Employment Ontario_eng


Employment Ontario_eng
Beyond the Job Ad
Employment Services
• Employment Ontario is funded by the Ontario government and helps
Ontarians find work and training programs and services.
• Employment Service provides personalized advice and services to
help people assess their skills and experience, find work and start on
the path to skills training.
• Get the skills to succeed: The Employment Service helps you plan
your career, get training, and find a job through the Employment
Service program.
• Find jobs: You can find jobs in Ontario on the Job Bank website
Employment Ontario Service
Community Employment
Resource Centre (CERC):
• We are a service of the John Howard Society of Ottawa
• A not-for-profit community-based organization with over 26
years of providing high quality employment services to the
Ottawa community.
Who We Serve:
• We serves all Ontario residents who are looking for
employment and training; as well as Ontario employers who
are seeking candidates to fill their open positions.
• All of our services are offered at no cost.
Areas of Service:
• Our services are focused on Ottawa West, covering Bells
Corners, Kanata, Stittsville, West Carleton and rural Ottawa
The Components of
Employment Services
Information & Referrals
Job Search
Job Matching, Placement & Incentives
Job/Training Retention
Information & Referral
Employment Resource Centres
Access to current job postings
Computers with free Internet access and résumé software
Free faxing, printing, phone and photocopier
Various employment related workshops
Apprenticeship program information
Information and referral to various community programs
Resumé critiquing and interview preparation
Participation in Career Fairs
Distribution of job postings by email
And more…
Formal Referrals to other
Employment Ontario programs
We make referrals to the following programs/agencies:
OSEB-Ontario Self Employment Benefits program
JCP-Job Creation Partnership
SC-Second Career
LBS-Literacy and Basic Skills
SJS-Summer Job Service
Services for People with Disabilities:
Acclaim Ability Management
Ontario March of Dimes
Causeway Work Centre
Canadian Hearing Society
Summer Job Service
A seasonal program that helps
connect students to employers
seeking summer help.
A $2/hour wage subsidy is offered to
employers as in incentive to hire
summer students.
Summer job placements start as
early as April.
Employers include a variety of local
businesses, farms, summer camps,
and not-for-profit organizations.
ITO 2.0
301 promenade Moodie Drive, suite 203
Ottawa, ON K2H 9L4
T 613-688-0440 ∙ F 613-688-0444
John Howard Society of Ottawa - CERC
La Société John Howard d’Ottawa - CERC
415 Hazeldean Rd.,
Kanata, ON K2L 4C6
T 613-828-2123 ∙ F 613-828-2683
Pinecrest-Queensway Employment Services
Service à l’Emploi Pinecrest-Queensway
2525 avenue Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K2B 5B9
T 613-288-3880 ∙ F 613-288-3881
YMCA-YWCA Employment Access Centre
Centre d’accès en emploi du YMCA-YWCA
1642 chemin Merivale Road, 2nd Floor/2e étage
Ottawa, ON K2G 4A1
T 613-688-2150 ∙ F 613-688-2166
YSB Employment Services
Services d’emploi du BSJ
1355 rue Bank Street, suite 703
Ottawa, ON K1H 8K7
T 613-236-8244 ∙ F 613-236-4640
Northern Lights Canada
1980 chemin Ogilvie Road, suite 163
Ottawa, ON K1J 9L3
T 613-688-3670 ∙ F 613-288-0782
Vanier Community Service Centre
Centre des services communautaires Vanier
270 avenue Marier Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1L 5P8
T 613-742-4400 ∙ F 613-744-3083
La Cité collégiale Employment Resource Centre
Centre d’emploi et de ressources de La Cité
240 boulevard Centrum Boulevard
Orleans, ON K1E 3J4
T 613-741-9042 ∙ F: 613-834-6648
City of Ottawa
Ville d’Ottawa
(SJS not available)
370 rue Catherine Street, 1st Floor/1ère étage
Ottawa, ON K1R 5T5
T 613-560-0618 x 14372 ∙ F 613-560-0613
YMCA-YWCA Employment Access Centre
Centre d’accès en emploi du YMCA-YWCA
(SJS not available)
180 avenue Argyle Avenue, 4th Floor/4e étage
Ottawa, ON K2P 1B7
T 613-788-5001 ∙ F 613-788-5051
St. Lawrence College Employment Service
Service d’emploi St. Lawrence College
71 rue Bank Street, 5th Floor/5e étage
Ottawa, ON K2P 5N1
T 613-232-0022 ∙ F 613-232-0025
Thank You