English Language Proficiency Test


English Language Proficiency Test
English Language Proficiency Test
This form should be completed either in English or in French
Merci de compléter ce questionnaire soit en anglais soit en français.
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English Language Proficiency
Under each blank are three answer options. For the 20 items below, choose only one answer that best
completes the blank and please make your answers appear in red& bold.
1. What are you (...)?
(a) Done
(b) Do
(c) Doing
2. I always get up (...) 6:30 a.m.
(a) In
(b) At
(c) Until
3. Where are the (...)
(d) Children’ toys?
(e) Children toys?
(f) Children’s toys?
4. He goes (...) the office by car.
(a) In
(b) At
(c) To
5. Look! They (...) in the snow!
(a) Walk
(b) Are walking
(c) Walked
6. I (...) there yesterday evening.
(a) Go
(b) Will go
(c) Went
7. She will (...) join us tomorrow.
(a) Be able to
(b) Can
(c) Capable
8. Could you please (...) this form?
(a) Feel
(b) Fill out
(c) Reply
9. Can you finish this report (...) 5:00 p.m. at the latest?
(a) By
(b) In
(c) Until
10. He has (...) this laptop since last week.
(a) Having
(b) Have
(c) Had
11. I look forward (...) hearing from you soon.
(a) In
(b) To
(c) By
12. We must (...) the international standards. Otherwise, we will not be able to manufacture this
new device.
(a) Meet
(b) Specify
(c) Emphasize
13. There are two questions (...).
(a) Left
(b) Still
(c) Stay
14. This serves to (...) us that we should never neglect our core customers.
(a) Remember
(b) Recall
(c) Remind
15. You shouldn’t (...) yourself entirely to your career.
(a) Denigrate
(b) Dedicate
(c) Involved
16. We apologize for the (...) it may have caused.
(a) Inconvenience
(b) Inconvenient
(c) Disadvantage
17. Please (...) sure it will not happen again.
(a) Do
(b) Make
(c) Let
18. My manager never gives me any positive (...) on the work I do.
(a) Report
(b) Feedback
(c) Ideas
19. Let’s get (...) to business.
(a) Up
(b) Through
(c) Down
20. Going on holiday is dear. (...) people can afford it.
(a) More and more
(b) Fewer and fewer
(c) Less and less
Have your say – All items must be completed thoroughly
This form should be completed either in English or in French
Merci de compléter ce questionnaire soit en anglais soit en français.
Describe in a few words what the difficulties you currently encounter are:
What are your expectations?
What are your availabilities?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Feel free to contact us if you need any further information.
EAL Formation
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