Updated April 28, 2016 Françoise Lamnabhi


Updated April 28, 2016 Françoise Lamnabhi
 Updated April 28, 2016 Françoise Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue is CNRS Senior Researcher since 1993 at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes. She obtained the Master of Mathematics degree at the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) in 1976 and she held a CNRS researcher position in 1980. She received her Ph.D. and Habilitation Doctorate degrees (Docteur d'état ès Sciences Physiques) from the University Paris Sud in 1980 and 1985, respectively. Some recent activities include: Senior Editor of International Journal of Control (Taylor&Francis); Scientific Manager of the Marie Curie Control Training Site, CTS (ended December 2006); Elected Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society for 2003‐2005; Scientific Manager of the HYCON Network of Excellence (ended March 2009) and HYCON2 (2010‐2014); Since 2010, she is member of the Executive Committee of GdR MACS. She is the founder of the European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) and the chair of the EECI International Graduate School on Control. She is serving as Member of the IFAC Technical Board, in particular as Chair of CC9 Social Systems, during the triennium (2011 to 2014) and (2014 to 2017). Her main recent research interests include observer design, performance and robustness issues in nonlinear, hybrid, networked and distributed control systems. She has supervised 24 PhD thesis. She is author of 1 book, editor or co‐editor of 10 books and 4 Special Issues; she is author and co‐author of 98 journal papers and chapters of books and 115 published conference papers. She is the prizewinner of the 2008 Michel Monpetit prize of the French Academy of Science, of the 2010‐2013 Prime d’Excellence Scientifique at CNRS and of the 2014 IFAC NMO France. From January 2014 to February 2016 she was deputy director of the Ecole Doctorale STIC of the University of Paris‐Saclay. She was recently appointed member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Information Science and interactions (CNRS‐INS2I), member of the Programme Committee of the ITE SuperGrid and Editor‐in‐Chief of Annual Reviews in Control (Elsevier. She is nominated member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE CSS for the year 2016. In 2016, she was nominated to the Order of the Legion of Honor. Research Theme: Observers design, identification, analysis and control of complex systems (nonlinear, hybrid, embedded, distributed, networked). Page 1 sur 18 Curriculum Vitae Françoise LAMNABHI‐LAGARRIGUE Nom de naissance : LAGARRIGUE ; nom d'épouse : LAMNABHI Nom d'usage : LAMNABHI‐LAGARRIGUE ; Prénom : Françoise mariée, 2 enfants, née le 31 décembre 1953 à Toulouse, nationalité française, Adresse privée : 183 allée de la clairière, 91190 Gif‐sur‐Yvette Portable : 06 62 34 82 68 Adresse professionnelle : Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes CNRS, CentraleSupelec, 3 rue Joliot Curie, 91192 Gif‐sur‐Yvette, France [email protected], Téléphone: 01 69 85 17 27 <http://www.l2s.centralesupelec.fr/perso/francoise.lamnabhi‐lagarrigue> Education 1985 Doctorat d’état ès sciences physiques (Habilitation), University of Paris‐Sud 1980 PhD, University of Paris‐Sud 1978 DEA Automatique et traitement du signal, University of Paris‐Sud 1976 Master of Mathematics, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse 1972 Baccalauréat mathématiques élémentaires, Secondary School, Albi Honors ‐ 2016 Distinction : Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur ‐ 2014 IFAC French National Member Organization Award ‐ 2010 Scientific Excellence CNRS Award ‐ 2008 Michel Monpetit Award of the French Academy of Sciences Professional Experience 2007‐ 1st grade senior researcher (DR1), CNRS at L2S 1993–2007 2nd grade senior researcher (DR2), CNRS at L2S 1987 Visiting Associate Researcher Arizona State University, USA, NATO grant 1984–1993 1st grade researcher (CR1), CNRS at L2S 1980–1984 2nd grade researcher (CR2), CNRS at Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S) Teaching and training Experiences  Paris‐Saclay University: Director of Pôle 1 de l’Ecole Doctorale STIC, “Control, Signal Processing, Image Processing Robotics”, (April 2014‐February 2016)  Chair of the EECI International Graduate School on Control (IGSC), www.eeci‐institute.eu (345 registration at IGSC‐2014) – since 2002, first Formation en Automatique à Paris (FAP) 2002‐2006, in the framework of the FP5 Marie Curie Training Site CTS, then in the framework of the FP7 Networks of Excellence HYCON‐HYCON2  Master of Research 2 Course, Univ Paris‐Sud, Stability of Nonlinear Systems, de 1998 à 2001. Advisor of 23 PhD theses and 9 post‐docs Recent PhD thesis supervised or co‐supervised: ‐ Mohamed Kahelras, Observateurs échantillonnés avec gain variant dans le temps pour une grande classe de systèmes non linéaire, co‐encadrée avec Tarek Ahmed‐Ali, début Septembre 2015. ‐ Mawulikplimi Paniah, Approche multi‐agent pour la gestion énergétique des fermes éoliennes off‐
shore, co‐encadrée Javier Gil‐Quijano (CEA), thèse soutenue en mai 2015 ‐ Miguel Jiménez Carrizosa, Système de commande secondaire de réseaux électriques multi terminaux à courant continu – High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), co‐encadrée avec Gilney Damm et Abdelkrim Benchaib (ALSTOM), thèse soutenue en avril 2015 ‐ Yi‐Jing Chen, Commande non‐linéaire de réseaux électriques multi‐terminaux à courant continu, co‐encadrée avec Gilney Damm et Abdelkrim Benchaib (ALSTOM), thèse soutenue en avril 2015 ‐ Fernando Jaramillo Lopez, Estimation des paramètres et contrôle de dispositifs photo‐voltaïque, co‐encadrée avec Godpromesse Kenne, thèse soutenue en septembre 2014 ‐ Hassan Omran, Commande et observation des systèmes de contrôle en réseau, co‐encadrée avec Jean‐Pierre Richard et Laurentiu Hetel, thèse soutenue en mars 2014 ‐ Aya Alawieh, Sur la commande hybride et non linéaire de convertisseurs de puissance, co‐encadrée avec Romeo Ortega (L2S), thèse soutenue en octobre 2012 ‐ Alessio Franci, Pathological synchronization in neuronal populations: a control perspective, co‐
encadrée avec Antoine Chaillet et William Pasillas‐Lepine (L2S), thèse soutenue en 2012, ‐ Mikael Hernandez, Optimisation de la transmission d'énergie, thèse soutenue en 2010, thèse soutenue en 2012 Page 2 sur 18 Organization of Workshops and Sessions 2016 – ASEAN STI Days & CONNECT2SEA, ASEAN RISE’2016 Workshop on ICT research and innovation for sustainable economic and social development in ASEAN, Hanoï, May 2016 ‐ Member of the Steering Committee of the ‘1st IFAC Conference on Cyber‐Physical&Human‐Systems’, CPHS'2016, December 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil 2015 – ECC’15 Session State observation and parameter estimation of systems involving PDEs, Linz, July 2014 – IEEE CSS, IFAC and HYCON2 Automatic Control for the Human Welfare, Paris, September 2014 – Special Invited Session at IFAC World Congress, How can the control field increase its impact and suitable funding opportunities? Cape Town 2014 ‐ ECC’14 Pre‐conference HYCON2 Workshop Control of large‐scale distributed and cooperating systems: Recent achievements within the Network of Excellence HYCON2, Strasbourg 2013 ‐ BALCON‐HYCON2 Workshop on Control for Cyber‐Physical Systems, Belgrade 2‐3 July. 2012 ‐ Workshop on Control of Cyber‐Physical Systems, London, Invitation au Panel discussion 2012 ‐ HYCON2 Workshop on Energy, September 3‐4, Brussels 2012 ‐ BALCON‐HYCON2 Session, From data to information: methods and industrial technologies for monitoring, control and optimization, IEEE ICIT’12, Athens 2011 ‐ HYCON2 meeting at the European Commission with five industrials (ABB, Siemens, Alstom, PSA, Bayer), 30 September 2011, Brussels 2011 – EUCLID Workshop Foundations and future perspectives to cooperate in control and monitoring with India, IEEE CDC’11, Orlando 2009 ‐ HYCON Final Workshop, March 3, 2009, Brussels 2008 – IFAC Pre‐Congress Workshop on Complex Embedded and Networked Control Systems, 17th IFAC World Congress, July 6‐11, 2008, Seoul, Korea, 2006 ‐ Joint CTS‐HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, 10‐12 July 2006, Paris Sorbonne (1 book edited by ISTE) 2005 ‐ HYCON Tutorial Session on Hybrid Control of Networked Embedded Systems, at CDC‐ECC, 2005 ‐ Advances in control of hybrid systems, session IMACS’2005, Paris 2004 ‐ Analysis and control of hybrid systems, mini‐symposium MTNS’2004, Louvain‐la‐Neuve 2000 ‐ Sliding mode control and automotive applications, session MTNS’2000, Montpelier 1999‐2001, Réseau TMR Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) : 4 Workshops, 3 Ecoles among them Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, Paris (2 books edited by Springer), June 