Catalan cuisine - Tourisme Pyrénées


Catalan cuisine - Tourisme Pyrénées
Press Release 6-1
Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees!
Art de Vivre
Mrs Eliane Comelade, author of numerous
books on nutrition and cooking. She also runs
Catalan cuisine workshops in Ille-sur-Têt
intended to preserve the local cuisine,
combine traditional and new culinary creations
as well as integrate artisanal techniques
that could enrich this traditional cuisine.
3, rue Lamartine - 66000 Perpignan
or 10 rue de l’hôpital - 66130 Ille sur Têt
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 55 36 49
Les Toques Blanches du Roussillon
President: Jean Plouzennec
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 35 90 99 -
Fédération Tourisme de Terroir
President: Pierre Aylagas
Activity leader: Patricia Gomez
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 34 90 07
[email protected] -
Catalan cuisine
Flavours of the South
"Pay the tribute Catalan cuisine deserves, firstly means to reject the preconceived idea
that Catalan cuisine is just any meat, poultry or fish with tomato sauce and peppers
around! No! The authentic Catalan cuisine - the one offered in many restaurants, some
of which are rated by the most demanding gastronomic guides - is infinitely more
colourful and creative.
Dating from ancient times, when Phoenician, Greek and Roman sailors stopping on the
shores near Collioure and Port-Vendres, were bringing rare ingredients and spices,
some of Hispanic, Arab or Jewish origin, it boasts these lively, colourful, powerful and
subtle features not to be found in the cuisine of any other regions of France, even
further south.
Always exclusively composed of local products (whether from agriculture, livestock,
fisheries or "gifts" of nature such as mushrooms or game...), it varies considerably
throughout Pyrénées-Orientales. We can state that there is not one Catalan cuisine but
many, whether originating from the mountain, the plain or the coast... And they are
different in summer and winter!
Catalan cuisine can be extremely simple: a charcuterie platter expressing a culinary
savoir faire: botifares blanques i negre (Catalan white or black pudding), ham,
sausage, followed by grilled meats: costelles (pork or lamb chops) and the unmissable
sausage. They will have to be grilled to perfection over a fire of bundles of sticks of
Muscat grapevine and served with slices of bread with ailoli sauce (garlic and oil) or
pa amb tomàquet (lightly toasted bread rubbed with garlic and tomato and drizzled
with olive oil).
Catalan cuisine can also be deliciously complex, combining in the same plate, like a
fable, the rabbit and the snail, the chicken and the shrimp, blending with each other
in saffron, green anise, cinnamon...
Sud de France
Among the classic dishes, we should mention the ollada, delicious winter stew with a
hint of rancid bacon (sagí), the boles de picolat (meatballs accompanied by white
beans in a cinnamon and green olive sauce), the bullinada de poisson (fish soup) or
the zarzuela also called suquet (delicate dish of white fish and shellfish).
Le tout, bien entendu, s’arrose de vins rouges, blancs ou rosés des Côtes du Roussillon
à choisir parmi l’infinité des trésors des caves coopératives ou particulières.
“Cuisine catalane et vins en Roussillon”,
“Les coques catalanes” published by Loubatières";
“La cuisine catalane” book 1 and 2, published
by J. Lanore; “Les salades de la Méditerranée”,
“La table médiévale des Catalans”,
“La cuisine du foie gras”. Published by
Les Presses du Languedoc; “Ma cuisine catalane
au fil des saisons”. Published by Edisud.
All this, of course, accompanied by red, white or rosé wines from the Côtes du
Roussillon you will have to choose from the infinite treasures of wineries or private
cellars. To complement your cheese and dessert, the choice of Vins Doux Naturels
(fortified wines) is extensive. Try Roquefort with a chilled Muscat de Rivesaltes or a
chocolate cake with a Banyuls or Maury wine: you will be amazed ... but odds are
that you will come back in Pyrénées-Orientales!"
Text by Joël Mettay
Internet links
References to other information sheets
Wine, Food and wine combinations,
Listed restaurants, Local products,
Organic products, Savoir Faire.
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected]
Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected]
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540
66005 Perpignan Cedex - France
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53
Press Release 6-1
Art de Vivre
Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees!
"Les Toques Blanches du Roussillon"
wine routes in Roussillon, agritourism and tourism in
The love of Catalan cuisine
Since 2003, gathered under the label “Toques Blanches du
Roussillon”, forty chefs strengthen the culinary art in France’s
southernmost department: Pyrénées-Orientales.
Where to find it?
In Tourist Offices Tourist Information Bureaus, participating
members or upon request to [email protected].
Their mission is threefold:
• maintain, disseminate and promote the cuisine and culinary
expertise of Pyrénées-Orientales
• promote learning and stimulate young people engaged in this
• raise awareness and promote local products
These chefs are all inspired by the many facets of Catalan land.
From the Mediterranean to the plains and right up to the Pyrenean
peaks, their cuisine is full of contrasts and original flavours.
The “Palais Gourmand”, a unique gastronomic event in France:
“Les Toques Blanches du Roussillon” association is also the source of
a major gastronomic event which takes place every two years: the
“Palais Gourmand”. Held in the “Palais des Expositions of
Perpignan”, the event allows more than 1,500 participants to freely
enjoy over 39 dishes paired with the best wines and local products.
The “Sud de France” brand, for what LanguedocRoussillon has best to offer!
