just arrived in belgium ? we take care of your registration
just arrived in belgium ? we take care of your registration
JUST ARRIVED IN BELGIUM ? WE TAKE CARE OF YOUR REGISTRATION WITH BELGIUM’S SOCIAL SECURITY. CONTACT US [email protected] à Check our information sessions on www.bepartena.be M Arts-Loi Rue du C omm erce Parc Royal Rue ce Trône Rue Rue du L u xemb ou Mont oye r rg Fill in this form and send it or leave it in our mailbox : Please contact me asap : Name : Family Name : E-mail : Telephone : MANAGING YOUR HEALTH IN BELGIUM Rue Montoyer 41 1000 Bruxelles Scien M liard Loi de la Bd d u Rége nt Rue Bel de la de l' Indu strie Rue Partena has created a specific service to make life easier for expats : • A single point of contact • Priority treatments of your reimbursements • A large range of advice : registration of the family, administrative organisations to contact, employees obligations, … • Multilingual services • Tailor-made appointments with our adviser at home or at your office 02 549 75 40 Rue In Belgium, you are not automatically registered with Social Security. You must register with a mutualité (health insurance fund) such as PARTENA BUSINESS&EXPATS to benefit from health care refunds and replacement income in case of long term illness. Rue Montoyer 41 1000 Bruxelles
Documents pareils
welcome to brussels
are systematically registered
with the social security
system. In Belgium, you have
to register with a mutualité
in order to get partial
reimbursements of medical
costs and get indemnities in
case ...