2000 Research Projects Funded by External Agencies European projects: ‐ 2014‐2017: FP7 Coordination and Supporting Action CONNECT2SEA, partner, Supporting European Union and Southeast Asia ICT strategic partnership and policy dialogue: Connecting ICT EU‐SEA Research, Development and Innovation Knowledge Networks <www.connect2sea.eu> ‐ 2011‐2013: FP7 Coordination and Supporting Action BALCON, partner, Boosting EU‐Western Balkan Countries research collaboration in the Monitoring and Control area, <www.balcon‐project.eu> ‐ 2010‐2014: FP7 Network of Excellence HYCON2, coordinator, scientific lead, Highly Complex and Networked Control, <www.hycon2.eu> 4M€ ‐ 2010‐2012: FP7 Coordination and Supporting Action EUCLID, partner, Monitoring and Control for Europe and India,<www.euclid‐india.eu> ‐ 2007‐2009: FP7 Coordination and Supporting Action NESTER, partner, Networked Embedded Systems Tech. for Europe and Russia ‐ 2004‐2008: FP6 Network of Excellence HYCON, coordinator, scientific lead, Hybrid Control: Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems, 4,5M€ ‐ 2002‐2006: FP5 Marie Curie Training Site CTS regroupant 29 instituts, coordinator, scientific lead ‐ Control Training Site, 2M€ ‐ 1998‐2002: FP4 European Community TMR contract NCN, coordinator, scientific lead, Nonlinear Control Network ‐ Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems National and Regional projects: ‐ 2012‐2022 Investissements d’Avenir IEED, partenaire du projet SuperGrid ‐ 2010‐2014 : Partenaire du projet ANR WINPOWER, Intégration d’énergie éolienne par un réseau de courant continu à haute tension ‐ 2007‐2015 : tous les ans, soutien par le RTRA Digiteo « Manifestations scientifiques » pour l’organisation des Modules EECI de la Graduate School on Control ‐ 2007‐2009 : RTRA Digiteo : Au cœur de la pile à combustible, responsable scientifique. ‐ 2007 : CPER 2007‐2013 : 890 K€ pour espace 300m2 pour EECI dans le bâtiment Centrale‐Supelec www.fondation‐supelec.org/212_p_3398/les‐projets.html ‐ 2005 : Contrat avec la Région Ile‐de‐France : Soutien au portage de projets européens. Industrial projects: ‐ 2005‐2008 : EADS ‐ Bourse pour un étudiant en thèse: Robust control in a nonlinear context for large operating domains, co‐direction avec Département Automatique de SUPELEC) Page 3 sur 18 ‐
1999–2002 : PSA ‐ Contrôle Global Châssis (CGC) : responsable scientifique ‐ Amélioration du confort et de la sécurité automobile contrat Groupe PSA‐Supélec‐CNRS Technical and Professional Activities  Activités éditoriales / Editorship  Senior Editor of International Journal of Control, since 2001  Editor‐in‐chief of Annual Reviews in Control, since April 2015  Editorial Board member of Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2011‐2015  Springer Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul, T. Samad, Section Editor, 2015  Advisory Board member for Impact of Control Technology (2nd Ed.) IEEE CSS report, 2013  … and other expertise to journals and conferences mainly IEEE and IFAC  Member of Thesis Committees: since the beginning of my career, 61 PhDs, among them 10 Reviewer et 14 Chair of the Committee ‐ 14 Habilitations, among them 5 Reviewer. Since 2010: ‐ [Docteur en Sciences] Benjamin Bradu, Univ Paris Sud, mars 2010 ; David Roze, CNAM, déc. 2010 ; Antonio Sanchez, Univ Paris Sud, mars 2011 ; Eric Dorveaux, ENSMP, novembre 2011 ; Maria Henningsson, Lund University KTH, mai 2012 ; Kurosh Zarei‐nia, External Examiner, Univ. Manitoba (Canada), février 2012 ; Aya Alawieh, Univ Paris Sud, sep 2012 ; Carlos A. C. Gonzaga, Univ. de Lorraine, sept 2012 ; Vu Tuan Hieu Le, Supelec, oct 2012; Mohamad Safa, Univ Paris Sud, oct 2012 ; Romain Delpoux, Univ. Lille, nov 2012 ; Alexandre Guerrini, INRIA, juin 2013 ; Thiago Pereira das Chagas, INRIA, juin 2013 ; Andrea Espinel Rojas, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, octobre 2013 ; Laurie Conteville, Univ. Paris Sud, sept 2013 ; Jing Wang, Univ. Paris Sud, nov 2013 ; Radouane Ouladsine, Université d’Aix‐Marseille, déc. 2013 ; Cheikh Hann, Univ. De Caen, fév 2014 ; Hassan Omran, Univ. De Lille, mars 2014, Diego Langarica, Univ. Paris Sud, mai 2014 : Florentina Nicolau, INSA Rouen, déc 2014 ; Elodie Duraffourg, ONERA Toulouse, déc 1014 ; Oleg Garasym, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, octobre 2015. ‐ [HdR] Gilney Damm, Univ d’Evry Val d’Essonne, déc. 2010 ; Arben Cela, Univ. Paris Sud, avril 2011 ; Godpromesse Kenne, Univ. Paris Sud, novembre 2012 ; Antoine Chaillet, déc.2012 ; Mariana Netto, Univ. Paris Sud, sept 2013 ; Salah Laghrouche, déc 2014 ; Abdelkrim Benchaib, déc 2014  Member of Selection Committee Professor position PR61_0398 UPS (2015)  Member of Selection Committee Professor position PU IETR CentraleSupelec (2015)  Expert for the European Commission, expert number EX2002B028743: seven from Framework Programme FP5 (MAT et IST), one from FP6, two from FP7  Recent membership of International Programme Committees (since 2009): IFAC ACE 2009‐2012‐2013‐2016; JD‐MACS Journées Doctorales du GdR MACS 2013; IEEE MED 2011; IFAC ADHS 2012; IEEE MSC 2013 (AE); IFAC World Congress 2014 (AE); ACM/IEEE 5th International Conference on Cyber‐Physical Systems 2014; IEEE MSC 2014; ADHS 2015; IFAC LHMNC 2015; ICCPS 2015; IEEE MED 2015 (AE); IEEE MSC 2015 (AE); IEEE Conference on 21st Century Norbert Wiener;  Expert for the National Research Agency (ANR) : Evaluation of 4 projects in 2006 for the program Concepts systems and tools for global security; Member of the Commission program Rating ARPEGE (2008); 2013‐2015: Member of the Evaluation Committee SIM3 for whites projects and young researchers; Member of the Steering Committee of the Challenge 3 "Stimulating Industrial Renewal" 2013; Member of the Evaluation Committee "Industrial Chairs" 2014; Societal Challenges 2015: Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee CES 23 ‐ axe 4: Control and Signal and Image Processing (pre‐
proposals & proposals).  Member of the International Advisory Board for LCCC ‐ Lund Center for Control of Complex systems since 2011 (Annual Review).  Member of the IRCAM Scientific Committee‐Institut Recherche Coordination Acoustique Musique, since 2013 (Annual Review).  Member of the Program Committee of the Institute SuperGrid, since January 2015  Member appointed to the CNRS INS2I Scientific Committee (2015‐2018)  Chair of the ONERA Scientific Committee (nov 2015) Service ‐ GdR MACS (since 2010) : Member of the Executive Committee ‐ IFAC (2011‐2014) et (2014‐2017): Member of the Technical Board, Chair of CC9 Social Systems, creation of a new TC9.3: “Control for smart Cities” ‐ Chair of the IFAC Council Task Force whose duty is to produce a Control Research Agenda, emphasizing the current and future roles, impact and challenges of Control ‐ planned delivery: December 2016 ‐ IEEE Control Systems Society: (2003‐2005) Elected Member, (2016) Nominated Member of the Board of Governors Founder of the European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) www.eeci‐institute.eu, French Law 1901 Association, during the coordination of the Network of Excellence HYCON in May 2006, and chair till November 2009. Chair of the EECI International Graduate School on Control. Page 4 sur 18 Françoise LAMNABHI‐LAGARRIGUE PUBLICATIONS Updated 28 April 2016 LAMNABHI‐LAGARRIGUE Françoise, Directeur de Recherche 1, CNRS Laboratoire des Signaux and Systèmes, CNRS (L2S, UMR8506); SUPELEC; Université Paris‐Sud & European Embedded Control Institute SUPELEC, 3 rue Joliot Curie 91192 Gif‐sur‐Yvette, France [email protected], tél: 01 69 85 17 27 ; 06 62 34 82 68 Page personnelle: http://www.l2s.supelec.fr/perso/lamnabhi Site d’HYCON2: http://www.hycon2.eu Site d'EECI: http://www.eeci‐institute.eu Page 5 sur 18 Graduated PhD students ‐
[Th1] Safya Belghith (July 1997), thèse d'état, Vers un calcul explicite des exposants de Lyapunov pour les systèmes non linéaires. [Th2] Akram Fayaz (October 1991), Contribution à l'étude de la poursuite singulière de trajectoires. [Th3] Abdelhamid Laib (May 1996), Commande adaptative de systèmes non linéaires. Application à la robotique. [Th4] Laurent Karsenti (May 1996), Commande adaptative de systèmes non linéaires. Applications en biotechnologie and en électronique de puissance. [Th5] Tarek Ahmed‐Ali (October 1998), Observateurs and commandes robustes and adaptatives. [Th6] Gilney Ramundo Damm (November 2001), Contributions à la stabilisation des alternateurs. [Th7] Fabienne Floret (November 2002), Méthodes d'identification pour les systèmes linéairement parametrés. [Th8] Godpromesse Kenne (November 2003, co‐advisor: Tarek Ahmed‐Ali), Méthodes d'identification pour des systèmes non linéaires avec des paramètres variant dans le temps
[Th9] Mohamed Jerouane (December 2003), Sur la commande non linéaire à mode glissant, applications aux systèmes électromécaniques.
