Controlling Risk in Large Construction Projects
Controlling Risk in Large Construction Projects
2008 National Construction Law Conference Controlling Risk in Large Construction Projects Presented by the National Construction Law Section and the Continuing Legal Education Committee April 10-12, 2008 The Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta This is a “must attend” event for construction law practitioners and in-house counsel presented in a world class resort set in the beauty and natural splendor of the Rocky Mountains. The program will feature the latest word on important and practical topics, relevant in all Canadian jurisdictions, with a focus on controlling and managing risk in large construction projects. The presenting faculty features eminent practitioners from across Canada and the United States. Banff, Alberta offers many opportunities for recreational activities to be pursued before or after the conference. Bring your skis, snowboard, hiking boots, swim suit, and camera, along with your family, to take a break in conjunction with a very informative and valuable legal conference. Conférence nationale 2008 en droit de la construction Du 10 au 12 avril, Fairmont Banff Springs (Alberta) Cet événement « incontournable » pour les conseillers juridiques d’entreprises et les praticiens en droit de la construction sera présenté dans un centre de villégiature de classe mondiale, situé dans la splendeur naturelle des montagnes Rocheuses. Ce programme traitera des plus récents sujets pratiques et d’importance, pertinents à toutes les juridictions canadiennes, et sera axé sur le contrôle et la gestion du risque dans les projets de construction de grande envergure. L’équipe de présentateurs sera formée d’éminents praticiens de l’ensemble du Canada et des États-Unis. Banff regorge de sites pour des activités récréatives avant ou après la conférence. Apportez vos skis, vos planches à neige, vos bottes de randonnée, votre maillot de bain et votre appareil-photo, ainsi que les membres de votre famille pour profiter d’une pause, conjointement avec une intéressante et très instructive conférence juridique. Ce programme est offert uniquement en anglais. Pr o g r a m THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2008 7:00pm 7:00 – 9:00 REGISTRATION FOR WELCOME RECEPTION For conference delegates and guests Please RSVP on registration form 11:30 – 12:15 Petro-Canada Oil Sands: An Integrated Approach Neil Camarta, Senior Vice-President, Oilsands, Petro-Canada 12:15 – 1:45 LUNCHEON Judith Miller, General Counsel, Bechtel Group, Inc., San Francisco, CA Generously sponsored by Field LLP 1:45 – 3:15 Contractual Allocation of Risk – The Top 10 Issues WELCOME RECEPTION Generously sponsored by Borden Ladner Gervais LLP FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008 7:30 – 8:30 STAMPEDE BREAKFAST We invite all conference delegates and their guests to join us in kicking off the day with a stampede style breakfast. Generously sponsored by McInnes Cooper 8:00 – 8:30 REGISTRATION 8:30 – 8:45 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Trish Morrison, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Calgary 2008 National Construction Law Conference Co-chair Sig Ruud, Vice President & Secretary, Bantrel Co., Calgary 2008 National Construction Law Conference Co-chair 8:45 – 9:45 Cost, Profit, and Risk: Understanding the New Contracting Marketplace Paul Barshop, COO, Independent Project Analysts, Ashburn, VA 9:45 – 10:30 Risk Management - Controlling Risk to Existing Property and Project Property Through Insurance – Pros and Cons Tim DeJonge, Petro-Canada, Calgary Mark Shaul, Marsh, Calgary Ariel De Jong, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Vancouver (i) Warranty/Rework/Standard of Care (ii) Indemnities & Liability Caps (iii) Confidentiality Provisions (iv) I.P. Provisions (v) Force Majeure (vi) Consequential Damages (vii) Property Damage (viii) Delay/Schedule Guarantees (ix) Suspension/Termination (x) Dispute Resolution SPEAKERS: David Brennan, Ontario Power Generation Inc., Toronto Scott Burrell, Suncor Energy Services Inc., Calgary Tony Clark, The Graham Group, Calgary Kit Kramer, TIC Holdings, Colorado Don Lucky, Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP, Edmonton Thomas McInerney, Bennett Jones LLP, Calgary Arnie Olyan, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, Calgary Craig Saloff, Total E&P Canada Ltd., Calgary Doug Sanders, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Vancouver Jim Thistle, Q.C., McInnes Cooper, St. John’s 10:30 – 10:45 REFRESHMENT BREAK 3:15 – 3:30 REFRESHMENT BREAK 10:45 – 11:30 OHSA & Safety Issues Drug & Alcohol Testing David Myrol, McLennan Ross LLP, Edmonton Dan Stachnik, Q.C., Miller Thomson, Edmonton 3:30 – 5:00 Contractual Allocation of Risk – The Top 10 Issues (Continued) 7:00 – 10:00 DINNER AND KEYNOTE ADDRESS Courtesy of our conference sponsors For conference delegates and guests Please RSVP on registration form Speakers subject to change SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2008 7:30 – 8:30 BREAKFAST 8:00 – 8:30 REGISTRATION 8:30 – 9:15 E-Discovery and Document Management Trish Morrison, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Calgary Brian Reny, KPMG, Toronto 9:15 – 9:45 Claims Management Cary Mamer, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Calgary Guy Lembach, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Calgary 9:45 - 10:00 BREAK 10:00 – 10:30 The New CCDC2 – The New Regime of Allocation of Risk Gregory Hersen, Torkin Manes Cohen Arbus LLP, Toronto 10:30 – 12:00 Managing Complex Litigation Strategic Alliances Art Barry, Q.C., Stewart McKelvey, Halifax How to Survive (If You Can) the Long and Complex Construction Trial Olivier Kott, Ogilvy Renault, Montreal Pre-trial “Case” Management - Multi Parties/Multi Claim Construction Litigation Andy McLauchlin, McLauchlin & Associates, Toronto Implications