Olympic and mega-event transport - mobility-bovy
Olympic and mega-event transport - mobility-bovy
1 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 20.4.2014 Olympic and mega-event transport bibliography 1997-2014 Compiled and updated by Prof. Philippe BOVY, Lausanne, Switzerland May 2014 update (Ref 255) Foreword: This bibliography is on Olympic papers in the following domains: and other mega-event transport. It also covers • Olympic Games urban, environmental, economical, sustainable development and legacy aspects, • Mega-event bidding methodology, candidature questionnaire and evaluation reports • FIFA and UEFA mega football tournament transport planning and operations Some author’s papers listed below can be downloaded from: www.mobility-bovy.ch > my Publications Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 2 20.4.2014 Source: “The role of transport in mega event organization: from bidding to legacy”, Bovy Ph., UITP January 2008 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 3 20.4.2014 Bibliography May 2014 update 1. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event transport planning, innovation, legacy and sustainability”, AISTSSEMOS, Lausanne, February 2014, pp 86, www.mobility-bovy.ch 2. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event organization and bidding: the role of transport”, AISTS-SEMOS Lausanne, February 2013, pp 64, www.mobility-bovy.ch 3. Abebe N, Bolton M, Pavelka M, Pierstorff M, “Bidding for Development -- How the Olympic Bid Process can accelerate transportation development”, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, January 2014, pp 95, http://www.springer.com/economics/book/978-1-4614-8911-5 2013 4. Bovy Ph., “FIFA 2018 World Cup transport planning challenges and strategy”, Transport Planning for FIFA 2018 in Russia training Seminar, November 2013, Moscow, pp47, www.mobility-bovy.ch 5. Bovy Ph., “London 2012 Olympic Games Outstanding Transport and Traffic Management Success”, Olympic and mega-event transport news, October 2013, www.mobility-bovy.ch 6. Bovy Ph., “Barcelona 1992 to Rio 2016 Olympics: Progress in City and Transport legacy th and sustainability”, 6 International Sport Business Symposium, University of Buenos Aires, September 2013, pp 63, www.mobility-bovy.ch 7. IOC, 2022 Candidature Acceptance Procedure– Games of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games , IOC Lausanne, May 2013, www.olympic.org 8. IOC, Report of the 2020 Evaluation Commission, IOC Lausanne, 19 April 2013, www.olympic.org, 2012 9. Sumner H., “Delivering London 2012: Meeting the transport challenge”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 165, TR4, Fall 2012 10. Sumner H. “London 2012: Transport legacy”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 165, TR4, Fall 2012 11. Kershaw S. “Delivering London 2012: Transport programme assurance”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 165, TR4, Fall 2012 12. Dosunmu B., “Delivering London 2012: Transport demand forecasting”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 165, TR4, Fall 2012 13. Emmerson D., “Delivering London 2012: Transport operations delivery”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol 165, TR4 Fall 2012 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 4 20.4.2014 14. Manelli S. “Transport planning for mega-events—feedbacks from EURO 2012”, International Automotive Forum, Moscow, Oct 2012 15. IOC, “Olympic Studies Centers in the World—2012 List”, IOC Studies Center, Lausanne, Sept 2012, www.olympic.org/olympic-studies-centre 16. Economist Intelligence Unit; “Legacy 2012- Understanding the Impact of the Olympic Games”, The Economist Group, London Sept 12, 2012 17. Chappelet J.L. “ Have the Olympics become too big?” Oxford University Conference, August 3th 2012, IDHEAP-Lausanne 18. Beyer A. “Les habits neufs du transport public à Rio de Janeiro – Evolution de l’offre de transport de bus dans la perspective des JO 2016”, Editions Choiseuil - Problèmes d’Amérique Latine, N 85, été 2012, pp. 45-59; http://www.cairn.info/revue-problemes-d-ameriquelatine-2012-3-page-45.htm 19. IOC, “Olympic Games: Legacies and Impacts”, IOC Studies Center, Lausanne, July 2012, pp 92, www.olympic.org 20. IOC, “Olympic Legacy”, IOC-Lausanne, June 2012, pp 68, www.olympic.org 21. CMU, “Olympic Bid Process: An engine for transportation developments”, Carnegie-Mellon University--Heinz College, MSPPM- Washington DC, May 2012, pp 45 22. Crawford D. “Olympics setting transport records”, TEC, London, May 2012 23. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event transport planning and legacy”, AISTS-SEMOS, Lausanne, May 2012, pp 84, www.mobility-bovy.ch 24. