the auditor career game: 30 words you must know Fichier


the auditor career game: 30 words you must know Fichier
Définitions à connaitre pour l’ audit career game
30 words you must know
Auditor’s adverse opinion: opinion défavorable
Assets and liabilities: actif et passif
To give a qualified opinion: émettre une opinion avec reserves
Audit report: rapport d’audit
Going concern principle (accounting: postulat de continuité d’exploitation
Compliance: the fact of following, respecting the rules, the standards of the profession
Conflict of interest: conflit d’intérêt
Consistency: the fact of using the same accounting rules every year
Criteria: critères
Disclosure: the fact of revealing (financial information)
Operating expenses : the money spent by a company for its daily activities
Retained earnings: reserves
Payroll: money used to pay for employees’ salaries
Internal / external auditor: person from inside or outside the company to check its financial statements
To give a true and fair view: the financial statements must reflect the reality of a company’s financial
situation: donner une image fidèle des comptes de l’entreprise
Fraud: cheating, giving false information
Guidelines: recommendations, not as strong as rules
Fund embezzlement: détournement de fonds
Share capital: fonds propres
Findings (of an audit report) : conclusins
The general ledger: le grand livre
Fiscal year: année fiscal
GAAP= Generally Accepted Accounting Principles : PCGR
GAAS= Generally Accepted Auditing Standards: Normes d’audit généralement admises
Opinion paragraph: conclusion of an audit report
Bad debt: créance irrécouvrable
Code of ethics: good practices
Profit sharing plan: intéressement des employés
The SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission: Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Field work: travail de terrain
Sampling: échantillonnage