Bios and abstracts - Canadian Association of Second Language
Bios and abstracts - Canadian Association of Second Language
Bios and Abstracts / Biographies et résumés Note: the language of the abstract reflects the language of the session. Nota : la langue du résumé est aussi la langue de la séance. Abanto Roja, Luis La problemática de la clase de ELE en la era de las tecnologías En los últimos años, es indudable que la tecnología informática ha aportado un sinfín de recursos y propuestas metodológicas a la enseñanza de ELE. La reflexión que proponemos tratará sobre el impacto de diversas propuestas tecnológicas en la organización, diseño, desarrollo, etc. de la clase de ELE, y en la relación entre profesores y estudiantes. (Secondaire; postsecondaire) Luis Abanto Rojas obtuvo su maestría (1996) y doctorado (2005) en la Universidad de Ottawa, después de haber estudiado en las universidades de Estrasburgo, Francia, Montreal y Waterloo. Es profesor asociado y actual director del Programa de Licenciatura de Español de la Universidad de Ottawa y del Programa de lengua española. Además de su investigación sobre el tema de la ciudad en la narrativa latinoamericana del siglo XX, se especializa en el área de la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera; dicta anualmente el Seminario sobre la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en el Programa de estudios superiores de dicha universidad. Agudelo, Paola Tratamiento de error es ... Dans un premier moment, l'objectif est de présenter les nouvelles conceptions de l'erreur, les sources des erreurs et les types d'erreurs les plus fréquentes dans les cours de langue. Après avoir donné cet aperçu théorique, l'atelier proposera quelques exercices pratiques pour corriger l'expression écrite et orale dans les cours de ELE spécifiquement. Paola Agudelo est licenciée en Langues Modernes de l'Université de La Salle (Colombie) et en Français Langue Étrangère de l'Université Stendhal Grenoble III (France). Actuellement, elle fait sa maîtrise portant sur la didactique de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère (Université de Montréal). Allain, Alice L2 Teaching to First Nations’ Students / L’enseignement des L2 aux élèves autochtones (avec P. Demers, S. Lacroix et F. Pelletier) For First Nations’ people, learning a dominant L2 such as English or French may constitute a threat to their identity: we will see how, using First Nation’s traditional learning strategies, we can respect students’ culture and achieve a better teaching. (For all) / Pour un autochtone, apprendre une L2 dominante comme le français ou l’anglais peut constituer une menace identitaire : faisant appel à des stratégies d’apprentissage de l’enseignement autochtone traditionnel, nous verrons comment il est possible de respecter la culture des élèves afin d’en arriver à un meilleur enseignement. (Pour tous) Alice Allain, M.ED., is a Lecturer of French L2 and French L2 Didactics at the St Thomas University in Fredericton New Brunswick. Ambrosio, Laura Culture, technologie et langue – trois passepartouts pour un cheminement professionnel FLS sans frontières L’atelier a pour objectif de présenter un aperçu de la programmation proposée dans le cadre de l’Université d’été pour enseignants de FLS, formation qui aura lieu pour la quatrième année consécutive à l’Université d’Ottawa, du 4 au 15 juillet 2011. Venez participer à une activité de planification culturelle interactive en FLS. (Pour tous) Laura Ambrosio, est professeure de FLS à l’université d’Ottawa. Depuis 2008 elle coordonne un programme d’université d’été pour les enseignant(e)s de FLS. Entre autres, elle s’intéresse à la pédagogie par l’apprentissage expérientiel et à l’impact de l’enseignement des langues internationales au Canada. Anderson, Bev Let’s Get Students Talking: Developing Literacy in the Language Classroom! Participants will become familiar with strategies and techniques to develop oral communication skills; become familiar with how purposeful oral language is integrated into the development of all skills; Experience activities to motivate and support students as they develop oral communication and overall literacy skills. (K-12) In her career, Bev has worked as a teacher, university lecturer, educational consultant (Core French, Intensive French, ESL, and Intensive English), trainer & workshop presenter, and author, primarily in the area of second language education. She is co-author and the series editor of Échos 1-3 (2009); co-author of effective literacy practices in FSL: making connections (2008); and is a past president of the CASLT. Anderson, Bev Literacy Comes Alive in the Language Classroom (with Wendy Carr) Participants will discover two exciting new second language literacy resources, Making Connections and Échos. Designed for FSL, the teaching approach includes key strategies that can be used in any language teaching context to support students' oral language development and comprehension as they explore a multitude of texts (aural, visual and print). (K-12; bilingue) Wendy Carr and Bev Anderson are highly experienced second language educators who are passionate about engaging language learners and educators. They are co-authors of Making Connections and the Échos literacy series (Pearson Education). Bev is a national educational language consultant and a former president of CASLT. Arapé, Alejandro Isabel Ripol es mi profesora de español Los recursos auditivos en ELE han merecido la atención de numerosos especialistas, quienes continuamente diseñan estrategias para sacar el máximo provecho de estos materiales. Esta presentación explora las posibilidades que la canción hispana ofrece, no sólo como instrumento lingüístico, sino como un auténtico descubrimiento cultural. Nadie mejor que Isabel Ripol (Shakira) para demostrar la importancia de la música para aprender español en la actualidad. (Pour tous; en français et espanol) Alejandro Arapé ha sido docente de español como lengua materna y extranjera por trece años. Desde muy joven manifiesta inclinaciones musicales como pinchadiscos, ejecutante y aficionado del rockpop hispano. Actualmente desarrolla una investigación sobre las nuevas tecnologías dentro de la clase de ELE en la universidad de Montreal. Arnett, Katy Lesson Design for the Inclusive Second Language Classroom In this interactive workshop, participants will explore how to structure lessons to maximize their inclusivity. Drawing on principles of “universal design,” participants will come to see how the broad structure of a lesson can be another tool to help struggling students meet their learning goals. (K-12; for all) Katy Arnett is currently working in initial teacher education in the United States, following similar work in Canada and experience teaching inclusive secondary FSL classrooms in the U.S. Her research focuses on how to effectively support diverse student needs in FSL classrooms. Arnott, Stephanie Focus on FSL Teaching: Discussing Three Recent Studies (with S. Lapkin, S. Mison and R. Thomas) We will present findings from three research projects that focus on: (i) literacy teaching in core French; (ii) teacher agency exhibited during the implementation of the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM); and (iii) teacher perspectives on homework in French immersion. Participants are encouraged to offer insights and feedback on project findings. (For all) Stephanie is a 4th year PhD student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education studying instructional methods in core French. She has taught French at the primary level, and has worked on multiple research projects studying FSL education in Ontario. Aúz, María Ramírez Propuestas metodológicas en formato digital para pizarras interactivas y tradicionales. Del manual de clase a la pantalla: Una nueva orientación de la mirada del estudiante En este taller reflexionaremos sobre una nueva organización del aula de español mediante el uso de material digital e interactivo, así como material de apoyo en Internet. Para el uso de la pizarra digital no es necesario contar con un tablero interactivo en el aula, sino simplemente a través de una pizarra blanca o incluso pared. Analizaremos cómo se produce una nueva orientación de la mirada del estudiante, del manual a la pantalla, así como una nueva dimensión de la relación entre profesor y alumno. Reflexionaremos sobre cómo un profesor de español puede hacer más eficaz su clase de ELE combinando el manual de clase con otros medios como ordenador, pizarra digital, etc. Trabajaremos con ejemplos prácticos. (For all; in Spanish) Licenciada en Filología inglesa y diploma en marketing por la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija de Madrid. Tercer curso realizado en EE.UU. como asistente del profesor de español. Master en Enseñanza de ELE en la Universidad Nebrija. Diploma TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Ha trabajado como docente de inglés y, principalmente de ELE, en la Universidad Nebrija, en Washington College (Maryland), en la Universidad de Salford y la Manchester Metropolitan University además de varias academias en Madrid y Cádiz. Impartió cursos en el Instituto Cervantes de Mánchester. Ha diseñado materiales para un programa de promoción de lenguas en la educación secundaria británica, Aim Higher Project. Actualmente es asesora pedagógica en el Departamento de Español Lengua Extranjera de la editorial española SGEL. Bartol Martin, Estella Recursos pragmáticos para los aprendices de español como lengua extranjera: la atenuación Tras la aparición en el enfoque comunicativo de una competencia pragmática clave en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, este estudio se centrará en uno de sus componentes: la atenuación. Relacionado con la cortesía verbal y la intención del hablante, el uso de este recurso lingüístico supondrá un paso más en la adquisición exitosa de una lengua. (postsec.; leaders; administrators; researchers) Licenciada en Filología Hispánica en la Universidad de Salamanca (2008) y titulada en el máster para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (2009) por la misma universidad, en la actualidad colabora como profesora invitada en el departamento de lenguas y literaturas modernas de la Universidad de Montreal. 2 Bazinet, Nadia 100% gars… Parce que la différenciation, c’est aussi (avec R. Bérubé) penser autrement! Atelier portant sur la littératie des garçons. Présentation des récentes études sur le sujet et des conclusions s’y rattachant. Présentation de l’initiative d’élaboration des trousses littéraires 100% GARS. Survol des pistes d’exploitation pédagogique qui accompagnent les œuvres suggérées. (Secondaire) Auteure-jeunesse et co-auteure de matériel pédagogique, Nadia a été superviseure à la formation des maîtres de l’Université de Montréal. Elle est conseillère pédagogique en français, membre du comité consultatif des enseignants de la Librairie du Parlement et du comité organisateur de la journée Le Français pour l’avenir. Beaulieu, Élissa Module de formation en ligne aux Niveaux de compétence (avec L. Mainville) linguistique canadien Lors de cet atelier les participants découvriront deux nouveaux outils d’apprentissage en ligne. Le Centre des niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (CNCLC) a élaboré deux modules de formations aux Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens(NCLC). Le module 1 se veut une introduction à ce que sont les NCLC et le module 2 est un outil que les enseignants du FLS peuvent utiliser pour créer des activités à partir des NCLC. Les participants pourront voir les modules et poser des questions au sujet de leur utilisation. Le présentateur fera un survol du module 1 et répondra aux questions des participants au sujet des NCLC et démontrera la création d’activités à être utilisées en salle de classe, en se servant du module 2. À la fin de cet atelier les participants seront mieux outillés pour mettre en applications les NCLC en salle de classe. (Postsecondaire ; chercheurs ; pour tous) Gestionnaire des Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC), madame Beaulieu cumule près de 10 ans d’expérience en éducation des adultes en français langue seconde. Native du nord de l’Ontario, elle a consacré beaucoup d’énergie à la promotion de la langue française en milieu minoritaire. Beaulieu, Susie Activités thématiques d'échafaudage lexical et (avec F. Bernier et C. Jobin) phonétique: une combinaison garante de succès Basées sur les notions Vygotskiennes (1986) de zone proximale de développement, trois enseignants de français L2 ont crée des activités communicatives dans lesquelles un échafaudage lexical et phonétique était offert par des étudiants avancés (n=14) à un groupe de deux ou trois étudiants débutants (n= 36). (Pour tous) Suzie Beaulieu est une étudiante au doctorat en linguistique appliquée à l’Université de l’Alberta. Elle offre aussi des cours de français L2 à cette même institution. Beaupré, Rose-Line Le signet éducatif: un outil didactique Le signet éducatif est un outil didactique offrant de multiples avantages, tels que sa simplicité, sa capacité d’attirer l’attention sur un concept, sa consultation rapide tout en réduisant le nombre de photocopies et en facilitant l’organisation du matériel par l’apprenant. (Secondaire; postsecondaire) Après 10 ans passés au niveau élémentaire et intermédiaire, Rose-Line fait le saut dans l’univers de l’éducation aux adultes en enseignant le français langue seconde. Rose-Line est coach linguistique pour Collège Service Canada à Regina, en Saskatchewan. Belzil, Suzanne Les programmes de langues secondes au Québec et le (avec A. Millette) renouvellement des pratiques pédagogiques Le Programme de formation de l'école québécoise a généré de nombreux questionnements à l'égard des pratiques pédagogiques. Dans cet atelier, nous dresserons d'abord un portrait global des programmes de français, langue seconde et d'anglais, langue seconde et examinerons les incidences de ceux-ci sur les pratiques des enseignantes et enseignants de langue seconde. (Primaire; secondaire) Suzanne Belzil est responsable des programmes de français, langue seconde, d'intégration linguistique, scolaire et sociale et de langue tierce au Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec. Benson, Nicole Social Justice in the Language Classroom This session focuses on bringing social justice into the language classroom. We discuss how to teach about social justice, through curricula, and how to teach for social justice by promoting democracy and countering oppressions. Examples focus on the high school Spanish classroom but can be extended to any educational context. (7-12; for all) Nicole Benson is from Vancouver. She has recently completed an M.A. in Modern Language Education at the University of British Columbia where her thesis research focused on social justice in the high school Spanish classroom. 3 Bergeron, Jean-Claude DELF-DALF – An International Standard for French as a (Round Table) Second in Canada Could the international French examinations DELF and DALF become the standard measure for French second language proficiency in Canada? This session will address the advantages, disadvantages, obstacles, opportunities and next steps. (For all; pour tous; bilingue) À la suite de près de 20 ans d'enseignement en immersion, Jean-Claude Bergeron a été conseiller pédagogique pour la Commission scolaire régionale d'Halifax et a enseigné à l'Université du Mont Saint-Vincent. Il est présentement conseiller en immersion au Ministère de l'Éducation de la Nouvelle-Écosse et Directeur du Centre d'examen DELF/DALF du même ministère. / After nearly 20 years of teaching immersion, Jean-Claude Bergeron was an education consultant for the Halifax Regional School Board and an instructor at the University of Mont Saint-Vincent. He is currently the immersion consultant for the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Director of the DELF-DALF Examination Centre for the same Department. Bernier, François Activités thématiques d'échafaudage lexical et (avec S. Beaulieu et C. Jobin) phonétique: une combinaison garante de succès Basées sur les notions Vygotskiennes (1986) de zone proximale de développement, trois enseignants de français L2 ont crée des activités communicatives dans lesquelles un échafaudage lexical et phonétique était offert par des étudiants avancés (n=14) à un groupe de deux ou trois étudiants débutants (n= 36). (Pour tous) François Bernier possède un baccalauréat en enseignement préscolaire-primaire et un certificat en enseignement du français langue seconde. Il enseigne à la commission scolaire de Montréal en francisation auprès d’apprenants adultes pendant l’année scolaire et le français L2 pendant l’été. Bérubé, Roxane 100% gars…. Parce que la différenciation, c’est aussi penser (avec Nadia Bazinet) autrement! Atelier portant sur la littératie des garçons. Présentation des récentes études sur le sujet et des conclusions s’y rattachant. Présentation de l’initiative d’élaboration des trousses littéraires 100% GARS. Survol des pistes d’exploitation pédagogique qui accompagnent les œuvres suggérées. (Secondaire) Dans le domaine de l’enseignement depuis plus de vingt ans, Roxane a enseigné dans divers milieux tant au niveau secondaire que primaire. Depuis janvier 2006, elle est conseillère pédagogique à la Commission scolaire English-Montréal. Blackmore, Gillian Blog on! Engaging Students in Authentic Communication (with J. Rideout) Blogging is a productive way to increase opportunities for communication with and among students in an authentic way. Classroom blogs afford teachers and students opportunities to extend discussions on curriculum topics and enable the integrated use of text, video, audio and visuals as a way of representing and communicating messages effectively. In this session, participants will have opportunities to learn how to use interactive blogs and view specific examples of how blogs can be used in FSL classrooms. Participants will learn how to set up their own classroom blog and begin blogging with their students. (K-12) Gillian Blackmore is a Program Specialist for French Programs at the Eastern School District, Newfoundland and Labrador and has experience teaching French immersion, core French and Intensive French. Gillian holds a B.A. (French) and a B.Ed. from Memorial University, and a M.Ed. in Second Language Teaching from University of Ottawa. Broeckelmann, Friedrich Classroom as Studio (with W. Petermann) Production of Video- and Audioclips in German Language Classes. Presentation of the best clips in the Podcasting Competition 2011. Nomination of the winners. (secondary; postsec.) German Language Advisor for Canada/East since 2009. Former Positions: 2006 - 2009: Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education Cultural Affairs - Department for German Schools Abroad; 2000 - 2006: German School Washington. Broeckelmann, Friedrich (with P.Wieland) “Mein Deutsch ist ganz gut!” Zur Einschatzung von Schulerleistungen im Deutschunterricht German Language Advisor for Canada/East since 2009. Former Positions: 2006 - 2009: Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education Cultural Affairs - Department for German Schools Abroad; 2000 - 2006: German School Washington. 