Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 14 au 20 janvier
Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 14 au 20 janvier
Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 14 au 20 janvier 2013 Time – January 14, 2013 New Scientist – 12 January 2013 Medicine Technology Polio And Politics (by Jeffrey Kluger) : A great scourge Printing out history (by Rowan Hooper) : With a might soon be gone, but war, mistrust and even the combination of CT scanning and 3D printing fossil hunters death of Osama Bin Laden could get in the way... are moving into the 21st century. United States Careers What choice? (by Kate Pickert) : U.S. Abortion-rights Careers Guide 2013 : The employer contacts book for activists won an epic victory in Roe V. Wade. They've scientists. been losing ever since. The Economist – January 12, 2013 Features Battle of the bottle: How to curb overindulgers (by Peter Aldhous) : The alcohol industry says it's against excessive drinking, so why does it neglect the best ways of encouraging moderation, asks Peter Aldhous. Scientific American – January 2013 Britain Northern Ireland - Wrapped in the flag : The loyalist protests in Belfast have almost nothing to do with politics. That is why they are so alarming. Asia The Australian heatwave - Up to eleven : An uncomfortable time for Australians, especially climatechange sceptics. Food Business An ad-block shock - France v Google : Xavier Niel is Healthier ice cream ? (by Cesar Vega) : scientists are experimenting with unsaturated fats for a rich but less playing rough with the internet giant. artery-clogging dessert. 50 100 150 years in the future Space – Starship Humanity (by Cameron M. Smith) : How future generations will make the voyage from our earthly home to the planets and beyond – and what it means for our species. The Guardian Weekly – January 11, Courrier International – n°1159 – 2013 Du 17 au 23 janvier 2013 Inside Guardian Weekly Inside the 11 January edition (by Graham Snowdon) : Can Afghanistan hold out against the Taliban; Assad's empty offer; Obama's second-term agenda. International news Free comic speaks to Kenya's youth in a language that mirrors their world (by Clar Ni Chonghaile) : A project born out of 2007's post-electoral chaos is empowering and educating young Kenyans ahead of the 2013 poll. The Guardian Weekly – January 18, 2013 Etats-Unis – Obama, acte II Une investiture confidentielle (by Fredrick Kunkle et Inside Guardian Weekly Annie Gowen) : En 2009, près de 2 millions de visiteurs se Inside the 18 January edition (By Abby Deveney) : sont pressés à Washington. Cette année, la capitale Globalisation's waning glamour; Israel's retreat from fédérale n'attend que 800 000 spectateurs. (The optimism; Jared Diamond's praise for tribal ways. Washington Post, Washington) Finance Hi-tech boom allows Detroit to dream of a brighter future (by Paul Harris) : Blighted Motor City has rediscovered optimism as a new Silicon Valley. Financial Times Weekend Edition – January 19/20, 2013 Priorité au contrôle des armes à feu (by Anna Palmer) : La réforme de l'immigration devait être le premier chantier du second mandat d'Obama, mais la tuerie de Newtown est venue bouleverser l'ordre du jour. (Atlantico, Arlington) Economie L'Inde, plaque tournante du blanchiment... de miel (by Sabrina Buckwalter) : Pour échapper au droit World News – China economy antidumping imposé par Washington sur les importations Questions over growth as age begins to drain labour pool de miel chinois, des négociants font transiter (by Jamil Anderlini and Ed Crooks) : China's working-age frauduleusement leurs cargaisons par des pays tiers. population shrank in 2012, marking the beginning of a (Open, New Delhi) trend that will accelerate over the next 20 years and have profound implications for the world's second-largest Transversales economy. Terres d'accueil (par Sofia Noble) : De quels pays viennent les immigrés ? La réponse dans les nuages de Analysis mots. (Courrier International, Paris) Technology - Desperately seeking data (by April Dembosky and Richard Waters) : Facebook and Google Culture are engaged in a race to find new and useful information En Inde, des milliers de petits nègres (by Annalisa – then control the way we look for it. Merelli) : C'est une nouvelle forme de sous-traitance favorisée par l'essor d'Internet. En deux clics, il est Arts devenu possible d'embaucher une plume indienne pour Western values (by Peter Aspden) : From « Jesse James » écrire en anglais le livre que l'on n'a ni le temps ni le to « Django Unchained », Peter Adspen explores how the talent de rédiger. (Motherland, New Delhi) movies that shaped America lost their myth-making power.
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