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event organization and bidding: the case of transport”, AISTS-SEMOS Lausanne, May 2012, pp 63, www.mobility-bovy.ch 25. Hendy P. “Transport Planning for an Olympic Games”, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, Vol 5, N° 4 Summer 2012 26. IOC, “2020 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire—Games of the XXXII Olympiad”, IOC-Lausanne, May 2012, pp. 230, www.olympic.org 27. CMU, “Olympic Bid Process: An engine for Transportation Development”, Carnegie-Mellon University Heinz College, Washington May 2012, pp.43 28. IOC, “Games of the XXXII Olympiad 2020 Working Group Report”, IOC-Lausanne, April 5, 2012, p 90, www.olympic.org 29. LLDC, “Your sustainability guide to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030”, London Legacy Development Corporation, London, April 2012, www.londonlegacy.co.uk 30. Kassens-Noor E. “Transport Legacies of the Olympics Games 1992-2012”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2012 31. Agha N., Fairley S., Gibson H., “Considering legacy as a multi-dimensional construct: the legacy of the Olympic Games”, Sport Management Review, Vol 15, Issue1, February 2012 32. Maennig W., Zimbalist R. “International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events”, Elgar, 2012, pp 640 33. Kassens-Noor E. “Planning Olympic Legacies—Transport Dreams and Urban Realities”, Routledge, New York, 2012, pp 131, http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415689717/ Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 5 20.4.2014 34. Currie,G., Shalaby A., “Synthesis of Transport Planning Approaches for the World Largest events”, Transport Reviews Vol 32, N° 1 January 2012, pp 113-136 35. Tufo F., Manelli S., “Mega-événements: les petites nations exclues?”, Route et Trafic , Zurich, N°1-2, 2012 2011 36. IOC, «Second Winter Youth Olympic Games Report- Lillehammer», IOC-Lausanne, November 2011, www.olympic.org 37. Bovy Ph. «Transportation accelerated developments for world mega-events”, II nd International Road Congress on “Road Traffic Management in the Russian Federation”, Moscow, November 22th, 2011, www.mobility-bovy.ch 38. Beyer A. “L’échéance des Jeux Olympiques 2016 et les stratatégies de restructuration du transport métropolitain de Rio de Janeiro”, Confins- Revista franco-brasilera de geografia, N 12—2011; http://confins.revues.org/7087 39. Bovy Ph. “Large-scale international sport events as development impulse for transport infrastructure at international, federal, regional and host City levels” FIFA 2018WCup th Transport service planning Seminar, Ekaterinburg, Oct 27-28 2011, www.mobility-bovy.ch 40. Bovy Ph. “WCup 2018 Host City sketch transport plan”, FIFA 2018 WCup Transport service th planning Seminar, Ekaterinburg, Oct 27-28 2011, www.mobility-bovy.ch 41. Zhang Y., “How Shanghai met the EXPO 2010 transport challenge”, TEC, August 2011 42. IOC, “Road to London 2012- Facts and Figures”, IOC Olympic Studies Centre, Lausanne, July 2011, pp 172 43. ODA, “Transport Plan for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games”, Second edition, ODA -- Olympic Delivery Authority, London, June 2011, pp 238 44. Bovy Ph., “Olympic and football mega-events: transport outstanding progresses and sustainable legacies” FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia- Transport Infrastructure Seminar, th Ministry of transport, Moscow, June 28 , 2011, www.mobility-bovy.ch 45. IOC, “Candidature acceptance procedure for the Games of the XXXII Olympiad -- 2020”, IOC-Lausanne, May 2011, pp 111, www.olympic.org 46. SBB Project Euro 2008, “Project Euro 2008 Tournament railway operations”, SBB, Bern 2011 47. IOC, “Report of the IOC 2018 Evaluation Commission for the XXIII Winter Olympiad”, IOCLausanne, May 2011, pp 115, www.olympic.org 48. CEO-UAB; “An Olympic Mosaic – Multidisciplinary Research and Dissemination of Olympic Studies”, CEO-UAB, Centre d’Estudis Olimpics –Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, April 2011, pp 231, http://olympicstudies.uab.es/eng/ 49. Liu X, et all, “Spectator arrival and departure traffic in Beijing Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremony” 50. Host City, “Euro 2102- Ukraine’s rocky road” and “Euro 2102-Poland’s infrastructure scramble”, Host City-Cavendish Group, London, February 2011, www.hostcity.net 2010 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 6 20.4.2014 51. Manelli S., “Mobility management and public transport for mega-events”, Seventh Venice International Conference/ Big events and transport, Venice, Oct 2010 52. ESRC, “London 2012 – Olympic Games Impact Study – Pre Games Report”, ESRC, London October 2010,pp 135 53. Bovy Ph. “Olympic transport, environment, legacy and sustainability political implications”, Beijing - Lausanne Summit UMVO Seminar 2010, AISTS-Lausanne, Oct. 2010, pp. 53 54. Host City, “The rights and wrongs of South Africa 2010”, Host City-Cavendish Group, London, August 2010, www.cavendishgroup.co.uk 55. Kassens-Noor E., “Planning for peak demands in transport systems : an agenda for research”, 12 WCTR, Lisbon, July 2010 56. Rubert M. da Silva L., “Strategies for transport during Sports Mega-events and their degree of importance”, XVI Panam Conf., Lisbon, July 2010 57. Singapore YOG 2010, “Youth Olympic Games Transport Guide”, Singapore YOG Organising Committee, Singapore, 2010, pp.218 58. Singapore YOG 2010, “Give Way, Traffic measures and Access Plans for Games Activities”, Singapore Land Transport Authority, July 2010 59. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event transportation planning and impact mitigation” Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit Seminar; AISTS-Lausanne, June 2010, www.mobility-bovy-ch 60. IOC, “2018 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire”, IOC-Lausanne, June 2010, 252pp 61. Bovy Ph. “Mega-events: No transport white elephants”, Siemens ITS magazine for Intelligent Traffic Systems; Munich, June 2010 62. UEFA, «UEFA European Football Championship Final Tournament 2016- Bid Evaluation Report », UEFA-Nyon, May 2010, pp. 55 63. IOC; “XXIII Olympic Winter Games - 2018 Working Group Report”; IOC-Lausanne, April 2010, 66pp 64. Chappelet J.L.,”Mega Sporting Event Legacy: A multifaceted concept”, India Habitat Conference in New Dehli, IDHEAP-University of Lausanne, March 2010 65. Bovy Ph.; “Olympic transport and sustainability” UCB-University of British Columbia Think Tank on Sustainability and Sports Events, Vancouver, February 2010 66. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event organization and bidding: the case of transport”, AISTS-SEMOS, Lausanne, February 2010 67. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event transport organization and sustainability”, AISTS-SEMOS, Lausanne, February 2010 68. TDM Encyclopedia; “Special Event Transport Management”, Victoria Transport Policy Institute; Victoria; Canada; January 2010 update, www.vtpi.org Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 7 20.4.2014 69. Thomas S. “Transport security: the Olympic challenge- London 2012”, UITP-Public Transport International, Brussels, N°1---Jan/Feb 2010 70. Clapham W. “Security for the Vancouver Olympics 2010”, UITP-Public Transport International, Brussels, N°1---Jan/Feb 2010 71. Zhou Y. et al, “The impact of transportation control measures on emission reductions during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China”, Atmospheric Environment, Elsevier Vol 44, Issue 3, January 2010, pp 285-293 72. FHWA, “Planned Special Event Traffic Management Website” FHWA Washington DC, January 2010, (www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/eto_tim_pse/index.htm) 2009 73. Bovy Ph., «Aportaciones de los Mega Eventos hacia un mejor desarrollo sostenible del transporte en las ciudades”, International Seminar on Intelligent Mobility, Guadalajara, Mexico, December 2009, Spanish 74. Fankhauser E., Tufo F., Manelli St., “Un EURO 2008 riche en enseignements sur la mobilité événementiell », Les Transports Urbains N° 116, Paris, Décembre 2009 75. Host City, “Special report: The Olympic Host City Election”, Host City – Cavendish Group, London, December 2009, pp 62 76. Bovy Ph., «Mega-events: catalyst for more sustainable transport in Cities”, UITP Latin America mega-event and Public Transport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, English 77. Bovy Ph., « Mega eventos : catalisadores para transporte mais sustável nas cidades”, UITP Latin America mega-event and Public Transport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, Portuguese 78. Bovy Ph., «Mega eventos : catalizador para un transporte más sostenible en las ciudades”, UITP Latin America mega-event and Public Transport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, Spanish 79. Bovy Ph., «Transport strategic planning for football World Cup and other international mega tournaments”, UITP Latin America mega-event and Public Transport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, English 80. Bovy Ph., «Planejamento estratégico de transporte para Copa do Mundo de Futebol e outros mega torneios internacionais”, UITP Latin America mega-event and Public Transport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, Portuguese 81. Bovy Ph. “Planificacion estrategica del transporte para la Copa Mundial de Futbol y otros importantes torneos internationals”, UITP Latin America Mega-event and Public Trasnport Seminar, Recife, Brazil, November 2009, Spanish 82. IOC, “Report of the 2016 Evaluation Commission for the XXXI Olympiad”, IOC-Lausanne, October 1, 2009 83. Kassens E., “Transportation Planning for Mega Events: a Model of Urban Change”, Urban and regional planning doctoral thesis, MIT, Sept 2009, 223pp 84. RSATD (Republic of South Africa Transport Department) and FIFA; “FIFA 2010 World Cup Transport Preparations 2009”, RSATD, Sept. 2009 85. IOC, “2018 Candidature Acceptance Procedure”, IOC-Lausanne, July 2009, pp100 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 8 20.4.2014 86. Bovy Ph. «Transport for mega-events: Catalyst for innovation, sustainability and legacy, The bidding challenge», Milano – SIDT 2009 International Conference, Milano June 2009 87. UITP «Large Events and Public Transport: A winning team », UITP CD-ROM, Brussels, June 2009, with more than 15 case studies on sport, religious, political and music-folkloric events : Athletics World Championship, Paris 2003, FIFA World Cup, Munich 2006, Wembley, London 2007, Tour de France Grand Départ, London 2007, UEFA Champion’s League Finals, Athens 2007, Pope Visit, Paris 2008, G8 Summit, Genova 2008, Oktoberfest, Munich 2008. 88. UITP «Successfully Handling Transport During Large Events—Checklist for Public Transport Professionals», UITP CD-ROM, Brussels, June 2009 (www.uitp.org) 89. UITP «Successfully Handling Transport During Large Events—Focus—A UITP position paper», UITP CD-ROM, Brussels, June 2009 90. Von Rumohr V. «Public transport for large events: Technical guidance for public transport professionals», UITP Working Group on Public Transport & Large Events, UITP-Brussels, June 2009 (www.uitp.org) 91. Bovy Ph. «Jeux Olympiques de Beijing 2008 : Médailles d’or pour les transports et l’environnement», Strasse und Verkehr No 2009/6, Zurich 92. Minis I., Angelopoulos J., Kyrioglou G., “Contribution to the Design of the Car Fleet System during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”, Transport Planning and Technology, vol. 32, n. 2, 2009, pp.115-141. 