4 Browne, Tim Di Leo Language Contact in North America This paper focuses on linguistic interaction and contact influence between European and Indigenous languages in Canada and throughout North America. Where diverse communities meet, their languages change through contact with each other. The influence may be small (e.g. borrowing of technical vocabulary), or extensive (e.g. large-scale grammatical restructuring). The presentation includes an overview of contact influence as a general phenomenon, followed by discussion of specific cases. Linguistic contact influence, a process that occurs throughout the world, illustrates how language and culture consistently transcend political and societal borders. (For all) Timothy Di Leo Browne is a Ph.D. candidate in Carleton University’s School of Canadian Studies. His research focuses on linguistic and other communications contact, particularly between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. He is currently examining changes in modes of communication in the Arctic, from the introduction of writing to the digitization of Indigenous linguistic, geographic and ecological knowledge. Browne Peters, Lisa Bain de culture... Branché à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador! (with Valerie Pike) “Branché à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador!” is a highly interactive multimedia resource engaging students in activities that focus on the importance of culture and heritage. Students follow a young francophone tracing her roots in Newfoundland and Labrador. The resource, created by FSL teachers at the Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation, targets FSL / French first language adolescent learners. Participants will view and receive a copy of the resource, tour the many CDLI online resources that are available free to all FSL teachers, and see demonstrations of student production in a live and interactive online environment. Lisa has taught immersion (primary/elementary) and core French programs (primary/elementary/high school). She is presently an e-teacher with the Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation where she teaches core French in an online environment to high school students throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Brunet, Nicole La grammaire nouvelle : à la découverte du fonctionnement de la langue Meilleure compréhension de la démarche et des concepts de la grammaire nouvelle; appréciation de la pertinence de la démarche pour des apprenants de langue seconde recherche des régularités plutôt que des exceptions ; exemples concrets de phénomènes grammaticaux qui posent problème aux apprenants d'une langue seconde et rendus accessibles par la grammaire nouvelle (ou renouvelée): position de l'adjectif, accord des participes passés, conjugaison des verbes irréguliers. (Pour tous) Enseignante en français langue seconde depuis 1980, elle met en pratique dans la salle de classe la grammaire renouvelée avec un impact très positif sur l'apprentissage du français par ses élèves du secondaire. Elle est présentement chargée de projet au ministère de l'éducation du Québec. Buchanan, Catherine Enseigner en immersion à l'université (avec M.-C. Dansereau) Un Régime d’immersion à l'université c'est possible. L'importance d'un encadrement linguistique sur mesure dans ce contexte d'immersion bien particulier. La complexité mais aussi la motivation de créer des activités liées à un autre cours (cours de discipline universitaire). Le Régime d’immersion de l'Université d'Ottawa est un programme innovateur qui représente pour plusieurs professeurs de langue une expérience d’enseignement des langues hors du commun. Une approche pédagogique nouvelle, des activités dont le contexte relève d’un autre cours, des objectifs de cours contraignants, bref, un défi! Dans cet atelier, nous décrirons tout d’abord le fonctionnement du Régime d’immersion pour ensuite présenter l’approche pédagogique prônée et les outils développés à l’intention des professeurs de langue. Une activité interactive est également prévue. (Postsecondaire; chercheurs; pour tous) Catherine Elena Buchanan est professeure de français langue seconde à l'Université d'Ottawa depuis 2002. Elle s’est impliquée activement dans l’instauration du Régime d'immersion en français de l’Université d’Ottawa tout en collaborant étroitement avec Marie-Claude Dansereau. / Catherine Elena Buchanan is a French as a Second Language teacher at the University of Ottawa since 2002. She has been actively involved in the implementation of the French Immersion Programme at the University, in close collaboration with Marie-Claude Dansereau. Cake, Glenn How to Incorporate Digital Content in the FSL Classroom (with C. Wadam) This practical session will feature a demonstration of a very powerful digital storytelling tool: Photo Story 3 for Windows. Participants will be guided through the process of importing, labelling, narrating and producing videoclips. These movies can then be shared in a number of ways such as websites, blogs and digital portfolios. The second half of this presentation will look at the incorporation (embedding) of these audiovisual clips into PDF format. This allows for the FSL teacher to create and produce activities that can be housed in one single document. Such activities would include listening to an authentic sound file and/or capturing video followed by an array of comprehension questions. (For all) 5 Cameron, Shirley AIM for Fluency with your ESL Students! In this workshop, participants will learn about a pedagogy for acquiring a second language, that takes advantage of the many learning styles of students; the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM). An overview of the AIM will show how it incorporates the Comprehension strategies of Literacy; visualization, text to text, text to world, text to self, which accelerate second language acquisition. Participants will become familiar with the main features of the AIM; the gesture approach, pared down language, drama, music & dance, storytelling and writing. (For all) Shirley Cameron (B.A., B. Ed., M.A.) University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon; Carleton University, Ottawa. Shirley has a passion for education and has spent over 30 years teaching second language in Western Canada and Ontario. Throughout her career, Shirley found that most FSL programs lacked one or more components critical for the successful acquisition of a second language. Shirley discovered AIM in 2005. Since then, she has actively taught AIM to Primary-Junior levels in the Ottawa area. Carr, Wendy Literacy Comes Alive in the Language Classroom (with B. Anderson) Participants will discover two exciting new second language literacy resources, Making Connections and Échos. Designed for FSL, the teaching approach includes key strategies that can be used in any language teaching context to support students' oral language development and comprehension as they explore a multitude of texts (aural, visual and print). (K-12; bilingue) Wendy Carr and Bev Anderson are highly experienced second language educators who are passionate about engaging language learners and educators. They are co-authors of Making Connections and the Échos literacy series (Pearson Education). Wendy coordinates the French Teacher Education program at the University of British Columbia and is a Director on CASLT's Board of Directors; Bev is a national educational language consultant and a former president of CASLT. Cedergren, Henrietta Comment favoriser l'acquisition de contraste sémantique (avec J. Payeras et Y. Lopez) verbale de l'espagnol L'effet que l'organisation sémantique de la L1 a dans les processus d'acquisition. L'importance du matériel adapté. Techniques d'adaptation en salle de classe. Nous présentons des démarches pédagogigues adaptées aux étudiants francophones en vue de l'acquisition du contraste sémantique cante/he cantado. (postsecondaire; chercheurs; pour tous; en espagnol) Professeur retraité de linguistique à l'UQAM. Ses intérêts de recherche se situent en sociolinguistique, sociophonétique et la correction phonétique. Charlebois, André Living and Learning in a Bilingual Canada / Vivre et apprendre dans un Canada bilingue In this interactive workshop, second-language teachers will explore how best to generate a discussion with their students about the advantages of bilingualism, and discover ways to support students in developing and implementing action plans to make their school and community more bilingually-friendly. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the strategies and activities suggested in two free resources: Five Lesson Plans for L2 Classrooms and an On-line Student Motivational Survey. Both tools enhance communicative skills in the official second language, explore the use of authentic materials and stimulate students to seek out further opportunities for becoming bilingual in their everyday lives. (7-12; leaders; administrators; bilingual presentation) André Charlebois est expert-conseil dans différent domaines pédagogiques, dont le Français intensif et l’évaluation. Il est également auteur de nombreuses ressources pédagogiques utilisées par les enseignants et les élèves de français langue seconde. Il est professeur à l’Université d‘Ottawa et animateur de nombreux ateliers pédagogiques en FLS à travers le Canada Chelali, Moh DELF-DALF – An International Standard for French as a Second in Canada (Round Table) Could the international French examinations DELF and DALF become the standard measure for French second language proficiency in Canada? This session will address the advantages, disadvantages, obstacles, opportunities and next steps. (For all; pour tous; bilingue) Moh Chelali is the Director of French Programs with BC Teachers federation. Moh worked as a provincial coordinator for Grade 12 exams with the BC Ministry of Education in Victoria and has an extensive experience as a teacher and educator. Moh Chelali was instrumental in introducing the DELF into BC school system and initiating the training of more than 160 teachers. Cogswell , Fiona Improving Core French through the Implementation of Intensive French: The Case of New Brunswick This presentation will explain the journey from Core French to Intensive French which has happened in New Brunswick: the impetus for change, the systemic change, the results of the implementation and the future vision for FSL. It will also include samples of student productions and useful teacher documents. (4-12; researchers; leaders; administrators) 6 Fiona Cogswell is currently employed as a Second Language Learning Specialist for the New Brunswick Department of Education (20082010) where she is responsible for FSL education from grades 4 through 12 (Pre-Intensive, Intensive and Post-Intensive French). She has been involved in L2 education in a variety of capacities since 1988: classroom teacher (Core and immersion – most recently in 2007-2008), district consultant (NB districts 17 and 10), Faculty Associate at the Second Language Research Institute of Canada (L2RIC) at the University of New Brunswick (2005-2007) and FSL Consultant (NB Dept. of Education) responsible for Immersion, Core and the Intensive French pilot (2002-2004). Collins, Laura Facing the Challenges: Perceptions from ESL Teachers across (with L. French) Canada In Canada, 526 teachers, teaching in provincially-recognized ESL programs in K-12 private and public schools across the country, completed a web-based questionnaire on their views regarding teaching resources, support from key stakeholders, teaching conditions and professional development. The main findings reveal potentially important challenges in the national ESL context with respect to working conditions, availability of training opportunities, and student motivation. Recommendations for key stakeholders at the provincial and national levels are proposed. Participants will leave this presentation with a clearer idea of the most important challenges currently facing ESL teachers in Canada. Laura Collins is associate professor of applied linguistics and TESL in the Education Department at Concordia University. Her research focuses on language learning in classroom settings. Coombes, David Going Online with Azar Grammar! Azar grammar is the most successful grammar series in the world. This workshop will show teachers and students how easy it is to go online with this much loved series. Teachers will learn how to set up a class, organize the syllabus according to their own objectives, view students’ grades and track students’ progress. (For all) David Coombes has over 10 years experience teaching English in Europe and Canada. For the past 7 years he has been working for Pearson Longman in the position of Sales Manager for Canada. Cowell, Hannah Peer-to-Peer Language Acquisition Using Voice-Over IP (J. Hosek, and M. Willey) The objective of the workshop is to gain a strong understanding of how Voice-over IP (Skype) can be used for peer-to-peer communication practice across L1 and L2; a strong understanding of how this peer-to-peer communication can be used effectively to augment language acquisition and learning goals of most classrooms; and a strong understanding of one case study: the peer-to-peer structure used by Queen's University German and Halle Universität Anglistik. (For all) Hannah is a Queen’s second year student, studying Psychology and History with an interest in the German language. Rotary Youth Exchange to Germany 2007-2008. North American Learning Liaison Assistant for the UEarth project. Cuervo, Mónica Aportes de la pedagogía interpretativa a la enseñanza de una segunda lengua La pedagogía interpretativa es el resultado de varias investigaciones pedagógicas sobre la importancia de la hermenéutica en la educación. Esta ponencia presentará los antecedentes, las características y los aportes concretos que esta mirada pedagógica aporta a la reflexión pedagógica y didáctica en la enseñanza del español. (For all / Pour tous) Mónica Cuervo tiene una maestría en Comunicación y es Comunicadora Social con énfasis en Comunicación Educativa de la Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). Es investigadora, ha publicado artículos y libros sobre pedagogía, y es profesora en la Escuela de Lenguas de la YMCA. Daneau, Nathalie Les contes illustrés pour tous Entrez dans l'univers de 18 contes classiques et canadiens présentés dans un style bande dessinée au vocabulaire adapté. Au cours de cet atelier, vous serez guidés dans l'exploitation dynamique du matériel imprimé et numérique afin de travailler le vocabulaire, la communication orale de même que le rythme et l'intonation dans un contexte ludique où l'enchantement et la magie placent l'élève en confiance et stimulent sa participation. (primaire/secondaire) Nathalie Daneau has 15 years in publishing experience. More recently, she oversaw for Chenelière Éducation the production of material targetting various teaching approaches and strategies such as Mon premier théâtre des lecteurs for early literacy, Tour à tour and reciprocal teaching and several digital resources for interactive learning. 