Catherine LAMY - Le site export de Bayard et Milan Presse


Catherine LAMY - Le site export de Bayard et Milan Presse
Dear parents, dear teachers
Chers parents, chers enseignants,
Tout au long de l'année, joignez l'utile à l'agréable pour
votre enfant ou vos élèves: un abonnement à un magazine
Bayard-Milan, unanimement plébiscité par les
enseignants, les parents et les enfants!
Notre offre très large vous permettra de sélectionner le
titre idéal adapté à l'âge, à la langue (français,anglais,
espagnol, allemand ou chinois) et aux passions de chacun.
Je reste toujours à votre disposition pour vous conseiller
dans vos choix, vous offrir des tarifs préférentiels à régler
en US dollars ou en Euros, et vous accompagner dans vos
changements (magazines, adresse,...).
Contactez-moi: je me ferai un plaisir de vous assister!
All around year, treat your child or students with an useful
and fun gift: a subscription to any Bayard-Milan magazine,
highly praised by teachers, parents and kids!
Our large offer will allow you to select the magazine
perfectly adapted to the children's age, language (French,
English, Spanish, Chinese and German) and interests.
As always, I am dedicated to assist you: advise you on the
most suitable magazine, give you exclusive discount prices in
US dollars or Euros, help you with any change (address,
magazines, renewal...).
Please contact me: it will be a pleasure to assist you!
Catherine Lamy
Catherine Lamy
Pour vous abonner, merci de remplir ce formulaire et me
l'adresser à :
To subscribe, please fill out this form and mail (or email) it
back to :
Catherine LAMY
4 Harbor Drive, Port Chester, NY 10573 - USA
Phone: (908) 405 0690
Email: [email protected]
First and Last Name of Subscriber
Chosen magazine
Total amount due (in US $)
Address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Town, State : …………………………………………………………
Zip code : ………………… School attended : …………………………………
Phone: ………………………………………………… Email:…………………………………………………………………………………
Payment options
Check in USD made out to BAYARD
(for Spanish, Chinese and German magazines, made out to Catherine Lamy)
Check in Euros made out to "BAYARD"
By bank transfer (please contact me for the account nb.)
By credit card VISA* or MASTERCARD (Transactions in euros, subject to exchange rate variations and possible bank fees)
* Only VISA accepted for Spanish magazines - No credit card payment available for German and Chinese magazines (check only)
Cardholder Name : ______________________________________________
Signature :
Card number :
Expiration date :
___ / ___
Security Code :
NEW - You can also order directly online at with Code Délégué: E47
to benefit from the 10 to 19% discounts and still get my local help for all changes and questions on your account.
Website is in French only and payment only by CC in euros. Contact me if you need some help and do not hesitate
to let me know about your subscriptions done through the website so that I can ensure their follow-up for you.
The name, surname, email and address of our subscribers are passed on to our in-house departments and all organizations under agreement with Bayard, unless we receive a formal
instruction not to do so from the subscriber. In which case the above information will only be used to carry out the subscription. Such information may be accessed or modified by the
subscriber as specified by the law. (v25082016)