Montréal, QC - Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Préavis / Advance notice Montréal, QC les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) 2010 Caterpillar D10T 2006 Grove RT700E 60 Ton 4x4x4 & Grove RT760E 60 Ton 4x4x4 Encan public sans réserve / Unreserved public auction 2009 Caterpillar 140M 2011 Peterbilt 367 1 of 3 – 2012 Komatsu HD465-7E0 2 – 2012 Komatsu WA500-6 15 chargeuses sur roues / wheel loaders 23 camions tracteurs / truck tractors 15 tracteurs sur chenilles / crawler tractors 40 excavatrices / excavators 14 camions utilitaires / utility trucks 12 camions dompeurs / dump trucks Montréal, QC les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) 8h00 March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) 8:00 am Téléphone / Phone: 450.464.2888 Télécopieur / Fax: 450.464.4460 Lieu : 1373 Rue Brière, Mont St-Hilaire, QC J3H 6E9 Licence de commerçant / Auction company license #69767 2012 Caterpillar D6T XL Points forts de l’encan 1 of 2 – 2013 Komatsu D85EX-15EO Restructuration majeure pour : RCI et équipement d’ autres propriétaires. Auction highlights A major realignment for: RCI and equipment from other owners. 2011 Komatsu D65EX-17 2011 Komatsu WA600-6 2 2011 Volvo L350F Montréal, QC | les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) 2012 Komatsu D155AX-6 2007 New Holland L190 2008 Komatsu D155AX-6 Caterpillar 14H VHP Pour voir la liste des équipements à jour, visitez notre site Internet 1 of 2 – John Deere 772CH Series II AWD 2011 Caterpillar 390DL 1 of 2 – 2010 Caterpillar 385CL 2011 Caterpillar 345DL 2007 Caterpillar 345CL John Deere 330C 2011 Komatsu PC1250LC-8 2011 Komatsu PC800LC-8E0 1 of 2 – 2008 Komatsu PC600LC-8 1 of 2 – 2012 Komatsu PC490LC-10 2011 Komatsu PC450LC-8 2012 Komatsu PC390LC-10 1 of 2 – 2012 Volvo EC480DL 1 of 2 – 2011 Volvo EC700CL Bobcat 325 2008 Volvo A35E 6x6 For up-to-date listings visit Montréal, QC | March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) 3 1 of 3 – 2007 Volvo A35D 6x6 1 of 6 – Komatsu HD605 2011 KPI JCI FT3055 4 1 of 3 – 2008 Komatsu HD465-7E0 2012 Kleemann MC110Z 2009 JCB 3CX 4x4 2011 Kleeman MS15 Z 2 – 2013 International PayStar 2010 Sterling L9500 2014 Western Star 4900SF 2007 Mack CV713 International 5500 2010 Ford E350 w/Xpert Lift International 4900 w/Posi-Plus 500-50RU 2007 Ford F550 4x4 Montréal, QC | les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) Pour voir la liste des équipements à jour, visitez notre site Internet 2008 Hino 2008 Ford E350 1 of 2 – Unused – 2015 Witzo Challenger 50 Ton Unused – 2015 Witzo Challenger 35 Ton Unused – 2015 ACNS SRH400 32 Ft Unused – 2015 ACNS SRH400 26 Ft 2014 Midlands 36 Ft 2011 Temisko 53 Ft 2008 Manitou MRT16 35 7700 Lb 4x4x4 Ford Versatile 9030 For up-to-date listings visit 2012 New Holland Boomer 50 4x4 Freightliner Rambler 38 Ft 1 of 2 – BBC 717 810 KW Montréal, QC | March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) 5 Liste d’équipments / Equipment listings Construction / Construction 15- TRACTEURS SUR CHENILLES / CRAWLER TRACTORS: 2010 & 2006 Caterpillar D10T, 2012 & 2- 2010 Caterpillar D8T, Caterpillar D8R Series II, 2012 Caterpillar D6T XL, 2- John Deere 850C Series II LGP, Komatsu D375A-5, 2012 & 2008 Komatsu D155AX-6, 2- 2013 Komatsu D85EX-15EO, 2011 Komatsu D65EX-17. 