Practical Information Montpellier


Practical Information Montpellier
Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3
Friday 15th to Saturday 16th April 2011
Institutional Size and Performance
Practical Information
Contact Details
Direction générale des services
Présidence de l’université
Route de Mende
34100 Montpellier Cedex 5 Tel + 33 (0)4 67 14 50
French speaking contact:
Secrétariat : Ms Farida BERRY Tél : + 00 (0)4 67 14 49
Email : [email protected]
English and Franch speaking contacts:
Ms Isabelle MIRAVAL Tél : +00(0)4 67 14 26 78
Email : [email protected]
Ms Samantha KUBIAK Tél : +00(0)4 67 14 24 31
Seminar Venue
Registration and the Seminar will take place at :
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier
Bâtiment les Guilhem (Entrée principale)
3 Route de Mende Présidence Bâtiment les Guilhem (Entrée principale)
34199 Montpellier
Hotel information
Rates have been negotiated for participants of the HUMANE Seminar at the following
hotels. The rates expire on the dates shown, after this date rooms are subject to
availability and different rates may apply. In order to obtain the rate negotiated by our
local organiser, please use the following reference:
“Congres Université Montpellier 3 / HUMANE”
The local organiser has secured special rates with the hotels, HUMANE cannot
guarantee that these are the best rates available particularly now with the many hotel
chains and internet suppliers selling hotel rooms. Please do not hesitate to check on the
You are responsible for your own hotel reservation.
Hôtel les Troènes**
17, Avenue Emile Bertin Sanz
34090 Montpellier
Tél.: 04 67 04 07 76 – Fax : 04 67 61 04 43
HUMANE rate: single occupation €50,80 double occupation € 66,80 / night. Breakfast
Tél.: 04 67 04 07 76 – Fax : 04 67 61 04 43
Hôtel Lapeyronie **
80 Rue des Pétetes (face Hôpital)
34090 Montpellier
Tél. : 04 67 52 52 20 – Fax : 04 67 63 56 65
HUMANE rate: singe occupation € 51 double occupation € 60 / night. Breakfast
additional € 7,50 Tourist tax additional € 0,85
Hôtel Pullman Antigone ****
1, rue des Pertuisanes
34 000 Montpellier
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 99 72 02 – Fax : +33 (0)4 67 65 17 50
HUMANE rate: single or double occupation € 110 / night. Breakfast additional € 18
Rates expires 04/03/11
Email: [email protected]
Hôtel Mercure Antigone ***
285 Bd de l’Aéroport International – Antigone
34 000 Montpellier
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 20 63 63 – Fax : +33 (0)4 67 20 63 64
HUMANE rate: single € 110 double occupation € 130 / night. Breakfast included.
Rates expires 05/03/11
Contact: Pierre André CONTE Email: [email protected]
Hôtel Mercure Center ***
218 Rue Bastien Ventadour –
34 000 Montpellier
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 99 89 89 – Fax : +33 (0)4 67 99 89 88
HUMANE rate: single € 110 double occupation € 130 / night. Breakfast included.
Rates expires 05/03/11 – Please indicate reservation code : 124673
Contact: Déborah MONACO Email: [email protected]
Hôtel Ibis Montpellier Comédie **
Le Triangle – allée Jules Milhau
34 000 Montpellier
Tel. : +33 (0)4 99 13 29 99 – Fax : +33 (0)4 67 58 77 50
HUMANE rate: single or double occupation €67 / night (Week-end: Friday, Saturday
and Sunday) -€95 / night (Monday-Thursday) . Breakfast additional €8. Tourist tax
additional € 0,85 – No preferential rate Contact : Florence Email: [email protected]
Lunch and dinner
Lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday will be provided for participants.
Please inform the HUMANE secretariat about any special dietary needs as soon
as possible.
Social Programme
Friday 15 April
20:00 Dinner at a restaurant within the « Ecusson » (downtown).
Saturday 16 April
15:00 – 17: 00 After lunch we will visit of the old Montpellier (from the Jardins du
Peyrou, arc de triomphe, and old streets, and end at the Musée LATGER, which is the
university painting museum.
20:00 Dinner will be at the Palavas les Flots, a sea station and a sea port, 12 km from
Montpellier (transport by the university bus)
If you have extra time in Montpellier:
The historical center : from the Place de la Comédie to the Place de la Canourgue and
the Place du Peyrou, wander through the labyrinth of medieval alleyways. Follow the
ancient steps of Santiago de Compostela pilgrims and discover the facades of 17th and
18th century private mansions. Stop at the places where famous people like Saint Roch,
Rabelais and Jacques Cœur stayed. See the Mikvé, a ritual Jewish bath and really an
architectural medieval treasure.
You can also see Antigone (a neo-classical quarter designed by the Catalan architect
Ricardo Bofill), the Fabre Museum, the cathédrale Saint Pierre, the botanical garden
(the oldest in France), and so many other treasures.
In the surrounding area :
Nîmes and the Pont du Gard : Discover the capital of the Gard department with the
architecture and the masterpieces of Gallo-Roman antiquity : the Amphitheater, the
Square House, and the Pont du Gard, the majestic aqueduct of the Roman era,
UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Aigues-Mortes : the extraordinary fortified city of Aigues-Mortes, with singular towers
and the memory of religion wars.
Saint Guilhem le Désert : A village built around Gellone Abbey founded in 804 A. D. by
Guilhem, cousin of Charlemagne
General information
For information about Montpellier and surroundings, please refer to the following
Transport information
Here is a good source of travel information: Tourist Information Office
By plane
The best way to come to Montpellier is flying directly to Montpellier Airport (Montpellier
Fréjorgues) which lies about 7 km south east from the city centre.
There are direct flights from several European cities. There are domestic flights mainly
from Paris Orly (8 flights per day) and Paris Charles de Gaulle (5 flights per day with a
special connection with TGV train : 3.15 hours to Montpellier).
How to reach Montpellier from the airport :
By shuttle (At the issue from the hall des arrivées, porte A) : A shuttle connect the
airport to the city center. It stops at « Place de l’Europe », which is the tramway stop.
Cost : 4,90 € one way, 5,40 € including the tram. There is also a normal bus service.
Cost : 1,50 € one way, 2,40 € including the tram.
Hours : 8h35 ; 9h20 ; 10h25 ; 11h25 ; 14h55 ; 16h ; 17h25 ; 18h55 ; 20h10 ; 20h55 ;
By taxi (At the issue from the hall des arrivées, porte A) : There is a taxi rank at the
Airport arrivals. Taxi travel to the hotel coult cost about 30 €.
Borne de taxi : 04 67 20 65 29 Airport :
By train
Good connections mainly with Paris (3h30), but also Lyon (1h45), Toulouse (1h30) or
Marseille (1h30).
By car
Montpellier is located on the highway A9, connected to Paris, Lyon, Toulouse or
Marseille. Hotels are located in the city center. So, plan your route or your GPS to the
downtown. But, pay attention to the very important present traffic difficulties because of
the third tramway line construction.
The Montpellier tramway
The Montpellier tramway is the most comfortable and fast way to move in the city. There
are two different lines. Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 is located on the line ONE (blue cars
with swallows). MOSSON direction, and stop at SAINT ELOI (and not the following
station).From the Saint Eloi station , take the « rue du Docteur PEZET » on the right.
The university is 600 m further, on the « place de la voie domitienne ».
Important Note
Neither HUMANE or any of the host institutions where HUMANE events take place are
liable for any losses, accidents or damage to persons or objects, regardless of the
cause. Participants and accompanying persons attending any HUMANE events do so at
their own risk and responsibility.