Bachelor Degree Courses: Linguistic entry requirements for
Bachelor Degree Courses: Linguistic entry requirements for
Haute école spécialisée bernoise Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires HAFL Bachelor Degree Courses: Linguistic entry requirements for candidates who are not native speakers of French or German 1 Candidates who did not do their maturité or maturité professionelle in Switzerland (general or vocational post-compulsory secondary school qualification, ISCED level 3 or 4 respectively) and whose first language is neither French nor German must, before beginning their studies, provide a certificate attesting that they have the necessary language skills to be able to study their degree subject in the language they have chosen. The knowledge required corresponds to level B2/C1 of the European Language Portfolio. Candidates who have chosen French as their language of study can attest their language skills by presenting one of the following certificates or diplomas: - Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) level B2 Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF) level C1 Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF) level C2 Test de connaissance du français (TCF) pour la DAP (demande d’admission préalable) Diplôme de langue de l'Alliance française Diplôme Supérieur Langue et Culture Françaises de l'Alliance française Diplôme de Hautes Études Françaises de l'Alliance française Certificat d'Études françaises du Cours de vacances de l'UNIL (or another Swiss university), minimum level B2 Attestation of a successfully completed year of study at: * l'École de langue et de civilisation française de l'Université de Genève; * l’unité FLE du CERLE de l'Université de Fribourg; * l’Institut de langue et civilisation françaises de l'Université de Neuchâtel; * l'École de français langue étrangère de l'Université de Lausanne. The attached list provides further information about the different examinations (required level/grade, providers, sources of information). The Swiss College of Agriculture may also admit candidates who can prove that - they have passed a language entrance examination for admission to a Swiss university (for example the Examen de Fribourg) or they have successfully completed a tertiary-level course in French 1 These entry requirements are only for candidates who wish to graduate from the HAFL, they do not apply to guest and exchange students. Page 2 Candidates who have chosen French as their language of study must also have sufficient knowledge of German (level B1, ideally level B2), as many courses are given in this language. Advice for acquiring the necessary language skills in French Certificate /Diploma Provider Examination Centres Sources of Information DELF French Ministry of National Education Worldwide ; 13 towns in Switzerland DALF French Ministry of National Education DELF (worldwide, often at Alliance Française offices) TCF French Ministry of Education French universities, French embassies, CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques), Paris Various Alliance Française diplomas Alliance Française Worldwide; in Switzerland Fribourg, Geneva, Lugano and Zurich This list also gives website addresses where you can find advice about preparing for the different examinations. If you do not yet have the language skills necessary to pass one of these examinations, you have also the possibility to improve your language skills by distance learning; there are distance learning French courses at the University of Lausanne (École de français langue étrangère). See for further information. If you have any further questions, please contact Philippe Gasser at [email protected]. Philippe Gasser Zollikofen, July 2015