
July 2013 –V11
Council’s Plumbing Services Group (PSG) accepts hydraulic plans from its customers in electronic format only.
When lodging hydraulic services design drawings / plans in electronic form, a copy of the drawings / plans can
be submitted electronically online in PDF format. PDF drawings will be accessed and stamped with relevant
approvals and then forwarded to the customer within 20 business days* not including request for information
time delays.
Three options are available to fast track the normal 20 business days* approval process for some applications.
Fast Track assessment fees options for 2013-2014 financial year are;
1. Fast track assessment for hydraulic plans for all other classes except a single detached dwelling involving
the installation of less than 10 fixtures, excluding assessments which attract a Development Assessment
(DA) application. The plan will be assessed within 5 working days of receipt of payment by Plumbing
Services Group, provided all necessary information is provided.
Application fee PLUS $186.50
2. Fast track assessment for hydraulic plans for all other classes except a single detached dwelling involving
the installation of up to and including 50 fixtures. The plan will be assessed within 10 working days of
receipt of payment by Plumbing Services Group, provided all necessary information is provided
Application fee PLUS $373.00
3. Fast track assessment for hydraulic plans for all other classes except a single detached dwelling involving
the installation of more than 50 fixtures, and up to and including 250 fixtures. The plan will be assessed
within 10 working days of receipt of payment by Plumbing Services Group, provided all necessary
information is provided.
Application fee PLUS $860.70
Customers are advised to regularly contact PSG on the progress of their Fast Track assessment, although
Council’s notification system is automated, customers should contact PSG immediately if they have not received
their Fast Track request within the timeframes for the Fast track option chosen. Fast Tracks are also subject to
information request time delays.
It should be noted that when an information request is issued the application assessment is ceased and not
reactivated until the fulfilment of the request has been provided.
In order for an application to be assessed that involves the removal of an existing building/dwelling PSG must
have record of a seal off application being lodged and a compliance certificate being issued. Should an
application request not have a seal off application lodged where applicable an information request will be issued
stating the application cannot progress until a successful seal off application and compliance certificate has been
processed by PSG.
When lodging Hydraulic Services Design drawings / Plans please contact PSG ‘s “Hydraulic Plan Lodgement
Team” on Ph 3403 8888.
Date of Issue July 2013
Edition V11
Amended Plans
When are they required and what must be submitted to Council’s Plumbing Services Group with the plans?
A full set of amended Plans are required when additional plumbing fixtures are added or removed from the
original approved plans and plumbing compliance permit.
Amended Plans cannot be submitted via Council’s online channel, all plans shall be emailed to
[email protected] with an explanation of the changes, for example; Two new WC’s added on
drawing H01 between grid F and G. Please note if additional changes are added and not stated with the
request for re-assessment Council may prosecute the person/company for not disclosing all information
with the request. Council’s assessing officers will only assess the proposed changes and not the entire
application to ensure assessment timeframes are reduced.
Fees and Charges?
An amendment fee to hydraulic plans previously approved including each additional fixture or water meter.
Inspections fee of installations resulting from the approval of amended hydraulic plans for each additional
fixture or water meter. (Contact PSG on 3403 8888 for applicable fees or refer to
What is the approval turn around time for amended plans?
All amended plans will be issued within 5 business days from the date of the re-submission that includes
the full description of the proposed changes.
Can the Plumbing Contractor still make plumbing inspection requests?
Yes, but only in relation to the original approved plans. No inspections shall be carried out on the proposed
new works until the amended plans are approved by Council and a new compliance permit is issued.
Fixtures and Loading Units - (Required on each sheet)
Number Fixtures shall be nominated on top right hand corner of each plan.
Number Fixtures loading units shall be nominated on top right hand corner of each plan.
Refer to fixture loading units from AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Table 6.1.
Refer to chargeable plumbing fixtures (page 11 of this document).
Note: Incorrect fixture count and fixture loading unit count may occur a defect fee
Drainage Plan Number - (Required on each sheet)
The drainage plan number (minimum 8mm high) shall be positioned in the top right hand corner placed on
each sheet of the hydraulic services design plan.