93. Bovy Ph., "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games success : massive public transport developments and major road traffic reduction", Public Transport International, TPI-No 03/2009, Brussels, May-June 2009 - English 94. Bovy Ph.,"La recette du succès des Jeux Olympiques 2008 à Pékin : un développement massif des transports publics et une réduction drastique du trafic routier", Public Transport International, TPI-No 03/2009, Brussels, May-June 2009 - Français 95. Bovy Ph., "Erfolg der Olympischen Spiele in Peking 2008 : massiver Ausbau des öPNV und bedeutende Reduzierung des Strassenverkehrs", Public Transport International, TPI-No 03/2009, Brussels, May-June 2009 - Deutsch 96. Bovy Ph., "El éxito de los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing 2008 : grandes proyectos de transporte publico y una importante reducción del trafico por carretera", Espagnol 97. Blanc. Ph., Fréchet S. “Bilan de l’EURO 2008 en terme d’accessibilité”, Strasse und Verkehr No 2009/5, Zurich, Mai 2009 98. Bovy Ph., "Organisation des transports pour les méga-événements" Certificat en Administration et technologie du Sport - Institut royal de formation des cadres - Rabat et AISTSLausanne, May 2009 - Partie I and Partie II, conférences en français 99. AISTS-MSA Team Project, « Measuring the Impact and Challenges of the EURO 2008 on Public Authorities of Hosting Cities », AISTS-Lausanne Spring 2009 (www.aists.org ) 100. Chappelet J.-L. & Kleiner M. “La gouvernance particulière du Championnat d’Europe de football”, in “Le football en Suisse”, Neuchâtel 2009 , Editions CIES, pp.69-80 101. UEFA, «UEFA European Football Championship Final Tournament 2016 - Tournament requirements », UEFA-Nyon, April 2009, 20 chapters (chap. 9 Ground Transport and chap 10 Airports) 102. UEFA, «UEFA European Football Championship Final Tournament 2016 – Bid Dossier template», UEFA-Nyon, April 2009, 20 chapters (chap. 9 Ground Transport and chap 10 Airports) Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 9 20.4.2014 103. Rose A., Spiegel M., «The Olympic Effect» University of California at Berkeley, April 2009 104. CNOSF, “Rapport de la Commission d’Evaluation du CNOSF pour la procédure de sélection nationale d’une ville requérante aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques d’hiver de 2018”, Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français, Paris, 12 mars 2009 105. Bovy Ph., "Mega event transport planning and mobility management", Sport Event Management & Organisation Seminar (SEMOS), Lausanne, February 2009 2008 106. Brazil –Ministry of sports, “Legados de Megaeventos Esportivos—Legacies of Sports mega-events”, 55 papers, Brasilia 2008 / ISBN 978-85-61892-00-5, 608pp 107. Metropolis 2008, “Mega Events Cities”, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Sydney, 2008, 172pp 108. Host City; “Special report: Summer Olympic Games”, Host-City-Cavendish Group, London, Winter 2008, pp.80 109. Liu X, Guo J, Sun Z, “Traffic Operation with comments during the Beijing Olympic Games”, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, vol 8, issue 6, Dec 2008 110. FIFA Green Goal. “Legacy report – The 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany”, Organizing Committee 2006 FIFA World Cup, Frankfurt/Main, 2008, 122pp 111. Chappelet J.L, «Olympic Environmental Concerns as a Legacy of the Winter Games», International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 25—issue 14, Routledge, 2008 112. Department for Transport, “Designation of the Olympic network: a consultation paper”, DfT, London, Dec 2008 (www.dft.gov.uk), 94pp 113. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “London 2012 Sustainability Update -Towards a one Planet 2012”, ODA-London, Dec 2008 (www.london2012.com) 114. Kuehni S. “Olympic Parks – Feasible Solutions for Legacy?”, AISTS-Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology, Lausanne, Dec 2008, (www.aists.ch ), 97pp 115. CITEC; “Uma Eurocopa rica em ensinamentos sobre a mobilidada urbana em eventos semelhantes ao da Copa do Mundo de 2014 no Brasil”, Citec-Geneva; 2008 116. Fankhauser E, “Un EURO 2008 riche en enseignements sur la mobilité événementielle”, Strasse und Verkehr No 2008/12, Zurich, Dec 2008 117. FHWA-ITS, “Intelligent Transportation Systems for Planned Special Events: A Cross-Cutting Study”, FHWA-Office of Operations, Washington; Nov 2008 118. Kallen M., “EURO 2008, Austria-Switzerland, Executive Report”, UEFA – Euro 2008 COO Office, Nyon – Switzerland, Nov. 2008 119. Weibel B., Schaer A., «Rapport final au Conseil Fédéral—Championnat d’Europe de football 2008—EURO 2008», Office Fédéral du Sport, Macolin, Nov 2008, pp 128 120. EURO 2008 CH+OST, “Nachhaltigkeitsbericht UEFA- EURO 2008”, Official national report, Bern und Wien Nov 2008, 80pp 121. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Pace 3 : Docklands Light Railway”, ODALondon, Nov 2008 (www.london2012.com) Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 10 20.4.2014 122. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Your Olympic Park”, ODA-London, Nov 2008 (www.london2012.com) 123. Zhou L., “ Policy and Measures on Beijing Transportation during the Olympic Games”, BMCC- Beijing Municipal Committee of Communication, presentation to UITP-Asia Pacific Tour, October 2008 (www.uitp.org) 124. He Y. “Measures for Olympic Transportation Service”, BTMB – Beijing Transportation Management Bureau, presentation to UITP-Asia Pacific Tour, October 2008 (www.uitp.org) 125. CNOSF, “Procédure de sélection nationale d’une ville requérante aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques d’hiver de 2018”, Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français, Paris, October 2008 126. Fankhauser E., “UEFA EURO 2008-Host City Genf - Bilanz Verkehr”, Fachtagung UEFA EURO 2008 -Zurich Airport, CITEC-Geneva, Sept 2008. 127. Berner T.et al. “UEFA EURO 2008 Schlusssbericht Teil Project Infrastrucktur und Verkehr “, Infras, Bern, Oct 2008 128. UEFA-EURO 2008 “Verkehrsmanagement und Mobilitätsverhalten zu den Spielen in Osterreich- Abschlussbericht”, Wien/Mödling, August 2008, 72pp 129. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Pace 2: Legacy”, ODA-London, August 2008 (www.london2012.com) 130. Chappelet J-L, “Le choix des villes olympiques ou la realpolitik du CIO” présenté à IFRIParis, IDHEAP- Lausanne, juillet 2008 131. IOC, “2018 Candidature Acceptance Procedure–XXIII Olympic Winter Games”, IOCLausanne, July 2008,100pp 132. Sydney Olympic Park, “Master Plan 2030 Draft”, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Sydney, July 2008, 279 pp 133. Bovy Ph. “Transports en Chine et transports olympiques pour Pékin 2008”, Strasse und Vekehr No 2008/6, Zurich, June 2008 134. IOC, “2016 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire – Games of the XXXI Olympiad”, IOC-Lausanne, June 2008, 256pp 135. Chappelet J.L. et Kleiner M. “La gouvernance du championnat d’Europe de football”, June 2008 (www.idheap.ch) 136. Minis I. and Tsamboulas, D., Contingency Planning and War Gaming for the Athens 2004 Olympic Transport Operations, Transport Reviews A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal, 2008, vol. 28, n. 2, pp. 259 - 280. 137. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Accessible Transport Strategy”, ODA-London, May 2008 (www.london2012.com) 138. Blanc. Ph., Fréchet S. “L’accessibilité aux Stades d’Euro 2008”, Strasse und Verkehr No 2008/5, Zurich, Mai 2008 139. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Pace 1: Travel Demand Forecasting”, ODALondon, April 2008 (www.london2012.com) 140. IOC, “Games of the XXXI Olympiad 2016 Working Group Report”, IOC-Lausanne, March 2008, 110pp Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 11 20.4.2014 141. Bovy Ph. “Des transports pour les Jeux Olympiques de Beijing 2008”, revue SIA-Traces, No 05/08, Lausanne, March 2008 142. Bovy Ph. «Explosion du réseau routier et des transports en Chine», revue SIA-Traces, No 05/08, Lausanne, March 2008 143. Manelli S., Fankhauser E. Tufo F., «A Ginevra in occasione dell’EURO 2008: Per una mobilità sostenibile durante un grande evento sportivo», IngegneriTorino 4/2008, Torino (www.ording.torino.it) 144. Chappelet J.L. “Olympic environmental concerns as a legacy of the Winter Games”, Paper presented at Olympic Legacies Conference, Oxford, March 2008, also in “Olympic Legacies” International Journal of Sport History, vol 25, Issue 14, 2008 145. Felske E. and COB, “Transport and traffic at the Rio 2007 Pan American Games”, Debriefing , Comite Olimpico Brasileiro RIO 2007, February 2008 146. Collins P. “An Olympic Summer Transport for London in 1948”, Ian Allan ed. London 2008, pp 152 147. Bovy Ph. “The role of transport in mega event organization: from bidding to legacy”, conference given to UITP-International Association of Public Transport Task Group on Mega events, Brussels, January 2008 148. Fankhauser E. et al, “Genève pose les bases d’une mobilité conviviale à l’EURO 2008”, Strasse und Vekehr No 2008/1-2, Zurich, Jan-Feb 2008 149. Allen J, Mc Donnell at al, “Festival and Special Event Management” (Australia); John Wiley and Sons, 4th Edition, Sydney 2008 150. DaCosta, L. “Legados de Megaeventos Esportivos”, Ministerio de Esporte de Brasil, Brasilia 2008, pp605 2007 151. CFM-World Congress, “Mobility Management during the 9th National Games of China in Guangzhou 2001”, CFM-Congress 2007, 46pp 152. ODA-Olympic Delivery Authority-London 2012, “Move - Transport Plan for London 2012”, ODA-London, Oct 2007 (www.london2012.com), 211pp 153. Bovy Ph. “Transport and mobility management challenges for the world largest megaevent: 1992-2012 Summer Olympic Games”, conference given at the University of California at Berkeley, Sept 2007, 74pp. 154. CGF, “ Report of the CGF Evaluation Commission for the 2014 CG Games”, Commonwealth Games Federation, London, Sept 2007 (www.thecgf.com), 136pp 155. Minis I., Keys E. and Athanasopoulos T.; Contribution to the Design of the Athletes Bus Network During the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Transportation