Frank, Richard M. - Thomas


Frank, Richard M. - Thomas
B4/2005/Fr/-1Frank, Richard M.:
Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism in Medieval Islam / Richard M.
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2005. - Getr. Zählung (This vol. contains
X+392 pages).
(Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalām ; 1)
(Variorum Collected Studies Series ; CS833)
B4/2005/Fr/-2Frank, Richard M.:
Early Islamic Theology : the Muʿtazilites and al-Ashʿarī / Richard M.
Aldershot [u.a.] : Ashgate Variorum, 2007. - Getr. Zählung
(This vol. contains XII+384 pages).
(Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalām ; 2)
(Variorum Collected Studies Series ; 834)
B4/2005/Fr/-3Frank, Richard M.:
Classical Islamic Theology : the Ashʿarites / Richard M. Frank.
Aldershot [u.a.] : Ashgate Variorum, 2008. - Getr. Zählung
(This vol. contains X+428 pages).
(Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalām ; 3)
(Variorum Collected Studies Series ; 835)
Ben-Shalom, Ram:
Medieval Jews and the Christian past (Mul tarbut Notsrit <engl.>):
Jewish Historical Consciousness in Spain and Southern France / Ram
Oxford [u.a.] : Littman Library of Jewish Civilization,
2016. - VI, 300 S.
Stern, Gregg:
Philosophy and Rabbinic culture : Jewish interpretation and
controversy in medieval Languedoc / Gregg Stern.
London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2009. - XII, 273 S. : Kt., 24 cm.
(Routledge Jewish studies series)
Islam christianisme
Islam et christianisme : éthique et politique / Marie Thérèse Urvoy,
Versailles : Éd. de Paris, 2010. - 176 S.
(Studia arabica ; 14)
Azadpur, Mohammad :
Reason unbound : on spiritual practice in Islamic Peripatetic
Philosophy / Mohammad Azadpur.
Albany, NY : State Univ. of NY Press, 2011. - VIII, 179 S.
(SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
Daftary, Farhad:
Les ismaéliens dans les sociétés musulmanes médiévales (Ismailis in
medieval Muslim societies <franz.>)/ par Farhad Daftary.
Paris : Vrin, 2011. - 183 S.
(Études Musulmanes ; 44)
Urvoy, Marie-Thérèse :
Éthique et religion au défi de l'histoire / Marie-Thérèse Urvoy,
coordinatrice. - Versailles : Éd. de Paris, 2011. - 206 S.
(Studia Arabica ; 16)
Aspects pensée musulmane :
Aspects de la pensée musulmane / par Roger Arnaldez. - 2. ed.
Paris : Vrin, 2015. - 316 S.
(Etudes Musulmanes ; 47)
Accusations Unbelief Islam :
Accusations of unbelief in Islam : a diachronic perspective on 'takfīr' /
ed. by Camilla Adang, Hassan Ansari, Maribel Fierro and Sabine
Leiden ¬[u.a.] : Brill, 2016. - XVIII, 534 S.
(Islamic History and Civilization ; 123)
Ideas Motion Bagdad :
Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and
theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the
third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries / ed. by Damien Janos.
Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2016. - IX, 479 S.
(Islamic History and Civilization ; 124)
Islam Rationality
Islam and Rationality, Vol.1 : The Impact of al-Ghazālī : Papers
collected on his 900th Anniversary / edited by Georges Tamer.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2015. - XXIII, 454 S.
(Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science ; 94)
'Ansī, Ḥusām al-Dīn ‘Abd Allah ibn Zayd al- :
Kitāb al-Maḥaǧǧa al-bayḍā fī uṣūl al-dīn (al-Maḥajjah al-bayḍā' fī
uṣūl al-dīn) = Zaydī theology in 7th/13th century Yemen / Ḥusām alDīn ‘Abd Allah ibn Zayd al-'Ansī. Introduction and Indices by
Ḥassan ‘Anṣārī and Sabine Schmidtke. - Facsimile edition (MS
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. arab. 1286) (Copied in
641 A.H.). - Tihrān : Mīrās Maktūb ; Paris : LEM/ Laboratoire
d'Études sur les Monothéismes, 2015. - 491,16 S.
