CLICK-TEX: thermostable and non hydrolysable


CLICK-TEX: thermostable and non hydrolysable
Materials, Cosmetics, Textiles
CLICK-TEX: thermostable and non
hydrolysable functionalization of
technical textiles through nanoparticles
Technical textiles with specific functions are usually obtained by
adsorption of microcapsules. The laboratory has developed a new
method based on the «click chemistry» to graft sustainably hybrid
multifunctional nanoparticles on textile fibres.
Detailed description
Different nanoparticles grafted at the same time and regularly distributed
Advantages / Novelty
Sustainable functionalization of cellulosic fibres
is made by thermostable and non hydrolysable
covalent binding. The «click chemistry» reaction,
developed by the laboratory, leads to irreversible
formation of triazole cycle in organic or aqueous
medium with quantitative yields. Complex chemical
structures such as polymeric nanoparticles can
be grafted. Obtained technical textiles are more
resistant to washes and keep their function when
worn. Multifunctionalization will allow online quality
control of production by simple validation of
fluorescence level.
Current stage of development
- multi functionalization in one step
- Sustainable grafting of functionalized
nanoparticles encapsulating metal and oxides,
fluorophores or other products.
- Thermostable (over 300°C) and non hydrolysable
covalent binding.
- Possibility of multifunctionalization in one step.
- «Click chemistry»: process without loss of
particles (high yield) in any reaction medium, non
toxic and without heating.
- Study of best grafting conditions of silica based
nanoparticles on cellulosic fibres in hydroalcoholic
- Study of bacteriostatic properties of modified
cellulosic fibres through quantitative method ISO
Intellectual property
Cosmetic and dermato textiles:
- UV protection function: grafting of TiO2
polysiloxan coated nanoparticles on textile fibres
- Well-being function linked to bacteriostatic
properties and optical filters: grafting of nanoplatforms encapsulating antibacterial drugs and/or
optical filters (Ag, Au, TiO2, ZnO…) on underwear,
socks, towels, wash gloves, etc.
Research team
Patent pending in FR
Priority date: May 18, 2010 (FR1053849)
Collaboration type
Thierry Hamaide
Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères. Laboratoire
des Matériaux Polymères et Biopolymères (IMP@
Olivier Tillement
Laboratoire de physico chimie des matériaux
électroluminescents (LPCML), UMR 5650, UCBLCNRS
Lyon Science Transfert looks for industrial partners
and offers to grant patent license.
Nelly Gimenez
Tel. +33 (0) 4 37 37 42 98
[email protected]
Lyon Science Transfert - Université de Lyon,
Quartier Sergent Blandan
37, rue du repos 69361 Lyon cedex 07 FRANCE