New acquisitions of the Library August to Mid


New acquisitions of the Library August to Mid
New acquisitions of the Library
August to Mid-September 2015
International Committee of the Red Cross
19, av. de la Paix, 1202 Geneva
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Monday to Thursday 9 am to 5 pm
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Complete list of new acquisitions by alphabetic order on this clic
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Table of contents
ARMS ............................................................................. 3
CONFLICT-VIOLENCE AND SECURITY ......................................... 4
DETENTION ...................................................................... 4
ENVIRONMENT .................................................................. 5
GEOPOLITICS .................................................................... 5
HISTORY ......................................................................... 7
HUMANITARIAN AID ............................................................ 7
CRESCENT ....................................................................... 8
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW .............................................. 8
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION-NGO ..................................... 12
PEACE .......................................................................... 12
PROTECTION OF CULTURAL PROPERTY ................................... 13
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ............................................... 13
WOMEN-GENDER .............................................................. 13
OTHER RESOURCES ........................................................... 14
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Automating the right stuff ? : the hidden ramifications of ensuring autonomous aerial
weapon systems comply with international humanitarian law / Jason S. DeSon. - In: The Air
Force law review, Vol. 72, 2015, p. 85-122. - Photocopies
341.67/771 (Br.)
La convention d'Oslo sur les armes à sous-munitions / Ariane Mafo ; préf. Alain Didier Olinga.
- Saarbrücken : Éditions universitaires européennes, 2013. - 359 p. : photogr., tabl. ; 22 cm.
- Bibliographie: p. 295-311. - ISBN 9786131542848
Of arms, funding and "non-lethal assistance" : issues surrounding third-state intervention in
the Syrian civil war / Tom Ruys. - In: Chinese journal of international law, Vol. 13, issue 1, p.
13-53. - Photocopies
In spite of legal objections, the European Union (EU) in May 2013 gave the conditional green
light for the transfer of arms to the Syrian Opposition Council. The EU's decision is not a solitary
move. Several other States, including Russia, the United States, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, have
provided arms, funding and/or “non-lethal assistance” either to the Syrian government or to
rebel forces combatting the Assad regime. The present contribution aims to shed light on the
legality of such assistance. On the one hand, it assesses legal objections related to the fact
that third-State assistance is used for the commission of widespread war crimes and human
rights violations. On the other hand, it examines the compatibility of such assistance with the
non-intervention principle and, in so doing, examines to what extent the latter principle
discriminates between de jure governments and non-State armed groups in the context of a
civil war.
341.67/773 (Br.)
Targeting cyber arms dealers who directly participate in hostilities / Collin Allan. - In:
Southwestern journal of international law, Vol. 21, 2015, p. 341-374. - Photocopies
341.67/772 (Br.)
Trasferimenti di armi, diritti umani e diritto umanitario : spunti di riflessione dopo
l'adozione del Trattato sul commercio delle armi convenzionali / Christian Ponti. - In: Diritto
umani e diritto internazionale, Vol. 7, n. 3, 2013, p. 643-667. - Photocopies
On 2 April 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted the Arms Trade Treaty, the first-ever treaty
to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons. This study examines the legal
framework on arms transfer established by this Treaty. In particular, it analyzes the common
international standards adopted by the Treaty for regulating the international trade and for
preventing and eradicating the illicit trade in conventional arms. The main objective of the
study is to make a critical assessment of the legal parameters and State obligations' arising
from the Arms Trade Treaty, and its potential contribution to reduce human rights abuses and
humanitarian law violations. The conclusion reached by this study is that the Arms Trade Treaty
may contribute to reduce human suffering, but it is just a first step towards an effective and
comprehensive international regulation of the arms trade.
341.67/77 (Br.)
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Armed conflict survey 2015 / International Institute for Strategic Studies. - Abingdon ; New
York : Routledge, 2015. - 364 p. : graph., cartes, diagr., tabl. ; 25 cm + 1 carte. - Index. ISBN 9781857437799
Global burden of armed violence 2015 : every body counts / Geneva Declaration. Cambridge : University Press, 2015. - XVI, 179 p. : cartes, diagr., graph., photogr., tabl. ; 22
cm. - Bibliographies. - ISBN 9781107069930
Detentions by armed opposition groups in non-international armed conflicts : towards a
new characterization of international humanitarian law / Ezequiel Heffes. - In: Journal of
conflict and security law, Vol. 20, no. 2, Summer 2015, p. 229-250
Les internés civils américains du camp de Royallieu durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
(1941-1944) / Dupuy Tiphaine. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], [2015]. - 113p., 15 p. d'ill. : fac-sim., photogr.