It is the responsibility of the person designing the plan to obtain the correct drainage plan number, by
contacting Brisbane City Council’s Plumbing Services Group on telephone number 3403 8888.
An area of at least A4 size should be allocated on the front/cover sheet, to provide for the Plumbing Services
Group’s approval stamps.
Title Status - (Required on front sheet only)
The title status (minimum 8mm high) of the development shall be shown on the front/cover sheet of the plan, eg;
1. Community Title
2. Freehold Title
Owners Name - (Required on front sheet only)
The owner’s name required shall be the one nominated on the Brisbane City Council’s rate notice, or the
Queensland Government Titles Office records.
Tenancy Plan - (Required on each sheet)
Tenant’s Name
Tenant’s Business’s Name
Floor Level
Shop/Tenancy Number
Address of Property - (Required on each sheet)
The address of the property shall be the address nominated on the Brisbane City Council Rates Notice, the
Proposed Address, or the one to be lodged with State Government Titles Office.
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Edition V11
Real Property Description - (Required on front sheet only)
The real property description shall be either the original full description or the proposed description.
Designer - (Required on front sheet only)
The full name of the person who designed the plumbing and drainage system shall be shown on each sheet
of the plan; the Queensland Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 also requires that the person who designed the
plans, to be registered or licensed - the person’s registration or licence number shall also be shown. This
information is required on each sheet; or on the front/cover sheet, and references each sheet of the plan.
Please note it is a requirement in Queensland that any Hydraulic Services Design carried out where the
contact value is more than $1,100 is required to be carried out by;
a person or company holding a current BSA contractors licence,
a Registered Professional Engineer (RPEQ) or
a Plumbing and Drainage contractor designing work that he/she is then to carry out.
Plan Design - (Required on front sheet only)
Nominate which Australian Standard the plans have been designed to, either, AS/NZS 3500.2.2:2003 or
AS 3500.2.1-2003, example;
“These plans have been designed to and comply with AS/NZS 3500.2.2:2003”
“These plans have been designed to and comply with AS 3500.2.1-2003”
Fire Hydrant, Hose Reel and Sprinkler Systems
Where a pipe, fitting or apparatus is to be installed as part of a fire service and is not a certified item (MP 52)
a testable backflow prevention device shall be installed up stream of the item.
All materials to be installed as part of the fire service shall be nominated on the hydraulic services design
BCC Requirements Water Supply Code - Part 1 - Planning and Design - Clause - 6.8.12 Metering Fire Hose
Reels and Hydrant Services
All new fire services to hydrants and/or fire hose reels for commercial, industrial and residential
developments shall be metered. Existing hydrants and/or fire hose reels services, where significant
alterations or renovations are proposed, which will involve a Development Application or plumbing service,
shall also be metered.
The flow meter assembly configuration shall include a detector check valve in the by-pass line. The detector
check valve shall be of stainless steel construction. The type of metering arrangement to be used is
dependent on the type of fire service and the property title classification. Details of the approved types of
metering arrangements are set out in Appendix WC -Fire Hose Reels and Hydrant Services Metering
Water delivered to a fire sprinkler system shall not pass through a meter. Pipework to the sprinklers may
branch off the incoming main on the supply side of a meter avoiding the need for a separate incoming main
for the sprinkler service. In such an arrangement, the sprinkler branch shall not supply any other services.
Drafting Requirements
A1 drafting sheet shall be the minimum size, for all proposed new, additions, extensions, and Community Title
or Freehold designs.
A3 drafting sheet shall be the minimum size used for Tenancies.
Trade Waste Plan: When a plan contains Trade Waste as part of the design, one copy of the plan shall be
supplied on A3.
North Point: All views shall be oriented to the north point on the plan.
Street Names: All street and road names shall be shown on the site plan and other pages where applicable.
Sanitary House Drain Property Connection and Brisbane City Council Sewers:
The size, depth (invert & surface levels), location of the sewer main and the sanitary house drain property
connection shall be shown on the locality plan or floor plan, only that section relevant to the design is required
to be shown.