Sud de France is a brand created to identify wines and food
products of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. By joining this
network, the 1,600 companies representing 5,000 products show
their commitment with regard to the origin of their products as well
as a recognised production and regional savoir faire.
Sud de France symbolises a momentum that comes from the soul,
heart and... taste buds. It arises at the heart of LanguedocRoussillon, one of the finest and most talented regions in France. It
demonstrates the region’s intention to show the existence of
Languedoc-Roussillon through the excellence of its products, its rich
history, the strength of its nature and the conviviality of the men
who exploit them.
"Tourisme de Terroir" Federation
If you are a connoisseur of fine food, amateurs of wines and open
spaces, culture and history lovers, looking for calm and authenticity,
Tourisme de Terroir® (Local Rural Tourism) is really for you!
A network of professionals
These professionals provide a choice of good tips and invite you
to join them in their farms, workshops, restaurants and lodges,
hotels and cultural sites. Enjoy “Apéritifs de Terroir”®, for which,
from April to October, winegrowers, farmers and artisans
welcome you on the site of the Tourist Office of the town or village
where you stay.
“Tourisme de Terroir” guidebook
A guidebook with the colours of our land! Map of PyrénéesOrientales, discovery ideas, itineraries, excursions, tourist
information... Heritage, accommodation, catering and gastronomy,
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected]
Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected]
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A trademark
“Tourisme de Terroir”® is a registered trademark that identifies
professionals who enhance natural assets, agricultural production,
artisans who excel in their traditional craftsmanship and restaurant
owners who keep Catalan culinary skills alive and create new
A commitment
At the heart of the Pyrénées-Orientales region, service providers
of “Tourisme de Terroir” welcome you in a friendly and simple
setting. They commit to accompanying and guiding you in
discovering the flavours and aromas of typical products. They are
ambassadors of the network and offer a structure, information, a
warm welcome and a quality service.
*Fabriqués en
$ "
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540
66005 Perpignan Cedex - France
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53
Press Release 6-1
Art de Vivre
Welcome to the Mediterranean Pyrenees!
Glossary and Catalan specialties of Roussillon
• "Cargol": snail, "cargolade": grilled snails.
• "Coques": savoury, sweet or savoury and sweet focaccia.
Available at bakers, this pastry is experiencing a revival in
French Catalonia.
• "Coscoll": a highly sought after salad collected late spring on the
slopes of Mount Canigou.
• "Cremat": strong coffee drizzled with rum and flamed. Specialty
of the Vermilion Coast.
• "Escalivada": grilled or roasted vegetables: peppers, eggplant,
onions, tomatoes.
• "Escudella": “potage” (sort of thick soup) or soup (escudella de
Pagès: peasant soup). Served in a bowl.
• "Freginat”: fried or sautéed cooking style.
• "Marinera": cooking style with seafood.
• "Mató": curd cheese (usually goat milk).
• "Ollada": peasant soup made from cabbage. A traditional dish
of northern Catalonia, seasoned with a hint of "sagì" or slightly
rancid visceral fat.
• "Pa d’où": flan or baked custard.
• "Panellets": round-shaped marzipan cakes coated with gables.
Treats traditionally served for All Saints Day (coffee, candied
fruits, pistachios, fruit flavours).
• "Pernil": mountain ham from pigs reared in freedom.
• "Picolat": minced meat (boles de picolat).
• "Porró": glass wine pitcher used to drink à la "regalada" through
a long and thin end.
• "Rousquille": delicious wheel-shaped, soft and sugar-coated
treat. Specialty of Amélie-les-Bains and Arles-sur-Tech Rousquilles.
• "Sarsuela": Spanish name that was introduced in Catalonia.
Preparation based on crustaceans, fish and a good dry white
• "Tortell": anise O-shaped pastry of Villefranche-de-Conflent.
• "Allioli": sauce made of crushed garlic and olive oil (aioli).
• "Ametller": almonds.
• "Anxoves": Collioure anchovies.
• "Botifarres": large and small black and white puddings. The
large ones are irreverently called “bisbe” (bishop) or "Dios"
when they are white.
• "Bullinada": fish and potatoes sprinkled with garlic and saffron.
Eel bullinada is the specialty of the lagoon area while fish
bullinada is that of the coast.
• "Bunyetes": flat, fried “pancakes” (during Easter across the
Roussillon plain, the Vallespir and Conflent valleys).
• "Torrone": nougat of all kinds: tourons of Perpignan: with
hazelnut, dark caramel, almonds, pine nuts, candied fruits.
Other nougats: with ground almonds and honey. "Xixona",
"Massapà" or "Alacant" with whole almonds are also
manufactured in Perpignan.
• "Ventresca": pork belly used either fresh for barbecuing or
salted for cooking (with peas, liver ...).
• "Xocolatada": hot chocolate drink. Specialty of Palau de
Sources: "Catalan cuisine" Volume 1 - 7th edition - Eliane Comelade - Published by
J. Lanore / Delagrave. Paris XV
• "Bunyols": large donuts, sugar-coated or filled with cream. To be
enjoyed warm.
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
Pascale Gimenez > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 68 - [email protected]
Martine Caudine > Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 58 - [email protected]
Pyrénées-Orientales Tourist Board
16, avenue des Palmiers - CS 80540
66005 Perpignan Cedex - France
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 51 52 53