7 Dansereau Marie-Claude Enseigner en immersion à l'université (avec C. Buchanan) Un Régime d’immersion à l'université c'est possible. L'importance d'un encadrement linguistique sur mesure dans ce contexte d'immersion bien particulier. La complexité mais aussi la motivation de créer des activités liées à un autre cours (cours de discipline universitaire). Le Régime d’immersion de l'Université d'Ottawa est un programme innovateur qui représente pour plusieurs professeurs de langue une expérience d’enseignement des langues hors du commun. Une approche pédagogique nouvelle, des activités dont le contexte relève d’un autre cours, des objectifs de cours contraignants, bref, un défi! Dans cet atelier, nous décrirons tout d’abord le fonctionnement du Régime d’immersion pour ensuite présenter l’approche pédagogique prônée et les outils développés à l’intention des professeurs de langue. Une activité interactive est également prévue. (Postsecondaire; chercheurs; pour tous) Professeure de français langue seconde à l'Université d'Ottawa depuis 2005, Marie-Claude Dansereau s'est impliquée activement dans le nouveau Régime d'immersion en français de l’Université d’Ottawa dès le début de son implantation. Au cours des dernières années, elle a participé à plusieurs colloques où elle a présenté avec sa collègue Catherine Buchanan, le fruit de leur travail. Depuis 2006, elle occupe un des postes de responsable pédagogique du Régime d’immersion. Demers, Pierre L2 Teaching to First Nations’ Students / L’enseignement des L2 (avec A. Allain, S. Lacroix et F. Pelletier) aux élèves autochtones For First Nations’ people, learning a dominant L2 such as English or French may constitute a threat to their identity: we will see how, using First Nation’s traditional learning strategies, we can respect students’ culture and achieve a better teaching. (For all) / Pour un autochtone, apprendre une L2 dominante comme le français ou l’anglais peut constituer une menace identitaire : faisant appel à des stratégies d’apprentissage de l’enseignement autochtone traditionnel, nous verrons comment il est possible de respecter la culture des élèves afin d’en arriver à un meilleur enseignement. (Pour tous) Pierre Demers holds a Ph.D. in Education from the Université de Montreal and is an Education Consultant for the Cree School Board. He is interested in L2 teaching to First Nations' students. Deslippe, Mona Lam Explore French without Borders in MOZAIKONLINE (avec J. Duchesneau) Discover our curriculum-based, online application supporting classroom education for grades 1-8 - available to teachers, students and parents 24/7. Lingo4kids offers a variety of language resources, online templates and creative tools, all custumizable. Let us show you how easy technology can help you in the classroom. (K-12; leaders; administrators) Mona Lam Deslippe has been providing technology-based solutions to meet the needs of businesses and organizations since 1989.From data management and office administration solutions to creative websites, MLD develops computer applications that are user-friendly and adaptable. Doell, Lesley French 10 online - All the Bells & Whistles (with M. Logan) Can new approaches to technology allow second language courses to be effectively delivered? Using Moodle, Elluminate, Nanagong and a Supersite, you will learn not only how new technology has significantly enhance and facilitated language learning delivery in a synchronous and non-synchronous format, but also about the creation of a Beginner French On Line course developed for Alberta Education for high schools students: the process, the preparation, the traps to avoid and the ideas to embrace. (7-12) Operating a French Language Resource Centre in northern Alberta as well as a DELF Exam Centre, Lesley Doell works as a French Language Consultant where she also instructs at the regional college and was Course Lead for the development of the French 10 On Line course. She currently sits on the board for the Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers and has recently initiated the DELF SubCommittee. She holds a MEd from the University of Toronto. Dressler, Roswita Strategies for Teaching Grammatical Gender to Students of German as a Second Language This session will help the teacher of German as a second language in understanding the assignment of grammatical gender (der, die, das) in more depth. Participants in this session will explore the experience of learning gender in a simulation using a list of fabricated words in and out of context and collaborate on a list of strategies for teaching gender at various levels of competence based on their own experiences and the insight gained from new research in this area. (7-12; postsecondary; in German) Roswita Dressler is a third year Ph.D. student in the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary. Her research interests include bilingual school programs in Canada and second language teaching. As a teacher, she taught both German and French in a variety of settings. 8 Duchesneau, Jacquot Creating Chants in the French Classroom Chanting in the French classroom is a highly effective activity for learning language. Not only will you learn why and how to use chants, you will also learn how to create them with your students. Discover how chanting language supports and accelerates the learning of French both in and outside the French classroom. This is a highly interactive workshop. (K-6; bilingual) Duchesneau, Jacquot Explore French without Borders in MOZAIKONLINE (avec J. Deslippe) Discover our curriculum-based, online application supporting classroom education for grades 1-8 - available to teachers, students and parents 24/7. Lingo4kids offers a variety of language resources, online templates and creative tools, all customizable. Let us show you how easy technology can help you in the classroom. (K-12; leaders; administrators) Jacquot is a French educational songwriter who has written songs for various programs including Promenades, Visages, Acti-Vie, The Prevention and Correction of Errors in French and for He has performed for close to 1 million kids and presented workshops from coast to coast. Echenberg Neisser, Eva Presente, presentaciones orales en equipo Group oral presentations are the focus of this presentation. Using Guernica and La carretera Panamericana as examples, the author of Presente will explain the main themes and the sub-themes and talk about the benefits of group oral presentations. The Web based assignments direct students to fascinating facts and images. (For all) A believer in an interdisciplinary, integrated curriculum, Eva Neisser Echenberg left Collège Edouard-Montpetit in Montreal to found Miraflores, a small company dedicated to publishing cultural materials that promote knowledge and respect for the «other». Erskine, John Speakarama/Parlerama Speakarama/Parlerama, a new board game to celebrate the 40th anniversary of CASLT, focuses on developing a) general language awareness, b) curiosity about languages and their cultures, and c) target language skills, all essential ingredients of successful language learning. During the session participants will explore activities based on the game as well as adaptations for students learning a variety of languages at different levels. (K-12; bilingue) John is the Past President of CASLT and the French and Languages Consultant for the Winnipeg School Division where he supports administrators, teachers and students in Basic French, French Immersion, and other language programs. Fernández-Alberdi, Diego Resources and Materials for the Spanish Teachers Teachers will become familiar with a series of resources provided by Spanish institutions and available either on line or through the Offices those institutions have all over the world. Those resources will make the teachers get new ideas to be developed in the classroom. Several Spanish Institutions offer lots of free resources for the Spanish teachers all over the world. Those resources are easy available thanks to the Internet. This workshop will show a variety of samples and will provide participants with a list of the main Web pages related to the Spanish Language. (For all; in Spanish)) Diego Fernandez Alberdi is the Counselor of Education of the Embassies of Spain in USA and Canada. Previously he has worked in Heritage Protection in the Ministry of Culture and in speechwriting for the President of the Government of Spain. Fitz Camacho, Rosa Maria L’emploi et l’alternance du futur simple et du futur périphrastique en espagnol L’objectif de cette communication est de mener les participants à réfléchir sur l’emploi et l’alternance du futur simple et du futur périphrastique (futur proche) en espagnol. À l’aide des documents authentiques, tirés de discours formels et informels, et provenant de différents pays hispanophones, nous examinerons ensemble où et quand on emploi l’un ou l’autre temps verbal. (Pour tous; en espagnol) Rosa Maria est chargée d’enseignement d’espagnol à l’École de langues de l’Université Laval. Forget, Alain Berlin - facettes d'une ville - tableau blanc interactif et outils Web 2.0 À l'été 2010, une collègue et moi avons préparé à Leipzig et à Berlin une unité d'enseignement en langue allemande pour des apprenants de niveau A2. Notre but était de faire découvrir à des étudiants de Montréal et de Toronto le Berlin des jeunes Allemands - Berlin für junge Leute. Pour ce faire, nous avons préparé des exercices sur tableau blanc interactif «Smartboard» et utilisé certains outils Web 2.0. L'atelier sera l'occasion de suivre une partie du parcours et d'expérimenter des outils qui permettent de documenter un quartier, une ville ou une région de façon dynamique. (Postsecondaire; pour tous; en allemand) Maîtrise en Études anglaises et en Études allemandes à l'Université de Montréal, TESL-Certificate, Concordia University. Expérience en enseignement au niveaux universitaire (chargé de cours) et collégial. Professeur d'allemand au Collège Ahuntsic et membre d'un groupe de formateurs (Multiplikatoren-Netzwerk Kanada) 9 Fountain, Patrick Switzerland and Canada: a Comparison of Cultures This presentation is based on my first-hand experience of living and teaching in another country / among various cultures, and has application for all second language/culture teachers at all levels. (For all) Patrick earned his degree in linguistics from Université Laval, and studied Spanish and German. His career spans four provinces and four decades. His experience includes ten years each in classroom teaching and distance learning, and several international trips: Nicaragua, Mexico, Western Europe, end recently, a one-year exchange to Switzerland. French, Leif Facing the Challenges: Perceptions from ESL Teachers across Canada (L. Collins) In Canada, 526 teachers, teaching in provincially-recognized ESL programs in K-12 private and public schools across the country, completed a web-based questionnaire on their views regarding teaching resources, support from key stakeholders, teaching conditions and professional development. The main findings reveal potentially important challenges in the national ESL context with respect to working conditions, availability of training opportunities, and student motivation. Recommendations for key stakeholders at the provincial and national levels are proposed. Participants will leave this presentation with a clearer idea of the most important challenges currently facing ESL teachers in Canada. (For all) Leif French is associate professor of applied linguistics and TESL at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. His work focuses on the cognitive aspects of SLA, L2 pedagogy and teacher training. Gauthier, Hector Introduction à la batterie de tests de classement aux niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien Lors de cet atelier, nous vous présenterons la Batterie de tests de classement aux Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (BTCNCLC). La BTC-NCLC est un instrument de mesure valide, fiable et standardisé aux fins d’aiguillage des nouveaux arrivants et des immigrants dans les programmes de formation linguistique en FLS tels que CLIC, CLNA ou autres. (Chercheurs, administrateurs, etc.) Monsieur Gauthier est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en psychologie et d’une maîtrise en éducation. Il a travaillé dans le milieu universitaire, collégial, en pratique privée et présentement au Centre des niveaux de compétences linguistique canadiens comme conseiller en mesure et évaluation et agent de projets. Gazaille, Mariane Un projet de collaboration inter-ordre en soutien à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage de l'anglais langue seconde en région unilingue francophone Afin de soutenir l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais langue seconde au Québec, nous avons développé un projet de tutorat interordre entre une université et deux établissements collégiaux sis en région unilingue francophone. La présentation discutera de la structure de collaboration, des outils développés et des apprentissages réalisés par tuteurs et « tutorés ». (Pour tous) Mariane Gazaille est professeure au Département des langues modernes et traduction de l’UQTR. Elle assume présentement la direction pédagogique des stages pour le programme en enseignement des langues secondes. Ses travaux s’articulent autour de l’utilisation des TICs en enseignement-apprentissage des langues secondes, la communication non verbale et la pensée pédagogico-didactique. Germain, Claude Une conception de la littératie spécifique à la L2 (avec J. Netten) Présentation d’une conception de la 'littératie' spécifique à la L2, qui montre la place et le rôle de l’oral dans l’apprentissage d’une L2 et la grande importance d’établir des liens très étroits entre l'oral, la lecture et l'écriture. (4-12) Claude Germain est professeur retraité de l'UQAM. Il a publié plusieurs de nombreux ouvrages et articles sur la didactique des langues. Avec Joan Netten, il a conçu et implanté le régime pédagogique du Français intensif, répandu partout au Canada. Goupil, Francis Touche! Touchons! Touchez! Cet atelier vise à faire un survol de sites internet offrant une interactivité par l'entremise du Tableau Blanc interactif communément connu sous le nom de Smartboard. Ces activités se retrouvent sur des sites tels que lepointdufle, languagesonline, quia pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns. Ces sites peuvent servir d'introduction a un concept ou sa révision ou sinon de s'amuser un peu et créer un défi ou une simple compétition amicale entre élèves. (Pour tous) En Alberta depuis plus de 25 ans, j'enseigne le français, langue seconde du niveau débutant au programme du Baccalauréat International ou Advanced Placement a l'école WP Wagner (Edmonton Public Schools) à Edmonton. Marié et père d'une fille de 20 ans, je me fais le promoteur de la Francophonie dans mon milieu, offrant la chance aux élèves d'assister à des événements culturels tels que l'Opéra d' Edmonton, Découverte de "Art Gallery of Alberta" qui offre des visites guidées en français, le Sommet de la Jeunesse, Encounters Canada. 10 De plus, j'organise annuellement des voyages scolaires partout à l'étranger: de la France et l'Europe a l'Australie et l'Égypte. Enfin, je pratique une multitude de sports et avec ma femme qui est aussi Directrice d'école, nous opérons une petite entreprise d'aménagement paysagiste et de déneigement. Griffith-Zahner, Nancy Giving Back the Classroom: Increasing Student Motivation and Performance in core French This workshop will focus on increasing student comprehension and engagement in the secondary core French classroom through an innovative synthesis of Imaginative Education, Differentiated Instruction, and the application of aboriginal cognitive tools (all of which are supported by British Columbia's new draft Additional Languages Curriculum). Learn how a group of unhappy, unmotivated students substantially increased their grades, learned self-advocacy, lost their fear of risk-taking, and found themselves loving the study of the French language. (Secondary) Originally from Toronto, Nancy Griffith-Zahner has been a secondary school core French teacher in Prince Rupert, British Columbia for the past nine years, is the provincial French representative for the BC Association of Teachers of Modern Languages, and a member of the Network of Performance-Based Schools. She is dedicated to bringing a mosaic of workable pedagogies into the second language classroom, and working in a shared leadership environment in her school. Gulliver, Trevor Policing the Borders in Language Textbooks Language textbooks often banally flag nation through presentations of maps, flags, and other symbols. They also represent national identity as ubiquitous, important, and determining behaviour. In this presentation, I will examine the ways in which a Canadian identity is constructed through language textbooks and the implications for the classroom. (Postsecondary; for all) Dr. Gulliver taught English as a Second Language in South Korea and Canada and worked on numerous language teacher professional development projects with teachers from around the world. He is interested in constructions of national identity in ESL textbooks used in Canada. Gutiérrez, Jacobo Embassy of Spain Education Programs for Teachers and Students The Education Office of the Embassy of Spain in Canada offers a wide variety of programs in the field of teaching/learning of Spanish language and culture, both for teachers and students. In this session, all the available programs will be presented. (For all; in Spanish) Jacobo Gutiérrez is Education Attaché at the Embassy of Spain in Ottawa. Jacobo has been a language teacher and teacher trainer for 30 years. He worked in Boston as Education Advisor for the Spanish Ministry of Education and currently is the Education Attaché of the Embassy of Spain in Ottawa. Hermans, Laura CASLT in Action: a New CEFR-based Assessment Toolkit for Second Language Teachers The aim of the workshop is to help bring the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to the Core French classroom. By means of a short presentation, activities and discussion the teachers will: Become familiar with CASLT’s new CEFR-based formative assessment tasks; Compare the features of the assessment tasks to the principles of the CEFR; Assess sample students’ products; Reflect on the potential use of the CEFR in their classroom. (K-12) Dr. Laura Herman is a consultant specialized in the use of the CEFR as a tool to shape educational policy, curriculum and teaching practices. She has led CEFR-related projects in Canada and Europe and has taught English and French in classes ranging from kindergarten to pre and in-service teacher education. Herrera Cardenas, Israel F. Español creativo a través de obras de teatro La puesta en escena de obras del teatro es una forma de incentivar el uso del español de una forma artística y de fomentar habilidades histriónicas en los estudiantes. El teatro es una actividad que contribuye a que el estudiante aumente su vocabulario, aprenda sobre las costumbres y tradiciones de una cultura y se compenetre con un momento histórico específico. El objetivo de la siguiente ponencia es socializar diversas actividades lúdicas usadas con estudiantes de escuelas secundarias de Indiana en Valencia, España que incitan al uso del español de una forma creativa e imaginativa. (7-12; postsec.) Israel Fernando Herrera is a Lecturer of Spanish at Indiana University-Bloomington. He earned his BA in Teaching of Foreign Languages from UIS University in Bucaramanga, Colombia. He obtained a MA in Hispanic Literature from University of Iowa and a MA in Latin American Studies from Indiana University. He is in charge of the Spanish grammar and theatre class for the IU Honours Program for Indiana High School students in Valencia, Spain. He has taught Spanish in Spain, Costa Rica and Colombia to English native speakers for several years. He is part of VIDA theatre group and director of the Iberoamerican film series at IU. He has given lectures about encouraging participation in Spanish classes, using creative Spanish through theatre and learning culture through Latin American Cinema in different international conferences. 