to the Record of Achievements
to the Record of Achievements
Record of Achievement 2009–2010 academic school year the world needs great women le monde a besoin de femmes formidables mathematics, sciences, technology and social sciences Other gold medalists were Jessica Lu and Francesca Masella, and Ashley Stendel and Margot Hadaya (all ’12). S Silver medalists in the intermediate category were Sabrina Roy, Myriam Gad, Emilie Palisaitis, Karen Butt, Audrey Leduc and Amanda Kost (all ’12). arah Battat ’12 won a gold medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair championship, held in Peterbourough, Ontario, as well as $5,000 in scholarships and prizes at the intermediate level. Sophie Bérubé ’11 and Patricia Johnsson ’11 both received honourable mentions and a $100 bursary. At the Québec Final, four Study projects qualified for the Canada-Wide Science Fair: Patricia Johnsson and Sophie Bérubé (both ’11), Sabrina Nolan, Sarah Battat and Chloé Anassis (all ’12). Chloé also won the Bronze medal in the intermediate division and the EnviroExpo Via Rail Canada Award. The Study had more finalists than any other school. Seventeen students won medals in the intermediate category at the Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair, and five teams of the 12 that qualified for provincials were Study teams. In addition to winning gold medals, many students also won other awards. In grade 9, Sabrina Nolan won the Concordia University Faculty of Arts & Science Award, as well as their Exposciences Tuition Entrance Award, and the Genome Quebec Bursary. Chloé Anassis won a McGill University Redpath Museum Award and the “Centre québecois de recherche et de développement de l’aluminium” Award. Sarah Battat won the Concordia University Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Award and their Expo-Science Entrance Award, as well as the McGill University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Award. Caroline Najjar and Carley Sambrook won the McGill University Faculty of Science Award and a McGill University Redpath Museum Award. Sophie Bérubé and Patricia Johnsson (both ’11) won the McGill University Biology Award and their Department of Animal Science Award. Each of these girls was also presented a Super ExpoSciences Bell Experimentation & Design Award. The senior robotics team, composed of Mia Silva, Beatrice Bouchard, Felicia Belli, Areej Jahangir, Myriam Gad, Julia Facchino, Leila-Alexia Cattelan, Sophie Bérubé, Sabrina Mach, Hailey Elder, Sofia Essayan-Perez, Patricia Johnsson, Shavaun Stendel (all ’11), Sarah Fortin, Tatiana Cantarovich, Sophie ChabanneSalbaing, Eva Halabian, Brooke Levy and Amelia Hirst (all ’10), won second place in the kiosk category at the crc Robotics Competition held at St-Maxime High School in Laval. Three grade 9 Study Robotics teams were all awarded top three finishes in one of four categories, out of 42 teams at the First lego League Regional Championship in Oshawa and qualified for the Provincial Championship. The Study’s physics team, composed of Asli Buyukkurt, Sascha Wodoslowsky, Jessica Weibel, Christina Catania, and Talya Boisjoli (all ’10) took first place in Montreal and won third place at the Weizmann Institute’s 15th annual Shalheveth Freier Physics Tournament in Israel. En mai, les élèves de la 6e et de la 7e année ont participé à la fermeture d’une capsule du temps qui sera ouverte en 2085 pour célébrer le 75e anniversaire de l’Institut et de l’Hôpital Neurologiques de Montréal. Ten Senior Study students ranked in the top 25 percent in Canada in the Canadian Mathematics Competition: Sarah Battat, Karen Butt, Jessica Lu, Sabrina Nolan, Georgia Takacsy (all ’12), Sofia Essayan-Perez ’11, Asli Buyukkurt, Raquel Roth, Natalia Vilanova and Jessica Weibel (all ’10). debating and public speaking A reej Jahangir ’12, Felicia Belli ’11 and Sophie Battat ’12 participated in the Aristotle Cup, a debating tournament held at Marianopolis. Also at the event, Sophie Bérubé ’11 placed second overall out of 45 debaters. At the qsda junior high-school tournament, in the teams category, Sabrina Roy ’12 and Sarah Battat ’12 placed fourth out of ten teams. In the individual category, Sarah Battat placed first, and Sabrina Roy placed second. At the National Debating championships in Calgary, Sarah Battat ’12 and Sabrina Roy ’12 won third place team in Canada and first place team in Quebec. Sarah placed 3rd in Canada and first in Quebec. Sabrina Roy ’12, a terminé en troisième place à la finale d’art oratoire du qais. Sarah Battat ’12 and Sophie Bérubé ’11 placed second overall as a team at the North American Debating Qualifier and went on to compete at the championships in Winnipeg. writing and essay competition amantha Sambrook ’15 s’est vue décerner le premier prix pour le 3e cycle du primaire dans le secteur francophone au concours « visez droit », organisé par le Barreau de Montréal. S Fiona Hamilton ’15 a terminé en première place durant la finale