Arising from Parallel or Related Proceedings Jean van der Lee, Q.C., Field LLP, Calgary 12:00 – 12:15 CLOSING REMARKS Trish Morrison, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Calgary Sig Ruud, Bantrel Co., Calgary 12:15 CLOSING LUNCHEON For conference delegates and guests Courtesy of our conference sponsors For updates on the program please visit our web-site at CONFERENCE SPONSORS Bantrel Co. Bennett Jones LLP Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Brownlee LLP The Counsel Network Deloitte & Touche LLP EnCana Corporation Field LLP Finning Canada Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Harper Grey LLP Jacobs Canada Inc. Lawson Lundell LLP Macleod Dixon LLP McCarthy Tétrault LLP McInnes Cooper Nexen Inc. Shell Canada Ltd. Singleton Urquhart LLP SNC Lavalin Suncor TIC Holdings Total E&P Canada AVAILABLE AT THE HOTEL Babysitting service is available at the Fairmont Banff Springs for families staying at the hotel. Advance reservations are required and may be made through the Concierge. A 24-hour cancellation policy applies to all reservations. For more information please contact the hotel directly at 403-762-2211. SHUTTLE SERVICE Shuttle vans are available from the Calgary International Airport to The Fairmont Banff Springs with regularly scheduled service. Reservations are required a minimum of 24-hours in advance. For details please visit NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION LAW SECTION MEETING April 10, 12:00 - 5:00pm, Ivor Petrak Room, The Fairmont Banff Springs Interested delegates are welcome to attend the annual meeting of the CBA National Construction Law Section. RÉUNION D’AFFAIRES DE LA SECTION NATIONALE DU DROIT DE LA CONSTRUCTION Le 10 avril, 12h00-17h00, Salle Ivor Petrak, Hôtel Fairmont Banff Springs Les participants intéressés sont invités à participer à la réunion annuelle de la Section nationale du droit de la construction de l'ABC. This program has been accredited by the Law Society of Upper Canada towards the professional development requirement for certification. Construction Law: 11 hours For more information please consult the link below to Law Society web page relating to the Certified Specialist Program/CLE Accreditation. Re g i s t r a t i o n F o r m 2008 CONSTRUCTION LAW CONFERENCE MEETING VENUE April 10-1 12, 2008 The Fairmont Banff Springs 405 Spray Avenue, Banff, Alberta Telephone: 403-762-2211 Website: HOTEL RESERVATION Please contact the hotel directly at 403-762-6866 or 1-800441-1414 and specify CBA Construction Law CLE when reserving to obtain the preferred rate. The preferred room rate is available until March 11, 2008. TRAVEL Air Canada is the official carrier for all our CBA meetings. In order to receive a 10% discount, you must book your flight on-line at and indicate the promotion code X4ZXTNZ1. The discount is not available if you call Air Canada directly. CAR RENTAL AVIS, the official rental car supplier of the CBA, offers several special rates. Call 1-800-331-1600 or visit to reserve your car. You must quote discount number C136498. REGISTRATION Pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard only), or send cheque or money order made payable to the Canadian Bar Association together with this registration form to: Ashley Woodford CLE Program Coordinator Canadian Bar Association 865 Carling Ave., Suite 500 Ottawa, ON, K1S 5S8 or fax information to 613-237-0185 PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL CONFERENCE TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM. INVOICES WILL NOT BE ISSUED ALL RECEIPTS ARE ISSUED AFTER THE CONFERENCE REFUND POLICY: There will be a 20% administrative charge for any cancellation received in writing prior to March 11, 2008. No refund will be given after March 11, 2008. There will be no refunds for “no-show” registrants. The program material will be shipped to registrants unable to attend the program within 15 days of the program. FEE CBA Members Students (CBA Members) Non-Members GST (5%) TOTAL $560.00 $28.00 $588.00 $280.00 $14.00 $294.00 $710.00 $35.50 $745.50 Yes, I will be attending the Thursday night reception Guest attending. Yes, I will be attending the Friday night dinner Guest attending. I would be interested in visiting Sulphur Mountain on the Banff Gondola on Saturday afternoon (You will be contacted with further details) Yes, I would like to join the CBA now and pay the member fee to attend this program. I understand that a membership representative will be contacting me. No, I cannot attend but would like to purchase the course material. The publication coordinator will contact me after the conference to discuss cost and shipping. CBA Membership No. Mr. Ms. Surname Given Names Firm or Organization Address City Province Office Phone No. Fax No. Postal Code Email INFORMATION For further information about this program, please contact Ashley Woodford at the CBA National Office by telephone at 613-237-2925 or 1-800-267-8860 ext. 186, or by email at [email protected]. Please indicate special needs (dietary, wheelchair access, etc.) Method of Payment (payment due with registration application) Cheque Visa Mastercard Ce programme est offert uniquement en anglais. Card No. Expiry Date Authorized Signature PERSONAL INFORMATION CONSENT CBA’s programs are supported by preferred suppliers, sponsors, and exhibitors. Subject to the following paragraph, I understand that the provision of contact information on this form constitutes my consent to such information being disclosed to the preferred suppliers, sponsors, and exhibitors of this program. For further information about the CBA’s treatment of personal information, see members’ Privacy Policy at By checking this box I do not wish my contact information disclosed to the preferred suppliers, sponsors and exhibitors of this program. I understand my name will not appear on the delegates list.
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