15- CHARGEUSES SUR ROUES / WHEEL LOADERS: 2006 Case 721D, Caterpillar 936E, 2011 Komatsu WA900-3E0, 2008 Komatsu WA700-3, 2011 Komatsu WA600-6, 2- 2012 & 2011 Komatsu WA500-6, Komatsu WA500-3L, Komatsu WA320-1, Michigan L90, New Holland LW270, Terex 72-51BA, 2011 Volvo L350F, Volvo L70C. CHARGEUSES COMPACTES / SKID STEER LOADERS: Case 1825, Case 1818, 2007 Caterpillar 246B, Caterpillar 236B, 2007 New Holland L190. NIVELEUSES / MOTOR GRADERS: Caterpillar 14H VHP, 2009 Caterpillar 140M, 2- Champion 740, 2- John Deere 772CH Series II AWD. 36- EXCAVATRICES HYDRAULIQUES / HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2011 Caterpillar 390DL, 2- 2010 Caterpillar 385CL, Caterpillar 385BL ME, 2- 2011 Caterpillar 374DL, Caterpillar 365CL, 2011 & 2010 Caterpillar 345DL, 2007 Caterpillar 345CL, John Deere 800C, John Deere 330C, 2011 & 2009 Komatsu PC1250LC-8, 2011 Komatsu PC800LC-8E0, 2- 2008 Komatsu PC600LC-8, 2- 2012 Komatsu PC490LC-10, 2011 Komatsu PC450LC-8, 2009 & 3- 2008 Komatsu PC400LC-8, 2012 Komatsu PC390LC-10, 2010 Komatsu PC350LC-8, Komatsu PC300 LCG, 2007 Komatsu PC300HD-7E0, 2008 Komatsu PC200LC-8, 2010 Link-Belt 210LX, 2006 Link-Belt 160LX, 2- 2011 Volvo EC700CL, 2- 2012 Volvo EC480DL, Volvo EC460BLC. MIDI EXCAVATRICES / MIDI EXCAVATORS: 2007 Case CX80. Taux de financement préférentiels à 3,95% Faites une demande dès maintenant sur MINI EXCAVATRICES / MINI EXCAVATORS: Bobcat 325, Bobcat 322, Mitsubishi ME35. 14- TOMBEREAUX À CHASSIS ARTICULÉ/ ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCKS: 2012, 2- 2010, 4- 2008 & 2007 Komatsu HM400-2 6x6, 2008 Volvo A35E 6x6, 3- 2007 & 2- 2006 Volvo A35D 6x6. 14- TOMBEREAUX À CHASSIS RIGIDE / ROCK TRUCKS: 2- Komatsu HD605-7E0, 4- Komatsu HD605-7, 3- 2012, 2011 & 3- 2008 Komatsu HD465-7E0, 2008 Komatsu HD465-5E0. RÉTROCAVEUSES / LOADER BACKHOES: 2009 & 2006 JCB 3CX 4x4. GRUES TOUT TERRAIN / ROUGH TERRAIN CRANES: Grove RT760E 60 Ton 4x4x4, 2006 Grove RT700E 60 Ton 4x4x4. ROULEAU TENDEM / TANDEM ROLLERS: Ingersoll-Rand DD65 Vibratory. ÉQUIPEMENT D’ASPHALTAGE / ASPHALT EQUIPMENT: 7 Ft Hot Patch Box. ÉQUIPEMENT FORESTIER / LOGGING EQUIPMENT: Processing Head. ÉQUIPEMENTS DE RECYCLAGE / ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT: Spragelse 482 373 6 Ft S/A Leaves Collector. CONCASSEURS À MÂCHOIRE / JAW CRUSHERS: 2012, 2011 & 2010 Kleemann MC110Z 700 mm x 1.1 M Crawler, 2011 KPI JCI FT3055 Crawler. CONCASSEURS CÔNIQUES / CONE CRUSHERS: 2- 2012 