[Th10] Raphael Goma (December 2004), Sur la stabilisation des réseaux électriques: mise en oeuvre sur bancs d'essais de commandes non linéaires.
[Th11] Laurent Burlion (February 2007 ‐ co‐advisor: Tarek Ahmed‐Ali), Contribution à l'analyse and à la commande de systèmes non linéaires à commande échantillonnée.
[Th12] Islem Ait‐Hammouda (May 2007 ‐ co‐advisor: William Pasillas‐Lepine), Modélisation hybride des algorithmes d'anti‐blocage des roues (ABS).
[Th13] Wissam Dib (September 2009 ‐ co‐advisor: Romeo Ortega), Contribution à la Stabilité Transitoire des Systèmes de Puissance Multi‐Machine.
[Th14] Romain Postoyan (November 2009 ‐ co‐advisors: Tarek Ahmed‐Ali and Elena Panteley) Commande and observateurs pour des systèmes non linéaires incertains à données échantillonnées and en réseau [Th15] Michael Hernandez, Optimisation de la transmission d'énergie, thèse soutenue en novembre 2010, co‐encadrée avec Romeo Ortega (L2S) [Th16] Alessio Franci, Pathological synchronization in neuronal populations: a control theoretic perspective, co‐encadrée avec Antoine Chaillet and William Pasillas‐Lepine (L2S), thèse soutenue en 2012, [Th17] Aya Alawieh, Sur la commande hybride et non linéaire de convertisseurs de puissance, co‐encadrée avec Romeo Ortega (L2S), thèse soutenue en septembre 2012 [Th18] Hassan Omran, Commande and observation des systèmes de contrôle en réseau, co‐encadrée avec Jean‐Pierre Richard and Laurentiu Hetel (EC Lille), thèse soutenue en mars 2014 [Th19] Fernando Jaramillo Lopez, Estimation des paramètres and contrôle de dispositifs photo‐voltaïque, thèse soutenue le 26 septembre 2014. [Th20] Yi‐Jing Chen, Commande non‐linéaire de réseaux électriques multi‐terminaux à courant continu, co‐
encadrée avec Gilney Damm (Univ. Evry and L2S), thèse soutenue le 8 avril 2015 [Th21] Miguel Jimenez Carrizosa, Système de commande secondaire de réseaux électriques multi terminaux à courant continu – High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), co‐encadrée avec Gilney Damm, thèse soutenue le 10 avril 2015 [Th22] Mawulikplimi Paniah, Approche multi‐agent pour la gestion énergétique des fermes éoliennes off‐
shore co‐encadrée avec Jesus‐Javier Gilquijano (CEA), thèse soutenue le 21 mai 2015 [Th23 – en cours] Mohamed Kahelras, Observateurs échantillonnés avec gain variant dans le temps pour une grande classe de systèmes non linéaire, co‐encadrée avec Tarek Ahmed‐Ali, débutée en Sept 2015. [Th24 – en cours] Juan Carlos González Torres, Stabilité transitoire d'un réseau hybride AC‐DC, co‐encadrée avec A. Benchaib et G. Damm, débutée en Jan 2016. Post‐Docs ‐
Jesus Clemente‐Gallardo, réseau NCN, October 1999 ‐ March 2000 William Pasillas‐Lepine, contrat avec le Groupe PSA, janv 2000 ‐ June 2001 Gilney Damm, ATER IUT de Blois, December 2001 ‐ September 2002, Mariana Netto, ATER Université Paris Sud, December 2001 ‐ September 2002, Salah Laghrouche, FP6 HYCON janvier 2005 – December 2006 Eloisa del Carmen Garcia Canseco, FP6 HYCON July 2006 ‐ June 2007 Luca Greco (sept 2010 ‐ oct 2012), FP7 HYCON2 (12 mois) and CNRS (12mois) Naveen Crasta (dec 2010 – March 2012), FP7 EUCLID Jing Dai (sept 2011 – August 2012), ANR WINPOWER Page 6 sur 18 List of publications 
Livres, theses, numéraux spéciaux / Books, Thesis, Special Issues Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture / Papers in refereed journals Contributions à des ouvrages collectifs / Contributed chapters to collective books Rapports de contrats, Soumissions de projets, Rapports internes / Contract reports, Proposals, Internal reports Livres, theses, numéraux spéciaux / Books, Thesis, Special Issues [S4] A. Janot, H. Garnier, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and P. Young, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Electro‐Mechanical Systems, Special Issue International Journal of Control, 2016 [S3] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, M. D. Di Benedetto and E. Schoitsch, ERCIM News n°97, Special Theme “Cyber‐Physical Systems”, April 2014, http://ercim‐news.ercim.eu/en97 [E10] J. Lunze and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, (Eds.) Handbook of Hybrid Systems Control: Theory, Tools, and Applications, 2009, September, Cambridge University Press [E9] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, S. Laghrouche, A. Loria and E. Panteley, (Eds.) Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control: CTS‐HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, Paris IV Sorbonne, 10‐12 July 2006, 2007, ISBN 978 1 905209 65 1, ISTE Hermes and Lavoisier. [E8] A. Loria, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, E. Panteley (Eds.), Advanced Topics on Control Systems Theory, Lecture Notes from FAP 2005, LNCIS, Springer Verlag, janvier 2006, ISBN 1‐84628‐313‐2 [E7] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Loria, E. Panteley (Eds.), Advanced Topics on Control Systems Theory, Lecture Notes from FAP 2004, LNCIS, Springer Verlag, janvier 2005, ISBN 1‐85233‐923‐3 [E6] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and P. Rouchon (Eds.), Commandes non linéaires, Traité IC2 (Information, Commande, Communication), Collection dirigée par C. Foulard, Hermès ‐ Lavoisier 2003, ISBN 2‐7462‐ 0464‐9 [E5] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and P. Rouchon (Eds.), Systèmes non linéaires, Traité IC2 (Information, Commande, Communication), Collection dirigée par C. Foulard, Hermès ‐ Lavoisier 2002, ISBN 2‐7462‐0464‐9 [E4] A. Banos, F. F. Lamnabhi‐LagarrigueJ. Montoya Dato (Eds.), Advances in Control of Nonlinear Systems, LNCIS, Springer Verlag, janvier 2001, ISBN 1‐85233‐378‐2 [E3] A. Isidori, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, W. Respondek (Eds.), Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, 2 volumes, LNCIS 258 & 259, Springer Verlag, November 2000, ISBN 1‐85233‐363‐4 & ISBN 1‐85233‐364‐2. [E2] D. Aeyels F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and A.J van der Schaft (Eds), Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, LNCIS 246, Springer Verlag, July 1999, ISBN 1‐85233‐638‐2 [S2] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue (Editrice invitée), Recent Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems, Special Issue International Journal of Control, 71, 5, December 1998. [E1] G. Jacob and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue (Eds), Algebraic Computation in Control, LNCIS 165,Springer Verlag, 165, March 1991, ISBN 3‐540‐54408‐9 [S1] M.Y. Bernard, J. Henaff, Y. Garault, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and O. Macchi (Eds invités), Les phénomènes chaotiques, numéro spécial d'Annales des Télécommunications, 42(5‐6), May‐June 1987 [L1] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Analyse des Systèmes Non Linéaires, Editions Hermès, 1994, ISBN 2‐86601‐403‐0
[T2] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Séries de Volterra and commande optimale singulière, thèse de Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Physiques, Université Paris‐Sud, March 1985 [T1] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Application des variables non commutatives à des calculs formels en statistique non linéaire, thèse de Doctorat de Troisième Cycle, Université Paris‐Sud, February 1980 Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture / Papers in refereed journals [A71] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Observers for Cascades of ODEs With Heat or Transport PDE Sensors, submitted Automatica M. Jimenez Carrizosa, G. Bergna, A. Arzande, G. Damm, P. Alou, A. Benchaib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stability of [A70] DC/DC multi‐terminal converter using Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC systems, submitted IEEE transactions on Power Electronics. Page 7 sur 18 T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, L. Burlion, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Boundary Observer for Parabolic PDEs Subject to Domain and Boundary Parameter Uncertainties, submitted Automatica [A69] M. Jimenez Carrizosa, G. Bergna, A. Arzande, G. Damm, P. Alou, A. Benchaib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stability of [A68] DC/DC multi‐terminal converter using Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC systems, submitted IEEE Power Electronics F. Jaramillo‐Lopez, G. Kenne, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Maximum power extraction on wind turbine systems using
[A67] block‐backstepping with gradient dynamics control, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, To appear 2016 [A66] T. Ahmed‐Ali, E. Fridman, F. Giri, L. Burlion and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Using exponential time‐varying gains for sampled‐data stabilization and estimation, Automatica, 2016, 67, 244–251. [A65] F. Jaramillo‐Lopez, G. Kenne, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: Application to Photovoltaic Control Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ‐ To appear Feb 2017 M. Jiménez Carrizosa, E. Jimenez, A. Benchaib, G. Damm, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A new generalized power flow method [A64] for multi connected DC grids, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, To appear 2016, IJEPES‐D‐
14‐01304 F. Jaramillo‐Lopez, G. Kenne, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A novel neural network‐based algorithm for wind speed [A63] estimation and block‐backstepping control of PMSG wind turbine systems for maximum power extraction, RENE‐D‐14‐
00505R1, Renewable Energy, 2016, 86, 38–48. [A62] H. Omran, L. Hetel, Mihaly Petreczky, J.‐P. Richard and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stability analysis of some classes of
input‐affine nonlinear systems with aperiodic sampled‐data control, Automatica, To appear 2016 [A61] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, High Gain Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear ODE‐PDE Cascade Systems, Systems and Control Letters, 2015, 83, 19–27 T. Folin, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, L. Burlion, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sampled‐Data Adaptive Observer For a Class of State‐