; 30 cm. - Mémoire de maîtrise d'histoire, Faculté de philosophie et de lettres, Université Libre
de Bruxelles, 2014-2015. - Bibliographie : p. 107-114. - Photocopies
Rapatrier les prisonniers de guerre : la politique des alliés et l'action humanitaire du Comité
international de la Croix-Rouge (1918-1929) / Hazuki Tate. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2015. - 680 p. :
cartes, graph., tabl. ; 30 cm. - Thèse, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, présentée
et soutenue publiquement le 23 janvier 2015. - Bibliographie : p. 631-664. Index
Strengthening international humanitarian law protecting persons deprived of their liberty
: thematic consultation of government experts on grounds and procedures for internment
and detainee transfers, Montreux, Switzerland, 20-22 October 2014 / report prepared by
Ramin Mahnad. - Geneva : ICRC, April 2015. - 62 p. ; 30 cm. - (Report)
This report provides an account of the October 2014 thematic consultation of government
experts on grounds and procedures for internment and detainee transfers in relation to noninternational armed conflict. The consultation was part of the ICRC's Strengthening
International Humanitarian Law initiative, and was organized pursuant to Resolution 1 of the
31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. A previous thematic
consultation – on conditions of detention and particularly vulnerable detainees – was also held
in 2014, and is the subject of a separate report.
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Addressing the intentional destruction of the environment during warfare under the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court / Steven Freeland. - Cambridge [etc.] :
Intersentia, 2015. - VIII, 353 p. ; 24 cm. - (Supranational criminal law : capita selecta ; vol.
18). - Bibliographie : p. 297-351. - ISBN 9781780683140
The prohibition of environmental damage during the conduct of hostilities in noninternational armed conflict / Tara Smith. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2013. - 245 p. ; 30 cm. - PhD in
human rights, Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of law, College of business, public policy
and law, National university of Ireland Galway, 2013. - Bibliographie : p. 215-245
La protection de l'environnement en période de conflit armé / Léonelle Flore Nguinta
Heugang Diekouam ; préf. de Jean Claude Tcheuwa. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015. - 225 p. ;
22 cm. - (Problématiques africaines). - Bibliographie : p.179-185. - ISBN 9782343043791
30 years after : issues and representations of the Falklands war / ed. by Carine Berbéri and
Monia O'Brien Castro. - Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, 2015. - XVIII, 195 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliographies. Index. - ISBN 9781472425003
Contient notamment: The Falklands conflict : media coverage, propaganda, jingoism or
journalism ? / M. Leggett. - Still two bald men fighting for a comb ? / M. Parsons. - The Falkland
Islands : military lessons learned / C. Maisonneuve. - All points of the compass : the global
dimension of the Falklands/Malvinas conflicts / T. Harris. - The Falklands conflict : the
uncertainties of international law examined 30 years on / A. Chommeloux.
323.12/ARG 1
L'Afrique dans la marche de l'action humanitaire / Hubert Edongo Menye ; postf. d'Abdou
Diouf. - Paris : Présence africaine, 2015. - 198 p. ; 23 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 196-197. - ISBN
Boko Haram : innovations guerrières depuis les monts Mandara : cosaquerie motorisée et
islamisation forcée / Christian Seignobos. - In: Afrique contemporaine, 252, 2014, p. 149-169
: cartes, dessins. - Bibliographie : p. 169
Conflict and peacebuilding in the Africain Great Lakes region / ed. by Kenneth Omeje and
Tricia Redeker Hepner. - Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2013. - XIII,
245 p. ; 23 cm. - Bibliographies. Index. - ISBN 9780253008428
Contient notamment: Introduction : conflict and peacebuilding in the Africain Great Lakes
region / K. Omeje and T. Redeker Hepner. - Understanding the diversity and complexity of
conflict in the African Great Lake region / K. Omeje. - Kofi Annan's conflict resolution model
and peacebuilding in Kenya / A. Anangwe. - Gender issues in reintegration : a feminist and
right-based analysis of the experiences of formerly abducted child-mothers in northern Uganda
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
/ E. Awich Ochen. - The "ambivalence of the sacred" : christianity, genocide, and reconciliation
in Rwanda / J. N. Clark.