Kleemann MC0 11 H Crawler, 2012 KPI JCI FT300DF Crawler. PLANTS DE TAMISAGE / SCREEN PLANTS: 2007 Kleemann MS18 Z AD 6 x 16 Ft 2 Deck Crawler, 2011 Kleemann MS15 Z 5 x 16 Ft 2 Deck Crawler. Camions et remorques / Trucks & trailers 23- CAMIONS TRACTEURS / TRUCK TRACTORS: Freightliner FLC120 Sleeper T/A, Freightliner CST112 Sleeper T/A, 2006 Freightliner CL112 T/A, Freightliner FL80 S/A, 3- 2014 Freightliner Cascadia, 2011 Freightliner Cascadia T/A, International 9100I T/A, International 4700LP S/A, 2009 International ProStar Sleeper T/A, 2- 2013 International PayStar T/A, 2006 Kenworth W900L T/A, Kenworth T800 T/A, 2006 Peterbilt 387 Sleeper T/A, 2- Peterbilt 387 Sleeper T/A, 4- Peterbilt 387 T/A, 2006 Peterbilt 378 Sleeper T/A, 2011 Peterbilt 367 Tri/A, 2010 Sterling L9500 T/A, Western Star 4964FX T/A, 2014, 2010 & 2006 Western Star 4900SF. 12- CAMIONS DOMPEURS / DUMP TRUCKS: Ford L9000 T/A T/A, Ford F350 S/A, Freightliner T/A, International 9200 T/A, 2- International 4900 S/A, International 2574 S/A, 2007 Mack CV713 T/A T/A, 2007 Peterbilt 335 T/A, 2009 Sterling AT9513 T/A T/A, 2007 Sterling Acterra T/A, Western Star 4964F T/A. CAMIONS DE D’ÉNEIGEMENT / PLOW TRUCKS & SANDERS: Freightliner T/A, International 5500, International 2574 T/A Plow/ Dump/Sander, International S/A, 2- Kenworth T800 T/A, Volvo WG S/A Sander. CAMIONS CITERNE / TANK TRUCKS: Freightliner FL80 13200 Litre T/A Fuel. 12- CAMIONS NACELLE / BUCKET TRUCKS: 2006 Ford F550 Extended Cab 4x4 w/RH 44D, Ford E450 S/A w/Telelift, Ford E450 S/A w/Telelift TTS-25-2002 FBHS, 2010 Ford E350 w/Xpert Lift, Freightliner FL80, Freightliner FL80 S/A, Freightliner FL80 S/A w/Posi-Plus 80040010, Freightliner FL80 S/A w/Posi-Plus 80040020, 2006 GMC 3500 w/King TTS-25-2000FBHS, International 4900 T/A w/Posi-Plus, International 4900 T/A w/Posi-Plus 194-42-C5, International 4900 w/Posi-Plus 500-50RU. CAMIONS FRIGORIFIQUES / REEFER TRUCKS: Hino 338 S/A. 14- CAMIONS UTILITAIRE / UTILITY TRUCKS: 2007 Chevrolet 2500, Chevrolet 2500, 2007 Ford F550 Extended Cab 4x4, Ford E550 S/A, Ford E450, 5- Ford E450 S/A, Ford E350 S/A, 2- International 4700 S/A, International 1654 S/A. CAMIONS FOURGON / VAN TRUCKS: Ford E350 S/A Cube, Hino S/A, Hino FB COE S/A, 2008 Hino, International 4700 S/A, International 4300SBA T/A, International 4300 S/A, 2006 International CF600 COE S/A, 2007 Sterling COE S/A. CAMIONS PORTE-CONTENEUR / ROLLOFF TRUCKS: Kenworth T800 T/A T/A. CABINE ET CHASSIS / CAB & CHASSIS TRUCKS: GMC C5500 S/A, International 8100 S/A, International 4300SBA 40S S/A, International 1854 S/A, Kenworth T800B T/A, 2008 Sterling S/A. CAMIONS PLATEFORME / FLATBED TRUCKS: Ford L8000 T/A, Kenworth T300 S/A. VÉHICULES D’URGENCE / EMERGENCY VEHICLES: 2009 Ford E350 Ambulance, Spartan CFGC2042 S/A Fire Truck. 