June 2016 - St-Pierre
June 2016 - St-Pierre
juin 2016–No. 257 We are very proud to announce that I Guy Vermette along with my wife Barb have purchased Tessier Landscaping located in St Pierre Jolys. We have renamed it Pure Image Landscaping and Soil Ltd and couldn't be happier about our new business venture. Tessier Landscaping was a well known local business with excellent customer service and great work. It has been a pleasure to work with Norbert during the transition of the business. It is obvious why he had so much success. We will continue to provide the same quality of service to the community. As I am a grain farmer in and around the Aubigny area I am already quite busy in the summer months so I have had to bring in a manager for the business. Our goal is to keep this a small family run business therefore the new manager is my cousin Mike Vermette. Mike brings 16 years of landscaping experience in Winnipeg. We have kept the same staff as Norbert Tessier so the faces around the shop haven't changed too much. Snow removal will continue to be offered to all the existing and new customers who require it during the winter months. It is our hope that this business will be a positive fixture in the community and that we would be able to provide the community with all landscaping needs as well as sod, soil, peat moss, wood mulch, aggregate, fencing, yard lighting, surveillance camera setup, 3d yard landscaping and material disposal without having to go very far away. Also we are hoping to create new jobs in the future and offer more services and products. We hope that the community will continue to Support our local business Our contact info is: Mike Vermette 204-955-8189 www.pureimagelandscaping.ca St. Pierre juin 2016 1 Saturday June 4, 2016 p.14 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce St. Pierre juin 2016 2 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce St. Pierre juin 2016 3 Château des Sages Bed & Breakfast 21007 Ruest Rd E, 32N St-Pierre-Jolys 204-433-7002 204-408-8004 Fully Furnished Modern Guest Suite Printing for all of your business/personal needs! NCR-Cheques-Envelopes Office Supplies Roger & Cécile Lesage 433-3202 Box 203, 327 Sabourin Street, St-Pierre-Jolys, MB Fax: 433-3202 1-866-226-2770 [email protected] [email protected] Call for Catering! Events Business Meetings Family Gatherings BREADS * CAKES * PASTRIES * PIZZA JOCELYN GAGNÉ TELEPHONE: (204) 433-7763 St. Pierre juin 2016 Homemade sausages for sale. BOX 1 ST-PIERRE-JOLYS, MB R0A 1V0 Open Wednesday to Sunday Call 433-7726 4 St Pierre Veterinary Hospital Vita Veterinary Hospital Ph: 433-7956 Fax: 433-3669 Ph: 425-3264 Fax: 425-3132 Mireille Laroche 115 Main Street Grunthal, MB 204-712-7058 Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. AUTOPAC REPAIRS * RESTORATIONS WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS * FRAME STRAIGHTENING * COURTESY CAR WINDSHIELD REPAIR MAURICE CAHILL ST-PIERRE-JOLYS SOUTH –HWY 59 433-7197 Nous avons encore quelques livres de la Paroisse Saint-Pierre-Jolys AU FIL DU TEMPS… À vendre à 75$ chacun. SVP contactez: Edmond Labossière 204-433-7223 Gilbert Rioux 204-433-7167 Céline Shewchuk 204-433-7449 Commandité par Graydon Veterinary CINÉMA STATION À louer-RENT St. Pierre YFC Youth Centre Cabane à sucre au 432, rue Joubert Street in St-Pierre-Jolys. Contactez: 204-433-7002 ou 204-792-6149 Vous cherchez un endroit pour accueillir votre famille pour les rencontres?? Les réunions? Réservez dès maintenant! Friday Movies –open to all Ages Doors Open at 7:00 p.m. Movie at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $2.00 Call 433-3200 for information about hours we’re open throughout the week. St. Pierre juin 2016 Hall rental at the Cabane à sucre 5 JOURNÉES DE COLLECTE Compostage tous les jeudis Recyclage et ordures: Les mardis à l’ouest de la route 59 Les vendredis à l’est de la route 59 COLLECTION SCHEDULE Compost every Thursday Recycling and Garbage: Tuesdays, west of Hwy 59 Fridays, east of Hwy 59 www.villagestpierrejolys.ca 204-433-7832 Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing. CanAddApp TECHNOLOGY We Create Apps [email protected] http://canaddapptechnology.ca St. Pierre juin 2016 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce CREEKSIDE LOG PRODUCTS Denis Foidart 21170 La Fourche Road St-Pierre-Jolys Cell: 204-746-4059 