MA, November 18-20, 2016.
“Cajuns and Franco-Americans: all the same, all different?” American Council for Quebec
Studies (ACQS). Portland, Maine, November 3-6.
47th Annual Conference of the NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association). « C’est écrit
sur les murs : une réflexion sur l’art de la rue à Paris ». Hartford, CT. March 17-20, 2016.
Organized and Chaired Sessions
64th Annual conference of the MIFLC (Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference).
Session title : Trajectoires migratoires dans le cinéma français. Furman University, Greenville,
SC. October 16-18, 2014.
Invited to Harvard University’s undergraduate course French 61 “Modern Stories about Paris”
to present on graffitis in Paris and their meanings in today’s society, based on UML students’
projects from the UML in Paris Summer 2014 program. April 7, 2015.
Seminars for Graduate Students (Masters and Ph.D.) Invited by the Center for Research in
Applied Linguistics (CRLA) at the Université de Moncton in New Brunswick, Canada:
Seminar 1: «‘On prie français et on parle catholique’: étude comparative de la représentation
identitaire dans les communautés francophones américaines de Louisiane et du
Massachusetts». Seminar on Linguistic Trends, September 27, 2011.
Seminar 2: «La représentation linguistique des Franco-Américains à travers l’analyse de la
presse francophone : l’exemple de Lowell au Massachusetts». Seminar on Linguistic
Representations, September 28, 2011.
Roundtables (selected)
Speaker in the roundtable French North America across the curriculum. Topic: « From Louisiana
to Acadia, via New-England and Quebec: Implementing the Teaching of French-Speaking
Communities in North America at UMass Lowell. » American Council for Quebec Studies
(ACQS). Portland, Maine, April 3-6.
Speaker in the roundtable “The future of French/ French for the Future in Higher Education."
Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC). Furman University,
Greenville, South Carolina, October 16-18, 2014.
Workshop leader for the French Ambassy’s Cultural Mission. I designed and presented a
workshop entitled “Cinéma contemporain de France et de la francophonie » for High School
French teachers in New England. In partnership with the French Consulate in Boston. Boston,
August 22, 2013.
Radio Canada. Interviewed by Gabriel Anctil at the Boott Cotton Mill Museum in Lowell for an
episode on Jack Kerouac’s French Canadian roots. Interviewed on May 23rd 2014, episode is
scheduled aired in November on Radio Canada. E-book with audio available upon request in
PDF format.
Book Reviews (selected)
For La Revue de linguistique romane
2013. Blondeau, Hélène. 2011. Cet «autres» qui nous distingue: tendances communautaires et
parcours individuels dans le système des pronoms en français québécois, Presses de l’Université
Laval: Laval, Québec. In Revue de linguistique romane, Tome 77, 305-306. Janvier-juin 2013,
For The French Review
Forthcoming. Forlot, Gilles et Fanny Martin, eds. Regards sociolinguistiques contemporains :
Terrains, espaces et complexités de la recherche. L’Harmattan : Paris. In the French Review,
vol.TBA, date TBA, p. TBA.
Forthcoming. Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie. 2015. La langue dans la cité: vivre et penser l’équité
culturelle. Les impressions nouvelles : Bruxelles. In the French Review, vol. 89.4, date TBA, p.
Salmon, Carole. Cent ans de français cadien en Louisiane: étude sociolinguistique du parler des
femmes. (One Hundred Years of Cajun French in Louisiana: A Sociolinguistic Study of the
Speech of Women). 2009. Coll: Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics, vol. 72. Peter
Lang Publishing: New York.
Co-Edited Volumes
Bessy, Marianne and Carole Salmon (eds.). 2016. Racines et déracinements au grand écran:
Trajectoires migratoires dans le cinéma français du XXIème siècle. Coll. Francopolyphonies, vol.
20. Brill|Rodopi editions: Leiden|Boston.
Matz, María R. and Carole Salmon (eds.). 2012. How the Films of Pedro Almodóvar Draw Upon
and Influence Spanish Society: Bilingual Essays on his Cinema. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston,
Book Chapters
Bessy, Marianne and Carole Salmon. 2016. «Tour d’horizon des représentations de la
migration dans le cinéma français depuis 2006: histoire(s), lieux, ancrages». (Representing
Migration in French Cinema since 2006: Stories, Places, Rootedness.) In Bessy, Marianne and
carole Salmon (eds) Racines et déracinements au grand écran: Trajectoires migratoires dans le
cinéma français du XXIème siècle. Coll. Francopolyphonies, vol. 20. Brill|Rodopi editions:
Matz, Maria R. and Carole Salmon. 2014. “The City I Live in: Almodóvar Reshapes Madrid as
Spain Goes Glocal” in Local Cities, Global Spaces: Towards a Multicultural Configuration of
Spain. Ed. Ellen Mayock and Ana Corbalán. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Pp. 153-163.
