Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
News release For immediate distribution Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec recommends a HPV vaccination program for boys Montreal, May 13, 2013 – Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec supports the HPV Awareness Corporation’s request urging the Quebec government to adopt the recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) for boys to be included in the HPV vaccination school-based program. The Coalition hopes to see this in schools, fall 2013 with a catch-up program similar to that offered to females. “The Plan d’action 2013-2015 en cancérologie (oncology action plan) put forth by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, upholds HPV vaccination for girls, but unfortunately fails to include boys. HPV does not discriminate between males and females ,” points out Nathalie Rodrigue, T.M., president of Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec. The HPV Awareness Corporation concurs with the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC), whose members believe that a gender neutral program will also help remove the sexual stigma which has, until now, impeded successful uptake of the HPV vaccination. President and spokesperson Teresa Norris insists that “all existing scientific evidence indicates that the HPV vaccine provides a high level of long-term protection against HPV-causing cancers and genital warts for many years following HPV vaccination.” Furthermore, she adds that “given the recent decision by Prince Edward Island and Alberta to include boys in their HPV vaccination program, boys in Quebec deserve this same access to the vaccine and protection against contracting and spreading HPV.” 1 About the HPV Awareness Corporation Partnered with The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) and The Society of Gynecologic Oncology of Canada (GOC) in Canada, and a member of Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec, HPV Awareness is a national, bilingual, registered charity. The only organization of its kind in Canada raising awareness of HPV, primarily through a educational program. Since 2006, the Corporation has been providing HPV education throughout the Canadian school systems among students of all ages, their parents, and faculty. About the Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec was founded in 2001 to protect, support and give a voice to people affected by cancer (patients, survivors, informal caregivers, their families and their loved ones, as well as cancer-related community organizations and health professionals) and to help organize the fight against cancer. Because of the contribution of these organizations and members, the Coalition’s membership represents close to 1.5 million people. Members of the Coalition: Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS), Alliance of the Cultural Communities for Equality in Health and Social Services (ACCESSS), Association des laryngectomisés de Montréal Inc, Association des radio-oncologues du Québec (AROQ), Association des retraitées et retraités de l’éducation et des autres services publics du Québec (AREQ), Association du cancer de l'Est du Québec, Association québécoise des registraires en oncologie (AQRO), Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN), Care-Ring Voice Network, Centre d'action bénévole de Bellechasse — Lévis — Lotbinière (Espoir Cancer), Chaire de recherche en Environnement — Cancer Guzzo de l’Université de Montréal, Chaire de recherche et de traitement du cancer de l’UQAM, Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (CCAC), Conseil pour la protection des malades (CPM), Fédération des comités des usagers et de résidents du Québec (FCURQ), Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), Fondation Rêvez la vie, Foundation of Stars, Hope and Cope, HPV Awareness Corporation, Institut de l'anémie — Recherche et éducation (IARE), Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, Lymphedema Association of Quebec (LAQ), Lymphoma Foundation Canada, Mains de l’Espoir de Charlevoix, Myeloma Canada, Nova Montréal, Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ), Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec (OPTMQ), Organisation québécoise pour les personnes atteintes de cancer (OQPAC), Organisme gaspésien des personnes atteintes de cancer (OGPAC), Ovaire espoir Québec, Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC), Palliative Home-care Society of Greater Montreal, PROCURE-The Force Against Prostate Cancer, Professionnals Networking for Caregivers, Quebec Clinical Research Organization in Cancer (Q-CROC), Quebec Lung Association (QLA), Regroupement provincial des comités des usagers (RPCU), Réseau des femmes en environnement, Réseau FADOQ, Save Your Skin Foundation, Sercan, The CML (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) Society of Canada -30Source: Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec For information: Sylvie Piché, Communication Consultant 514 868-2009, poste 225 [email protected] To follow us on Twitter, sign up at @CoalitionCancer and become one of our Facebook members, “like” the following page 2
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