[A60] Affine Output‐Injection Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, To appear 2016, DOI 10.1109 /TAC.2015.2437522 T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, L. Burlion, M. Krstic , F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Observer for a Class of Parabolic PDEs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, To appear 2016, DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2500237 [A59] M. Jiménez Carrizosa, F. Dorado, G. Damm, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Optimal power flow in multi‐terminal HVDC grids [A58] with offshore wind farms and storage devices, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2015, 65, 291‐298, IJEPES‐D‐13‐02070 I. Karafyllis, M. Krstic, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Global Stabilization of Nonlinear Delay Systems with a compact absorbing set, International Journal of Control, 2014, 87(5) 1010‐1027. [A57] J.D Nguimfack, G. Kenne, R. Fochie Kuate, A. Cheukem, H.B. Fotsin and F. 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Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Desynchronization and inhibition of Kuramoto oscillators by scalar mean‐field feedback, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2012, 24(2), 169‐217 [A51] T. Ahmed‐Ali, E. Cherrier and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Cascade high gain predictors for a class of nonlinear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(1) , 221‐226 [A50] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, High gain observer design for some networked control systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(4), 995‐1000 [A49] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Arzandé and J.C. Vannier, An improved rotor resistance estimator for induction motors adaptive control, Electric Power Systems Research, 2011, 81, 930‐941 G. Kenne, R.S. Simo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Arzandé and J.C. Vannier, An online simplified rotor resistance estimator [A48] for induction motors, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2010, 18(5), 1188‐1194 G. Kenne, R. Goma, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Arzandé and J.C. Vannier, Real‐time Transient Stabilization [A47] and Voltage Regulation of Power Generators with Unknown Mechanical Power Input, Energy Conversion & Management, 2010, 51(1), 218‐224 R. Postoyan, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Observer design for classes of nonlinear networked control systems, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), 2012, 15(2), 108‐116 [A46] Page 8 sur 18 G. Kenne, R. Goma, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Arzandé and J.C. Vannier, improved direct feedback [A45] linearization technique for transient stability enhancement and voltage regulation of power generators, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2010, 32, 809‐816 [A44] R. Postoyan, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Backstepping for the Euler approximate model of sampled‐data strict‐feedback systems, Automatica, 2009, 45(9), 2164‐2168 [A43] T. Ahmed‐Ali, R. Postoyan and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Continuous‐discrete adaptive observers for state affine systems, Automatica, 2009, 45(12), 2986‐2990 [A42] T. Ahmed‐Ali, G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Identification of nonlinear systems with time‐varying parameters using a sliding‐neural network observer, Neurocomputing, 2009, 72(7), 1611‐1620 [A41] W. Dib, A. Barabanov, R. Ortega and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A "Globally" Convergent Controller for Structure‐Preserving Models, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2009, 54(9), 2179‐2185 [A40] W. Dib, A. Barabanov, R. Ortega and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, An Explicit Solution of the Power Balance Equations of Structure Preserving Power System Models, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2009, 24(2), 759‐765 [A39] M. Hernandez‐Gomez, R. Ortega, G. Escobar and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive PI Stabilization of Switched Power Converters, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2010, 18(3), 688‐698 G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and A. Arzandé, Real‐time speed and flux adaptive control of induction [A38] motors using unknown time‐varying rotor resistance and load torque, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2009, 24(2), 375‐387 [A37] R. Postoyan, T. Ahmed‐Ali, L. Burlion and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the Lyapunov‐based adaptive control redesign for a class of nonlinear sampled‐data systems, Automatica, 2008, 44(8), 2099‐2107 [A36] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and A. Arzandé, Nonlinear systems time‐ varying parameter estimation: Application to induction motors, Electric Power Systems Research, 2008, 78(11), 1881‐1888 T. Ahmed‐Ali, G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Nonlinear systems parameter estimation using neural networks: [A35] Application to synchronous machines, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2007, 13(4), 365‐
382 [A34] L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the stabilization of sampled‐data nonlinear systems by using backstepping on the higher order approximate models, International Journal of Control, 2006, 79(9), 1087‐1095. [A33] Burlion, L. and Ahmed‐Ali, T. and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the stability of a class of nonlinear hybrid systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 2006, 12, 2236‐2247. [A32] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Nkwawo, Nonlinear system parameters estimation using radial basis function network, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, 14(7), 819‐832, 2006. A. Balluchi, L. Benvenuti, S. Engell, T. Geyer, K.H. Johansson, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, G. [A31] Papafotiou, A.L. Sangiovanni‐Vincentelli, F. Santucci, O. Stursberg, Hybrid control of networked embedded systems, Special Issue of the European Journal on Control, Fundamental Issues in Control, 11 (4‐5), 2005, 478‐508. [A30] G. Kenne, F. Floret, H. Nkwawo and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parameter estimation methodology for nonlinear systems: application to induction motor, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 14(2), 2005, 240‐254. [A29] M. Jerouane, N. Sepehri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamic analysis of variable structure force control of hydraulic actuators via reaching law approach, International Journal on Control, 77(14), 2004, 1260‐1268. [A28] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Floret, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust identification and control with time‐varying parameter perturbations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 10(3‐4), 2004, 201‐216. G. Damm, R. Marino and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Nonlinear Output Feedback for Transient Stabilization and [A27] Voltage Regulation of Power Generators with Unknown Parameters, International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust Control, 14(9‐10), 2004, 833‐855 [A26] F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parametric identification methodology using sliding modes observer, International Journal of Control, 74(18), 2001, 1743‐1753 [A25] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and R. Ortega, A globally‐stable adaptive indirect field‐oriented controller for current‐fed induction motors, International Journal of Control, 72(11), 1999, 996‐1005 [A24] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sliding observer‐controller design for uncertain triangular nonlinear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(6), 1999, 1244‐1249 [A23] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamical robust adaptive tracking for uncertain nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control 70(6), 1998, 894‐921 [A22] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Poursuite de trajectoires de systèmes non linéaires avec atténuation de perturbations, Compte‐Rendu Academie Sciences Paris, 325, Série I, 1997, 329‐338 [A21] L. Karsenti, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and G. 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Verelli, Robust adaptive transient stabilization and voltage [B28] regulation of synchronous generator, in Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control, CTS‐HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, Paris IV Sorbonne, 2006, ISTE Hermes and Lavoisier. G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and A. Arzande, Real‐time implementation of rotor flux and speed control of induction motors using on‐line rotor resistance and load torque adaptation, in Taming Heterogeneity and [B27] Complexity of Embedded Control, CTS‐HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, Paris IV Sorbonne, 2006, ISTE Hermes and Lavoisier. Page 10 sur 18 [B26] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Volterra and Fliess series expansions, dans Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO‐
