Low-calorie recipes
Low-calorie recipes
Low-calorie recipes Published on Somapro - Préparations culinaires (http://www.somapro.fr) Low-calorie recipes Low-calorie recipes We have created original purées and soups perfectly suited to those following a weight-loss program. With added vitamins, they provide an excellent meal option as part of a balanced diet. Our wide range of purées can be sold in boxed sets designed for 7 or 14 day weight-loss programmes, and including follow-up booklet and advice. Customers should seek advice from a doctor or dietician when planning a personalised weight-loss program. Previous Page Back to Products Source URL: http://www.somapro.fr/en/gamme/salty-range/low-calorie-recipes 25 ans déjà que notre PME défend fièrement sa place dans la cour des grands fabricants de produits culinaires déshydratés ! Page 1 of 1 sdSomapro , Préparations culinaires Parc Industriel Pompelle - 9 rue du Val Clair - B.P. 34 - 51683 REIMS Cedex 2
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Low-calorie recipes
program. With added vitamins, they provide an excellent meal option as part of a balanced diet.
Our wide range of purées can be sold in boxed sets designed for 7 or 14 day weight-loss
programmes, a...