a4 cv iate l palmade


a4 cv iate l palmade
E 2 Curriculum Vitae: Laetitia PICART-PALMADE
Current position
Assistant Professor,
Polytech’Montpellier - University Montpellier 2
Ph.D: in Food Sciences (2004, UM 2)
Research topic: Emerging food preservation techniques:
pulsed electric fields, combined high pressure/low
temperature treatments, high pressure homogenization.
Characterization of process parameters and microbial
Master in Food Sciences (2001, Post graduate
school of Biological and Industrial Sciences and
Processes, UM 2).
Engineer diploma in Food Science and
Technology (2000, Polytech’Montpellier - France).
Research topics of interest
Emerging food preservation techniques;
High pressure (hydrostatic or dynamic);
Agro-polymer structuration;
Biochemistry and physical-chemistry of
colloidal systems;
Formulation, production and
characterization of nanoparticles such as
submicron emulsion or protein
Functional foods.
Teaching activities
More than 200 hr/year in food sciences, food
engineering, rheology and formulation – Food
Science and Technology Department of
Department coordinator of international
student exchanges
Nationality: French
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +33467143534
Key Publications / Communications
● Dumay, E., Chevalier-Lucia, D., Picart-Palmade, L.,
Benzaria A., Gracia-Julia, A., Blayo, C. (2013).
Technological aspects and potential applications of
(ultra) high-pressure homogenisation. Trends in Food
Science & Technology, 31, 13-26.
● Chevalier-Lucia, D., Blayo, C., Gracia-Julia, A., PicartPalmade, L., & Dumay, E. (2011). Processing of
phosphocasein dispersions by dynamic high pressure:
Effects on the dispersion physico-chemical
characteristics and the binding of α-tocopherol
acetate to casein micelles. Innovative Food Science
and Emerging Technologies, 12(4), 416-426.
● Roux, S., Courel, M., Picart-Palmade, L., & Pain, J.P.
(2010). Design of an ohmic reactor to study the
kinetics of thermal reactions in liquid products.
Journal of Food Engineering, 98(4), 398-407.
● Chevalier-Lucia, D., Cortes-Munoz, M., PicartPalmade, L., & Dumay, E. (2009). Submicron
emulsions processed by ultra-high pressure
homogenisation. High Pressure Research, 29, 732738.
● Gracia-Julia, A., Rene, M., Cortes-Munoz, M., Picart,
L., Lopez-Pedemonte, T., Chevalier,D., & Dumay, E.
(2008). Effect of dynamic high pressure on whey
protein aggregation: A comparison with the effect of
continuous short-time thermal treatments. Food
Hydrocolloids, 22, 1014-1032.
The Ingénierie des Agropolymères et Technologies Emergentes is a joint research centre of INRA, CIRAD, University
Montpellier II and SupAgro

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