EOLSS contribution, November 2002 [B25] F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parametric identification using sliding modes, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO‐EOLSS contribution, November 2002. F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sur les méthodes d'identification des systèmes non linéaires, in Systèmes [B24] non linéaires, P. Rouchon and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue (eds.), Traité IC2 (Information, Commande, Communication), Collection dirigée par C. Foulard, 32 pages, September 2002 G. Damm, R. Marino and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive nonlinear excitation control of synchronous generators, in Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, NCN4 2001, D. Owens, A. Zinober (eds.), Springer‐Verlag, July 2002, 65‐76 [B23] F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parametric identification for nonlinear uncertain systems using variable [B22] structure theory, in Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, NCN4 2001, D. Owens, A. Zinober (eds.) Springer‐Verlag, July 2002, 109‐128 F. Floret, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Nkwawo, On nonlinear parameter identification, in Systems and Control: Theory and Applications, N.E Mastorakis (ed.), Danvers, 2000, Word Scientific and Engineering Society, 149‐155 [B21] R. Marino, G. Damm, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive nonlinear excitation control of synchronous generators with [B20] unknown mechanical power, in Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, A. Isidori, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, W. Respondek (eds.), volume 2, pp. 107 ‐ 122, Londres, 2000, Springer Verlag H. Nkwawo, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stabilisation d'une sous‐classe de systèmes feed‐ [B19] forward in Modern Applied Mathematics Techniques in Circuits, Systems and Control, N.E.Mastorakis, Ed., Word Scientific Eng. Soc. Press, 1999, 274‐277 [B18] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Mazenc and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Disturbance attenuation for discrete‐time feedforward nonlinear systems, in Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, Springer Verlag, 1999, 1‐16 [B17] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Volterra series representation of weakly nonlinear systems, in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (J.G. Webster, Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 1998 [B16] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Volterra and Fliess series expansions for nonlinear systems, in The Control Handbook, (W.S Levine, Ed.), CRC Press, 1995, 879‐888 [B15] P. Crouch and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Realizations of input‐output differential equations, in Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks and Signal Processing, Proc. MTNS'91, Mita Press, 1992, 259‐264 F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, P. Leroux and G. Viennot, Combinatorial approximations of Volterra series by bilinear systems, [B14] in Analyse des Systèmes Dynamiques Contrôlés (B. Bonnard, B. Bride, J. P. Gautier and I. Kupka eds.) Progress in Systems and Control Theory Birkäuser, 1991, 304‐315 F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and Z. Yu, New approximants for nonlinear functional expansions, in New Trends in Systems Theory (G. Conte, A. M. Perdon and B. Wyman eds.) Progress in Systems and Control Theory Birkäuser, 1991, 497‐504. [B13] A.M. Fayaz and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the singular output tracking in multivariable nonlinear systems in Analysis [B12] and Optimization of Systems (A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions eds.) Lect. Notes Contr. Inform. Sc. 144 Springer Verlag, 1990, 525‐541. [B11] P.E. Crouch, I. Ighneiwa and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the singular tracking problem, in Perspectives in Control Theory
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problèmes de commande optimale singulière, in Analysis and Optimization of Systems (A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions eds.) Lect. Notes Contr. Inform. Sc. 63 Springer Verlag, 1986, 525‐541 Page 11 sur 18 [B3] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A Volterra series interpretation of some higher order necessary conditions in optimal control, in Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (P. A. Fuhrmann ed.) Lect. Notes Contr. Inform. Sc. 45 Springer Verlag, 1983, 615‐627 [B2] M. Lamnabhi and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Algebraic computation of the statistics of the solution of some nonlinear differential equations, in Computer Algebra (J. A. van Hulzen ed.) Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. 162 Springer Verlag, 1983, 55‐
68. [B1] M. Lamnabhi and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Algebraic computation of the solution of some nonlinear differential equations, in Computer Algebra (J. Calmet ed.) Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. 144 Springer Verlag, 1982, 204‐211 Communications à des colloques avec actes / Published Conference papers T. Ahmed‐Ali, I. Karafyllis, F. Giri, M. Krstic, and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Exponential Stability Analysis of Sampled‐
[C115] data ODE‐PDE Systems and Application to Observer Design, Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS’2016, Minneapolis. T.Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Observer for a Class of Output‐Delayed Systems with [C114] Parameter Uncertainty ‐ A PDE Based Approach, 12th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, IFAC ALCOSP 2016, Eindhoven. [C113] T. Ahmed‐Ali, E. Fridman, F. Giri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sampling Intervals Enlargement for a Class of Parabolic Sampled‐Data Observers, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, Paris, July 8‐10, 2015. M. Jiménez Carrizosa, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Distributed primary droop control in Multi [C112] Terminal High Voltage Direct Current networks, Proc. 24th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2015), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, June 03‐05, 2015 [C111] T. Ahmed‐Ali, E. Fridman , F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, L. Burlion A new approach to enlarging sampling intervals for sampled‐data systems, Proc. 12th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, USA on June 28‐30, 2015. T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, M. Krstic, L. Burlion, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue. Adaptive Observer for Parabolic PDEs with [C110] Uncertain Parameter in the Boundary Condition, ECC 2015‐483, Proc. Proc. 14th European Control Conference in Linz, Austria, June 2015 M. Jimenez Carrizosa, G. Damm, A. Arzande, J.C. Vannier, A. Benchaib, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, P. Egrot, E. Berne
[C109] Local and primary controls of a Multi‐terminal HVDC grid in an experimental setup, , Proc. 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Geneva, September 2015 M. Jiménez Carrizosa, J. Cortés, A. Benchaib, P. Alou, G. Damm, J. A. Cobos, and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, DC/DC [C108] converters as DC circuit‐breakers in HVDC networks operation, Proc. 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2014, pp. 1–10, August 2014 [C107] T. Ahmed‐Ali, L. Burlion, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, C. Ahmadou Bamba Hann, An Exponential observer with time‐varying gain for a class of nonlinear systems with sampled‐measurements, Proc. 53rd IEEE CDC, Los Angeles, December 2014 [C106] Y. Chen, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Analysis of Stability and Dynamic Limitations of a VSC Terminal with DC Voltage Droop Control, Proc. 53rd IEEE CDC, Los Angeles, December 2014 F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Global Stabilization of Nonlinear Delay Systems with a compact absorbing set, Invitée au [C105] Workshop on 25 Years of Passivity‐based Control: New Vistas, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai‐India, 19‐22 May 2014 M. Jiménez Carrizosa, F. Dorado Navas, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Optimal power flow operation [C104] of a multi terminal HVDC with renewable sources and energy storages, Proc.IEEE IES INDIN14 Automated Conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 27‐30 July, 2014 [C103] Y. Chen, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A new control strategy based on static and dynamic feedback linearization for a VSC‐HVDC terminal, Proc. 13th European Control Conference in Strasbourg, France, Juin 2014 [C101] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Giri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sampled‐data adaptive observer for a class of state‐affine nonlinear systems with output injection, Proc.19th IFAC World Congress, CapeTown, South Africa, August 2014 Y. Chen, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, Mariana Netto, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Control induced explicit time‐scale separation [C100] to attain DC voltage stability for a VSC‐HVDC terminal, Proc.19th IFAC World Congress, CapeTown, South Africa, August 2014 M. Jimenez Carrizosa, G. Damm, A. Benchaib, M. Netto, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Bilinear and nonlinear control [C99] algorithms for a DC/DC converter for multi‐terminal HVDC networks, Proc.19th IFAC World Congress, CapeTown, South Africa, August 2014 [C98] E. Duraffourg, L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive Finite‐time Observer for a Nonlinear and Flexible Space Launch Vehicle, Proc.19th IFAC World Congress, CapeTown, South Africa, August 2014 [C97] E. Duraffourg, L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Global asymptotic stabilization for some nonlinear models of flexible aerospace vehicles, Proc. 52th IEEE CDC‐ECC, Florence, December 2013 Page 12 sur 18 F. Jaramillo Lopez, G. Damm, G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive control scheme for maximum power [C96] point tracking of a photovoltaic system connected to the grid, Proc. 12th European Control Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013 Yijing Chen, Jing Dai, G. Damm and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A detailed study on a DC‐Voltage‐based control scheme [C95] using a multi‐terminal HVDC system for frequency control, Proc. 12th European Control Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013 [C94] Yijing Chen, Jing Dai, G. Damm and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Nonlinear control design for a multi‐terminal VSC‐HVDC system, Proc. 12th European Control Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013 [C93] H. Omran, L. Hetel, J.P. Richard and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the stability of nonlinear systems with sampled‐data control, Proc. 12th European Control Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, July 17‐19 2013 [C92] E. Duraffourg, L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Nonlinear control of the longitudinal rotational dynamics of a flexible aircraft, Proc. 12th European Control Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013 F. Jaramillo Lopez, G. Damm, G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive control scheme for grid‐connected [C91] photovoltaic systems with unknown bounds, Proc. IFAC 11th International Workshop on adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, July 2013 [C90] Hann A.B. Cheikh, V. Van Assche, N. Crasta and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamical Continuous High Gain Observer For Sampled Measurements Systems, Proc. 51th IEEE CDC‐ECC, Hawai, december 2012 [C89] H. Omran, L. Hetel, J.P. Richard and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stability of bilinear sampled‐data systems with an emulation of static state feedback, Proc. 51th IEEE CDC‐ECC, Hawai, december 2012 [C88] E. Panteley, A. Chaillet, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and E. Gonçalves, The EECI Graduate School on Control: Back on ten years of doctoral training, IFAC Advances in Control Education, Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), June 2012. G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Comparative study of two robust online rotor resistance estimators for induction [C87] machine adaptive control, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Industry Technology, Athens (Greece), March 2012. N. Crasta, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamical high gain observer design with sampled