Note: The designer is responsible for the documentation of the location and depth of the BCC sewer
property connection and shall comply with the requirements of the Queensland Plumbing and Drainage Act
Site Plan/ Locality plan: The information shall provide the plumbing inspector direction to locate the
plumbing installation on the property. The information could be a; plan, written directions or a combination of
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Edition V11
Floor Plan: All stacks, elevated pipework, cold water, hot water, tempered water, fire hydrant system, fire
hose reels, rainwater, greywater, recycled water and landscape irrigation system shall be shown on the plan
(The floor plan scale shall be a minimum1:100.)
Drafting Requirements Continued
Diagrammatic: The stacks, elevated pipework, cold water, hot water, tempered water, fire hydrant system,
fire hose reels, rainwater, greywater, recycled water and landscape irrigation system (only the section under
constant pressure) shall be shown on the plan (scale not required).
Levels: All reduced levels (R.L) for fixtures up to ground floor level shall be clearly shown on drawing as AHD
to three decimal places. eg 22.999
Dimensions: All dimensions shown on the plan shall be in meters and to three decimal places.
eg. 1.500m or 0.150m
Overflow Relief Gully; Overflow Relief Valve: AHD reduced levels are required for ORG or ORV and shall
be shown for;
The Finished Ground Level adjacent to the Overflow Relief Gully or Overflow Relief Valve;
The grate of the Overflow Relief Gully or at the invert of the outlet of the Overflow Relief
The Finished Floor Level for the lowest fixture connected to the sanitary house drain.
AS/NZS 3500.2.2:1996 section
Overflow Relief Valve: This fitting shall be installed on all properties that are located below
AHD reduced level 2.600.
Car Wash Area– Residential Only
The location of the car wash area shall be shown on the plan, wastewaters from such areas shall discharge
via a Grease Arrestor or Oil/Silt Arrestor, registered for use in Brisbane City, a minimum 1000 litre Grease
Arrestor or Oil/Silt Arrestor to be installed;
Additional information required on the plan for the treatment system are;
Manufacturer’s Name of the treatment system;
Type and Model number of the treatment system;
Series number of the treatment system;
Size (capacity as specified by the manufacture) of the treatment system;
The cover/ lid shall be the airtight type.
A hose tap shall be provided adjacent to the treatment system, a Reduced Pressure Zone Device (RPZD)
shall be installed upstream of the hose tap as backflow protection.
The area shall be roofed or located in the underground carpark.
A diagrammatic of the roof and overhang shall be shown on the plan, the minimum length of the overhang
shall be 25% of the height of the roof from Finished Ground Level;
Trade waste approval is not required for this type of installation.
Bin wash or bin storage areas
The location of the bin wash/storage area shall be shown on the plan, wastewaters from such areas shall
discharge via a approved spring loaded self closing bucket trap or Grease Arrestor, registered for use in
Brisbane City, a minimum 1000 litre Grease Arrestor to be installed
Additional information required for spring loaded self closing bucket traps are;
Manufacturer’s Name of the bucket trap;
Type and Model number of the bucket trap;
Size and location with grate and floor levels.
Additional information required on the plan for the treatment system are;
Manufacturer’s Name of the treatment system;
Type and Model number of the treatment system;
Series number of the treatment system;
Size (capacity as specified by the manufacture) of the treatment system;
The cover/ lid shall be the airtight type.
A hose tap shall be provided adjacent to the bin area/treatment system, a Reduced Pressure Zone Device
(RPZD) shall be installed upstream of the hose tap as backflow protection if located within 18 mtrs of a GIT. If
no GIT is installed and all sewerage / trade waste floor outlets have stainless steel self closing bucket traps
located within 18 mtrs of the tap outlet point a dual check valve can be installed.
The area shall be roofed or located in the underground car park.
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Edition V11
A diagrammatic of the roof and overhang shall be shown on the plan, the minimum length of the overhang
shall be 25% of the height of the roof from Finished Ground Level;
Trade waste approval is not required for this type of installation.