E: [email protected] Www.creeksidelogproducts.ca Log sidings T & G Board Custom Mouldings Custom Sawmill and Log Lathe Work Can’t commit to a full year of advertising? Vous aimeriez mais un an c’est trop d’un engagement? The Chamber Bulletin is offering a Le Bulletin de la chambre vous offre l’opportunité d’acheter 3 annonces. THREE ISSUE SPECIAL! Le quart d’une page, les 3 mois de votre choix en 2016 pour 135 $ Une demie page, les 3 mois de votre choix en 2016 pour 255 $ Une pleine page, les 3 mois de votre choix en 2016 pour 475 $ Cet offre est disponible aux membres seulementpour soit la Chambre de Commerce de St-Pierre-Jolys ou St-Malo. Appelez 204-433-7002 1/4 page in any 3 issues in 2016: $135 1/2 page in any 3 issues in 2016: $255 Full page in any 3 issues in 2016: $475 This offer is applicable to St. Malo or St-Pierre-Jolys Chamber of Commerce members only. Call 204-433-7002 TOPS. Weight Loss Program every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Health Corner Call Vandy at 204-433-7686 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Note: New location for the Rat River Group is at the Musée St. Pierre (St. Pierre Museum) - 432 Joubert St. Closed meetings: Wednesdays 8pm-9pm. Open breakfast every second Sunday of the month at 9:30am, with speaker at 11:00am. Family and friends welcome. Rat River Quilt meets every first (nonholiday) Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Club Jolys, info call 204-433-7449 Contact Cindy 433-7575, Brian 433-7669 or Miles 433-7422. S T PI ERRE J OL Y S ES S O T & H Manufacturing Inc. GAS, DIESEL, PROPANE SALES VIDEO RENTALS LOTTERIES CONVENIENCE STORE FIREWORK SALES FIRE WOODHUNTING & FISHING LICENCES Jacques Tessier St-Pierre-Jolys 433-3379 204-433-7555 St. Pierre juin 2016 Agricultural/Tractor Truck Repairs 7 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce Owners: Derek & Carolle Chubey Luc & Corinne Péloquin Dan & Micheline Malo 30 118 Hwy 59 (204) 433-3087 [email protected] Ph: 204-433-7897 503 Sabourin St, St-Pierre-Jolys, MB Bonne Fête des Pères La vie est un cadeau Chérissons-la Protégeons-la Célébrons-la RJS is located 2 miles north of St-PierreJolys. For best service, call to make an appointment. Leave us a message and your call will be returned. Your business is important to us. Open 10 to 2; 5 to 7 p.m. Come to RJS for all of your stationery, office supplies, ink, toner and so much more! Call us at 204-433-7002 204-408-8004 Chantal Tackaberry Directrice, /Director Garderie communautaire Community daycare C.P./P.O. Box 156 377, rue Sabourin St. St-Pierre-Jolys, MB St. Pierre juin 2016 8 204 433 7976 Heures d’ouverture/Hours: 6h30 à 17h45 courriel/e-mail: [email protected] Physique Plus Fitness Coop Inc. Exercise for as low as $1.10 per day Superb Cardio & Resistance Exercise Equipment Programs by Certified Leaders Tel: 433-3202 www.physiqueplus.ca Remedial Massage Therapy Pre & Post Natal Massage Baby/Infant Massage Instructor Reflexology Fitness Leader in R.T. Therapeutic Touch Teacher Reiki Master E.F.T. & I.E.T. Practitioner Raindrop Therapy Essentials oils & “Young Living” TANYA SABOURIN (204) 746-0459 www.KneadaLittleHeaven.com St. Pierre juin 2016 9 Sponsored by: Lucky Luc’s Bar & Grill Artist Pivot, The Silhouette Company St Pierre Bigway, RJS Office Supplies & Printing Château des Sages, Maplewood Golf Club Les petites grenouilles, St Pierre Realty Desjardins Funeral Homes St Pierre Laundromat & Services Claude & Doris Bérard-Trudeau 362 Sabourin Street St-Pierre-Jolys, MB R0A 1V0 St. Pierre juin 2016 204-433-7674 CINDY GRENIER R ealt o r, B ro ke r S T P I E R RE R E ALT Y www.stpierrerealty.com 204.330.2567 www.cindygrenier.realtor St. Pierre juin 2016 11 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce Attention Business Owners! Purchase your Paroisse St Pierre - Église catholique– au centre du village - Adoration eucharistique les mardis 10h à 18h. Venez rencontrer Jésus Christ notre Sauveur. Il est vivant! Une heure d’adoration. membership and business card and the St Pierre Chamber of Commerce will feature your business for free! Details at 204-433-7002 Pour les commerçants: Achetez votre adhésion, Eucharistic Adoration, Tuesdays from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. One hour with Jesus! Roman Catholic Church, corner 59Hwy/Joubert Street carte de visite et la