11 Himmelbauer, Jennifer CLIL - une voie pour l'avenir (avec U. Kugler) L’objectif de l’atelier est de faire connaître les concepts CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) et CLILiG (CLIL in German), de démontrer l’importance de CLIL au niveau international et de souligner les avantages que l’utilisation de CLIL offre aux apprenants et aux enseignants. (Pour tous; en allemand) Après des études en Allemagne et en France, Jennifer Himmelbauer obtient en 2010 une maîtrise en enseignement du français langue étrangère et de l’histoire. Depuis l’automne 2010, elle travaille comme assistante de langue allemande au Collège international des Marcellines et au Cégep de Saint-Laurent à Montréal. Hosek, Jennifer Ruth Peer-to-Peer Language Acquisition Using Voice-Over IP (H. Cowell, and M. Willey) The objective of the workshop is to gain a strong understanding of how Voice-over IP (Skype) can be used for peer-to-peer communication practice across L1 and L2; a strong understanding of how this peer-to-peer communication can be used effectively to augment language acquisition and learning goals of most classrooms; and a strong understanding of one case study: the peer-to-peer structure used by Queen's University German and Halle Universität Anglistik. (For all) Queen's Assistant Professor of German Jennifer Ruth Hosek publishes on culture and communication, including Sun, Sex and Socialism: Cuba in the German Imaginary (U. Toronto: forthcoming). SSHRC is supporting both her next monograph on urban Heimat and, a VOIP tandem language acquisition project that she is developing. Howden, Jim Collaborative Culture of Schools or CAPs – Leadership Focus Jim Howden cumule une vaste expérience en éducation, domaine où il a occupé les fonctions d’enseignant, de directeur, de conseiller pédagogique, de formateur-consultant en pédagogie coopérative. Il est chargé de cours à l’Université McGill et à l’Université de Québec à Montréal. Il a déjà enseigné à l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick à Fredericton et travaille actuellement en tant que professeur invité à l’Université Sainte-Anne, où il donne des cours au niveau de la maîtrise. Il agit également, depuis 1993, à titre de consultant en éducation pour la firme Mosaïque. Dans le cadre de ce travail, il a dispensé de la formation en Amérique du Nord et en Europe sur la pédagogie coopérative, la résolution de conflits et la collaboration en équipe-école et équipe-cycle. Depuis 5 ans il accompagne des directions et des équipes école afin d’intégrer les renouveaux pédagogiques et d’établir les communautés d’apprentissage professionnelles. Jeffery, Susan Le tableau interactif en FLS : une innovation à changer notre perspective pédagogique! Un tableau blanc interactif est un outil pédagogique formidable, non seulement pour motiver et engager les élèves mais pour organiser des unités aussi. Cet atelier va présenter une variété d'activités qu'on pourra utiliser en salle de classe et comment adapter une unité pour la présenter à travers un tableau blanc interactif. (Primaire) Susan a 18 ans d'expérience comme enseignante de français de base au secondaire, et maintenant je me trouve en immersion française en élémentaire à Delta en Colombie-Britannique. J'ai aussi travaillé pendant 2 ans à l'université Simon Fraser avec les stagiaires dans le Module Français. Jobin, Caroline Activités thématiques d'échafaudage lexical et phonétique: une (avec F. Bernier et S. Beaulieu) combinaison garante de succès Basées sur les notions Vygotskiennes (1986) de zone proximale de développement, trois enseignants de français L2 ont crée des activités communicatives dans lesquelles un échafaudage lexical et phonétique était offert par des étudiants avancés (n=14) à un groupe de deux ou trois étudiants débutants (n= 36). (Pour tous) Caroline Jobin a complété un premier baccalauréat en enseignement préscolaire-primaire et termine maintenant un deuxième baccalauréat en enseignement des langues secondes. Elle enseigne l’anglais L2 pendant l’année scolaire et le français L2 pendant l’été. King, Carolyn L.M. Teaching Languages to Today’s Digital Child This session endeavours to provide sound, practical information to illustrate its title. Teachers are well aware of the challenging situation – where many children are already very capable of using technology on arrival in our classes. Teachers will be in agreement with the need for understanding of the new attitudes and constantly changing needs of children for their learning. How can teachers achieve success in Learning for the Digital Child? Where is the Balance? The Speaker will encourage Teachers to share their experience. A Handout will be provided. (K-12) Carolyn King is an experienced professional in second language acquisition at all levels. Carolyn has extensive experience in teaching, and administration of programs in schools, as well as in post-secondary institutions. Carolyn continues to provide inservice for teachers, and for teachers of second languages, as well as those in bilingual and immersion programs. She has served as President for two provincial 12 specialist councils in Alberta - the Intercultural & Second Language Council and the English as a Second Language Council. She is working with the application of current Brain Research, Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence in the interest of promoting excellence in programs for students. Carolyn served enthusiastically on the Board of Directors of CASLT-ACPLS for 6 years. Kirumira, Feisal Audiovisual Comprehension through Film and Web 2.0 Technologies Film as a genre uses a combination of discourse elements like type of participants, setting, colour, music, background audio, and photogenia. Images in film are complex semiotic systems like language, whereby meaning is created through visual grammar rather than by individual signs with fixed meanings (Machin 2008). Hence, effective film pedagogy has to apply instructional methodologies and techniques that take audiovisual comprehension in account (Biechele 2007. With this method learners undergo three phases; theatrical enactment of key episodes, followed by an analysis of the film using audiovisual effects, text, participants (multi-modal analysis), and interpreting the film in the context of the target culture and world knowledge. Web 2.0 tools that encourage active collaborative participation are very useful tools in language learning (based on my classroom teaching experience). (K-12; all; in German) Feisal is a Ugandan born German instructor at the Augustana Campus, University of Alberta, currently pursuing his doctoral studies in Applied Linguistics. He studied German as a foreign language at the University of Saarland, Germany. His specialisation is in second language acquisition and CALL. Komuro-Lee, Ikuko Japanese Language Education in Canada and Roles of the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education This presentation focuses on an overview of the diversity of Japanese education in Canada and on the rationale of the CAJLE’s roles. The paper also discusses “articulation” in language education through our challenges in the recent series of the regional activities. (For all) Ikuko Komuro-Lee is a senior lecturer and the Japanese Language Programme Coordinator with the University of Toronto. She received her MA in Japanese linguistics from Osaka University of Foreign Studies. Her field of research is Japanese pedagogy and Chinese characters in Japanese. Ikuko is the Representative of the CAJLE (Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education). Kostur, Sandi Fine Art in the French Classroom Participants will: receive an overview of some important Francophone artists, their work, and its relevance to French language learners; gain an understanding of how visual art can be a stimulus for communication in the French second language class; and experience a variety of hands-on activities designed to engage students in viewing and responding to creative works. The session will focus on using Visual Art as a catalyst for oral and written communication. Experiencing creative works is an important component of cultural understanding. Hands-on classroom activities have been tried and tested successfully in the presenter's own classes. (K-12; bilingue) Kostur, Sandi Delving into DELF (with A. Logie) Le DELF fait fureur à travers le pays. Pourquoi cette nouvelle vague en évaluation du français? Comme ça pourrait être utile pour vous et vos élèves? Venez explorer le DELF, les liens avec le CECR et les applications pratiques. (Primaire; secondaire; bilingue) Sandi is the International Languages Coordinator for the Surrey School District in BC. She has extensive language teaching experience including elementary and secondary, French immersion, Core French and Spanish. She has a passion for culture and the arts with a particular interest in learning language through visual arts. Kristmanson, Paula “Can Do”Implementing the European Language Portfolio (ELP) (with L. Thompson and C. Lafargue) in High School Modern Language Classes In this workshop, presenters will share their experiences with using the Common European Framework of References and the ELP in high school modern language classes. In addition to teacher insights related to challenges and successes, presenters will also discuss learner feedback and their pedagogical responses to input from students. (For all) Paula Kristmanson, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick and a lead researcher at the Second Language Research Institute of Canada (L2RIC). Kroeh-Sommer, Helma German on Stage: How Children Create Their Own Shows (with H. Margolis) Contemporary learner-centered pedagogy is paired with creativity and action to allow for a pleasant, effective way of German language acquisition. Modern language learning techniques, respecting different learner styles and multiple intelligences, are at the base of this actionfilled teaching technique. (K-6; in German) 13 With a doctorate in Education, this teacher of German at a Saturday school shares her passion for project-based pedagogy and creative learning with students of all ages. Methodological and pedagogical experiences are passed on to colleagues across Canada. She is also a visual arts teacher at a French public high school. Kugler, Ulrike CLIL - une voie pour l'avenir (avec J. Himmelbauer) L’objectif de l’atelier est de faire connaître les concepts CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) et CLILiG (CLIL in German), de démontrer l’importance de CLIL au niveau international et de souligner les avantages que l’utilisation de CLIL offre aux apprenants et aux enseignants. (Pour tous; en allemand) Après des études en Autriche, en Suisse et au Canada, Ulrike Kugler obtient en 2007 une maîtrise en enseignement de langues étrangères et en psychologie. Depuis 2007, elle enseigne l’allemand et la psychologie au Collège international des Marcellines. Elle est aussi enseignante et coordinatrice des services pédagogiques au Goethe-Institut Montréal. Lacroix, Stéphane L2 Teaching to First Nations’ Students / L’enseignement des L2 (with A. Allain, P. Demers et F. Pelletier) aux élèves autochtones Pour un autochtone, apprendre une L2 dominante comme le français ou l’anglais peut constituer une menace identitaire : faisant appel à des stratégies d’apprentissage de l’enseignement autochtone traditionnel, nous verrons comment il est possible de respecter la culture des élèves afin d’en arriver à un meilleur enseignement. (Pour tous) / For First Nations’ people, learning a dominant L2 such as English or French may constitute a threat to their identity: we will see how, using First Nation’s traditional learning strategies, we can respect students’ culture and achieve a better teaching. (For all) Lacroix, Stéphane Teaching L2 in L2 Nowadays, in order to have a more efficient milieu, the use of the target language by teachers and students has to be prioritized. Still, it is not a given to have students interact orally in the target language. Therefore, this workshop will present student-centered techniques, games and activities to help with the interaction of students in English. Following the session, teachers will be able to easily implement most of the content in their classrooms. (For all) Stéphane has taught ESL for 19 years at every level. He developed and implemented the TESL program at the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. His past presentations were given across Canada and abroad. He is the Quebec representative to the National Council of CASLT. Lado, Beatriz How to Integrate Grammar, Culture, and Functional Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom This presentation emphasizes the importance of incorporating goals and objectives of a general language program in the everyday classroom activities while integrating grammar, culture, and practice of functional skills. Examples of how to combine these areas will be provided. (postsec.; researchers) Beatriz Lado is an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego (USD) in the Department of Languages and Literatures where she coordinates the language program and teaches Linguistics and Language Teaching Methodology courses for all language majors and minors. Lafargue, Chantal “Can Do”- Implementing the European Language Portfolio (ELP) (with L. Thompson and P. Kristmanson) in High School Modern Language Classes In this workshop, presenters will share their experiences with using the Common European Framework of References and the ELP in high school modern language classes. In addition to teacher insights related to challenges and successes, presenters will also discuss learner feedback and their pedagogical responses to input from students. (For all) Chantal is a teacher of modern languages who has taught in both on-line and face-to-face environments. She is a co-researcher on L2RICs on-going projects related to the implementation of the ELP in high school classes. Lafrance, Myriam Ressources gratuites pour organiser une Session Franconnexion chez vous ! Motivez vos élèves et donnez-leur des raisons authentiques d’aimer le français en organisant une Session Franconnexion avec l’aide du Français pour l’avenir. Lors de l’atelier, vous recevrez une multitude de ressources gratuites : des plans de cours, des prix, des affiches, une vidéo et plusieurs surprises ! (Secondaire) Myriam Lafrance est la directrice générale du Français pour l'avenir. Elle possède un baccalauréat en éducation de l'Université McGill et a enseigné dans des classes d'immersion pendant 5 ans au Canada ainsi qu'au Mexique. 