Matz, Maria R. and Carole Salmon. 2012. “Facing Almodóvar's Vision of Spanish Contemporary
Society: Women, Men and Everyone in Between”, in How the Films of Pedro Almodóvar Draw
Upon and Influence Spanish Society: Bilingual Essays on his Cinema. Eds. María R. Matz and
Carole Salmon. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, NY. Pp.13-35.
Article in Refereed Journal
Salmon, Carole and Sylvie Dubois. 2013. “À la recherche du français en NouvelleAngleterre: une enquête de terrain à travers six États”. In Journal of French Language
Studies, Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/S095926951300029X
Articles in Refereed Proceedings (selected)
Salmon, Carole. 2012. «De la Louisiane à la Nouvelle-Angleterre: portraits de femmes
francophones aux Etats-Unis» (From Louisiana to New England: Portraits of Francophone
Women in the United States). In Pauzet, Anne and Sophie Roch-Veiras (eds.) Femme en
Francophonie: thèmes de société, volume 2 (Woman in Francophonie: social topics, volume 2).
Cahiers du CIRHiLL numéro 37. L’Harmattan et les éditions de l’UCO: Paris. Pp. 43-58.
Online Databases
2010. Salmon, Carole (coordinator). Lettres de Louisiane corpus: 38 documents found in
Louisiana, written in French during the French Revolution and their transcription. Available
2008. Salmon, Carole. Coordinator. Francophone Heritage of Louisiana corpus: 100 letters
written in French in Louisiana from 1729 to 1877 and their transcription. Available online:
Sociolinguistic Fieldwork
2011. Corpus of Franco-American French and English across the six States of New England
(124 audio interviews). Sponsored by the Center for French and Francophone Studies at
Louisiana State University.
Film Screenings on campus (Selected)
March 24, 2015. Organization of the screening of La cage dorée (The Gilded Cage) at UML, MA.
As part of the “week of Francophonie”, celebrated in New England (around March 20), public
screening of the Franco-Portuguese comedy La cage dorée (The Gilded Cage, Ruben Alves,
2013). Co-sponsored by the Department of World Languages and Cultures and the SaabPedroso Center for Portuguese Research & Culture at UMass Lowell, The General Consulate of
France in Boston, The General Consulate of Portugal in Boston. Open to the whole community.
Guest Speakers Invited On Campus (Selected)
March 5, 2014. Invitation of guest speaker Alice Sedar, former international journalist for French
national newspapers Le Monde and Le Figaro, at UML, MA
As part of the “week of Francophonie”, celebrated in New England (around March 20), public
talk entitled “Foreign Reporting, Emergency Landing and so much more.” Co-sponsored by the
Department of Cultural Studies and the English department at UMass Lowell. Open to the
whole community.
March 20, 2013. Invitation of guest speaker Frédéric Rondeau at UML, MA
As part of the “week of Francophonie”, celebrated in New England (March 15-30), public talk of
Quebec society and literature specialist Frédéric Rondeau entitled “Artistic and Political
Protests in Quebec: from the Quiet Revolution to the Maple Spring” Sponsored by the
Délégation du Québec in Boston and by the Department of Cultural Studies at UMass Lowell.
Open to the whole community.
March 21, 2012. Invitation of guest speaker Marie-Claire Blais at UML, MA
As part of the “week of Francophonie”, celebrated in New England (March 19-25), public
reading by internationally acclaimed Quebec author Marie-Claire Blais entitled “A Vision of our
Tormented Times.” Sponsored by the Délégation du Québec in Boston and by the Department
of Cultural Studies at UMass Lowell. Open to the whole community.
March 11, 2011. Invitation of guest speaker Kim Thúy at UML, MA
As part of the “week of Francophonie”, celebrated in New England (March 10-25), Quebec
author Kim Thúy, recipient of the prestigious Governor General’s Literary Award (Canada), the
Grand Prix RTL/Lire 2010 (France) and the Grand Prix du Salon du livre de Montréal 2010
(Canada) for her novel Ru, delivered a paper entitled “Being in Love with French.” Sponsored by
the Délégation du Québec in Boston and by the Department of Cultural Studies at UMass
Lowell. Open to the whole community.
International Experiences
Director of International Partnership with partner institution CEGEP BeauceAppalaches in Québec (2011-now)
2014- 2015-2016: Designed and taught the UMASS Lowell in Paris Summer Faculty led
program in partnership with the Office of Study Abroad and International Experiences
Other Service Activities (selected)
Member of the Undergraduate Policy Committee (UPC)
Coordinator of the French program at UML (daytime and online)
Co-chair of the World Ready steering committee
Current Memberships to Professional Organizations
American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
French Cultural Center/ Alliance française of Boston
Conseil International des Etudes Francophones (CIEF)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
New England Modern Language Association (NeMLA)