Trade Waste – Commercial and Industrial
The proposed trade waste installation is part of the plumbing and drainage system, and shall be assessed for
compliance with the sanitary plumbing, sanitary drainage, etc. The proposed installation shall comply with the
requirements of the Queensland Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002.
Note: Copies of the hydraulic plans are not required to be sent to Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) plans submitted to Plumbing Services Group will be forwarded to QUU for their records.
The owner of the property or their managing agent will be required to submit a separate application to QUU
for a trade waste permit. Trade waste permit approvals shall comply with the Water Supply Safety and
Reliability Act 2008. Trade waste approval application forms can only be submitted when an occupier of the
property eg; tenant or lessee is secured and such occupier will discharge trade waste to the sewer.
Trade waste approval application form can be viewed or downloaded.
Basic trade waste pretreatment infrastructure must be authorised for use in Brisbane by Brisbane City Council
and QUU. Such infrastructure is listed on QUU’s Register of Basic Trade Waste Pretreatment Infrastructure.
This register can be viewed or downloaded at :-
Please refer to Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) “Guideline for Assessment of Hydraulic Plans
Incorporating Trade Waste” document for clarification of design requirements.
Trade waste generating areas (TWGA) shall be roofed.
A diagrammatic of the roof and overhang shall be shown on the plan, the minimum length of the overhang
shall be 25% of the height of the roof from TWGA Finished Ground Level.
The grade of the floor of the TWGA and surrounding stormwater collection areas shall be shown on the plan.
No direct or indirect sewer connections to fuel dispensing areas, chemical storage areas.
A water meter must be installed on the water service to each individual commercial shop.
Pre-treatment System information required on the hydraulic plans;
Manufacturer’s Name of the treatment system;
Type and Model number of the treatment system;
Series number of the treatment system (if applicable)
Size (capacity as specified by the manufacture) of the treatment system;
The cover/ lid shall be the airtight type.
A hose tap shall be provided adjacent to the treatment system, a Reduced Pressure Zone Device (RPZD)
shall be installed upstream of the hose tap as backflow protection.
Trade Waste Generating Area information (for both existing and new tenancies)
Description of designed or actual industry type (eg. food retailing, laboratory, mechanical workshop, car wash
bay, bin wash area, cooling tower, laundry, etc.) (Note Bin Wash Areas only require approved self closing
bucket trap complete with floor grate)
Designed peak trade waste flow in litres/hour;
Predicted average daily trade waste flow in litres.
For external areas (eg. wash-bays and bin areas), the grade of the trade waste generating area floor and of
the immediate surrounding ground areas must be shown – if no bunding or wall is incorporated into the
Grease Arrestor Sizing Guidance:
Trade waste must have a one hour detention time in the grease arrestor at peak flow and peak load;
The minimum size or capacity of the grease arrestor must be the greater of eitherThe size calculated according to legislative requirements - Sections 39 & 40 of the Standard Plumbing
and Drainage Regulation 2003; or
Predicted peak hourly volume multiplied by 1.2 (takes peak loading into account); or
1000 litres for a single shop premises.
1000 litres per shop for a multiple shop premises (
To provide transparency in how trade waste hydraulic loads have been allocated for each grease arrestor within a
premises, an information schedule (detailed below) shall be provided on the plan –
Where there is more than one arrestor on the premises, each arrestor must be allocated, an identification
number (contact a Trade Waste Officer if you wish to use the official Brisbane Water Arrestor ID number).
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Edition V11
The information schedule must detail the arrestor that will service each tenancy (see example below).
Where an addition, alteration or re-calculation is to be carried out on an existing trade waste installation, the
schedule details must be updated with the new hydraulic loadings.
Where there is a new premise, the information schedule shall also be used.
Where a new shop fit-out is to be installed in a premises, with multiple shops connected to a grease arrestor.
The above trade waste generating area information must be supplied for all shops connected to the grease
arrestor (empty shops should be marked empty).
