EM119-2:Opmaak 1 - Global International
EM119-2:Opmaak 1 - Global International
I N D U S T R I A L S E W I N G M A C H I N E S 119-2 N - P 119-2 Series - Picot sewing machine TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Machine speed* 2250 spm Number of needles 2 Stitch width 1 - 5 mm Presser foot lift 5 mm Needle type •DB x 1 stitch needle •PKG x 8 front guiding needle •PKZ x 1 rear base needle EM 119-2 N – picot sewing machine. The machine is equipped with two needles and two rotating hooks with a puncher in between. The needle threads overedge the sides of the hole made in the fabric by the puncher. Suitable for shirts, ties, handkerchiefs, towels etc. EM 119-2 N-P – Same as EM 119-2 N, but equipped with puller. EM 119-2 N-MK – Same as EM 119-2 N, but equipped with middle knife. EM 119-2 N – Máquina de puntilla. La máquina está equipada con dos agujas y dos garfios giratorios con un perforador en medio. La aguja hebra sobre el filo de los lados del agujero hecho en la fábrica con el perforador. Adecuada para camisetas, corbatas, pañuelos, toallas, etc. EM 119-2 N-P – Las mismas caracteristicas que la EM 119-2 N, pero con puller. EM 119-2 N-MK – Las mismas caracteristicas que la EM 119-2 N, pero con cuchillo medio. EM 119-2 N – Kettenstich Zierstichmaschine. Diese Maschine verfügt über 2 Nadeln und 2 rotierenden Greifern und ein Stanzeisen in der Mittel. Zum nähen von Hemdbluse, Taschentuch, Krawatte, Tischtuch u.s.w. EM 119-2 N-P – Gleich wie EM 119-2 N, jedoch mit puller. EM 119-2 N-MK – Gleich wie EM 119-2 N, jedoch mit mittel Messer EM 119-2 N – Machines pour point jour venise. La machine est équipée avec 2 aiguilles et 2 crochets avec un perforateur au milieu. Les fils d’aiguilles bourdonnent les côtés des perforations faites par le poinçon dans le tissu. Recommandée pour chemises, mouchoirs, linge de maison etc. EM 119-2 N-P – Identique à la version EM 119-2 N avec en plus, puller. EM 119-2 N-MK – Identique à la version EM 119-2 N avec en plus, couteau moyen. ★ Max. sewing speed (in spm.) depends on type of operation and/or materials to be sewn. The GLOBAL® Selection is brought to you by: GLOBAL® is a trademark of the Global International Corporation, the people that carefully organize the supply of spareparts before they launch each product. When ordering parts please specify: 1 machine model 2 part numbers 119-2 Series ® 11-2009 Global 119-2 N - MK
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Global EM 119
Picot sewing machine. The machine is equipped with two needles and two rotating hooks with a puncher in
between. The needle threads overedge the sides of the hole made in the fabric by the puncher....