Research Part A, v. 40, n. 9, 2007, pp. 776-791 156. Short W., "Delivering Excellent Transport for the London 2012 Olympic Games & Paralympics Games", conference given at the China Planning Network Urban Transport Congress, Beijing, August 2007 (http://chinaurbantransport.com) 157. RTA; “Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events”; RTA and New South Wales Police-Sydney, Aug 2006 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 12 20.4.2014 158. BTRC - Ma Hai Hong, “ Planning and organization of Public Transport for the Beijing Olympic Games”, conference given at the ASIA 2007 Traffic Summit in Singapore, Beijing Transport Research Centre, Beijing, July 2007, 58pp 159. Bovy Ph. “ World mega-events transport and traffic schemes: 1992-2012 Olympic Games experience”, conference given at the ASIA 2007 Traffic Summit in Singapore, July 2007, 60pp 160. IOC, “Technical Manual on Transport”, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, June 2007, 495pp 161. FHWA, “Managing Travel for Planned Special Events. Handbook-Executive Summary” FHWA; Washington; June 2007, (www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov) 162. AISTS, “Economic Impact Study of the IOC on Lausanne and the Lemanic Arc-Summary”, AISTS, June 2007 ( www.aists.org) 163. IOC, “Report of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014”, IOC-Lausanne, June 2007, 93pp 164. Frantzeskakis J., “Planning Athens Transportation for the Olympic Games and First Appraisal of Results”, Transportation Science and Technology edited by K. G. Goulas, Elsevier 2007 165. IOC, “Environment and sustainable development Factsheet”, International Olympic Committee Information Centre, Lausanne Feb. 2007 166. Bovy Ph., “Transport and Mobility for Mega-events: the Olympic Games”, AISTS-Lausanne, Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technologies, Lausanne Feb. 2007 (www.aists.org), 81pp 167. Argyrakos G., Coutroumba F., Petrakis K., Frantzeskakis J. and M., “Strategic Transport Planning for the Athens 2004 Olympics”, HITE-CD-2007 168. Delis D., Frantzeskakis M., “Traffic and Demand Management for the Athens 2004 Olympics”, HITE-CD-2007 169. Dimitriou D., Karlaftis M., Stathopoulos A., “Sampling for Public Transport during Large Events - A Venue Based Approach”, HITE-CD-2007 170. Dimitriou D., Karlaftis M., Kepaptsoglou K., Stathopoulos A., “Public Transportation during the Athens 2004 Olympics”, HITE-CD-2007 171. Bovy Ph., “Games to Games Transfer of Knowledge”, HITE-CD-2007, Athens, Jan 2007 2006 172. RSATD ( Republic of South Africa transport Department), “Transport Action Plan for 2010Version Year 2006”, RSATD, 2006, 164pp. 173. Zheng Shusen, “Beijing Speeds Up Development of Public Transport Systems to receive the 2008 Olympic Games”, UITP- Public Transport International, No 6/2006, Brussels, Dec. 2006 174. Bovy Ph., “Solving outstanding mega-event transport challenges: the Olympic Experience”, in Public Transport International, TPI-No 06/2006, Brussels, Dec. 2006 175. Minis I.,Paraschi M. and Tzinourtas A., The Design of Logistics Operations for the Olympic Games, Journal of Supply Chain and Physical Distribution Management, vol. 36, n. 8, 2006, pp. 621-642 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 13 20.4.2014 176. Karlaftis, M., Kepaptsoglou, K., Stathopoulos, “Decision Support Systems for Planning Bus Operations During Mega Events: the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics”, 11th IFACSymposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, 2006 177. ODA- Olympic Delivery Authority- London, “Transport Plan for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games”, ODA Consultation draft, London, October 2006, 201pp 178. FHWA., “Planned Special Events: Checklists for Practitioners”, Office of Transport Management, Washington DC, October 2006 (www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/psechecklists/index.htm 179. Bovy Ph., “Mega-events Transport and Security (TS): the Olympic Case”, International Conference on Major Event Security, London Oct. 2006 180. Frantzeskakis J. and M., “Athens 2004 Olympic Games: Transportation Planning, Simulation and Traffic Management”, ITE Journal, Washington Oct. 2006 181. 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Athens Olympic Organizing Committee - ATHOC, “Official report of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad”, Volumes I and II (Transport in Games Services Chapter), Athens, Nov. 2005, 540pp 188. Athens Olympic Organizing Committee - ATHOC, “Transport review”, Post Games Official Report, Athens, Nov. 2005 189. CGF, “Candidate City Manual – 2014 Games”, Commonwealth Games Federation, London, November 2005 (www.thecgf.com), 171pp 190. Karlaftis, M., Kepaptsoglou, K., Stathopoulos, A., “Paratransit Service Optimization for Special Events”, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1903, Washington, D.C., 2005 191. London 2012; “London Olympic Bill”, House of Commons, London, July 2005 192. Bovy Ph. “Transport Sustainability in Europe”, Curso de Mobilidade et Sustentabilidades Sao Paulo - Brazil, June 2005 193. Bovy Ph. “Mega-event bidding—the role of transport”, CIES-University of Neuchatel post grade course, June 2005 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 