For existing shops, water consumption data may need to be reviewed to determine existing trade waste flows
to allow assessment of hydraulic loadings on existing infrastructure.
Consideration should also be given to the requirements of Sections 39 & 40 of the Standard Plumbing and
Drainage Regulation 2003.
Example of Information Schedule (using above guidance)Tenancy/
Unit No.
Tenancy Peak
Hourly Trade Waste
Load (l/hr)
(B = A x 1.2)
2 (new)
Tenancy Peak
Hourly Trade
Waste Volume
3 (new)
4 (new)
Arrestor Peak
Working Capacity
Total of B’s
New trap
Tenancy 2 is OK as arrestor capacity is greater than arrestor peak working capacity. Tenancy 3 is not OK and will
need additional grease trap capacity whilst tenancy 4 needs a new trap installed due to it’s location - since it’s
arrestor peak working capacity is less than 1000 litres, it must comply with the minimum 1000l sizing guidance.
1. There is no requirement to detail how the tenancy peak hourly trade waste load was calculated, however, the
above grease arrestor sizing guidance must be followed as a minimum requirement.
2. Plans will not be approved if the Arrestor Peak Working Load exceeds the Arrestor Capacity – additional
capacity will need to be provided in these situations.
Sub-division or Reconfigured Plan
A copy of the proposed sub-division or reconfigured site plan shall be supplied, where the existing Lots have
been or will be reconfigured or amalgamated etc.
Combined House Drain
If the property is serviced by a combined house drain, and the assessment for the proposed work requires the
combined house drain to be disconnected, renewed or relocated, new connection/s shall be provided for the
proposed installation and other affected properties;
The proposed method of reconnection for each of the affected properties, owners name, address’s, RPD and
drainage plan number shall be shown on the plan, a separate application shall be submitted for each affected
Pump Wells and Discharge Chambers
Permission to pump shall first be obtained from the Plumbing Services Manager, Plumbing Services Group on
telephone 3403 8888, facsimile 3334 0234 and e-mail [email protected]
The inlet pipe and the outlet pipe connected to the ejector, wet well or small bore macerator shall comply with
the relevant sections of AS/NZS 3500.2.2:1996 section 10;
Requirements for pumping direct to Council’s sewer and Private sanitary house drains;
Provide a copy of the written permission and the maximum litres/second permitted to pump to sewer, shall
be obtained from Brisbane City Council’s Development and Regulatory Services Technical Specialist
Engineering Team, contacting BCC Call Centre on telephone number 34038888;
Where practical the discharge chamber shall be located within the premises being serviced.
Provide a copy of written permission to install the discharge chamber and rising main in either the
roadway or footpath areas, from the DRS engineer, the letter shall indicate;
The nominated alignment (distance off boundary line or from the crown of the road);
Date of Issue July 2013
Edition V11
The nominated depth (below road shoulder, crown of road or from top of kerb);
A maximum pump-rate of 1 l/s to Private sanitary house drain;
Package plants;
Manufacture’s name;
Model number;
Type: pump size and duties;
In-situ plants;
Full design to be shown on plan,
Type: pump size and duties;
Dual pumps;
Alarm system;
High and low automatic switches;
Pump well vent;
Dual control valves and non-return valves;
Rising Main;
Shown on the plan the pipe-size and type of material (eg. 100mm upvc);
Discharge Chambers;
Package Discharge Chambers;
- Manufacture’s name;
- Model number;
In-situ Discharge Chambers (as documented in the Water & Sewerage Reticulation
Requirements for Alternative Water Sources for Commercial Buildings
The new mandatory requirements are set out in the Queensland Development Codes (QDC) MP 4.3 Alternative-Water-Sources-Commercial-Buildings, MP 4.2 Water-Savings-Targets and Queensland Plumbing
and Wastewater Code.
The law applies to commercial and industrial buildings class 3 to 9 and class 10 buildings associated with or
ancillary to those buildings.
Alternative water sources must be connected internally to the total required pedestals, cold water washing
machine tap and externally to (minium) 1 tap. Note: At least 1 external tap must be supplied by from water
supplies main.