measurements AND A. Franci, A. Chaillet, W. Pasillas‐Lepine, E. Panteley, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A Proportional [C86] Mean‐Field Feedback for the Desynchronization and Inhibition of Kuramoto Oscillators, Proceedings IFAC International Conference on Avances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Bangalore (India), February 2012, in Invited Session [C85] L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Updating the gain of global finite‐time high gain observers, Proc. 50th IEEE CDC‐ECC, Orlando (USA), December 2011 . A.Franci, E. Panteley, A. Chaillet, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Desynchronization of Coupled Phase Oscillators, with [C84] Application to the Kuramoto System under Mean‐Field Feedback, Proc. 50th IEEE CDC‐ECC, Orlando (USA), December 2011. [C83] V. Van Assche, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, High gain observer design for nonlinear systems with time varying delayed measurements, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (Italie), 2011. [C82] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, High gain observer design for some networked control systems, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'10), 2010, in Annecy (France). M.C. Verrelli, G. Damm and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust transient stabilization of a synchronous generator in an [C81] uncertain power network with transfer conductances, 2009, Proc. 7th European Control Conference (ECC'09), Budapest, Hungary [C80] R. Postoyan, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust stabilization for sampled‐data strict‐feedback systems, 2009, Proc. 9th European Control Conference (ECC'09), Budapest, Hungary W. Dib, G. Kenne and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, An Application of Immersion and Invariance to Transient Stability and [C79] Voltage Regulation of Power Systems with Unknown Mechanical Power, Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, China, 2009 [C78] E. Cherrier, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Output feedback control for a class of nonlinear delayed systems, 2009, Workshop NESTER W. Dib, R. Ortega, D. Hill and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Nonlinear excitation control for transient stability of multi‐
[C77] machine power systems using structure preserving models, PP& PSC 2009, IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 5‐8 July 2009, Finland. [C76] R. Postoyan, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Observers for classes of nonlinear networked systems, 2009, IEEE Int.Multi‐Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD'09), Djerba, Tunisia M. Hernandez‐Gomez, R. Ortega, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and G. Escobar, Power Factor Compensation of a Controlled [C75] Rectifier with Non‐Sinusoidal Generator Voltage using Passive Components, Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2008. CDC’08, Cancun, Mexique. Page 13 sur 18 R. Ortega, M. Hernandez‐Gomez, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and G. Escobar, Passive power factor compensation of a [C74] controlled rectifier with non‐sinusoidal generator voltage, in Industrial Electronics and Applications 3rd IEEE Conference on ICIEA, 2352 ‐ 2357, June 2008 W. Dib, R. Ortega, A. Barabanov and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A "globally" convergent controller for transient stability [C73] of multi‐machine power systems using the structure‐preserving models., 2008, Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico [C72] W. Dib, R. Ortega, A. Barabanov and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On transient stability of multi‐machine power system: a "globally" convergent controller for structure‐preserving models, 2008, July, IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea [C71] T. Ahmed Ali, R. Postoyan and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Continuous‐discrete adaptive observers for state a±ne systems, 2007, 1356‐1360, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, U.S.A [C70] L. Burlion T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the adaptive control of nonlinear sample‐data systems, 2007, Proc. 8th European Control Conference (ECC'07), Kos, Greece [C69] L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and R. Postoyan, Adaptative control redesign for some nonlinear sample‐data systems, Proc. IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control (NOLCOS'07), Pretoria, Afrique du Sud G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A. Arzandé, Time‐varying parameter identification of a class of [C68] nonlinear systems with application to online rotor resistance estimation on induction motors, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industry Electronics‐ISIE2006, Montreal, Canada, July 2006. [C67] L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali, and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the design of Lyapunov functions for state‐dependent impulsive dynamical systems, Proc. IFAC World Congress, Prague 2005 [C66] M. Jerouane and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sliding mode controller for a generaized electromechanical system with mismatched time‐varying uncertainties, Proc. IEEE CDC‐ECC'05, Seville, 12‐16 December 2005 [C65] A. Loria, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and D. Nesic, Summation‐type conditions for uniform asymptotic convergence in discrete‐time systems: application in identification, Proc. IEEE CDC‐ECC'05, Seville, 12‐16 December 2005 [C64] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust rotor flux and speed control of induction motors using on‐line time‐varying rotor resistance adaptation, Proc. IEEE CDC‐ECC'05, Seville, 12‐16 December 2005 [C63] M. Jerouane, N. Sepehri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust variable structure control for hydraulic actuators: design and experimental evaluation, IMACS 2005, Paris, 11‐15 July 2005 [C62] T. Ahmed‐Ali, L. Burlion and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the stabilization of sampled‐data systems by using higher order approximations of the exact discretized systems, IMACS 2005, Paris, 11‐15 July 2005 [C61] R. Goma, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, E. Delaleau and H. Nkwawo, Real‐Time Implementation of a Nonlinear Control for Multimachine Power Systems, IMACS 2005, Paris, 11‐15 July 2005 [C60] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Some new results for the control of some nonlinear hybrid systems, First Control Training Site Workshop, Coimbra, July 2004 [C59] L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On the stability of a class of nonlinear hybrid systems, Proc. 6th
IFAC‐Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2004, Stuttgart, 1‐3 September 2004 L. Burlion, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Stabilization of switching systems: a viability approach, Proc. 16th
[C58] International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networked Systems, MTNS 2004, Louvain‐la‐Neuve, 5‐9 July 2004 R. Goma, G. Damm, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and L Benbaouche, Real‐time implementation of an [C57] adaptative nonlinear control for synchronous machines, Proc. International Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing, Hammamet, Tunisie, 21‐24 March 2004 G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Nkwawo, Identification of electrical parameters and rotor [C56] speed of induction motor using radial basis neural network, Proc. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2004, May 4‐7, 2004 [C55] M. Jerouane, N. Sepehri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust variable structure control for hydraulic actuators: design and experimental evaluation, Proc. 5th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2004, Melbourne, Australia, July 20‐23, 2004 R. Goma, F.A. Okou, O. Akhrif, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and L Benbaouche, Real‐time implementation of a [C54] robust nonlinear control for rotor speed stability and voltage regulation of power systems, Proc. 1st African Control Conference, Cape Town, South‐Africa, 3‐5 December, 2003 M. Jerouane, N. Sepehri and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamic analysis of variable structure force control hydraulic [C53] actuators via the reaching law approach, Proc. 1st African Control Conference, Cape Town, South‐Africa, 3‐5 December, 2003 [C52] B. Behar, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust nonlinear controls for two problems of rejecting disturbances, Proc. 1st African Control Conference, Cape Town, South‐Africa, 3‐5 December, 2003 [C51] B. Behar, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust nonlinear control of transient stability of power systems, 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 9‐12, 2003 Page 14 sur 18 [C50] B. Behar, T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Nonlinear PI control of eccentricity compensation problem, Proc. Inter. Conference "Physics and Control", PhysCon 2003, Saint‐Petersburg, August 20‐22, 2003 M. Jerouane, N. Sepehri, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Analyse expérimentale de la dynamique d'une commande à [C49] structure variable d'un système hydraulique, Actes des Journées Doctorales d'Automatiques, Valenciennes, 25‐27 June, 2003 [C48] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, H. Nkwawo, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Algorithmes d'identification des paramètres électriques d'un moteur asynchrone, Actes des Journées Doctorales d'Automatiques, Valenciennes, 25‐27 June, 2003 [C47] G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, H. Nkwawo and, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Identification of time‐varying rotor and stator resistances of induction motor, Proc. European Control Conference, ECC'03, Coventry, 1‐4 September G. Kenne, F. Floret, H. Nkwawo and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Real‐time electrical parameters and rotor flux estimation [C46] of induction motors using sliding mode observer approach, Proc. 6th International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE 2003, Coventry, 9‐11 September, 2003 G. Kenne, T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Nkwawo, Nonlinear system parameters identification using [C45] radial basis function neuronal predictor, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICANN/ICONIP'03, Istanbul, June 26‐29, 2003 [C44] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust identification and control with time‐varying parameter perturbations, 2003 American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 4‐6, 2003 M. Jerouane and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, VSS control of magnetic bearing system with mismatched uncertainties, [C43] Proc. 7th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS'02) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 17‐
19, 2002 M. Jerouane and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Variable Structure Control with mismatched uncertainties: tracking control [C42] of hydraulic systems, Proc. 7th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control AMC'02 Maribor, Slovenia July 3 ‐ 5, pp. 296‐299, 2002 [C41] F. Floret‐Pontet, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Nkwawo, An identifier‐observer‐controller design, Proc. IEEE‐SCI 2002, Orlando (Floride), USA, July 2002 [C40] F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parameter Identification and State Estimation for continuous‐time nonlinear systems, Proc. American Control Conference, ACC’02 (Anchorage‐Alaska) [C39] M. Jerouane and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A new robust sliding mode contoller for a hydraulic actuator, Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC’01, Orlando, Florida, 908‐913 [C38] G. Damm and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive nonlinear control of power generators with the estimation of unknown mechanical power, Invited to IFAC Symposium on Systems Structure and Control, Prague, 2001 [C37] W. Pasillas‐Lepine, E. Fenaux (Groupe PSA) and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Observing the state of a vehicle, NACO2 Workshop on Automotive Control, Lund, May 2001 [C36] G. Damm, R. Marino and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive nonlinear excitation control of synchronous generators, 4th Nonlinear Control Network Workshop, Sheffield, UK, June 2001 [C35] F. Floret‐Pontet and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Parametric identification for nonlinear uncertain systems with partial states measurement, 5th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symp, Saint‐Petersburg, Russia, 2001 [C34] M. Lakehal‐ayat, S. Diop, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Yaw rate control for cornering 4WD vehicle, Proc. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, MTNS’2000, Perpignan, June 2000 M. Lakehal‐ayat, S. Diop, E. Fenaux, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and F. Zarka, On global chassis control ‐ Combined braking, [C33] cornering and yaw rate control, Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, AVEC'2000, July, Ann Arbor, 197‐203 [C32] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Inverse optimal designs for discrete‐time nonlinear systems, COSY Workshop on control of uncertain systems, Londres, February 1998 [C31] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, A dynamical robust adaptive controller, Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium, Enschede, The Netherlands, July 1998 [C30] Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Inverse optimal design of stabilization for discrete‐time nonlinear systems, Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS'98, Padova, Italy, July 1998 [C29] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sliding observer and adaptive controller design, Proc. IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, France, June 1998 [C28] T. Ahmed‐Ali, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and R. Ortega, A globally‐stable adaptive indirect field‐oriented controller for current‐fed induction motors, Proc. IEEE American Control Conference, June 1998 [C27] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Sliding observer‐controller design for uncertain triangular nonlinear systems, Proc. 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1997 [C26] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Dynamical adaptive sliding modes controller, Proc. European Control Conference, Bruxelles, 1997 Page 15 sur 18 [C25] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive tracking of uncertain nonlinear systems, Workshop on Control of Flat Systems, Sheffield, 1996 [C24] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive stabilization of periodic orbits, Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japon, 1996 [C23] T. Ahmed‐Ali and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive control scheme for orbital asymptotic tracking, Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS’96, Saint‐Louis, Missouri, 1996 [C22] A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive control scheme for some parametrized nonlinear discrete‐time systems, Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS’96, Saint‐Louis, Missouri, 1996 [C21] L. Karsenti, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and G. Bastin, Backstepping technique extended to nonlinear parametrization, Proc. 13th World Congress of IFAC, San Francisco, vol. E, pp. 179‐184, 1996 [C20] A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive tracking for parametrized nonlinear systems, Proc. IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, 1784‐1789, 1995 [C19] A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Robust adaptive control of robot manipulators, Proc. IFAC Conference System Structure and Control, Nantes, France, 360‐363, 1995 L. Karsenti, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and H. Sira‐Ramirez, A non‐overparametrized backstepping adaptive PWM [C18] stabilization of nonlinearly parametrized dc‐to‐dc converters towards minimum or non‐minimum phase equilibria, Proc. 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, 1591‐1596, 1995 [C17] P. Crouch, A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, On adaptive feedback stabilization for nonlinear systems modeled by discrete time equivalents, Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium, Lake‐Tahoe, 320‐324, 1995. [C16] A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive feedback stabilization for a class of parametrized nonlinear systems, Proc. ICSS'94, Alger, Algérie, volume 2, 621‐626, 1994 [C15] A. Laib and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Adaptive control of robot manipulators using Lyapunov functions, Proc. ICSS'94, Alger, Algérie, volume 2, 659‐662, 1994 [C14] L. Karsenti and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, An improved backstepping regulation scheme for a class of nonlinear systems, Proc. Int. Workshop on New Directions of Control and Manufacturing, Hong Kong, 55‐62, 1994 [C13] J. Grizzle, M. DiBenedetto and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Regularity and minimum‐phase properties in nonlinear asymptotic tracking loops, Proc. 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, 1992 [C12] P. E. Crouch, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and D. Pinchon, Implementation of a nonlinear realization algorithm using AXIOM, Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium, Bordeaux, 1992 [C11] P. E. Crouch, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and A. J. van der Schaft, On the characterization of Hamiltonian systems via di®erential input{output equations, Proc. 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, 1992 [C10] C. Hespel, G. Jacob, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, P. Leroux and X.G. Viennot, Algebraic, combinatorics and syntactic techniques in nonlinear control, Conf. Séries Génératrices et Combinatoire Algébrique, Bordeaux, 1991 [C9] P. E. Crouch and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Observation spaces for implicit input‐output systems, Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Brighton, 1991, 731‐735. [C8] P. E. Crouch and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Volterra series resolution of input‐output differential equations, Proc. European Control Conference, Grenoble, 1991, 1800‐1802. [C7] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and J. C. Willems, A note on the linearization around an equilibrium, Proc. 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, 1989, 2229‐2261 [C6] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Application of algebraic identities to singular optimal control, Proc. 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, 1989, 1116‐1120 [C5] P. E. Crouch, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue and Z. Yu, Computation of derivatives of output maps along nonlinear systems, Proc. 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, 1988, 1330‐1334. [C4] F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Y. Lecourtier and E. Walter, A method to prove that nonlinear models can be unidentifiable, Proc. 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, 1987 [C3] P. E. Crouch and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Local controllability around a reference trajectory, Proc. 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderdale, 1985 [C2] S. Belghith, F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, C. Benard, H. Siguerdidjane, M. Fliess, B. Guerrier and M. M. Rosset, Some Solutions for nonlinear optimal heat transfer problems Proc. 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderdale, 1985 [C1] M. Fliess and F. Lamnabhi‐Lagarrigue, Hamilton=Volterra, Proc. 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, 1984 Rapports de contrats, Soumissions de projets, Rapports internes / Contract reports, Proposals, Internal reports Page 16 sur 18 ReX HYCON2, Rapport Final, November 2014, Assessment: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations). [R57] [R56] Article in PORTAL (Horizon H2020 Projects), June 2014, pp. 94‐95: http://www.horizon2020publications.com/H3/#94