(Miras-e Maktoob ; 284) (Facsimile Series ; 22) (Mirāṣ-i kuhan-i
jahān-i Islām, 9.) (Classical Muslim Heritage Series ; 9)
Philosophy Natural Averroes :
Averroes' Natural Philosophy and its Reception in the Latin West /
Edited by Paul J.J.M. Bakker.
Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2015. - XIV, 249 S.
(Ancient and Medieval Philosophy : Series 1 ; 50)
Masʿūdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Masʿūd :
Doubts on Avicenna (Mabāḥith wa-al-shukūk 'alā l-Ishārāt <arab.> =
Commentary on the 'Ishārāt'): a study and edition of Sharaf al-Dīn alMas'ūdī's commentary on the 'Ishārāt' / by Ayman Shihadeh.
Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2016. - VIII, 286 S.
(Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science ; 95)
Jaffer, Tariq:
Rāzī : master of Qurʾānic interpretation and theological reasoning /
Tariq Jaffer.
New York [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 2015. - viii, 244 S.
Kristó-Nagy, István:
La pensée d'Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ : un "agent double" dans le monde
persan et arabe / István T. Kristó-Nagy.
Versailles [u.a.] : Éd. de Paris, 2013. - 618 S.
(Studia arabica ; 19)
Yalsızuçanlar, Sadık :
Itinéraires d'un soufi (Gezgin <frz.>): récits d'Ibn 'Arabî / Sadık
Yalsızuçanlar ; traduit du turc par Alberto F. Ambrosio, O.P. ; avec la
collaboration de Robert Sctrick ; préface d'Abdelwahab Meddeb.
Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf, 2013. - 299 S. (Patrimoines : Visages de l'islam)
Ibn-Buḫtišūʿ, ʿUbaidallāh Ibn-Ǧibrāʾīl :
Le jardin médical (ar-Rauḍa aṭ-ṭibbīya <franz.>): recueil de
définitions médico-philosophiques / Ubaydallâh Ibn Bakhtîshû.
Trad. et prés. par Gérard Troupeau.
Versailles : Éd. de Paris, 2008. - 72 S.
(Studia Arabica ; 10)
Vasalou, Sophia :
Ibn Taymiyya's Theological Ethics / Sophia Vasalou.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2016. - VIII, 342 S.
Ibn-Zuhr, Abū-Marwān ʿAbd-al-Malik Ibn-Abi-'l-ʿAlā' Zuhr:
Le traité médical (Kitāb at-Taisīr fi 'l-mudāwāt wa't-tadbīr <frz.>)/
par Ibn Zuhr de Séville. Texte traduit, présenté et annoté par Fadila
Paris : Vrin, 2010. - 476 S.
(Études musulmanes ; 43)
Benedetto, Marienza :
Un enciclopedista ebreo alla corte di Federico II : filosofia
e astrologia nel Midrash ha-ḥokmah di Yehudah ha-Cohen /
Marienza Benedetto.
Bari : Edizioni di Pagina, 2010. - 265 S.
(Biblioteca filosofica di Quaestio ; 12)
Klein-Braslavi, Sara :
Perushe ha-Ralbag le-sipure beriʿat ha-adam u-le-sipur Gan ha-ʿEden
= Gersonides' interpretation of the storied of the creation of man and
the Garden of Eden / Śarah Ḳlain-Braslavi.
Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes,
2015. - 421 S.
(Meḥḳar ṿe-ʿiyun)
Kreisel, Howard T.:
Judaism as Philosophy : Studies in Maimonides and the Medieval
Jewish Philosophers of Provence / Howard Kreisel.
Boston, MA : Academic Studies Press, 2015. - xi, 473 S.
(Emunot : Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah)
Rasa'il Iḫwān aṣ-ṣafāʾ:
On 'Astronomia' (Fi 'l-asṭrūnumīyā<arab.-engl.>) : an Arabic critical
Edition and English Translation of Epistle 3 = ar-Risāla aṯ-ṯāliṯa fi
'l-asṭrūnumīyā min al-qism al-ūlā fi 'l-ʿulūm ar-riyāḍīya at-taʿlīmīya /
Edited and translated by F. Jamil Ragep and Taro Mimura.