14 Lamb, Terry Listening to our learners’ voices: developing learner autonomy in the language learning curriculum Listening to learners’ voices provides us with a new way of understanding the languages classroom. This talk will focus on a range of motivated and demotivated learners as well as theoretical aspects of learner autonomy, in order to increase our understanding of how their learning may be enhanced by opportunities to take greater control over their learning. (For all) Dr Terry Lamb, from the University of Sheffield, England, has published numerous publications in the areas of learner autonomy, multilingualism and teacher development, and is founder editor of the International Journal of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. Terry is former President of the UK Association for Language Learning and current President of FIPLV (Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes). He is also Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, an honour awarded by the French Government. Lapkin, Sharon Focus on FSL Teaching: Discussing Three Recent Studies (with S. Arnott, S. Mison and R. Thomas) We will present findings from three research projects that focus on: (i) literacy teaching in core French; (ii) teacher agency exhibited during the implementation of the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM); and (iii) teacher perspectives on homework in French immersion. Participants are encouraged to offer insights and feedback on project findings. (For all) Sharon Lapkin is Professor Emerita in the Second Language Education program of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Her research projects centre on French second language education in Canada and range from program evaluations of core French and immersion to qualitative studies of language learning in progress through detailed analysis of transcribed learner dialogues. From 1995 to 2004 she was co-editor of the Canadian Modern Language Review. She served as co-President of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics in 2004-06. In 2006 she was awarded the Prix Robert Roy for outstanding contributions to second language teaching and learning in Canada by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, and since 2007 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of that Association. Lazaruk, Wally DELF-DALF – An International Standard for French as a Second in Canada (Round Table) Could the international French examinations DELF and DALF become the standard measure for French second language proficiency in Canada? This session will address the advantages, disadvantages, obstacles, opportunities and next steps. (For all; pour tous; bilingue) Wally Lazaruk is President and Principal Consultant for Evaluation Plus Inc. Wally helped establish two international French language examination centres in Alberta and promotes international language recognition for our students. He is an accredited DELF-DALF trainerexaminer-corrector. Lebeau, Michel Counterfeit Detection (Currency) (with J. Roy) Counterfeit Detection is the Bank of Canada's free innovative educational kit for high schools. This easy-to-use tool provides teachers with a resource that introduces students to the national concern about counterfeiting. Students will learn how to recognize genuine and counterfeit bills, which will help them and their employers prevent financial losses. The motivational strategies, lesson plans, and practical exercises included in the kit offer an interactive learning experience focused on the security features of bank notes: what they are and how to use them. The kit also covers counterfeit prevention and social responsibility, with an emphasis on the social and economic impact of counterfeiting. (Secondary) Michel Lebeau is a Senior Analyst - Currency at the Regional Office for Quebec. He is involved in the Regional Office's outreach program aimed at increasing public awareness of the anti-counterfeiting features found on Canadian bank notes. Ledwig, Eva Voir. Entendre. Comprendre : le téléroman dans les cours d’allemand Cet atelier montrera que l’utilisation de téléromans dans l’enseignement de l’allemand est tout à fait appropriée, car les facteurs dissuasifs mentionnés précédemment ne s’appliquent pas. D’autres avantages du téléroman, par exemple les possibilités d’intégrer la compréhension culturelle/interculturelle à l’aide de ce genre, seront abordés dans le cadre de l’atelier. À l’aide d’exemples concrets et de séquences d’enseignement, les participants examineront dans quelle mesure il est possible de travailler la compréhension auditive et visuelle avec les téléromans tout en développant d’autres habilités. La médiathèque en ligne de la télévision allemande constitue une source inépuisable de matériaux cinématographiques pour l’enseignant désirant utiliser ce médium en cours. (Secondaire; postsecondaire; en Allemand) Titulaire d'une maîtrise en études germaniques; de 1990 à 2007, enseignante de cours d'allemand au Goethe-Institut Ottawa; depuis 2007, directrice du département de langue au Goethe-Institut Montréal: responsable pour les cours offerts par le Goethe-Institut Montréal et Ottawa ainsi que des collaborations avec les écoles et les enseignants de l'allemand au Québec et dans les provinces de l'Atlantique 15 Lévesque, Léo-James Des outils d'apprentissage pour tous Cet atelier présentera un cadre d’enseignement pour l’enseignement efficace de la littératie. Nous connaissons tous l’importance d’aider les élèves à acquérir des compétences solides en lecture et en écriture. En effet, savoir lire et écrire est plus que jamais à l’ordre du jour en éducation. Les résultats des recherches dans ce domaine continuent de démontrer qu’il s’agit là d’un élément clé de la réussite scolaire et de l’acquisition du savoir. Lors de cet atelier, on présentera des activités langagières qui sont véritablement au service des différences. (K-6) Léo-James Lévesque est originaire du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres de littérature jeunesse. Il a également participé à la conception et à l’élaboration de nombreuses ressources pédagogiques. Il est récipiendaire de la Bourse Hilroy, décernée par la Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Canada pour l’innovation pédagogique. De plus, en 2008, l’Association canadienne des professeurs d’immersion lui a attribué le prix André Obadia en reconnaissance de son travail envers la promotion de l’apprentissage du français au Canada. Lloro Javierre, Javier Elije tu aventura lingüística: un ejemplo de planificación de un curso de español Cette présentation va être axée sur la présentation d'une activité pour planifier un cours d'espagnol d'une façon ludique quand on ne compte pas avec un manuel comme base. Nous allons présenter une façon de planifier un cours de langues, un cours d'espagnol. La planification des cours est un de plus grands défis pour un professeur, le but de cette présentation va être de donner des idées pour arriver à créer nous mêmes des axes pour nous cours. (Pour tous; en espagnol) F. Javier Lloro Javierre est coordonnateur du Centre de ressources de l'espagnol de l'Université de Montréal pendant l'année 2010-2011. Il a été professeur invité à l'Université de Montréal du 2007 au 2010. Il a fait une maîtrise en littérature à l'Université de Saragosse en Espagne et une maîtrise en didactique d'espagnol comme langue étrangère à l'UNED. Il continue la recherche en didactique de l'espagnol et en littérature espagnole du XXème siècle. Logan, Marian French 10 online - All the Bells & Whistles (with L. Doell) Can new approaches to technology allow second language courses to be effectively delivered? Using Moodle, Elluminate, Nanagong and a Supersite, you will learn not only how new technology has significantly enhance and facilitated language learning delivery in a synchronous and non-synchronous format, but also about the creation of a Beginner French On Line course developed for Alberta Education for high schools students: the process, the preparation, the traps to avoid and the ideas to embrace. (7-12) Marian Logan brings a wealth of Core French classroom experience and technological know-how to this session with over 30 years in the profession. Holding a Bachelor of Science from St. Francis Xavier University and a Masters in Educational Leadership from University of Prince Edward Island, Marian can be found teaching Social Studies and Core French at Beaverlodge Regional High School and giving SMARTboard training sessions. Marian was one of the content experts for the French 10- 3Y On Line course. Logie, Alicia Delving into the DELF (with S. Kostur) Le DELF fait fureur à travers le pays. Pourquoi cette nouvelle vague en évaluation du français? Comme ça pourrait être utile pour vous et vos élèves? Venez explorer le DELF, les liens avec le CECR et les applications pratiques. (Primaire; secondaire; bilingue) Alicia is French Immersion program coordinator in Surrey, BC. She has an extensive background in L2 instruction and has presented nationally and internationally. She coordinates the Centre DELF scolaire de la C-B and is past-president of ACPI. Lonsberry, Sharon The Impact of Student Exchanges Students that participate in this session will understand how a visit or an exchange can impact their students' lives: In which ways a visit or an exchange may alter student motivation; in school and post –secondary; The ways that it can affect identity, in secondary and in adult life; and the ways this type of experience will affect their life as adults. This is a master's project and is completely backed up by research as well as the adult student responses to my questionnaire. (Secondary; bilingue) Sharon has 15 years of experience in French Immersion, Core French and ESL teaching. Recently writing her Master's Project on the impact of visits and exchanges on motivation, identity and the life of adult immersion students, have her itching to share the results in a dynamic way! Luengo de la Torre, Jorge The Cultural Factor in the Spanish Language Classroom. The presentation is mainly based on cultural topics and their manifestations in art, music, literature and popular festivals and traditions that can be brought into the Spanish language class. Teaching Spanish may be easier and motivating through the cultural factor. Language and culture cannot be separated; therefore both need to be taught together. The cultural factor helps students enjoy learning as they can contextualize the learning scenario. (7-12; postsecondary; in Spanish) 16 Jorge Luengo has been a teacher and teacher trainer for more than 25 years. He has also held managerial positions in educational institutions in Spain. At present he is an Education Advisor at the Embassy of Spain in Ottawa and the director of the Spanish Resource Centers in Toronto and Montreal. Mainville, Linda Module de formation en ligne aux Niveaux de compétence (avec É. Beaulieu) linguistique canadien Lors de cet atelier les participants découvriront deux nouveaux outils d’apprentissage en ligne. Le Centre des niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (CNCLC) a élaboré deux modules de formations aux Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens(NCLC). Le module 1 se veut une introduction à ce que sont les NCLC et le module 2 est un outil que les enseignants du FLS peuvent utiliser pour créer des activités à partir des NCLC. Les participants pourront voir les modules et poser des questions au sujet de leur utilisation. Le présentateur fera un survol du module 1 et répondra aux questions des participants au sujet des NCLC et démontrera la création d’activités à être utilisées en salle de classe, en se servant du module 2. À la fin de cet atelier les participants seront mieux outillés pour mettre en applications les NCLC en salle de classe. (Postsecondaire ; chercheurs ; pour tous) Linda est Coordonnatrice de projets, Centre des Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC). Maloof, César Enrique Content-Based Language Instruction (CBI): A Colombian Experience This presentation examines firstly some characteristics of content-based language curricula. Secondly, it describes how CBI has been implemented in a Colombian university Medical English classroom. Finally, this presentation addresses some findings of a study related to the effects of the implementation of this CBI course. (Secondary; postsec.; researchers) César Maloof (MEd) is a Spanish and English teacher. Previously, he served as assistant coordinator of Universidad del Norte’s Languages Institute in Colombia and coordinator of the Medical English program. He has also designed and taught content-based languages and methodology courses. Manuard, Étienne DELF-DALF – An International Standard for French as a Second in Canada (Round Table) Could the international French examinations DELF and DALF become the standard measure for French second language proficiency in Canada? This session will address the advantages, disadvantages, obstacles, opportunities and next steps. (For all; pour tous; bilingue) Linguist by training (English language, French as a foreign/second language and oriental languages), teacher then trainer of trainers, I have been an education Attaché with the French Ministry of foreign Affairs since 2003. Promotion of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) and the pedagogical tools aligned with it, promotion of the French language credentials DELF and DALF, negotiation of international agreements in the education sector, and, within that framework, exchange of persons and expertise, organization of seminars focused on educational issues. / Linguiste de formation (anglais, FLE/FLS et langues orientales), enseignant, puis formateur de formateurs en didactique des langues, je suis en poste depuis 2003 auprès du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes en qualité d’attaché de coopération éducative. Domaines principaux d’intervention dans le cadre de mes fonctions au Canada : Promotion du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) et des applications pédagogiques qui lui sont associées, promotion des certifications de langue française Delf-Dalf, négociation d’accords de coopération éducative et dans le cadre de ces accords, mise en place d’échanges de personnes et d’expertise, organisation de séminaires et débats d’idées sur des thématiques éducatives. Margolis, Heike German on Stage: How Children Create Their Own Shows (with H. Kroeh-Sommer) Contemporary learner-centered pedagogy is paired with creativity and action to allow for a pleasant, effective way of German language acquisition. Modern language learning techniques, respecting different learner styles and multiple intelligences, are at the base of this actionfilled teaching technique. (K-6; in German) Margolis holds degrees in Education, Fine Arts and Music Performance (Mc Gill University). As a singer, songwriter and graphic artist, she developed her own method for teaching German. She created musical shows with children in Germany and North-America. Her songs are published in Germany and Canada. Mascaró Llabres, Maria How and Why Do We Teach Language and Culture through (with M. Taboada) Movies? The didactic unit we are presenting, Juicios paralelos: Una tarea sobre la película "Mar adentro", won an award at the First International Prizes red ELE on the Creation of Didactic Units of Spanish as a Foreign Language, organized by the Spanish Ministry of Education. This unit on Amenabar's movie "Mar adentro" has been successfully used in the foreign language classroom. Its task based methodology has 17 proved highly effective in engaging and motivating students, and in enhancing their learning experiences, integrating at the same time the four skills. This particular film shows moral and cultural values of contemporary Spanish society. It debates a current and controversial issue: euthanasia. (Postsecondary; in Spanish) Maria T. Mascaró is a Lecturer in the Department of Hispanic Studies at McGill University. She graduated in English and German Philology from the University of Barcelona and received her MA in Linguistics from Georgetown University. She has taught Spanish at Georgetown University, George Washington University, and McGill University. Millette, Anne Les programmes de langues secondes au Québec et le (avec S. Belzil) renouvellement des pratiques pédagogiques Le Programme de formation de l'école québécoise a généré de nombreux questionnements à l'égard des pratiques pédagogiques. Dans cet atelier, nous dresserons d'abord un portrait global des programmes de français, langue seconde et d'anglais, langue seconde et examinerons les incidences de ceux-ci sur les pratiques des enseignantes et enseignants de langue seconde. (Primaire; secondaire) Anne Millette est responsable des programmes d'anglais, langue seconde au Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec. Mison, Sara Focus on FSL Teaching: Discussing Three Recent Studies (with S. Arnott, S. Lapkin and R. Thomas) We will present findings from three research projects that focus on: (i) literacy teaching in core French; (ii) teacher agency exhibited during the implementation of the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM); and (iii) teacher perspectives on homework in French immersion. Participants are encouraged to offer insights and feedback on project findings. (For all) Sara is completing her Master of Teaching at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. She currently works for Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) and her research interests include allophone and aboriginal communities’ access to French language learning. Montsion, Lyne La compétence interculturelle dans ma salle de classe? Absolument! Cet atelier, de nature plus pratique que théorique, explorera certains concepts fondamentaux au développement d’une compétence interculturelle chez nos élèves de français, langue seconde. Plusieurs activités seront présentées et les participants auront l’occasion de les explorer. Nous nous efforcerons d’inclure une variété d’activités de façon à rejoindre divers groupes d’âge ou niveaux. (Pour tous) Lyne Montsion (B.A., communications et espagnol; B.Ed., langues; M. Ed. éducation des adultes) est agente pédagogique responsable du français intensif et programmes connexes au district scolaire 16, à Miramichi, Nouveau-Brunswick. Ses expériences de travail préalables incluent l’enseignement en français de base, immersion, espagnol aux niveaux intermédiaire, secondaire et universitaire. Elle a également été en prêt de service au ministère de l’Éducation du Nouveau-Brunswick durant 2 ans. Mueller, Katherine Strategies for Integrating Focus on Form into French Immersion Participants will learn about recent research in the area of Focus on Form and how this research can be applied as practice in the classroom. In particular, we will explore how teachers can develop strategies for linking the thematic requirements of the French Immersion curriculum with explicit grammar instruction. (7-12; researchers) Katherine Mueller is a PhD Candidate at the University of Calgary. She has taught French at the secondary and post-secondary levels since 1987. Her doctoral research deals with strategies for integrating Focus on Form into French Immersion classrooms. Katherine is co-author of a beginner-level university text - Chez Nous: branché sur le monde francophone (2nd ed Pearson 2010). Müller, Mareike Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid: Pronunciation Training in German Classes This workshop examines current approaches to teaching German pronunciation. Pedagogical principles, exercise typologies, and textbook examples will be introduced, enabling teachers to address students' difficulties more effectively. To this end, participants will experience pronunciation training from the learner perspective, as well as develop and introduce their own exercises. (For all; in German) Mareike Müller is pursuing a doctoral degree in Second Language Acquisition and German Studies at the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on pronunciation learning in study-abroad contexts, investigating the influence of learner beliefs and identity constructions on the acquisition process. 