14 20.4.2014 194. Carbonell J. “The Olympic Village, ten years on: the legacy of the Games 1992-2002”, Centre of Olympic Studies- Barcelona, 2005 195. IOC, “Candidature Acceptance Procedure: XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014”, Lausanne, 2005, 102pp 196. IOC, “Report of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the Games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012”, IOC-Lausanne, March 2005, 123pp 197. Rail and Public Transport, “Special report on Olympics 2012 Transport Proposals: Paris, Madrid, London, Moscow and New York”, Editions la Vie du Rail, Paris, March 2005 2004 198. Bovy Ph. “Rail developments for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai 2010 World Expo” Asia Rail 2004, Hong Kong , Dec 2004, 51pp 199. Karlaftis, M. G., Kepatsoglou, K., Stathopoulos, A., Starra, A., “Planning Public Transport Networks for the 2004 Summer Olympics with Decision Support Systems”, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1887, Washington, D.C, 2004 200. London 2012, “London 2012 Candidate City”, volume III - chap. 14 Transport, London 2004, pp 180 201. Zagorianakos E., “Athens 2004 Olympic Games Transportation Plan: a missed opportunity for Strategic Environmental Assessment Integration?” Journal of Transport Geography 12/2004, Elsevier 2004 202. Bovy Ph. «Athens 2004 Olympic Games Transport», Strasse und Verkehr No 7-8/2004, Zurich 2004 203. Viennet R. “Grâce aux JO les transports d’Athènes gagnent vingt ans”, Transport Public No 1037, Paris, Juin 2004 204. Bovy Ph. et Liaudat Chr. «Trafic de support logistique de grandes manifestations», Strasse+Verkehr No 05/2004, Zurich, May 2004 205. IOC, “Candidature Acceptance Procedure—XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014”, IOCLausanne, 2005, 102pp 206. Bovy Ph., “Summer Olympic Games Transport requirements and Past Experience”, Beijing Municipality and Beijing Science and Technology Association Conference (conference in Chinese), Beijing, May 2004 207. IOC, “2012 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire - Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012”, IOC-Lausanne, May 2004, 260pp 208. Bovy Ph. “Shanghai 2010 World Expo - What strategic transport, accessibility and mobility issues?”, Shanghai 2010 Planning Seminar, April 2004, 52pp 209. Lambelet R., Tufo F., Fankhauser E., “Palexpo-Genève: gestion du traffic généré par le Salon de l’automobile”, Strasse und Verkehr No 2004/3, Zurich, Mars 2004 210. IOC, “Games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012 - Report of the IOC Candidature Acceptance Working Group”, IOC-Lausanne, March 2004, 106pp 211. Bovy Ph. “High Performance Public Transport: A must for Very Large Events», UITP- Public Transport International, PTI - No 2/2004, Brussels 2004, (in English/ German / French / Spanish Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 15 20.4.2014 212. Cartalis C., «Olympic Greece at a glance », Hellenic Ministry of Culture - General Secretariat for the Olympic Games, Athens Feb. 2004, 96pp 2003 213. Schnull R., “Traffic planning and management concept for the Hanover EXPO 2000”, OECD-ECMT Round Table 122, Paris, 2003, 61-96 pp. 214. Heinze W. « Mega-events in Berlin », OECD-ECMT Round Table 122, Paris, 2003, 7-60 pp. 215. De Vogelaere L., “Mobility and the Euro 2000 Football Championship”, OECD-ECMT Round Table 122, Paris, 2003, 167-204 pp. 216. Nunes da Silva F., «Transport for the 1998 Lisbon world exhibition EXPO 98», OECD-ECMT Round Table 122, Paris, 2003, 205-234 pp. 217. Kim K-J., «Transportation plans for the 2002 Korea Japan World Cup» OECD-ECMT Round Table 122, Paris, 2003, 279-304 pp. 218. Bovy Ph. et al. «Les grandes manifestations: planification, gestion des mobilités et impacts» Strasse+Verkehr, No 12/2003, Zurich, Dec 2003 219. Bovy Ph. “Turning a large event into an opportunity for the City and a chance for the th metro”, UITP 77 Metropolitan Railways Assembly, Athens Oct. 2003, 51pp 220. Miller D., «Athens to Athens: the Official History of the Olympic Games and the IOC 19842004», Mainstream Publishing, London 2003, 528pp 221. Bovy Ph. Potier F. et Liaudat Ch., «Les grandes manifestations: planification, gestion des mobilités et impacts», Editions de l’Aube / Seuil, Paris 2003, 205pp 222. Pound R., «Olympic Games Study Commission», IOC, Report to 115th IOC Session- Prague, Lausanne, 2003, pp 458 223. FIS, “FIS Alpine World Ski Championships St Moritz 2003-Final Report”, OK FIS Ski WM 2003, St Moritz 2003, 120pp 224. Kasimati E., «Economic Aspects of the Summer Olympics : A Review of Related Research», International Journal of Tourism Research 5/2003, Wiley Interscience, 2003 225. IOC, “Candidature Acceptance Procedure—Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012”, IOCLausanne, 2003 226. Bovy Ph.; Liaudat Ch., “Large Event Logistical and Support Traffic Management”, MDT-EPFLausanne, April 2003, 23pp 227. Liaudat ch., “Observatoire des mobilités pour les grandes manifestations”, Third Swiss Transport Research Confrence, Ascona, March 2003, 21pp 228. IOC, “Report of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the XXI Olympic Winter Games in 2010”, IOC-Lausanne, March 2003, 75pp 229. Bovy Ph., Liaudat Ch., “Trafic de