Chambre de Commerce vous propose de nous parler de vous, votre commerce, disons ce que vous voulez que les gens sachent de vos services. Contactez Rachelle au 204-433-7002 Have you seen us on Facebook? Like us! Send an invite to all of your friends, family, co-workers… shop locally! Next clinic is Tuesday, June 28, 2016 from 3 to 8 p.m. St Pierre Rec Centre Trouvez les commerçants sur Facebook. Supportez-les! St. Pierre juin 2016 12 St Pierre Outdoor Market Marriage Advice from 1886 529 Jolys Ave E First Ever! First Day is Saturday, June 4 Let your love be stronger than your hate or anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break. Believe the best rather than the worst. People have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them. Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship. The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindnesses you bestow on your friends. Please hand this down to your children and your children’s children. The more things change the more they are the same. To follow June 5 and every other weekend. Vendors will line up on Jolys Avenue East Organized by: Artist Pivot Info: 204-380-2074 Ask for Kim Vendors for June 4: Artist Pivot Manitoba Job Youth Centre at 529 Jolys Ave E from 11 to 2:30 p.m. Odd Job Squad Fundraiser: HotDog Watkins (RJS Office Supplies & Printing) Chez Mémère Jane Wells (1886) And other vendors will be in attendace. Expectations are for the market to operate during the summer months Le Club Jolys contactez Maurice au 204-433-7285 pour Louer/Rent. Réunion le 1e lundi du mois à 9h30 The real issue is not when life begins, but when love begins. Robert Casey St. Pierre juin 2016 13 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce LeRoutier Family Restaurant 424 Sabourin St 204-433-7879 Soft Ice Cream-Take Out-Open Wednesday to Monday All Over Town Garage Sale Saturday, June 4, 2016 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We anticipate a lovely day!! It’s time to clean up your basement/garage, spring is in the air Your junk is someone else’s treasure!Rain or Shine! Vente de débarras Le samedi 4 juin 2016 9h à 16h Nous anticipons une belle journée! Débarassez-vous de ce que vous n’utilisez plus et un acheteur trouvera le trésor qu’il recherchait! Registered Garage Sale Locations: Château des sages 327 Sabourin Street N St Pierre Bigway parking lot Army Cadets selling hotdogs, raising funds for the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, France at St Pierre Bigway 527 Sabourin Street 601 Jolys Ave E 44 rue Dandenault 367 Joubert Street 373 Joubert Street 374 Joubert Street 473 Lavoie 427 Belanger Ave 512 Côté Ave E 520 Côté Ave E 637 rue Côté St. Pierre mai 2016 525 St Joseph 31 Martel Street moving sale 491 Tessier Street 10 rue Lavergne 21007 Ruest Road E 32N (2 miles North 59 RJS) Info: 204-433-7002 14 Commandité par la Chambre de /of Commerce Knights of Columbus - Chevaliers de Colomb Since / Depuis 1882 The Order is true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity / est fidèle à ses principes fondateurs de charité, d’unité et de fraternité. Saint-Pierre-Jolys et Otterburne Knights of Columbus are 71 families strong working within our two parishes through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, and public relief works / Vos Chevaliers de Colomb de Saint-Pierre-Jolys et Otterburne se compte de 71 familles / qui est au service de nos deux Églises et les moins fortunées par en travers de travaux éducatifs, charitables, religieux, d’assistance sociale et de secours public Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 15,100 councils and 1.9 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam, Saipan, Lithuania, Ukraine, and South Korea / Vos Chevaliers de Colomb regroupent maintenant plus de 15 100 Conseils et 1, 9 million de membres répartis à travers du monde. Être Chevalier c’est s’impliquer auprès de votre communauté, soutenir votre église catholique locale, en enrichissant votre propre foi et protéger, enrichir votre vie de famille. "Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life." Join us - Rejoignez nous maintenant C de C Conseil Carillon Council # 3953 K of C http://www.kofc.org/fr/members/resources/logos-emblems/logos.html St. Pierre juin 2016 15 St. Pierre juin 2016 16
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