Dios y cocaína : de cómo un misionero sobrevivió en El Caguán / Giacinto Franzoi. - Bogotá
: Intemedio, 2009. - 319 p. : photogr. ; 22 cm. - Titre original: Dio e coca : fatti e misfatti di
una missione. - ISBN 9789587099133
323.12/COL 2
The French military intervention in Mali, counter-terrorism, and the law of armed conflict
/ Dan E. Stigall. - In: Military law review, Volume 223, issue 1, 2015, p. 1-40
Le génocide au Rwanda : les enquêtes officielles menées en Belgique, en France, à l'ONU
et à l'OUA / Eric David. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015. - 80 p. ; 22 cm. - (Droits, sociétés,
politiques : Afrique des Grands Lacs). - ISBN 9782343064635
323.11/RWA 25
Le grand récit de la guerre interne au Pérou : version résumée du Rapport final de la
Commission de la vérité et de la réconciliation, 2003 / sous la présidence de Salomón
Lerner Febres ; trad. du castillan et annoté par Mariella Villasante Cervello ; avec la collab.
de Christophe de Beauvais. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015. - 543 p. : photogr., graph., cartes ;
24 cm. - (Documents Amériques latines). - Bibliographie : p. 519-523. - ISBN 9782343060668
323.12/PER 3
Guerre et viol : deux faces de fléaux traumatiques en République Démocratique du Congo
/ Marcel Otita Likongo. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015. - 205 p. : photogr., graph., tabl., ill. ; 22
cm. - (Etudes africaines). - Bibliographie: p. 179-184. - ISBN 9782343062709
323.11/ZAR 21
De la guerre d'indépendance à la guerre civile et internationale en Angola (1961-1991) /
Amadou Koné. - Paris : Connaissances et savoirs, 2013. - 249 p. : carte ; 22 cm. Bibliographie: p. 221-245. - ISBN 9782753902282
323.11/AGO 1
Making sense of the Central African Republic / ed. by Tatiana Carayannis and Louisa
Lombard. - London : Zed Books, 2015. - XXVI, 357 p. : cartes, graph. ; 22 cm. - Index.
Chronologie. - ISBN 9781783603794
Contient notamment: The autonomous Zone Conundrum : armed conservation and rebellion in
north-eastern CAR / L. Lombard. - From being forgotten to being ignored : international
humanitarian interventions in the Central Africain Republic / E. Picco. - CAR's southern identity
: Congo, CAR, and international justice / T. Carayannis. - In unclaimed land : the Lord's
resistance army in CAR / L. Cakaj.
323.11/CAF 4
Rebels in a rotten state : understanding atrocity in the Sierra Leone civil war / Kieran
Mitton. - London : Hurst, 2015. - XI, 346 p. : tabl. ; 22 cm. - Bibliographie: p. 305-327. Index.
- ISBN 9781849044226
323.11/SLE13 -AMERICAS
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Le petit Larousse de l'histoire du monde en 7650 grandes dates / [direction éd. Christine
Dauphant]. - [Paris] : Larousse, 2011. - 927 p., [32] p. de cartes ; 20 cm. - Index. - ISBN
Réf. HIS 1-e
Moi René Tardi prisonnier de guerre au Stalag IIB : mon retour en France / Tardi. [Bruxelles] : Casterman, 2014. - 139 p. : tout en ill. ; 32 cm. - Bibliographie. - ISBN
Adaptation par J. Tardi de carnets dans lesquels son père a consigné ses souvenirs à propos de
sa jeunesse, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de sa captivité en Allemagne.
400.2/334 (II)
Arbitrary withholding of consent to humanitarian assistance in situations of disaster /
Sandesh Sivakumaran. - In: International and comparative law quarterly, Vol. 64, part 3, July
2015, p. 501-531
Humanitarian ethics : a guide to the morality of aid in war and disaster / Hugo Slim. - London
: Hurst, 2015. - XII, 300 p. : tabl. ; 22 cm. - Index. - ISBN 9781849043403
Humanitarian logistics and sustainability / Matthias Klumpp... [et al.] ed.. - London [etc.] :
Springer, 2015. - VIII, 260 p. : cartes, graph., ill., tabl., diagr. ; 25 cm. - (Lecture notes in
logistics). - Bibliographies. - ISBN 9783319154541
Contient notamment: Sustainability in humanitarian logistics : why and how / M. Klumpp... [et
al.]. - Emergency preparedness of humanitarian organizations : on system dynamics approach
/ C. Ni... [et al.]. - Managing hazardous goods in humanitarian supply chains / D. SchumannBlösche.