27- CAMIONNETTES / PICKUPS: Chevrolet 2500 Extended Cab, 2006 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, Chevrolet 1500 Extended Cab 4x4, 22007 Dodge 1500 Crew Cab 4x4, Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab 4x4, Dodge 1500 Crew Cab 4x4, Dodge Dakota Extended Cab, 2- 2008 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4x4, 2- Ford F350, 2011 Ford F250 Crew Cab 4x4, 2008 Ford F250 Crew Cab, 2008 & 2006 Ford F250 Extended Cab 4x4, Ford F250, Ford F250 4x4,Ford F150 XLT Triton Crew Cab 4x4, 2010 Ford F150 Extended Cab 4x4, Ford F150 Extended Cab, 2011, 2009 & 2006 Ford Ranger Extended Cab, 2- Ford Ranger, 2007 Toyota Tundra Crew Cab 4x4. AUTOBUS / BUSES: 2007 Ford E450 6 Passenger, 2006 Ford E450 18 Passenger S/A, 2008 Ford E350 7 Passenger, 3- Freightliner 48 Passenger S/A, International 3800 S/A, International 3800 S/A 22 Ft. 15- AUTOMOBILES / AUTOMOBILES: BMW 530I, 2007 Chevrolet Uplander Minivan, 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan, Dodge Caravan Minivan, 2009 & 2007 Dodge Caliber, 2009 Ford Fusion, 6- 2006 Ford Freestar Minivan, Honda Civic, Pontiac Montana Minivan. FARDIERS SURBAISSÉS / LOWBOYS: Manac 75 Ton Tri/A, 2- Unused - 2015 Witzco Challenger RG-50 50 Ton Tri/A, Unused 2015 Witzco Challenger RG-35 35 Ton T/A. sur approbation du crédit. Des modalités et conditions s’appliquent. 6 Montréal, QC | les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) Pour voir la liste des équipements à jour, visitez notre site Internet REMORQUES À PLATEFORME SURBAISSÉE / STEP DECK TRAILERS: Custombuilt S/A, Load King, Manac 53 Ft Tri/A, Trail King TK 70L 48 Ft T/A. REMORQUES D’ASPHALTE / ASPHALT TRAILERS: Remtec 39000 Litre Quad/A Tank, Remtec 2WF 84909 Litre Quad/A Tank. REMORQUES PLATEFORMES / HIBOYS: Deloupe 48 Ft Quad/A, Manac 48 Ft Tri/A, Manac 48 Ft Quad/A, Titan Trailers 48 Ft 6/Axle, 48 Ft Tri/A, 48 Ft T/A. REMORQUES DOMPEUSES / END DUMP TRAILERS: Atlas 22 Ft T/A, Unused - 2015 ACNS SRH400 26 Ft T/A, Unused - 2015 ACNS SRH400 32 Ft Tri/A, King 24 Ft T/A, Larochelle 22 Ft T/A, Manac 43 Ft Quad/A, 2014 Midland 36 Ft Tri/A, Summit 22 Ft T/A, 24 Ft T/A. REMORQUES FRIGORIFIQUES / REEFER TRAILERS: 3- Utility 53 Ft T/A. 24- REMORQUES FOURGONS / VAN TRAILERS: Fruehauf 27 Ft T/A, Unused - 2015 Interstate 10 x 6 Ft S/A Enclosed, 2006 Manac 53 Ft Tri/A, 4- Manac 53 Ft Tri/A, Manac 53 Ft T/A, 5- Manac 48 Ft Tri/A, Manac 46 Ft T/A, 2- Manac 35 Ft T/A, Roussy 48 Ft T/A, Stoughton 53 Ft T/A, Trailmobile 53 Ft T/A, 2- Trailmobile 48 Ft T/A, 2- Utility 53 Ft T/A, 14 x 7 Ft T/A Enclosed. 