1. Requirements for Rainwater Tanks
The new mandatory requirements are set out in the Queensland Development Codes (QDC) MP 4.3 Alternative-Water-Sources-Commercial-Buildings, MP 4.2 Water-Savings-Targets.
A minimum storage capacity of 1500 litres per required pedestal
Water must be connected internally to the total required pedestals, cold water washing machine tap and
external use
Internal fixtures supplied from a rainwater tank must have a continuous supply of water. Automatic switching
device or a trickle top up system from the reticulated town water supply main.
Signage to comply with QDC part MP 4.2 and MP 4.3
2. Requirements for Greywater Treatment Plants
The new mandatory requirements are set out in the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code and
Queensland Development Code (QDC) part MP 4.2 and MP 4.3
End use water quality to comply with table T1 in the QPW
All greywater plumbing work requires plumbing and drainage approval from Brisbane City Council
Greywater treatment plant must:
- Be installed to receive greywater from all bathroom sanitary outlets in the building
- Have a minimum processing capacity to treat total greywater input vessel volume in 24 hours
- Greywater must be connected internally to the total required pedestals, cold water washing machine tap
and one external hose tap.
- Have a continuous supply of water. Automatic switching device or a trickle top up system from the
reticulated town water supply main.
- Dispose of untreated greywater to sewer
- Must be an APPROVED greywater treatment system
Date of Issue July 2013
Edition V11
3. Requirements for Blackwater Treatment Plants in Sewered and Unsewerd Areas
Permission to install a Blackwater system in an unsewered area must be granted from the Plumbing Services
Manager prior to commencement of design or construction of proposed treatment plant (Blackwater
Treatment Plants in Sewered Areas must obtain written approval from Building Codes Queensland Chief
Executive Officer)
4. Requirements for On-site Domestic Sewerage Treatment Plants and Septic Design
Details required on Design Plan
- Owner name and location of premises.
- Real property description.
- Drainage plan number. Top right hand corner minimum 8mm stencil. (If available)
- Site plan showing location of: building and dimensions from boundaries
- Street names outside property boundary
- North point (all views to be orientated to north point
- Dispersal Area calculation showing the site supporting the proposed installation type / depth of soil & in
- Secondary treatment system – manufacture and model
- Type of disposal area: evapotranspiration
- Sub-surface irrigation to a designated wastewater effluent re-use area.
- Sectional details of wastewater effluent re-use area.
- Note any retaining and filling
- Site slope contours to be shown
- Domestic water sources (underground pipe if within 6.00m of the disposal area)
- Depth to water table at location of disposal area (if above 1.50m deep)
- Position of irrigation lines
- Methods to prevent surface run-off entering the disposal area (i.e. Diversion Mound)
- Dimensions from boundaries, building, water courses, gullies, and water sources in adjoining properties
- Hard copy submission currently require the design detail on one page only ,on white background suitable
for Micro-filming four (4) copies of plan are required for approval).
Plans can be no smaller than A3 sheet size, the size must allow all information to be clearly
defined on the plan
Scale metric site plan 1:500 minimum
Site plan is 1:500 an insert 1:200 is required
Levels and chainages to three decimal places.
All abbreviations used must appear in the legend.
‘Copyright’ may not be claimed on drawings.
Designers name and contact details.
Sub-Meter Requirements
The new mandatory requirements are set out in the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code part 4
The performance requirements for sub-meters are for new premises only
Meterable premises will be all, sole occupancy units of certain classes of building (2,4,5,6,7 & 8) Cl:1.3
Location of sub-meters must be located in a Public and Common area as defined in the QPW code
Drawing will indicate submeter requirements – Meter size, Manufacturer, model number and specification
as required.
Location of master and sub meters must be clearly indentified on drawing showing common area and
AMR systems if required.
All water meters shall be installed in accordance with Brisbane City Council’s and Queensland Urban
Utilities’ (QUU) Appendix WH - Technical Specification for: Submetering of Multi – Unit Properties
Specifications Document.