18 Nagatomi, Ayumi “Can-Do” to Communicate and Collaborate across Institutions for Seamless Life-long Learning This session introduces a possible common yardstick for Japanese-language education. Considering the increasing diversity in learning environments as well as learners’ background and goals, it can be a useful tool to 1) reflect upon our teaching and learning, and 2) communicate and collaborate across institutions for seamless life-long learning. (K-12; in Japanese) Ayumi Nagatomi at Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation) supports Japanese-language programs across Canada. She has taught Japanese at secondary and tertiary institutions in Japan, Australia and the North America for more than 10 years. Navarro, Román Pizarra digital interactiva (PDI): la nueva herramienta para la clase de ELE Uso de soportes digitales como facilitadores de la enseñanza. Perspectivas y realidades de su uso en el aula. En este taller se reflexionará sobre el reto que supone tanto para el editor como para el profesor la aparición de la PDI y de qué manera se van a modificar los hábitos en el aula. También se presentarán varios modelos de contenidos específicos para la enseñanza de ELE. (K-12; postsec.) Licenciado en Filología Hispánica y DEA en Tradición Clásica y Modernidad Literaria Hispanoamericana (Universidad de Málaga). Master en Enseñanza del Español como Segunda Lengua (UNED); Postgrado en Literatura y Mercado editorial (CSIC). En la actualidad, doctorando en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu i Fabra de Barcelona. Netten, Joan Une conception de la littératie spécifique à la L2 (avec C. Germain) Présentation d’une conception de la 'littératie' spécifique à la L2, qui montre la place et le rôle de l’oral dans l’apprentissage d’une L2 et la grande importance d’établir des liens très étroits entre l'oral, la lecture et l'écriture. (4-12) Joan Netten, Professeur Honoraire, Memorial University of Newfoundland, s’est vue accorder le prix de l’Ordre du Canada pour ses activités dans le domaine du français. Avec Claude Germain, elle a conçu et implanté le Français intensif, répandu partout au Canada. Marije Nieuwenhuis Nuevas tecnologias para su clase de español y la colaboración internacional Las clases sin papel, ha llegado el momento? Las herramientas del futuro les facilitan la colaboración entre estudiantes en todo el mundo. la oferta de nuevas tecnologías es abundante y puede resultar asombrosa. En una hora intentaré transmitirles a través de nuestra experiencia con la enseñanza de español a jóvenes las verdaderas utilidades para el profesores de lengua. Para que todo lo blogging, vlogging, wadle, webquests etc empieza tener sentido tanto con papel como sin él. (For all; in Spanish) Marije is Marketing and Program Manager at On Spain Languages & Services. She has a background in Business communication and is trained in Commercial English Correspondence. Apart from her mother tongue Dutch, she is fluent in Spanish, English and German. Marije corresponds with teachers from around the globe and through this networking with teachers, she got a good feel of what teachers need for their students, and on how to enthuse them to advance on their Spanish language skills, also through the use of digital tools. “The classroom provides a window for teachers to use the tools that are available and apply them to the context of language learning and international, virtual collaboration.” Nuñez, Mario Teaching SFL for Middle School: Balancing Innovation and Language Tradition This session benefits teachers of SFL programs, Middle School Spanish immersion, and dual language programs. The presentation will help them in promoting Spanish language proficiency and literacy for second language learners at Middle School levels and special programs, such as dual and immersion programs. The presentation will provide all of the participants with a variety of strategies, teaching suggestions and methods to enhance and encourage the learning of Spanish trough a new process that balances traditional Spanish language learning with motivational (story lines) and technology based elements. (K-12; for all; in English and Spanish) Mario A. Nuñez currently serves as the Director of Professional Development for Santillana USA, Inc. in Miami, Florida, where he is involved with the design, marketing, sales and implementation of professional development courses for teachers, administrators and parents. Ochoa, Luis Developing Skills in Student Writing: Grammar and Sentence Combining in the Writing Classroom Workshop participants will discover the benefits of using grammatical analysis and the sentence combining approach. Grammatical analysis helps students understand the internal functioning of sentences and their mechanism of cohesion within the speech. The sentence combining approach allows students to develop the writing skills necessary to generate good grammatical sentences. In turn, this allows 19 students to become more aware of appropriate rhetorical choices in their writing. Participants will walk away with the idea that grammatical analysis and sentence combining together will enable students to cope better with more complex writing tasks. (Postsecondary; in Spanish) Professor of Spanish, with extensive experience in dealing with Second Language Teaching at Concordia University, I am currently in charge of the coordination of Spanish courses in the Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics (CMLL) at Concordia University. Palladino, Valeria Inspiring Technologies A session that inspires teachers to fully integrate Web 2.0 technologies in SL teaching. Attend the session and learn steps, strategies and ideas from designing, to planning to interacting with students, using free online tools that will spice-up your classes and let you connect with your students. (K-12; for all) Valeria Palladino is a second language educator and consultant with a passion for online technologies and pedagogically sound instructional design. Payeras, Jessica Comment favoriser l'acquisition de contraste sémantique (avec H. Cedergren) verbale de l'espagnol L'effet que l'organisation sémantique de la L1 a dans les processus d'acquisition. L'importance du matériel adapté. Techniques d'adaptation en salle de classe. Nous présentons des démarches pédagogiques adaptées aux étudiants francophones en vue de l'acquisition du contraste sémantique cante/he cantado. Maître de langues d'espagnol à l'UQAM depuis 2001, Jessica Payeras détient un doctorat en linguistique de la même université. Ses intérets se situent dans la phonétique de l'espagnol, l'acquisition et l'enseignement assisté par les TIC. Pelland, Stephan Explore French without Borders in MOZAIKONLINE (with M. Lam Deslippe) Discover our curriculum-based, online application supporting classroom education for grades 1-8 - available to teachers, students and parents 24/7. Lingo4kids offers a variety of language resources, online templates and creative tools, all customizable. Let us show you how easy technology can help you in the classroom. Stephan Pelland brings over 20 years experience in the field of Education. His Education includes a B.A in French Language and Literature with a minor in Dramatic Arts. He also holds a Masters of Education in Curriculum Development. He has worked at the elementary, secondary, college and university levels. Pelletier, France L2 Teaching to First Nations’ Students / L’enseignement des L2 (avec A. Allain, S. Lacroix et P. Demers) aux élèves autochtones For First Nations’ people, learning a dominant L2 such as English or French may constitute a threat to their identity: we will see how, using First Nation’s traditional learning strategies, we can respect students’ culture and achieve a better teaching. (For all) / Pour un autochtone, apprendre une L2 dominante comme le français ou l’anglais peut constituer une menace identitaire : faisant appel à des stratégies d’apprentissage de l’enseignement autochtone traditionnel, nous verrons comment il est possible de respecter la culture des élèves afin d’en arriver à un meilleur enseignement. (Pour tous) France Pelletier, M.D.E., is Education Consultant at the Cree School Board. Pelletier-Robichaud, Louisel Leadership Folios: Supporting Healthy L2 Programs in Schools / Folios en Leadership : appuyer des programmes de L2 florissants dans nos écoles Participants will learn about the newly developed CASLT/CAIT Leadership Folios intended to assist school leaders to support and sustain their L2 programs. The following areas will be addressed: supporting FSL professional growth; organizing effective FSL programs; maximizing learning in FSL classrooms; recruiting & retaining FSL teachers; assessing for learning; promoting success for all learners in FSL programs. (For all) / Les participants pourront découvrir les nouveaux folios développés par ACPLS/ACPI dont le but est d'accompagner les leaders scolaires à soutenir les programmes de langues secondes. Les sujets suivants seront abordés soit: recruter et retenir les enseignants de FLS; encourager la croissance professionnelle en FLS; organiser des programmes de FLS efficaces; maximiser l’apprentissage en FLS; évaluer pour apprendre; encourager tous les apprenants à réussir. (Pour tous) Originaire du Nouveau-Brunswick, Louisel a travaillé comme enseignante, adjointe à la direction, agente pédagogique et chef de département. C’est à titre d’experte-conseil nationale qu’elle continue de contribuer à la promotion et l’enseignement de la langue française et ce tant au secteur francophone, qu’anglophone. / Originally from New Brunswick, Louisel has worked as a teacher, vice principal, district coordinator and school department head. Presently, it is as national consultant, that she remains involved in promoting and learning French as a second and first language. 20 Pike, Valerie Bain de culture... Branché à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador! “Branché à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador!” is a highly interactive multimedia resource engaging students in activities that focus on the importance of culture and heritage. Students follow a young francophone tracing her roots in Newfoundland and Labrador. The resource, created by FSL teachers at the Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation, targets FSL / French first language adolescent learners. Participants will view and receive a copy of the resource, tour the many CDLI online resources that are available free to all FSL teachers, and see demonstrations of student production in a live and interactive online environment. (For all; bilingual) Valerie has taught within core and immersion high school programs, as well as international studies for Spanish and Russian programs. She is currently an FSL e-teacher with the Centre for Distance Learning and Innovation, a division of the NL Department of Education and is President of CASLT 2009-2011. Pitkowski, Elena Séquence didactique pour exploiter les recettes de cuisine en classe de langue : démarche et activités Cet atelier présente une façon originale d`intégrer des recettes de cuisine comme ressource pédagogique pour motiver les étudiants et leur permettre d'apprécier davantage un aspect de la culture hispanique. Au cours de l`atelier, quelques activités seront proposées. La séquence didactique présentée sera remise aux participants. (Pour tous; en espagnol) / This workshop presents an innovative way of incorporating cooking recipes as a pedagogical resource to motivate students and allow them to appreciate an aspect of the Hispanic culture. A number of activities will be proposed during the workshop. The didactic sequence presented will be provided to attendees. (For all ; in Spanish) M.A. en études hispaniques (Université de Montréal) et Licenciée en psychologie (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Travaille comme enseignante d`espagnol langue étrangère au Cégep Marie-Victorin. Est examinatrice des Diplômes d’Espagnol Langue Étrangère (DELE). / M.A. in Hispanic Studies (Université de Montréal) and Licencee in Psychology (Universidad de Buenos Aires). She works as professor of Spanish as a Foreign Language at Cégep Marie-Victorin. She is assessor the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) Plaza, María-Jesús Spanish Bilingual Education in Alberta: Assessment Tasks for (C. Soler Montes) the A1 and A2 Levels of the CEFR The main intent of this project was to establish clear and precise equivalences between the Alberta Spanish Programs and the CEFR. Once the correlations were established a validation process started by creating CEFR related performance assessment tasks. The tasks' results obtained by the students who also took the corresponding international Spanish Diplomas (DELE) were analyzed to triangulate the acquired language competence. (K-12; researchers; administrators) Dr. Plaza has been a full-time Faculty member at Mount Royal University since 1996 where she is coordinating the Spanish Program. She obtained a Masters of Arts Degree in 1991 and a PhD in 1998 in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota (USA). Poisson, Diane Prononciation, Quand « Répétez après moi » ne fonctionne pas! Dans cet atelier, vous comprendrez la source des erreurs de prononciation des anglophones, saurez comment intervenir et pourrez corriger efficacement. La démarche de cette approche porte sur les recherches actuelles en compréhensibilité. (Pour tous) Diane Poisson est une enseignante de vingt-deux ans d'expérience. Elle poursuit également des études de deuxième cycle en didactique de l'enseignement et de l'acquisition de la prononciation à l'Université Laval. Son champ d'intérêt traite principalement la correction des erreurs de phonétique produites par les anglophones en FLS. Terry Price The Art of Destabilization This presentation proposes ways of incorporating the visual and fine arts into the language classroom in order to introduce students to the worlds of art and culture in a creative, challenging, and original manner. Terry Price teaches at l’UQAT and l’UQAM. He has given many conferences in the past, presenting at several universities, the 36th, 37th and 38th annual SPEAQ conventions, and at the ACPI-TESOL ELT National Convention in Costa Rica in July, 2009. Ramos, Alicia Pautas para el desarrollo y la integracion de las destrezas linguisticas: estrategias de aprendizaje y comunicacion En el presente taller nuestro punto de partida se erige en torno a la definición de evento comunicativo y en el análisis de los factores que inciden en la construcción de la comunicación lingüística con el objetivo de reflexionar acerca de los modos en que se activa el uso de la lengua. Desde el punto de vista pedagógico, analizaremos un conjunto de propuestas o actividades de aula con las cuales poder desarrollar una didáctica del español basada en la integración de las destrezas lingüísticas y en el desarrollo de de estrategias de aprendizaje y comunicación. (For all; in Spanish) 21 Doctora en lengua y literatura españolas por la Universidad de Pensilvania, con amplia experiencia como docente de español en numerosas universidades estadounidenses, en la actualidad, trabaja como Profesora Titular de Español y Directora de los Cursos de Lengua (francés, italiano y español) en Hunter College (CUNY). Como autora ha publicado varios libros relacionados con la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura españolas, así como reseñas y artículos para revistas especializadas y congresos internacionales. En el campo de la formación de profesores ELE, en la actualidad, trabaja como autora de materiales y consultora en el Máster on-line en Didáctica del español como L2/LE de la Universidad de la Rioja (España). Rehorick, Sally Using the CEFR to Assess the Language Competence of Volunteers at the Olympics Using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for Evaluation Language Volunteers for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. This workshop will present the results of a study on the use of the CEFR for the self-assessment and placement of language services volunteers at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver. (For all) Sally Rehorick is Professor Emerita at the University of New Brunswick where she was Director of the Second Language Education Centre. She led a national study for the Department of Canadian Heritage which resulted in the report "Plan 2013: Strategies for a National Approach in Second Language Education." Professor Rehorick was the Director of International Client Services and Director of Official Languages for Translation for the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Renters, Ruth Women’s Soccer Championship for the German Classroom In this workshop teachers of German will be introduced to a new website of the Goethe-Institut on women succeeding in sports and to relating activities for the German classroom; the 2011 world championship in women’s soccer in Germany will be featured as well as an event promoting Germany, German and Sports; Activities for teachers will be provided for this session and for the use in the German classroom on the topics women, sports and especially soccer. (Secondary; postsecondary; in German) After completing her university education in teaching at the Ruhr Universität Bochum Ruth Renters came to Canada through the PAD exchange program, studied at McMaster and Queen’s University and taught at Trent and McMaster University for 12 years before accepting the position at the Goethe-Institut Toronto. Retzlaff, Steffi Paintings and Poems as “Sprech- und Spielanlass” in the German Language Classroom Participants are actively involved in a dynamic teaching and learning process during which basic drama pedagogical methods are introduced. A visual and a poem ‘trigger’ ideas for exercises such as tableaus, hot seat, improvisation or role biography. (7-12; postsec.; in German) Steffi holds an MA in German and English and a PhD in Linguistics. Her major areas of teaching and research include German, ESL, discourse studies and various action-oriented approaches to the teaching of languages and literatures such as drama pedagogy. Richard, Lorraine Cultures without Borders: une perspective interculturelle (with C. Stanley) Interact with us in authentic language research-based activities that will help prepare students to connect with others in their global world. Create the setting for an engaging Core French classroom by combining cultural exploration through the Arts with effective literacy practices. 