List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016
List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016
List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) In keeping with our Agenda 21 project and our environment policy, we would like to encourage you to purchase eco-‐friendly materials wherever possible. This could include using refillable pens and pencils, and re-‐using unfinished exercise books, folders or plastic wallets. For All Subjects: • 1 diary or « cahier de texte » • 1 pencil case • pens (blue, black, red, green…) • rubber • pencil sharpener • pencils (2 x HB , 1 x 2B , 1 x 4B) • 1 fine black felt tip pen, 1 thick black felt tip pen • 1 ruler 30 cm • 1 stick of glue • 1 pair of scissors with rounded ends • 1 set of 12 coloured felt tip pens (medium point) • 1 set of 12 coloured pencils Specific Requirements for subjects: Subject Maths • • English • • • • • Equipment A4 Notebook with 5mm squares (1 cahier A4 petits carreaux) – could use last years In accordance with the characteristics required by the mathematics syllabuses for years s4, s5, s6 and s7 and by decision of the group of experts, which convened on 3 June 2016, each student must have the following calculator at the beginning of the 2016-‐2017 school year in September 2016: • TI-‐Nspire CAS CX (in the case of a new purchase) equipped with version 4.2.X.X or higher of the software This calculator is compulsory in European Schooling, no other is allowed. From September 2013 it is also the only calculator authorised for use in other scientific subjects( Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics) Presentation/display book – 160 pages/80 pockets. A thin plastic or cardboard folder for everyday use in class. 6 dividers Blue, green, yellow and pink highlighter pens. A4 Paper –single sheets and double sheets 1 List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) • A pocket ENGLISH dictionary (not a French/English!). Try an ‘Oxford’ or ‘Collins’ edition TO BRING TO CLASS. These are set texts which need to be studied for the BAC (Theme: Identity – a Sense of Self) The Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald (Wordsworth 1992) ISBN 978 1853260414 The Lost Continent Bill Bryson (Black Swan 1999) ISBN 978 0552998086 New Selected Poems*** Carol Ann Duffy (Picador 2011) ISBN 978 1447206422 Twelfth Night William Shakespeare (Arden, Cengage Learning 2008) ISBN 978 1903436998 Students should buy the editions listed where possible. This is essential for the Shakespeare as it includes (copious) notes on the text. 2 List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) English HL • • • • • • An A4 ring binder with plastic sleeves/pockets to file completed work at home. A thin plastic or cardboard folder for everyday use in class. 6 dividers Blue, green, yellow and pink highlighter pens. A4 Paper –single sheets and double sheets A pocket ENGLISH dictionary (not a French/English!). Try an ‘Oxford’ or ‘Collins’ edition TO BRING TO CLASS. • In addition, from S5/2° onwards, students are requested to purchase a Thesaurus which they may leave in class if they wish to. These are set texts which need to be studied for the BAC (Theme: Identity – a Sense of Self) Wordsworth and Romantic Poetry**** The New Penguin Book of Romantic Poetry, ed. Jonathan Wordsworth (Penguin Classics 2005 reprint) ISBN 978 0140435689 -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte (Penguin Classics) ISBN 13 978 0141439556 DH Lawrence and Italy: Sketches from Etruscan Places, Sea and Sardinia, Twilight in Italy***** (Penguin Classics 2007) ISBN 978 0141441559 The Waste Land 3 List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) TS Eliot (Norton Critical Edition 2004) ISBN 978 0393974997 Endgame Samuel Beckett Faber & Faber 2009) ISBN 978 0571243730 French History 2 or 4 P Geography 2 or 4P Physics 4 P Summer Reading @ • A4 folder with 6 dividers (same as last year if not broken) • plastic wallets • Paper (double and single sheets) Oeuvres au programme : Il est conseillé de se procurer au plus tôt les œuvres au programme, et d’en commencer la lecture pendant les vacances : L’enragé, Dominique Rolin, éditions Labor, ISBN 9782804014780 For non French mother tongue students : Grammaire Progressive du Français -‐ Niveau Avancé– Clé International -‐ ISBN 978-‐2-‐09-‐033862-‐1 • Bescherelle conjugaison TO BRING TO CLASS -‐ ISBN 9782218922626 • An A4 folder (4 holes), with dividers and paper. Can be shared with Geography • An A4 folder (4 holes), with dividers and paper. Can be shared with History • 1 set of 12 coloured pencils and a ruler 30 cm are compulsory for mapping and sketching • For Geography 4p, bring your TI-‐Nspire CX CAS • A4 folder with A4 paper with small squares (5mm) and some plastic wallets to put extra documents and tests in • Calculator TI-‐Nspire CX CAS (see Maths for details) 4 List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) Chemistry 4 P Biology 2 or 4 P Language 3 4P Spanish Philosophy 2p Language 3 German 4P Art 4 P A4 folder with A4 paper with small squares (5mm) and some plastic wallets to put extra documents and tests in • Calculator TI-‐Nspire CX CAS (see Maths for details) • A4 folder with A4 paper with small squares (5mm) and some plastic wallets to put extra documents and tests in • Calculator TI-‐Nspire CX CAS (see Maths for details) • A4 ring binder (2 or 4 holes) for worksheets and homeworks plus 2 dividers/Classeur pour les fiches et les devoirs plus 2 intercalaires-‐use last year’s if possible • Book : MARINA, Ruiz Zafón, Editions Planeta, ISBN: 9788408004349 • A4 Ring Binder or Exercise Book • A4 ring binder (2 or 4 holes) for worksheets and homeworks plus 2 dividers/Classeur pour les fiches et les devoirs plus 2 intercalaires • For any other items, including the compulsory book to study, students will be informed in June Compulsory materials: • 1 old shirt • 1 sketchbook A4-‐ white A4 paper at least 120g.(which is not included in the 15€) • 15 Euros in cash or cheque payable to IPM for materials that they will buy in bulk The following list is for the parents who do not wish to purchase the supplies for the Art classes through IPM: • 1 pack of coloured paper anson 180g) • 1 pack of white paper 180 ou 240g. • 1 packet of coloured tracing paper. • 1 box of paints (acrylic) • Cloth • 2 plastic cups • 1 roll of masking tape (cream) • 3 flat paint brushes (small, medium & big) • 3 round paint brushes (small, medium & big) • Box of coloured chalk pastels • Calligraphy pen/ nib • 5 List of School Equipment for European Schooling 2016-‐2017 Class S7 (7th Year) • • Ethics • • • • • • Complementary Activities • Japanese • Lab. Sciences PE • • • • A bottle of ink 1 piece of linoleum for printing ( any size-‐ from art shop) 1 tube of printing ink for Lino printing Old magazines to use as resources 1 rouleau de fil de fer ¨souple pour la sculpture) Argile An A4 Folder with dividers, plastic wallets and paper Un classeur A4 avec intercalaires, pochettes plastiques et feuilles A4 ring binder (2 or 4 holes) for worksheets and homeworks plus 2 dividers-‐could use previous Japanese exercise book/Classeur pour les fiches et les devoirs plus 2 intercalaires A4 folder with A4 paper with small squares (5mm) and some plastic wallets to put extra documents and tests in White t-‐shirt dark shorts or trousers sports trainers-‐not canvas shoes(chaussures en toile interdites) one pair of soft gym shoes for climbing or gym(sport ballerina) 6
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