11- REMORQUES D’ÉQUIPEMENT / EQUIPMENT TRAILERS: Bigtex 19 Ft x 8 Ft 2 In. Tri/A Gooseneck, 2010 BWS 20ANR 20 Ft x 8 Ft 6 In. T/A, Unused - 2015 Canada Trailers 16 Ft x 6 Ft 8 In. T/A, Custombuilt 22 Ft x 6 Ft 8 In. T/A, Custombuilt 9 Ft 6 In. x 5 Ft S/A, CZ Engeneering 20 Ft x 8 Ft 6 In. T/A, Havel S/A, 2006 MCR 15 Ft x 6 Ft 8 In. T/A, Mirab T/A, 2015 Phastt Inc 9900 T/A, 2015 Phastt Inc 7000 T/A. REMORQUE À BOBINE / REEL TRAILERS: Custombuilt Off Road 1 Reel T/A. REMORQUES À CONTENEUR / CONTAINER CHASSIS: Mond 45 Ft 53 Ft Tri/A Extendable, Mond 30 - 53 Ft Tri/A Extendable, Odyssey 20 Ft T/A, Stoughton 40 - 53 Ft Tri/A Extendable, Strick 40 - 53 Ft T/A Extendable, Trailbec 40 Ft T/A, Wabash 20 Ft T/A. REMORQUES / TRAILERS: Benlee TR061 48 Ft Tri/A Rolloff, Custombuilt 18 x 8 Ft T/A Boat, Custombuilt T/A Boat, Flowboy 37 Ft 6 In. Quad/A Live Bottom, Kentucky 48 Ft T/A Golf Cart, 2010 & 2009 Soudure Kerr 28 Ft 6 In. x 6 Ft 6 In. Tri/A Propan, 2011 Temisko 53 Ft Tri/A Rollback. Voir les dernières annonces pour cet encan à See the latest listings for this auction at For up-to-date listings visit 18- ROULOTTES DE CHANTIER / MOBILE STRUCTURES: Atco 12 x 52 Ft Skid Mounted Field Office, Dickie Moore 12 x 60 Ft Camp, Manac 53 Ft T/A Office Trailer, 2009 Ouellet 10 x 32 Ft T/A Portable Office Trailer, 2- 2015 150 x 50 x 24 Ft, Storage Building, 2015 100 x 50 x 24 Ft, Storage Building, 2015 85 x 30 x 15 Ft, Storage Building, 66 x 30 x 15 Ft Storage Building, 3- 2015 40 x 30 x 16 Ft. Storage Building, 12 x 60 Ft Office Trailer, 10 x 32 Ft T/A Portable Office Trailer, 10 x 30 Ft Office Trailer, 10 x 20 Ft S/A Office Trailer, 2- 4 x 7 Ft Field Office. Autre item incluent / Other items of interest CHARIOTS ÉLÉVATEURS TÉLÉSCOPIQUES / TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS: JLG G9-43A 9000 Lb 4x4x4, 2008 Manitou MRT1635 7700 Lb 4x4x4. CHARIOTS ÉLÉVATEURS TOUT TERRAIN / ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFTS: Massey Ferguson 2500. CHARIOTS ÉLÉVATEURS / FORKLIFTS: Caterpillar GP40 8000 Lb, Clark C500-40 4000 Lb, Teledyne Princeton D50 5000 Lb Piggyback, Toyota 7FGU30 7000 Lb. CHARIOTS ÉLÉVATEURS ÉLECTRIQUES / ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS: Clark WP40 4000 Lb Electric Pallet Jack, 2008 Hyster E40HSD 3850 Lb. PLATEFORMES HYDRAULIQUES / SCISSORLIFTS: Genie GS2646 Electric, Grove SM2232E Electric, Skyjack SJ8841 41 Ft Rough Terrain, 2008 Skyjack 4832 Electric, Skyjack SJ3220 Electric, Upright MX19 Electric. NACELLES TÉLESCOPIQUES / BOOM LIFTS: JLG 60H 4x4. TRACTEUR BIDIRECTIONNEL / BI-DIRECTIONAL TRACTORS: Ford Versatile 9030. TRACTEURS UTILITAIRES / UTILITY TRACTORS: Bolens 1704 Hydro, 2012 New Holland Boomer 50 4x4 MFWD. ÉPANDEURS / SPREADERS: Bannerman BTD20 S/A Product. IRRIGATION / IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: 2- 14 50 Ft Pipe. ÉQUIPEMENT PAYSAGER / LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT: 52 In. 3 Point Hitch Rototiller, 3 Point Hitch Landscape Mower. ÉQUIPEMENT À NEIGE / SNOW EQUIPMENT: Larue. BALAIS / BROOMS: ASYBC RT9630A Tow Behind. VOITURETTES UTILITAIRES / RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: Arctic Cat Prowler Side By Side ATV, Fleetwood Terry 295R 30 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer, Fleetwood Terry 255G 25 Ft T/A Fifth Wheel Travel Trailer, Freightliner Rambler 38 Ft S/A Motor Home, Keystone Springdale 295B 28 Ft T/A Travel Trailer. 