7-12 (bilingue) / Quand on développe une perspective interculturelle, on gagne une appréciation et une compréhension approfondies sans frontières. Chaque participant quittera avec une trousse d’idées pratiques pour promouvoir les apprentissages actifs. Secondaire (bilingue) Lorraine Richard is an FSL Curriculum Consultant for the York Region District School Board. As a past President of OMLTA, president of the Modern Language Council, and workshop presenter, Lorraine has been an advocate for languages teachers in her school board and across the province. Rideout, Jacqueline Blog on! Engaging Students in Authentic Communication (with G. Blackmore) Blogging is a productive way to increase opportunities for communication with and among students in an authentic way. Classroom blogs afford teachers and students opportunities to extend discussions on curriculum topics and enable the integrated use of text, video, audio and visuals as a way of representing and communicating messages effectively. In this session, participants will have opportunities to learn how to use interactive blogs and view specific examples of how blogs can be used in FSL classrooms. Participants will learn how to set up their own classroom blog and begin blogging with their students. (K-12) 22 Jacqueline Rideout is a Program Specialist for French Programs at the Eastern School District, Newfoundland and Labrador and has experience teaching French immersion and core French. Jacqueline holds a B.A. (French), B.Ed. and a M.Ed. in Second Language Teaching from Memorial University. Rieger, Sylvia Multicultural Berlin and Its Discontents This presentation will demonstrate how students engage through a broad variety of instructional technology tools with the specific phenomenon of multicultural Berlin in the fields of literature, the arts and politics. The presentation will further emphasize the production of learner-‐generated texts for a teaching unit on contemporary Berlin and Germany. (Postsecondary; researchers) After receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2001, Sylvia worked as the German Language Program Coordinator at Harvard University from 2000‐2007 and as a German instructor at M.I.T. from 2007-2008 before joining the German Department at McGill University in 2008. Rohlf, Judith Yo Canada! Get your students talking, sharing and learning about Canada by playing Yo Canada! Created for ESL students, this original board game was sposered by SPEAQ with a grant from Canadian Heritage and is available for download from the SPEAQ website ( It can easily be adapted for other languages. A guide and several classroom ideas are included in English. Come see how it all fits together in a fun project! (Target audience: Grades 5-8) Although now retired from her "day job" as an education advisor, Judith continues to be active in ESL by giving workshops and training sessions, writing material and serving on the Board of Directors of SPEAQ as director of publications. Romero Cachinero, Carmen Commemorating the Bicentennial of Latin-American Independence: Themes and Activities As the commemoration of the bicentennial of the declaration of independence of some Latin American countries from Spain comes to a close, it is appropriate to reflect on the myths and common misconceptions related to these fascinating historical events. Several activities and debates will be presented that will familiarize participants with issues from pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial Latin America. The declaration in Ontario of April as Hispanic Heritage Month on Dec 3rd 2009 , will be discussed. Ready to use handouts with class units will be distributed. (For all; in English with Spanish references) Dr. Maria Carmen Romero Cachinero was born in Cordoba (Spain) and studied at the University Complutense in Madrid. She completed her MA and PhD at OISE/University of Toronto and did her postdoctoral research at York University. She has been a researcher and a teacher with the Toronto and the Toronto Catholic District Schools boards for over 30 years. She is the founding president of the Association of Hispanic-Canadian Teachers. Rosinski, Mirja Berlin - facettes d'une ville - tableau blanc interactif et outils (with A. Forget) Web 2.0 À l'été 2010, une collègue et moi avons préparé à Leipzig et à Berlin une unité d'enseignement en langue allemande pour des apprenants de niveau A2. Notre but était de faire découvrir à des étudiants de Montréal et de Toronto le Berlin des jeunes Allemands - Berlin für junge Leute. Pour ce faire, nous avons préparé des exercices sur tableau blanc interactif « Smartboard » et utilisé certains outils Web 2.0. L'atelier sera l'occasion de suivre une partie du parcours et d'expérimenter des outils qui permettent de documenter un quartier, une ville ou une région de façon dynamique. (Postsecondaire; pour tous; en allemand) Mirja a fait ses études universitaires de premier et de deuxième cycles en français et en sciences politiques à l'Université de Brème (diplôme obtenu en 2010), depuis 2010 elle est assistante de langue allemande au Collège Ahuntsic de Montréal dans le cadre d'un programme d'échange universitaire entre le Ministère de l'éducation, du loisir et du sport du Québec (MELS) et du Pädagogischer Austauschdienst de Bonn (PAD) / Service d'échange pédagogique de la Rébuplique fédérale allemande. À compter de l'automne 2011, elle fera un stage d'enseignement obligatoire (Referendariat) à Brème, à Berlin ou dans le Land de Niedersachsen (Basse Saxe). Mirja s’intéresse à l’enseignement du français et de l’allemand langues étrangères : enseignement collaboratif (Team -Teaching), pédagogie par projet et nouvelles technologies (Web 2.0, Moodle). Rowe, Barry Learner Acceptance of Global Simulations: Enhancing (French) Language Learning Experiences This session will present the preliminary results of ongoing research projects in Eastern Canada. Approximately 120 FSL students from different secondary schools participated in the project. Teachers organized their learning activities with global simulations for a period of several weeks. Students completed a Learning Preference Assessment questionnaire, and scores were analysed in relation to students’ participation in, reaction to, and success within this pedagogical modification. (7-12, researchers) 23 Dr. Barry Rowe teaches at both the B.Éd. and M.Éd. levels with Université Sainte-Anne in Halifax. He has taught Core French and French Immersion in Newfoundland and Labrador and also in Nova Scotia. His research interests include self-directed learning, second language acquisition, teacher education, teacher professional growth and action research. Dr. Rowe resides in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Roy, Josianne Counterfeit Detection (Currency) (avec M. Lebeau) Counterfeit Detection is the Bank of Canada's free innovative educational kit for high schools. This easy-to-use tool provides teachers with a resource that introduces students to the national concern about counterfeiting. Students will learn how to recognize genuine and counterfeit bills, which will help them and their employers prevent financial losses. The motivational strategies, lesson plans, and practical exercises included in the kit offer an interactive learning experience focused on the security features of bank notes: what they are and how to use them. The kit also covers counterfeit prevention and social responsibility, with an emphasis on the social and economic impact of counterfeiting. (Secondary) Josianne Roy was appointed, in May 2010, to the position of communications analyst in the Currency Department of the Bank of Canada in Ottawa. She is responsible for promoting the Counterfeit Detection kit designed for schools, more specifically high school students. Sachdeva, Nidhi Face-to-face Instruction Combined with Online Learning: ESL Students' Perceptions of Moodle Through computer-assisted presentations, worksheets on Moodle, games, quizzes and discussions, the audience will learn about Moodle and some of its tools. The emphasis will be on how it can be used to create an effective blended language learning environment. In an open discussion with the audience, Moodle as a language learning tool will be critiqued. There will be a survey at the end to better understand the present educators' perceptions of Moodle and blended language learning in general. (For all) Nidhi Sachdeva has completed a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics. Currently she teaches ESL at York University and German at the Goethe-Institut in Toronto.Her research interests include use of technology in language education, language rights and policies and language and social identity. Samuel, Carolyn Student–managed Writing Correction Workshop participants engage in a writing “self-correction assignment” that fosters a meta-cognitive awareness of grammar and writing mechanics and that allows students to develop a language for talking about their writing. The assignment can be done with any studentproduced written text (e.g. sentences, paragraphs, essays). (Postsecondary) Carolyn Samuel teaches English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (oral and written) at the McGill Writing Centre and oral skills methodology in the Faculty of Education. She has experience teaching ESL, EFL and doing teacher training both in Canada and abroad. Carolyn is a recipient of McGill’s Principal's Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Sánchez, Andres E-Twinning, a European Project for Schools E-twinning is a European project that allows and encourages schools in Europe to collaborate on educational projects using ICT. We will introduce the program focusing on the educational and cultural aspects and then we will show some of the award-winning projects designed by European schools. We will be reviewing projects from kindergarten, elementary, junior high and senior high schools. The e-twinning concept can be useful for all the languages. (For all; in Spanish) M.A. Lingusitics (Spanish) & M.A. Arts (English); PhD in Linguistics (in progress); High School teacher for 18 years; Experience in Teacher training and in service activities; Spanish Education Advisor for the Ministry of Education of Spain since 2006. Santana, Maria How to Implement the Lexical Approach in the Spanish Classroom This session will be based on the research carried out to elaborate the books “Vocabulario Elemental” and include an overview of the methodological foundations underlying the lexical approach and its pedagogical implications (Lewis, 1997) and strategies and activities to integrate this approach in the Spanish classroom. (K-12, postsecondary; all) María Eugenia Santana has taught Spanish in New York City since 2004, first at Louis D. Brandeis High School and currently teaches at Brooklyn Technical High School. She has written extensive curriculum for Spanish as a Foreign Language, Spanish as a Heritage Language, Spanish for Native Speakers and Spanish Literature and Spanish Language Advanced Placement. She also has taught staff development for Spanish teachers in several countries for different universities and institutions. She has co-authored three books on Spanish vocabulary for Grupo Anaya and was the academic coordinator and teacher of Applied Linguistics for the School of Languages and Humanities at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain. She continues her collaboration with this institution as a visiting teacher for its summer Spanish Teacher Training courses. 24 Senoo, Yasuko Study of Vocabulary Learning Process through Extensive (with K. Yonemoto) Reading: A Case Study This study explored the vocabulary acquisition process of one Japanese language learner through Extensive Reading (ER). The findings confirmed that ER complemented the participant’s vocabulary acquisition through Intensive Reading (IR), and suggested several pedagogical implications for integrating ER into Japanese vocabulary learning. (Postsec.; in English and Japanese) Yasuko Senoo is a PhD student in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University. She has been teaching Japanese courses at several institutions in Montreal including McGill University and Dawson College. Sentes, Petra L'utilisation du court métrage en enseignement allemand Les participants et participantes pourront utiliser le court métrage comme moyen efficace en enseignement pour faire écouter et voir des dialogues et transmettre des valeurs culturelles. Ils pourront prendre connaissance de quelques courts métrages allemands sous-titrés reflétant la réalité sociale, économique ou politique en Allemagne. Les films sont soit drôles, sérieux ou tragicomiques. Ils partiront avec l’esquisse d’un début de séquence de cours sur un court métrage. (Postsecondaire; en allemand) Petra Sentes travaille en tant qu'enseignante d'allemand et de français langue seconde. Elle enseigne au centre culturelle allemand GoetheInstitut Montréal et donne des cours de français au collège Dawson dans le cadre du programme non crédité. Afin de se former de façon continue, elle fait partie d’un réseau de professeurs d’allemand au Canada. De Serres, Linda Briser la glace par le jeu... c'est chouette! Disposez-vous de stratégies pour piquer la curiosité des apprenants? Souhaitez-vous susciter chez eux réflexion, action et spontanéité? Aimeriez-vous tirer profit du multimédia pour un enseignement participatif d’expressions courantes en français et de leur origine? Venez découvrir des outils pédagogiques éprouvés… tout pour dorénavant voir la vie en rose! (Primaire/secondaire) Linda de Serres est professeure à l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Elle a publié plusieurs articles dans des revues nationales et internationales. Ces dernières années, elle s’est consacrée à la mise sur pied de trois trousses multimédias pour l’enseignement d’expressions idiomatiques en français langue seconde. Elle nous offre aujourd’hui un avant-goût d’une d’entre elles. Smycniuk, Roxanna Integrating First Nations and Métis Cultures into the Core French Curriculum This presentation includes How to use Photostory 3 for Windows (free software) and the stories students have written about Hoop Making and Hoop Dancing for a Grade 6 Core French Unit. (All of this is accessible through Saskatoon Catholic Cyber School at (For all) Roxanna is a Core French teacher with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools who has special interests in Ukrainian, First Nations and Métis Education. She also has served on the Saskatchewan Association for Teachers of French and is currently the CASLT National Council representative for Saskatchewan. Soler Montes, Carlos Spanish Bilingual Education in Alberta: Assessment Tasks for (with M.-J. Plaza) the A1 and A2 Levels of the CEFR The main intent of this project was to establish clear and precise equivalences between the Alberta Spanish Programs and the CEFR. Once the correlations were established a validation process started by creating CEFR related performance assessment tasks. The tasks' results obtained by the students who also took the corresponding international Spanish Diplomas (DELE) were analyzed to triangulate the acquired language competence. (K-12; researchers; administrators) Carlos holds a degree in Spanish Philology from the Universidad Complutense (Spain) and a Masters in Hispanic Studies from the University of Connecticut. He works for the Instituto Cervantes, an international organization created by the government of Spain, which focuses on the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Stanley, Cathy Cultures without Borders: une perspective interculturelle (with L. Richard) Interact with us in authentic language research-based activities that will help prepare students to connect with others in their global world. Create the setting for an engaging Core French classroom by combining cultural exploration through the Arts with effective literacy practices. 7-12 (bilingue) / Quand on développe une perspective interculturelle, on gagne une appréciation et une compréhension approfondies sans frontières. Chaque participant quittera avec une trousse d’idées pratiques pour promouvoir les apprentissages actifs. Secondaire (bilingue) Cathy Stanley is an FSL, Drama and Dance Curriculum Consultant for the York Region District School Board. She is an experienced workshop presenter for her Board, at OMLTA Spring Conferences as well as the Aboriginal Summit in 2010. 