4 heures section inter


4 heures section inter
Les cours d’anglais seront repartis avec:
-4 heures de LV1 Anglais (Programme scolaire)
-4 heures section inter (British National Curriculum)
-1H30 d’histoire-géographie en anglais
-1 heure de math en anglais (section inter et non-inter)
 Grammaire (langue maternelle et non ESL)
 Compréhension de texte (extrait littéraire)
 Littérature (poème, technique, méthodologie)
 Oeuvre complète
 Projet (drama, speech, diary, poem, presentation,
essay writing)
Sixième – Year 6
Cinquième – Year 7
Monday -
Wednesday - 11:25 am to 1:15 pm
2 pm to 3:50 pm
Close reading (reading comprehension) Novel study
Wednesday - 9:10 am to 11:00am
Friday - 2 pm to 3:50 pm
Novel Study
Language – Arts
Close reading (reading comprehension)
Harry Potter, J.K Rowling
Selected poems (will be given by the teacher)
The Happy prince, Oscar Wilde
Skellig, David Almond
 5eme:
 Warhorse by Michael Morpugo
 Hard Times by Charles Dickens (Dominoes series –
adaptation by Susan Kingsley)
 My Family and other animals by Gerald Durrel
 Selected poems (will be given by the teacher)
 Grammaire
 Compréhension de texte
 Oeuvre complète
 Projet (creative writing, drama, speech, diary, poem,
presentation, essay writing)
-Be attentive in class at all times
-Read the novels ahead of time (following the teacher’s
-- learn the grammar points studied in class & how to
apply them in context
-- Oral work; drama & speeches need to be memorized
as part as the homework