locale de la dictée p.g.l. Samantha Backman’12 won third place in the polar Expressions competition and a cash prize. In grade two, Sonia Blinderman also won a cash prize. Every year, the Commonwealth Essay Competition inspires about 60,000 young writers from Commonwealth countries scattered all over the world, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, India, Jamaica, South Africa, to name a few. Now over 100 years old, this Competition is the oldest and largest essay competition in the world. This year, Leila Cattelan ’11 received second prize and Sofia Essayan-Perez ’11 received third prize, in their age category. Nikita Tafazoli ’16 was awarded a certificate and prize for first place Essay Competition. She won in the youngest age category, for all of Quebec. Hailey Elder ’11 won first place in the qais Senior Essay Competition. In the McEntyre writing competition, seven Study students placed in their age categories. In grade 1, Eloïse Wein was awarded first place. In grade 3, Sophia Tone won first place. In grade 5, Nikita Tafazoli was awarded first place. In grade 7, Zoe Zeitouni was awarded third place. In grade 9, Audrey Leduc won second place and Stephanie Claxton received an Honourable mention. Fifteen students from grade 3 through 6 attended the 12th annual Blue Metropolis Literary Festival. The Study writers spent the day with Canadian author and winner of the Mom’s Choice Awards in 2008, Joyce Scharf. Karen Butt ’12 won the 500-word nasa/ California Institute of Technology worldwide essay competition in the 9th to 12th grade category. the arts T he Study Concert Band, consisting of 28 students from grade 7 to grade 11, earned a silver ranking at the New York City Heritage Festival for their performance of “Free Spirit Overture” by Jerry Williams, “Irish Legends” by James Cunrow and “Alamo” by Karl L. King. Study musicians in grade 7 and 8 were selected to attend the “Beginner Honour Band” hosted by the Quebec Band Association. Kristina Fryml, Taylor Nayman, Stephanie-Marie Iacuessa and Kristen Crandall (all ’10) were selected to attend the Quebec Band Associations’s annual “Honour Band.” For the second year in a row, The Study won the gmaa Sportsmanship banner for their effort, positive attitude, level-headedness and courteousness to others. Thirty Study cast and crew members in grades 9, 10 and 11 put on two spectacular sold out performances of one of the world’s best known musicals, CATS. Student Eleni Metrakos ’11 moved the audience to tears with her mature and soulful performance of the musical’s most beloved number, “Memories.” Additional popular numbers included the performance “Rum Tum Tugger” by Sascha Wodoslawsky ’10, as well as multiple performances by Julianne Brock ’10 as Jemima, Leila Cattelan ’11, as Demeter, and Asli Buyukkurt ’10 as the “magical, mystical” Mr. Mistoffeles. The Study’s Bantam Volleyball team won the gmaa silver medal. Les élèves de la sixième année ont présenté Alice au pays des merveilles d’après l’œuvre de Lewis Carroll. The Grade 7 and 8 Study players presented “Hollywood Hotels” produced and directed by grade 11 students. athletics J acqueline Perron-Smith ’13 won seven gmaa Track and Field medals including four gold. In addition, she was awarded the aggregate plaque for being the top athlete in the Bantam girls category. Over 7,000 runners participated in the Elementary and Senior Halo Race. Carolyn Smith ’13 placed second in the 2km run, Jackie Orr ’12 placed fifth in the 4 km run, Talya Boisjoli ’10 placed third in the 5km run and Raquel Roth ’10 placed fourth in the same category. The Elementary school runners also represented the school very well: Mathilde Dumas ’18 placed fourth in the 1 km run. In the second heat, Mia Edger-Lacoursière, Zoe Yin-Pak Wong, Gabriela Carrara, and Layla Razek (all ’17) took first to fourth place. In the 2 km race, Mikaela Ludwick and Marina Vilanova (both ’16) placed first and second. The Bantam Tennis team, midget crosscountry skiing, and midget basketball team also received their GMAA championship banners. The Study’s Midget Basketball team won the Bishop’s College School invitational tournament. In addition, Study basketball players received individual awards. Emilie Palisaitis ’12 won the most valuable player trophy and Jacqueline Perron-Smith ’13 won the tournament’s all-star trophy. Emily Palisaitis ’13 also went on to win the gmaa overall mvp award in the Midget basketball division. Four-time Canadian Olympic Ice Hockey medalist and Harvard University graduate, Jennifer Botterill, gave an inspiring keynote speech at The Study’s 2010 Athletic Banquet on May 27. Study Alumna, and Olympic rower, Andréanne Morin (’98) joined International Olympic Committee member Richard Pound, and Westmount Mayor Peter Trent on the steps of City Hall to welcome the Olympic flame along with enthusiastic Study athletes and coaches. special achievements ll 31 of The Study’s 2010 graduating students were accepted