25 Steinbach, Marilyn Developing Intercultural Competencies for Second Language Teachers This workshop introduces second language teachers to pedagogical activities completed in a university teacher preparation course on cultural perspectives in second language education, such as penpal exchanges, blogs, and structured personal encounters with people of other linguistic, cultural and ethnic groups. (Researcher; all) Marilyn Steinbach is a professor in the education department of the Université de Sherbrooke. She teaches cultural perspectives in second language education and intercultural education, and does research on the linguistic, academic and social integration of students of immigrant origins. Strauss, Arla Créez les sacs de cultures avec vos élèves! Discover new ideas on how to integrate French culture in your Basic French classroom by creating des sacs de culture. Reflect on what culture is, what constitutes a cultural experience and what is in your sac de culture. (K-12) / Venez découvrir de nouvelles idées pour intégrer la culture dans vos salles de classe du Français de base en créent des sacs de culture. Réfléchissez sur : c’est quoi la culture, qu’est-ce qui constitue une expérience culturelle et qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans votre sac? (Primaire; secondaire) Arla Nitikman-Strauss is a Basic French Curriculum Consultant for Manitoba Education, Bureau de l’éducation française Division. She has taught Basic French at all grade levels as well as Language Arts, Latin, and Resource. Arla was a member of the committee that developed the document À vos marques, prêts, partez! A Must Have Guide for Teachers. She can be reached at: [email protected] Su, Ya-Chen The Effects of the Cultural Portfolio Project on Cultural and EFL Learning in Taiwan’s EFL College Classes The purposes of the presentation are to discuss: (1) how the cultural portfolio project is being used in Taiwan’s EFL college classes; (2) how teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes toward target cultures and speakers changed; and (3) what specific cultural knowledge they developed and modified. Data were collected through students’ cultural portfolio projects, and interviews. Specific examples of students’ original hypotheses and assumptions about the target cultures and aspects of cultural knowledge there were expanded after the project will be provided. Results indicated that through the cultural portfolio project, students engaged in active learning, gained their insight into specific aspects of target cultures, recognized and re-evaluated stereotypes and misunderstanding, became more aware of diversities within culture, and develop their ability to think critically instead of simply accepting cultural information from text. This study hopes to provide some teaching techniques for those teachers who are interested in incorporating the cultural portfolio project into FL or EFL classes at intermediate or advanced levels. (Postsec.; researchers) Ya-Chen Su is an associate professor at the department of applied English in Southern Taiwan University. She has involved numbers of research projects (teaching-innovation projects) sponsored by the Social Science Council, the Ministry of Education. Her research interests are foreign language teaching and learning, textbook analysis, and second language acquisition. Swanson, Peter Unraveling the Language Teacher Shortage The researcher will report on an international study including world language teachers in both Canada and the United States (N = 1045). The research focuses on the shortage of language teachers and how one's sense of efficacy teaching languages, his/her coping skills, and vocational identity can impact world language teacher attrition. The researcher used the FLTES (Swanson, 2010) to measure efficacy teaching languages, the Coping in Stressful Situations (Endler & Parker, 1994), and the Self-Directed Search (Holland, 1994). The research is grounded in the theoretical framework of social cognitive theory (Bandura, 2006, coping skills (Endler & Parker, 1994), and vocational personality (Holland, 1997). The research has implications for recruiting and retaining world language teachers as well as professional development of in-service educators. While there was not any financial support awarded for this project, the research was supported by the two national organizations as well as regional and local organizations in both countries. These organizations placed calls for research participation on websites, listservs, etc. (For all) Dr Swanson is an Assistant Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy and the program coordinator for the Foreign Language Teacher Preparation program in Atlanta, Georgia. His research focuses on the shortage of language teachers. His latest study included language teachers in Canada and the US. Taboada, Inma How and Why Do We Teach Language and Culture through Movies? (with M. Mascaró Llabres) The didactic unit we are presenting, Juicios paralelos: Una tarea sobre la película "Mar adentro", won an award at the First International Prizes red ELE on the Creation of Didactic Units of Spanish as a Foreign Language, organized by the Spanish Ministry of Education. This unit on Amenabar's movie "Mar adentro" has been successfully used in the foreign language classroom. Its task based methodology has proved highly effective in engaging and motivating students, and in enhancing their learning experiences, integrating at the same time the four skills. This particular film shows moral and cultural values of contemporary Spanish society. It debates a current and controversial issue: euthanasia. (Postsecondary; in Spanish) 26 Inma Taboada is the Director of the Spanish, French, and German Teacher Education Program at the UIC. She received her M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics from UIC, and her M.S. in Hispanic Theoretical Linguistics from Georgetown University, and obtained her Ph.D. in Theoretical Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country. Tavares, Tony The Challenge of Developing an "Inclusive" Multilingual Policy in a Bilingual Nation The presenter will share his reflections on his experience with a recent attempt to build an “inclusive” multilingual/plurilingual language policy in Manitoba, the challenges it presented, the questions it raised, and the lessons learned. (For all) Antonio (Tony) Tavares is a Consultant Diversity, Education and International Languages Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch, at Manitoba Education. Tchomyem, Robeline Apprendre et enseigner le Français avec TV5Monde L’atelier favorise l'enseignement/apprentissage du Français en proposant un dispositif multimédia gratuit et innovant pour aider: Les professeurs à enrichir et illustrer leurs cours, et les élèves à apprendre et réviser le Français en toute autonomie. (Primaire; secondaire) Née au Cameroun, Robeline est en même temps : Animatrice Pédagogique, professeure de Français au Lycée Technique et à l'Alliance Française de Bamenda et, depuis Juillet 2009, toute première Formatrice Labellisée TV5Monde d'Afrique Centrale. Thériault, Mylène Les ressources à découvrir du Commissariat aux langues officielles / Resources to discover from the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages Vous êtes à la recherche de ressources et de publications destinées aux élèves de la 7e à la 12e année? Le Commissariat aux langues officielles a élaboré des outils pour vous faciliter la tâche! Dans cet atelier, nous vous présenterons des outils et des suggestions d’activités pour la salle de classe. (Secondaire, bilingue) / Are you looking for resources and publications for students in grades 7 to 12? The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages has developed tools that can help! During this workshop, we will present tools and related activities that can be used in the classroom. (Secondary; bilingual) Mylène Thériault est chef d’équipe au sein de la division des politiques et de la recherche du Commissariat aux langues officielles à Ottawa. Ses dossiers principaux sont la promotion de la dualité linguistique et l’apprentissage de la langue seconde. / Mylène Thériault is a team leader in the policy and research division at the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages in Ottawa. Her main files relate to the promotion of linguistic duality as well as second-language learning. Thibault, Nicole Integrating Cultural Awareness in FSL with Nelson Cultur-osité! French is a life skill, but it also represents a way of life: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. As teachers of FSL, how can we incorporate engaging cultural awareness into an already packed program? Join this interactive workshop to explore valuable teaching practices that emphasize authentic cultural studies and intercultural competences. Discover how to use these as a motivator to develop students’ active oral, listening and functional-language skills. Participants will receive a sample of Nelson Education’s new cultural language series, Nelson Cultur-osité. (K-7; leaders; administrators; bilingue) Nicole Thibault has taught Core French and French Immersion, and at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, has served as a Vice Principal, Education Officer and Executive Director for CASLT, and thoroughly enjoys presenting workshops and working with teachers of FSL across Canada. Thomas, Reed Integrating language and content in second language education: Approaches and strategies for teachers Participants will have an opportunity to deepen their understanding of integrating language and content by reflecting on practice and learning about research. Through discussion and activities, participants can review their approach to integration and can consider using a variety of teaching strategies. (K-6) An experienced teacher and teacher educator in Canadian and international settings, Reed Thomas is a PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Her research interests include teacher education and content-based instruction, in French immersion and other contexts. Thomas, Reed Focus on FSL Teaching: Discussing Three Recent Studies (with S. Arnott, S. Lapkin and S. Mison) We will present findings from three research projects that focus on: (i) literacy teaching in core French; (ii) teacher agency exhibited during the implementation of the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM); and (iii) teacher perspectives on homework in French immersion. Participants are encouraged to offer insights and feedback on project findings. (For all) 27 An experienced teacher and teacher educator in Canadian and international settings, Reed Thomas is a PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Her research interests include teacher education and content-based instruction, in French immersion and other contexts. Thompson, Lori “Can Do”- Implementing the European Language Portfolio (ELP) (with P. Kristmanson and C. Lafargue) in High School Modern Language Classes In this workshop, presenters will share their experiences with using the Common European Framework of References and the ELP in high school modern language classes. In addition to teacher insights related to challenges and successes, presenters will also discuss learner feedback and their pedagogical responses to input from students. (For all) Lori Thompson is the SPR responsible for modern languages at Fredericton High School and a teacher of Core French. Lori has taken a lead role in the implementation of the ELP at her school. Tijman, Diane Hook 'em and keep 'em: Effective Practices for ESL Instruction To engage the 21st century learner and the diversity in our classrooms, many strategies need to be considered. Come out to learn how games, songs and technology used in active, meaningful learning situations will enhance second language acquisition. Handouts will be provided. (K-12) Diane Tijman has over 30 years of passionate service in public education as a bilingual teacher and coordinator in elementary, secondary and university environments. Diane has a Masters of Education in Second Language Education from UBC and is presently ESL Coordinator supporting 7,000+ students in Richmond, BC. Turcotte, Marie Boomerang: the New Captivating FSL Literacy Resource This new FSL literacy series from CEC Publishing is designed for students in Grades 4-8. Boomerang contains levelled texts, literacy strategies, shared, guided, and independent reading strategies, and takes into account the gradual release of responsibility model. Vocabulary progresses from level to level and from grade to grade. A selection of original readers cover themes that are traditionally taught in Core French classes and include cultural elements designed to help your students understand cultural facets of daily lives. Most importantly, they are designed to provide you with a context for oral interaction. (K-6) Marie Turcotte has been involved in FSL education for many years, first as a teacher and then as a publisher. Over her years as a publisher, she developed many successful programs and has worked closely with talented authors. She has conducted workshops across the country and in the United States all with the intent of introducing new trends and new ideas in FSL education as they are woven into published resources. Turnbull, Miles CASLT Taking Stock of CEFR Implementation in Canada This presentation will summarize the findings of a national stakeholders’ event that aimed to examine of the state of implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference within each province/territory and to explore the various factors that have encouraged or hindered its implementation to date. Priorities for future action will be identified and discussed. (For all; pour tous; bilingue) Miles Turnbull is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Prince Edward Island. Miles served as President of CASLT from 2005-2007. Véliz, Mauricio The Chilean National Curriculum in Animated Lessons for Rural Schools The session seeks to share the experience of how a group of local applied linguists, language practitioners, and a number of professionals from diverse backgrounds successfully put together a series of 40 15-minute animated lessons (the national curriculum) intended for 5th graders at primary school level. The material does not only present an interesting story-line, with characters and settings that reflect the local idiosyncrasies of Chile's rural world, but it also incorporates cross-curricular values. From a purely linguistic viewpoint, the story-line has wisely crafted a proposal which takes elements from different linguistic theories of foreign language learning, viz. i+1, graded exposure to L2, starting with 'here' and 'now', use of repetition and recycling, scaffolding, use of learners' mother tongue, collocational presentation of language, amongst others. (For all) Véliz obtained his English teaching degree at Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación in 1996, together with a BA in Education. He also holds an MA in English Linguistics from Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He has also successfully completed summer courses at Lancaster University and Pennsylvania University. He is currently taking an EdD TESOL programme at Exeter University, England. He has been a teacher trainer for nearly 14 years now. His research interests include phonetics and phonology, and the teaching of pronunciation in EFL (or EIL, for that matter) contexts and he has published several studies in such areas. He is a consultant for the local Ministry of Education, specifically the ‘English Opens Doors Programme’. 28 Wadman, Colleen How to incorporate digital content in the FSL classroom (with G. Cake) This practical session will feature a demonstration of a very powerful digital storytelling tool- Photo Story 3 for Windows. Participants will be guided through the process of importing, labelling, narrating and producing video clips. These movies can then be shared in a number of ways such as websites, blogs and digital portfolios. The second half of this presentation will look at the incorporation (embedding) of these audiovisual clips into PDF format. This allows for the FSL teacher to create and produce activities that can be housed in one single document. Such activities would include listening to an authentic sound file and/or capturing video followed by an array of comprehension questions. (For all) Wieland, Petermann Classroom as Studio (with F. Broeckelmann) Production of Video- and Audioclips in German Language Classes. Presentation of the best clips in the Podcasting Competition 2011. Nomination of the winners. (For all) Wieland, Petermann (with F. Broeckelmann) “Mein Deutsch ist ganz gut!” Zur Einschatzung von Schulerleistungen im Deutschunterricht Wieland is currently assigned as the German Language Consultant within the International Services branch of Alberta Education. His position is co-sponsored by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad in Cologne, Germany. Mr Petermann graduated from Leipzig University in 1983, which was then East Germany. He has been teaching German and English at several high schools in his region. His expertise in teaching German to non-native speakers is based on his experience as a Fulbright exchange teacher at Tyee High School in Seattle/WA (1992/93) and as a teacher at the German School Helsinki/Finland from 1999 to 2003. Before coming to Canada in 2007, Wieland Petermann was head of the language department at the Thomasschule zu Leipzig. Wright, Susan Engaging Students using the iPod Touch in the L2 Classroom (with S. Jeffery) Educators will understand how the iPod Touch can be used in the L2 classroom as an educational tool and not only as a devise to play games and listen to music. The focus is on student engagement and demonstrating responsible digital citizenship. An iPod Touch is a thermometer, a dictionary, a calculator, a search engine, a map and just about anything you can think of. This workshop will help you understand how to integrate this into your L2 classroom. (K-6) Susan is currently the Elementary French Specialist at the Calgary Board of Education. She has 19 years of teaching experience. She has taught Grades 1-6 French Immersion and Grades 6-10 French Core. Susan has her masters in Teaching and Instruction from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Yonemoto, Kazuhiro Study of Vocabulary Learning Process through Extensive (with Y. Senoo) Reading: A Case Study This study explored the vocabulary acquisition process of one Japanese language learner through Extensive Reading (ER). The findings confirmed that ER complemented the participant’s vocabulary acquisition through Intensive Reading (IR), and suggested several pedagogical implications for integrating ER into Japanese vocabulary learning. (Postsec.; in English and Japanese) Kazuhiro Yonemoto is a PhD student in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University. He has taught Japanese courses at institutions in several different countries such as the University of Hong Kong, and Middlebury College. 29