13- VÉHICULES UTILITAIRE / UTILITY CARTS: 12- 2007 Linde P60Z 3 Wheel Electric, Motrec E240 Electric. EMBARCATIONS DE PLAISANCE / PLEASURE CRAFT: Chriscraft Catalina 253 25 Ft Boat, Peterborought Constellation 20 Ft Boat, Thundercraft Magnum 230 24 Ft Boat. COMPRESSEURS / AIR COMPRESSORS: Atlas Copco XAS80DD 80 CFM S/A, Omega PUK-5520G 14 CFM. GÉNÉRATRICES / GENERATOR SETS: 2- BBC 717 810 KW, Leroy Somer 1120 KW Portable. GÉNÉRATRICES – UTILISATION LOURDE / CONSUMER GENERATOR SETS: 2- Champion 46551 3 KW, P3-Power GS3001W 3 KW. GÉNÉRATRICES – UTILISATION LÉGÈRE / LIGHT GENERATOR SETS: Cummins VT1710G Skid Mounted, Olympian CT45 36 KW T/A Trailer. SOUDEUSES / WELDERS: Hobart Titan 8000, Lincoln. POMPES / PUMPS: Honda GX270 9 HP. RÉSERVOIRS / TANKS: 2010 2272 Litre Skid Mounted, 2009 1136 Litre Skid Mounted, Qty of Pressure, 2010 ULC 2272 Litre Skid Mounted, 2007 ULC 1136 Litre Skid Mounted, ULC 1136 Litre Skid Mounted. ÉQUIPEMENT À BÉTON / CONCRETE EQUIPMENT: Monarch C6-SD Mixer. ÉQUIPEMENT D’ARPENTAGE / SURVEY EQUIPMENT: Geotop GL-5. 67- CONTENEURS ET REMORQUES À CONTENEUR / CONTAINERS: 40 Ft Skid Mounted, 2013 40 Ft One Way Shipping, 5- 40 Ft, 2011 20 Ft Shipping, 27- 2014, 2- 2013 & 2012 20 Ft One Way Shipping, 20 Ft One Way Shipping, 24- 2014 & 2012 20 Ft One Way, 20 Ft, 2- 4 x 8 Ft Rolloff. ÉQUIPEMENT INDUSTRIEL / INDUSTRIAL PLANT EQUIPMENT: Brown and Sharp Milling Machine, Delta 31-280C , Delta Horizontal Band Saw, Dewalt 3436, General 340 Drill Press, Rexon Rm-409 Press Drill. MOTEURS / ENGINES: Tamper BGK9428, 2010 K4100, Baldor Electric, Marathon 9B Electric. ITEM INCLUENT / ITEMS INCLUDE: Accessoires D’équipement / Equipment Attachments, Attachements Démolition & Recyclage / Demolition & Recycling Attachments, Accessoires De Camions / Truck Attachments, Item Industriel / Industrial Items, Pièces D’équipements / Equipment Parts, Atelier & Entrepôt / Shop & Warehouse Items. Financing rates as low as 3.95% Apply today at *OAC. Terms and conditions apply. Montréal, QC | March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) 7 2012 & 2 – 2010 Komatsu HM400-2 6x6 1 of 3 – 2014 Freightliner Cascadia 1 of 2 – 2011 Caterpillar 374DL » Si vous êtes intéressés 2012 KPI JCT FT300DF 1 of 2 – 2012 Kleemann MCO 11 H à vendre de l’équipement lors de notre prochain encan, veuillez nous contacter. » If you are interested in selling equipment in our upcoming auction, please contact us. 450.464.2888 2012 Caterpillar D8T Montréal, QC 2011 Komatsu WA900-3E0 les 18–19 mars, 2015 (mer–jeu) March 18–19, 2015 (Wed–Thu) © Copyright 2015 Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers. Printed in Canada 02/06 NH/JC/SF
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