Participation à la rédaction du projet de Restructuration ED STIC de l’Université Paris Saclay, responsable du Pôle 1 : Automatique, Traitement du Signal, Traitement des Images, Robotique, November 2013 [R55] [R54] Participation à la rédaction du DoW CONNECT2SEA, September 2013
[R53] Rex HYCON2, Third annual Periodic Progress Report (PPR3), September 2013; Assessment: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations). [R52] Rex HYCON2, Intermediary Report Progress Report (PPR2), Mars 2013; Assessment: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations). [R51] Rex HYCON2, Second annual Periodic Progress Report (PPR2), September 2012; Assessment: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations). [R50] Participation à la redaction du Programme Scientifique de DIGITEO, partie 2.3 Hybrid Systems and Sensing Systems, April 2011 [R49] (avec S. Engell), Recommanding Systems and Control as a Priority for the European Commission’s Work Programme, ERCIM (the European research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) News, April 2012. [R48] Contribution de l’automatique aux défis, à l’HORIZON 2020, des Sciences and Technologies de l'Information and de Communication and de leurs Interactions, Rapport de Prospective pour le GdR MACS, December 2011. [R47] Systems and Control Recommendations for a European Research agenda towards Horizon 2020, Report prepared by the HYCON2 Network of Excellence and endorsed by major industries, September 2011. [R46] (avec G. Damm), Investissement d’avenir *Instituts d’Excellence sur les Energies Décarbonnées* (IEED), SuperGrid,
Participation à la rédaction du Programme n°5 : Moyens de stabilisation and de stockage du Super‐Grid, February 2011. [R45] Rex HYCON2, First annual Periodic Progress Report (PPR1), September 2011; Assessment: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations). [R44] Call FP7‐ ICT‐2011‐7, Supporting action: Proposal TaSSELS ‐ Trans‐atlantic Systems of Systems Engineering Leadership, submitted January 2011, not funded. [R43] Call FP7‐PEOPLE‐2011‐ITN Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN: Proposal aCTS ‐ advanced Control Training Site, submitted January 2011, not funded. [R42] (avec G. Damm), ANR 2010 Programme ARPEGE: WINPOWER ‐ Intégration d’énergie éolienne par un réseau à courant continu à haute tension, Partenaire, Projet financé, 270 K€, 4 years from 01/02/2011 [R41] ReX HYCON2, Project IST‐257462, Proposal ICT Call 5, FP7‐ICT‐2009‐5, Highly‐complex and networked control systems, 2009, October, European Commission, Coordinatrice, funded: 3,9 M€, 4 years from 01/09/2010 [R40] ReX HYCON, Project IST‐511368, Final Progress Report, Reference period: from 15/09/2007 to 14/03/2009, 2009, April, European Commission [R39] ReX HYCON, Project IST‐511368, Periodic Progress Report ‐ PPR6, Reference period : from 15/09/2007 to 14/09/2008, 2008, October, European Commission [R38] The HYCON Network of Excellence and the European Embedded Control Institute (EECI), dans ARTEMIS the Quaterly Journal page 14, May 2007 [R37] Final report : Control training Site, HPMT‐CT‐2001‐00278, May 2007, European Commission [R36] ReX HYCON, Project IST‐511368, Periodic Progress Report ‐ PPR5, Reference period : from 15/09/2006 to 14/09/2007, October 2007, European Commission [R35] ReX HYCON, Project IST‐511368, Update of the Joint Programme of Activities M37 to M54, December 2007, European Commission [R34] Fourth Annual Review Report: Control Training Site, HPMT‐CT‐2001‐00278, february 2006, European Commission
[R33] ReX HYCON, Project IST ‐ 511368, Periodic Progress Report ‐ PPR3, Reference period: from 15/09/2005 to 14/03/2006, March 2006, 21 pages, European Commission [R32] ReX HYCON, Project IST ‐ 511368, Periodic Progress Report ‐ PPR4, Reference period: from 15/09/2005 to 14/09/2006, November 2006, 101 pages, European Commission [R31] ReX HYCON, Project IST ‐ 511368, Update of the Joint Programme of Activities M25 to M42, December 2006, 98 pages,
European Commission [R30] ReX HYCON, Project IST ‐ 511368, Periodic Progress Report ‐ PPR2, Reference period : from 15/03/2005 to 14/09/2005, November 2005, 74 pages, European Commission [R29] ReX HYCON, Project IST ‐ 511368, Update of the Joint Programme of Activities M13 to M30, December 2005, 91 pages, European Commission [R28] CPER, Contrat Plan‐Etat Region 2007‐2013 : EECI European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) Automatique, systèmes hybrides, systèmes embarqués, réseaux, environnements incertains, March 2006 Livrables d'HYCON Page 17 sur 18 PPF, Plan Pluri‐Formation : Commande robuste sous contraintes des systèmes hybrides incertains, November 2005, funded [R27] Projet EADS ‐ PhD position EADS foundation on Robust Control of Aeronautical Processes: Robust Control in a Nonlinear [R26] Context for Large Operating Domains, en collaboration avec G. Duc (Département Automatique, Supelec), April 2005, funded, prime d'encadrement de thèse de 3000 € par an) [R25] Projet ANR ‐ SYNCON : Automatique pour la synchronisation des systèmes, en collaboration avec A. Loria, E. Panteley et W. Pasillas‐Lepine, 17 June 2005, not funded [R24] ReX HYCON : Renforcement de ses activités de formation et de dissémination en IdF et renforcement de sa communication, Région IdF, Aide au portage de projets (phase aval), 13 pages, June 2005, funded: 28800 € [R23] Network of Excellence ‐ HYbrid CONtrol : Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems (HYCON), Annexe I ‐ Description of Work, 174 pages, Contract no. 511368, 7 June 2004 [R22] Second Annual Review Report du projet Control Training Site, HPMT‐CT‐2001‐00278, Dec. 2003, 15 pages [R21] Projet de Groupe de Travail dans le cadre de NUMTEC, Compte‐Rendu réunion du GT Commande de systèmes distribués et télétravail coopératif, 31 October 2003. [R20] HYbrid CONtrol : Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems (HYCON), Proposal for a Network of Excellence (6th PCRD), 129 pages, Call FP6‐2003‐IST‐2, 15 October 2003, funded: 4,6 M€. [R19] First Annual Review Report ‐ Control Training Site, HPMT‐CT‐2001‐00278, December 2002, 8 pages [R18] Advanced control of heterogeneous systems distributed over networks (ACHIEVE), Expression of Interest for a Network of Excellence (6th PCRD), 5 pages, Call EOI‐FP6‐2002, May 2002 [R17] Final Review Report ‐ Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network), February 2002, 25 pages [R16] Control Training Site (CTS) : Business Plan, MCFI‐2001‐00403, November 2001, 8 pages
[R15] Contrôle Global de Châssis, Rapport de contrat, 13 July 2001, 38 pages
[R14] Control Training Site (CTS), European Project, Call IHP‐MCHT‐01‐1 (29 partners), Project Coordinator, May 2001, 45 pages, Funded: 2 M€ [R13] Nonlinear Systems and Control Network (NSCN) European Project, Call IHP‐RTN‐00‐2 (9 partners), Project Coordinator, ay 2001, 30 pages, not funded [R12] Third Annual Review Report of the project: Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network), February 2001, 40 pages [R11] Mid‐term Review Report of the project: Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network), 30 September 2000, 62 pages Annexe Technique et financière du projet de collaboration avec PSA. Contrôle Global de Chassis : Amélioration du [R10] confort et de la sécurité automobile, septembre 1999, Responsable scientifique, Contrat No. : 041 1523 00, Projet retenu : 1500 KF. Rapport de contrat, 13 juillet 2000, 45 pages [R9] Rapport intermédiaire et Second Annual Review Report du contrat européen de Réseau Formation et Mobilité (TMR), Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network), février 1999 et février 2000, 25 pages [R8] Rapport pour Recherche et Relations Industrielles de Supelec, Systèmes non linéaires ; commande des moteurs asynchrones, 38‐39, 1998 [R7] Communications numériques, signaux et systèmes, Projet de Coopération Universitaire Tuniso‐Française, mai 1998. Projet retenu : 40 900 F. [R6] Breakthrough in control of nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network ‐ NCN), Projet de Réseau Formation et Mobilité, (9 laboratoires européens), Coordinatrice du projet, janvier 1997. Projet retenu : 1500 KECU. [R5] Systèmes non linéaires en télécommunications, Projet de Réseau Formation Recherche avec la Tunisie, juillet 1996, Responsable scientifique. Projet retenu : 74 500 F [R4] Rapport final, Méthodes algébriques et combinatoires dans les systèmes non linéaires, Contrat CNRS/NSF mars 1993
[R3] Rapports intermédiaires et Rapport final du contrat Advances in nonlinear systems theory and applications, Contrat Européen Science RTD Programme, 89(4)0458, mars 1992, mars 1993 et mai 1994 [R2] Advances in nonlinear systems theory and applications, Coordinatrice du Contrat Européen Science RTD Programme, 89(4)0458, Plan Science, Jumelage entre 7 laboratoires européens, 1989 [R1] Méthodes algébriques et combinatoires dans les systèmes non linéaires, Projet CNRS/NSF financé, 1989 Page 18 sur 18