Oxford : Oxford University Press/OUP : The Institute of Ismaili
Studies, 2015. - XXV, 161, 164 Seiten.
(Epistles of the Brethren of Purity ; Epistle 3)
Rasa'il Iḫwān aṣ-ṣafāʾ:
On Geography (Fī al-jughrāfiyā<arab.-engl.>) : an Arabic Edition
and English Translation of Epistle 4 = al-risālah al-rābiʻah fī aljughrāfiyā, min al-qism al-awwal fī al-ʻulūm al-riyāḍīyah altaʻlīmīyah / ed. and transl. by Ignacio Sánchez and James
Oxford : Oxford University Press/OUP, 2014. - XXIV,165, 67 S.
(Epistles of the Brethren of Purity)
Rasa'il Iẖwān aṣ-Ṣafā':
On the natural sciences (al-ūlā ila 's-sābiʿ<arab.-engl.>): an Arabic
critical Edition and English Translation of Epistles 15-21 = ar- Risāla
al-ūlā ila 's-sābiʿa min al-qism att -tt ānī fi 'ṭ-ṭabīʿīyāt / Edited and
translated by Carmela Baffioni ; foreword by Nader El-Bizri.
Oxford : Oxford University Press : The Institute of Ismaili Studies,
2013. - XXV, 441, 491 S.
(Epistles of the Brethren of Purity)
Rasa'il Iẖwān aṣ-Ṣafā':
Sciences of the Soul and Intellect (Fī ʿUlūm an-nafsānīya al-ʿaqlīya
<arab.-engl.>), Pt 1 : An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of Epistles 32-36 = ar- Risāla al-ūlā ila 'r-risāla al-ḫāmisa min
al-qism att -tt ālitt fi 'l-ʿulūm an- nafsānīya al-ʿaqlīya / Edited and Trans
lated by Paul E. Walker; Ismail K. Poonawala and David Simonowitz;
Godefroid de Callataÿ. Foreword by Nader El-Bizri.
Oxford : Oxford University Press/OUP, 2015. - XXIII,270,202 S.
(Epistles of the Brethren of Purity)
Jambet, Christian :
Se rendre immortel : Suivi du Traité de la résurrection / Mollâ Sadrâ
Shîrâzî / Christian Jambet. Traité de la résurrection.
[Saint-Clément-de-Riviére] : Fata Morgana, 2000. - 186 S.
Kalin, Ibrahim:
Mullā Ṣadrā / Ibrahim Kalin.
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 181 S.
(Makers of Islamic civilization)
Kenanah, Faisal:
Un témoignage culturel dans Bagdad au 10ème siècle : le "Kitāb alImtāʿ wa-l-Muānasa" d'Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī / Faisal Kenanah.
Versailles : Éd. de Paris, 2012. - 417 S.
(Studia arabica ; 17)
Harder, Ernst:
Deutsch-arabisches Handwörterbuch (Al-Qāmūs al-almānī
al-ʿarabī)/ Ernst Harder. New. Impr.
Beirut : Libraire du Liban, 1985. - XII, 804 S.
Hava, J. G.:
al-Farā'id ad-Durīya `arabi-unklīzī (Arabic-English Dictionary)/ J. G.
Hava. - 5. ed.
Bayrūt : Dār al-Mašriq, 1982. - 915 S.
History Intellectual World :
Intellectual History of the Islamicate World. Editor-in-Chief:
Sabine Schmidtke. Vol. 1 ff
Leiden, Boston/MA: Brill 2013 ff
History Intellectual World :
2. Reception Jewish Theology :
"Jewish and Christian Reception(s) of Muslim Theology" / Ed. by
Sabine Schmidtke, Gregor Schwab. / 2014. - 304, II S.
3. Horizons New Studies :
"New Horizons in Graeco-Arabic studies" / ed. by Dimitri Gutas,
Sabine Schmidtke, Alexander Treiger. / 2015. - 352 S.
4. Books History World :
"Histories of Books in the Islamicate World. Part 1" / Ed. by
Maribel Fierro, Sabine Schmidtke, Sarah Stroumsa. / 2016. 274 S.