into their first choice post-secondary institution including six students who chose Collège Jean-de Brébeuf. A Grade 8 student Sara Ordonselli shaved her head as part of her valiant effort to support the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. She raised over $4,000 for the cause. Dans le cadre de leur cour d’entrepreneuriat, les élèves en 9e année ont eu le défi de trouver des produits québecois, dans le but de les lancer sur le marché chinois. Après avoir preparé leur plans de marketing, les dépliants publicitaires, et les kiosks, elles sont allées en Chine pour promouvoir leurs produits à la foire commerciale de Jiangmen. Mia Silva, Emily Campbell, Felicia Belli, and Areej Janangir (all ’11) attended the annual CAIS Student Leadership Conference held at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School in Calgary. Six Study students received the Silver Duke of Edinburgh award, which requires participants to engage in community service, practice a skill such as music for 12 months, and a physical activity for 5 months. The award recipients were Tatiana Cantarovich, Kristen Crandall, Sascha Wodoslawsky, Alexandra Quigley, Talya Boisjoli, Sophie Chabanne-Salbaing, and Anastasia Johnson (all ’10). Hailey Elder ’11 was one of three students to represent Canada at the 2nd International Chinese Bridge Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students, held in Chongqing, China. Legendary school spirit was evident during a full school assembly where The Study had their biggest surprise dance party ever, led by head girl Sascha Wodoslawwsky ’10. Study Alumna Jessica Magonet ’09 was awarded a full scholarship from International Polar Year and traveled through Canada’s arctic as part of a polar education program called “Students on Ice.” She learned about the wildlife, geography and the dangers they face, through polar experts who joined the expedition. () - Study Alumna Julia Deutsch ’08 assumed a leadership role as the codirector of the national university debating championships, held at Marianopolis. It was the first time a cegep or college hosted the event. Anastasia Johnson ’10 was recognized by the Jamaican America Friendship Association for her pivotal role in the creation, and ongoing support of the annual “Music Through the Ages Concert.” community service at the study i on exige des élèves de 11e année qu’elles effectuent 40 heures de travail communautaires, les finissantes de The Study en 2010, elles ont consacré en moyenne plus de 100 heures au bénévolat. S Ainsi, nos élèves de 11e année ont genereusement donné plus de 1 300 heures de bénévolat à différents organismes, comme Jeuness au Soleil, Le bon Dieu dans la rue, l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, diverses residences pour personnes âgées, Splash and Dash pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Sofia Essayan-Perez ’11 was awarded the Youth in Philanthropy Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals for her efforts to coordinate science-related workshops for Nicaraguan girls. Another Study Alumna and parent, Erika FloresLudwick ’88, was also named “Outstanding Volunteer of the Year.” Grade 9, 10 and 11 girls raised funds for a University scholarship for two young women in Nicaragua. The girls travelled to Diriá, a rural village in Nicaragua, during their spring break for a oneweek intensive community service trip to honor the two recipients. They also The Boulevard Westmount Admissions Office () - x helped build a potable water tank and tower, which provides the community with a constant supply of drinking water. Seventy-five students in grades 5 to 11 raised funds for the St. Gabriel’s Parish food basket campaign, by old-fashioned door-to-door caroling. They raised over $700 that was used for food vouchers given to 21 families by the school. Grade 8 students spent a day at the N.D.G. food depot lending a helping hand, sorting and packing nonperishable food items in the spirit of sharing with those less fortunate over the holiday season. A group of grade 6 girls composed of Taylor Geyer, Asia Al-Zawahri, Megan Kouri and Francesca Scardera, organized a benefit concert to help kids in Haiti. They raised $1,881 for Free The Children, the world’s largest network of children helping children through education. This past year, as part of Girls for The Cure, our girls joined five other independent girls’ schools to raise a combined amount of $125,000 to help fund women’s cancer related treatments and services at St-Mary’s Hospital. Pour la deuxième année d’affilée, l’école a envoyé des bénévoles à la série d’exposés médicaux de la mini-école de l’hôpital de Montréal pour enfants du cusm. Amalia Liogas, The Study’s Director of IT, received national recognition in the educator category for her work with Free the Children (Me to We). She was nominated by Study alumna Jessica Magonet ’09. Québec Canada [email protected]
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