RT440 rock trencher


RT440 rock trencher
Rock Trencher RT440
For big sanitation works and others
S.A.S. au capital de 305.500 €- Siret 846 950 186 000 11 - Code APE 295 D – code TVA IC : FR 75 846 950 186
Etablissement principal, usine, administration et magasins : Route de Toulouse - BP 22 - 82303 CAUSSADE Cedex (France)
Tél : 05 63 65 17 83 - Fax : 05 63 65 09 21
INTERNET. http://www.risa.fr - E.mail : [email protected]
Siège social : 128, rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS - RCS Nanterre B 846 950 186
Rock trencher – RT440
CATERPILLAR – C13 engine - 6 cylinders TURBO – 440 HPCV, 24 Volts,
Fuel tank 800 litres,
Very strong chassis in “High Limit Elastic steel”, used as oil tank and fuel tank
Metallic tracks 500mm wide, moved by 2 speeds gear-reducers with including hydrostatic brakes
hydrostatic for lack of pressure. Only speed “tortoise” is available for work,
Full hydrostatic transmission « load sensing » hydraulic system, oil tank of 700litres inside of the
chassis structure. Tool pomp, Feed pomp and hydraulic distributors: SAUER/DANFOSS,
Radiator for hydraulic oil, water and air by turbocharger for 50° C of ambient temperature
Fan driven by hydraulic engine allowing the reverse of hand of rotation, for cleaning of the radiator,
Special calculator to optimize automatically the best working torque by adjustment of cutting chain
speed and tracks speed, depending of the hardness of the soil.
The remote control box (very simple to use and 1,5 kg weight) includes 3 safety systems :
• 1 inclinometer which switches off all the functions in case the operator falls down
• 1 dead man system which must be manually actuated every 30 seconds
• 1 emergency knob
• Each function can be also activated manually by hydraulic levers on the instrument board, mounted
on the trencher chassis
Control box fixed on the machine right or left sides,
Vertical tilting assembly works like a rudder and associated with hydraulic side shifting, allows to take
curve with very short radii
Telescopic cutting boom assembly (patented) allows the required depth very easily and a constant
angle trenching work
1- Adjustable depth from 1,20 m to 2 m
2- Possible width
- with one simple chain: 350 to 400 mm
- with double chain : 450 to 700 mm
- chains equipped with support for Ø 25 picks
3- Cutting chain driven by 2 low hydraulic motors with gear reducers
4- Hydraulic scraper to clean the bottom of trench
5- Loading spoil earth in truck by mean of main loading belt conveyor mounted on the left side of the trencher.
The belt conveyor is covered by sheets of metal to avoid that the stones fall on the operators or on the road,
conveyor width 600mm
6- Belt conveyor mounted on ball bearing to allow the right loading in the dump of the truck, even in the road
curve. Width 700 mm
S.A.S. au capital de 305.500 €- Siret 846 950 186 000 11 - Code APE 295 D – code TVA IC : FR 75 846 950 186
Etablissement principal, usine, administration et magasins : Route de Toulouse - BP 22 - 82303 CAUSSADE Cedex (France)
Tél : 05 63 65 17 83 - Fax : 05 63 65 09 21
INTERNET. http://www.risa.fr - E.mail : [email protected]
Siège social : 128, rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS - RCS Nanterre B 846 950 186
Lateral Transfer conveyor standard for excavated material, integral to the tractor, variable speed,
hydraulically driven for lateral position, length 2500 mm, width 600 mm
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Inclination adjustment by a tilting hydraulic cylinder mounted on a turning vertical saddle, +/- 12°,
Counterweight and tools box in front of trencher
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without conveyors and chain tool : Length= 8500 mm - width= 3400 mm – Height = 3400 mm –
32,500 T
with lateral conveyor : Length= 12500 mm - width= 3400 mm – Height = 3700 mm - 34,500 T
Weight of double chain, with 600 mm trenching width : 3 T
Set of rubber pads to mount on steel tracks, width : 500 mm
Shoes for small depth
Front hydraulic arms to support cable drum of Ø 3,20 m, maximum weight 5000 Kg.
Les photos de ce document sont non contractuelles
S.A.S. au capital de 305.500 €- Siret 846 950 186 000 11 - Code APE 295 D – code TVA IC : FR 75 846 950 186
Etablissement principal, usine, administration et magasins : Route de Toulouse - BP 22 - 82303 CAUSSADE Cedex (France)
Tél : 05 63 65 17 83 - Fax : 05 63 65 09 21
INTERNET. http://www.risa.fr - E.mail : [email protected]
Siège social : 128, rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS - RCS Nanterre B 846 950 186