support logistique de grandes manifestations”, EPFLausanne, Jan. 2003, 173pp 230. US Office of Transportation Management; “Managing Travel for Planned Special Events” Handbook 448pp; Washington 2003,(www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/program_areas/sp-eventsmgmt/handbook/handbook.pdf) Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 16 20.4.2014 231. NCHRP; “ Transportation Planning for Special Events”, NCHRP Synthesis 309, TRB; Washington January 2003 2002 232. Hensher D. and Brewer A. «Going for Gold at the Sydney Olympics : How did transport perform?», Transport Review vol 22/4, 2002 233. Metropolis, «The impact of major events on the development of large Cities», World Association of Major Metropolises, Seoul 2002 Congress, May 2002, (www.metropolis.org), 79pp 234. Essex St. And Chalkley B, «The changing Infrastructural Implications of the Winter Olympic Games 1924-2002», Boletin de la Societa Geografica Italiana, serie XII, Vol VII, 2002 235. Furrer Ph. «Sustainable Olympic Games : a Dream or a reality ?», Boletin de la Societa Geografica Italiana, serie XII, Vol 7, 2002 236. ECMT-OECD, «Transport and Exceptional Public Events», Round Table 122, Paris, Feb. 2002 237. Bovy Ph. «Mega Sports Event Transportation and main Mobility Management Issues», OECD Round Table 122, Paris, Feb 2002 2001 238. Sydney Olympic Organizing Committee - SOCOG «Official report of the Games of the XXIXth Olympiad”, Sydney, SOCOG, 2001 239. Bovy Ph., “Large Scale Sports Event Transport”, SEMOS-Sports Event Management and Organisation Seminar, AISTS-Lausanne, Oct 2001 240. Olympic Road and Traffic Authority (ORTA), «Nothing Bigger than this --Transport for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games», ORTA, Sydney, Aug 2001, 112 pp 241. Chappelet J.L. «Management of the Olympic Games: the lessons from Sydney», European Journal for Sport Management, Special Issue 2001 “ Managing Olympic Games and Olympic Sport” 242. Bovy Ph., «Olympic Transport until today…and towards 2004», Hellenistic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) Olympic Seminar, Athens, June 2001 243. Balderstone S, « Agenda 21 and IOC Requirements» IOC/IUA Joint Conference, IOCLausanne, May 2001 244. Andranovich G. et al, “Olympic Cities: Lessons learned from Mega-event Politics”, Journal of Urban Affairs, vol 23, number 2, 2001 245. Bovy Ph., «Exceptional Mobility Management for Large Events: Transport Issues for the Sydney 2000 Olympics», UITP 54th World Congress, London May 2001 246. Olympic Road and Traffic Authority (ORTA), «Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Transfer of Transport Know How», ORTA, Sydney, March 2001 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 17 20.4.2014 2000 and before 247. Bovy Ph. “Integrated Urban Planning and Transport Development for more Sustainable Mobility», UITP-Mexico 2000 Conference, Mexico City, April 2000 248. Bovy Ph. «Jeux Olympiques Sydney 2000», Strasse+Verkehr No 1/2000, Zurich, January 2000 249. Bovy Ph., «Des tests de gestion du trafic pour les Jeux Olympiques Sydney 2000», Revue Transport No 397, Paris, sept-oct 1999 250. Greenpeace; “How Green the Games—Transport at Sydney Olympic Games”,Greenpeace Australia-Pacific, Sydney , September 2000, 68pp 251. Chialkley B., Essex S., «Urban development through hosting international events : a history of the Olympic Games», Planning Perspectives,14/1999, Taylor+Francis, 1999 252. Bovy Ph., Liaudat Ch. «Fête des vignerons 1999 à Vevey - des transports conviviaux pour une manifestation exceptionnelle», Strasse+Verkehr, N° 7/1999, Zurich, July 1999 253. Roth. Ph. «Conception des transports pour les Jeux Olympiques: les cas de Barcelone 1992 et d’Atlanta 1996», EPFL-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (student paper in French), Lausanne June 1997 254. French S. and Disher M., «Atlanta and the Olympics», Journal of the American Planning Association, 1997 vol 63, issue 3 255. Millet Lluis, “Olympic Villages after the Games”, CEO-UAB, Centre of Olympic StudiesBarcelona, 1997 Web sources Olympic Summer and Winter and Youth Olympic websites: • www.olympic.org • www.london2012.com • www.sochi2014.com • www.nanjing2014.org/en/ • www.rio2016.org.br • www.cidadeolimpica.com ( City of Rio de Janeiro Olympic site) Football WorldCup and EURO • www.copa2014.gov.br • www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html • www.uefa.com/uefaeuro/finals/index.html 18 Olympic Transport Biblio May 2014 © bovy 20.4.2014 Other websites • AISTS--International Academy of Sports Science and Technology - Lausanne www.aists.org • Commonwealth Games www.thecgf.com • FIFA www.fifa.com • UEFA www.uefa.com • Bureau International des Expositions www.bie-paris.org • Olympic Studies Centre, Lausanne www.olympic.org/olympic-studies-centre • Centre of Olympic Studies, Barcelona • Bring in Development olympicstudies.uab.es/eng/ www.bringindevelopment.wordpress.com Compiled and updated by: Philippe Bovy Prof. emeritus, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne IOC Transport Advisor Lausanne, May 2014 Some author’s papers listed above can be downloaded from: www.mobility-bovy.ch ( > My Publications ) Webmaster: Anita Bovy
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