The big book of the raw cuisine


The big book of the raw cuisine
The big book of the raw cuisine
The big book of the raw cuisine
Christophe Berg
Photography Alexis Berg
The raw food
The raw food comes from San Francisco.
The ingredients are brut, not transformed,
glutenfree, without lactose or cholesterol and
of course 100 % vegetal. The methods of
preparation are soft in order to preserve the
gustatory and nutritional qualities of the food.
The living is protected and the good bacteria
are cultivated with kindness.
The book
• The gests, techniques and base recipes to
be initiated into the raw cuisine.
• The daily raw cuisine (smoothies, breakfast,
deserts, snacks...)
• More than 250 recipes for a gourmet cuisine, inspired by the international gastronomy.
19 x 26 cm
252 pages
Retail price: e 29.95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]