6th year trip/Voyage de 6ième année/Studienfahrt 2014
6th year trip/Voyage de 6ième année/Studienfahrt 2014
6th year trip/Voyage de 6ième année/Studienfahrt 2014 Ziel Destination déstination Castlegregory, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Reisedaten travel dates dates du voyage Begleitlehrer accompanying teachers professeurs accompagnateurs Mick FOX Peter CLARKE Sophie SCHNEIDER Schülerzahl number of students nombre d’élèves max. 38 min. 33 Schüleranforderungen student profile profil d’élèves Programm Program Programme Must be healthy enough to participate in outdoor events. The tour is physically tiring and it is pointless for kids who are unable or unwilling to participate in our events to come. Students will be expected to cook for themselves and keep their houses clean and tidy. Surfing; Hill walking; Greyhound Racing; Climbing; Cycling; Paintball; Cultural visits