As constructed drawings for sub meters must include
1. Submeter serial numbers (and MIU serial numbers if applicable)
2. The unit number they serve.
3. The location of the submeters.
4. The date of installation of the submeters.
5. The submeter readings at the time of installation.
6. The submeter readings at the end of construction.
Date of Issue July 2013
Edition V11
“Sub-Water Meter Table Guide”
Sub meter table for (No)Street, Suburb (P/code) - Plumbing App No 000000
Unit #
BU 322746 Unit 1
BU 322747 Unit 2
BU 322748 Unit 3
BU 322742 Unit 4
DZ 322742 meter
Meter Location
Installation Date
Path box Left hand side
of pedestrian entry
Path box right hand side
of pedestrian entry
Path box Left hand side
of pedestrian entry
Path box right hand side
of pedestrian entry
In box left hand side of
driveway front boundary
Meter Readinginstallation
Meter readingend of construction
Additional Design Information
Individual lots in a Community Title development shall be connected to the Premises Group Sewer separately
via a minimum single 100mm sanitary house drain branch and the inspection opening (io) for each shall be
installed at the Unit/Lot boundary;
The Premises Group Sewer and Water main to be designed and installed in common property (Body
Corporate owned);
The Premises Group Watermain to be designed and installed in common property (Body Corporate owned),
the main should not pass through private units or be installed in abutting or common walls;
The plumbing, drainage and water supply for each lot shall be contained wholly within that lot and shall have
individual and separate connections to Premises Group Sewer and the Premises Group Watermain;
Water meters shall be located in accessible positions, so a Council Officer or Agent of the Council can read or
carry out maintenance;
Water meters and the meter boxes shall be purchased from Brisbane City Council or approved BCC supplier;
20 - 25mm meter box – minimum size - L. 492mm x W. 271mm;
The method of providing future installation of water meters shall be shown on the plan.
As - Constructed Plans
When a hydraulic services design drawings / plans has been approved by Council and the development
constructed, Council will require an as constructed hydraulic services design drawing / plan from the
plumbing contractor. If no changes have been made to the BCC approved design plan this plan may be used
as the As-Constructed Plan.
Where changes have been made to the approved plan a redesign shall be supplied showing all changes and
containing the same information documented in the approved plan. (Approved plan 5 pages = As-Con plan 5
The – As constructed plan shall be drawn to the same format and standard as the Approved Plan.
All - As constructed drawings require the official address, Drainage plan number and Plumbing application
number on every page of drawing set preferably in the top right hand corner.
The As Constructed Plans shall be supplied in hard copy format and electronically in CD format or Email to
Brisbane City Council Email address: [email protected]
2. Electronic Lodgement
An electronic lodgement form to be filled in with your submission
Line Types, fonts and abbreviations shall be as set below;
Plotting scale should be 1:100 OR 1:1;
All requirements shall be as set out in the standard design requirements.
All documents shall be in PDF format.
3. Standard Line Types
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Edition V11
The standard legend and line types shall be in accordance with the Australian Standards
Additional Design Information contd.
Chargeable Plumbing Fixtures
Autopsy table
Bath (foot, baby, shower)
Bedpan sterilizer
Bedpan washer/sterilizer
Bidet, bidette
Boiling water unit (includes under bench)
Circular wash fountain
Clothes washing machine
Coffee machine
Dental unit/chair
Dishwashing machine
Drinking fountain
Floor waste gully without fixture connected
Glass washing machine / Glass cleaner
Garage grinder
Ice maker
Potato peeler
Sanitary napkin disposal unit
Shower (single/multiple)
Sink cleaner
Sink laboratory
Sink (pot or utility)
Slop hopper
Trough (ablution)
Trough (laundry)
Urinal - wall hung (includes waterless)
Urinal stall, or each 600mm length of slab
Water closet pan (WC)
Wok sink
Additional Design Information contd.
Future Loading Units Tables – (AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Table 6.1)
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Edition V11
Additional Design Information contd.
Future Loading Units Tables – (AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Table 6.1)
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Edition V11