Humanitarian needs assessment : the good enough guide / The Assessment Capacities
Project and Emergency Capacity Builduing Project. - Rugby (UK) : Practical action, 2014. XI, 108 p. : diagr., tabl. ; 18 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 91-99. - ISBN 9781853398636
The paradoxes of aid work : passionate professionals / Silke Roth. - London ; New York :
Routledge, 2015. - X, 211 p. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge humanitarian studies). - Bibliographie : p.
182-204. Index. - ISBN 9780415745925
Responsibility to protect : where do we stand ten years after ? / Vasilka Sancin. - Ljubljana
: Universty of Ljubljana, 2015. - 481 p. ; 23 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 393-461. Index. - ISBN
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Contient notamment : R2P : RIP ? / O. Ribbelink. - The expanding use of measures less than
force under R2P / S. Henderson. - Can national R2P focal points move R2P from a concept to a
norm ? / M. Rakovec.
Seeking light : portraits of humanitarian action in war / Paul Grabhorn. - New York : Viking,
2015. - V, 217 p. : photogr. ; 24 X 32 cm. - ISBN 9780670016853
Travail humanitaire et favela globale : la violence urbaine et l'action humanitaire à Rio de
Janeiro / Carolina Moulin Aguiar et Jana Tabak. - In: Cultures et conflits : sociologie politique
de l'international, No 97, printemps 2015, p. 9-30
L'humanité en action : bilan annuel 2014 à l'intention des donateurs du secteur privé /
CICR. - Genève : CICR, juillet 2015. - 32 p. : photogr., graph., cartes ; 30 cm. - (Zoom)
L'Humanité en action 2014 présente les différentes activités menées par le CICR et la manière
dont il utilise ses ressources, donne un aperçu de l'impact de son action au cours de l'année
considérée et présente le témoignage de divers bénéficiaires.
362.191/1615 (FRE)
The International Committee of the Red Cross and access to international justice : a
carefully considered paradox / David P. Forsythe. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2015. p. 178-188. - In: Access to international justice. - Bibliographie : p. 188. - Photocopies
362.191/1392 (Br.)
Menschlichkeit in Aktion : Jahresbericht für den Privatsektor 2014 / IKRK. - Genf : IKRK,
Juli 2015. - 32 p. : photogr., graph., cartes ; 30 cm. - (Focus)
L'Humanité en action 2014 présente les différentes activités menées par le CICR et la manière
dont il utilise ses ressources, donne un aperçu de l'impact de son action au cours de l'année
considérée et présente le témoignage de divers bénéficiaires.
362.191/1615 (GER)
Umanità in azione : rassegna annuale per il settore privato 2014 / CICR. - Ginevra : CICR,
luglio 2015. - 32 p. : photogr., graph., cartes ; 30 cm. - (Focus)
L'Humanité en action 2014 présente les différentes activités menées par le CICR et la manière
dont il utilise ses ressources, donne un aperçu de l'impact de son action au cours de l'année
considérée et présente le témoignage de divers bénéficiaires.
362.191/1615 (ITA)
Belligerent occupation and ICC territorial jurisdiction / Michail Vagias. - Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press, 2014. - p. 209-242. - In: The territorial jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court. - Photocopies
344/645 (Br.)
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Hybrid tribunals : a comparative examination / Aaron Fichtelberg. - [New York ; (etc.)] :
Springer, 2015. - XVIII, 206 p. ; 24 cm. - (Springer series on international justice and human
rights). - Bibliographie : p. 187-201. Index. - ISBN 9781461466383
International criminal law / Roger O'Keefe. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. - LXVIII,
608 p. ; 25 cm. - (The Oxford international law library). - Bibliographies. Index. - ISBN
Mind the gap : the lack of accountability for killer robots / Human Rights Watch,
International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC). - [S.l.] : Human Rights Watch, 2015. - 38 p. ; 31
cm. - Photocopies. - ISBN 9781623132408
Taking economic, social and cultural rights seriously in international criminal law / Evelyne
Schmid. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. - XXIX, 359 p. ; 24 cm. - (Cambridge
studies in international and comparative law). - Bibliographie : p. 337-351. Index. - ISBN
L'applicabilité de la coutume dans les conflits armés / Hamid El Haji ; préf. d'Abdelhak
Janati-Idrissi. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015. - 241 p. ; 24 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 225-234. ISBN 9782343065977
Bibliography 2014 : international humanitarian law : based on the International Committee
of the Red Cross library classified acquisitions / compiled by Michèle Hou. - Geneva : ICRC,
April 2015. - 167 p. ; 30 cm
A compilation of the four electronic quarterly International humanitarian law bibliography
issued by the ICRC Library during the year 2014. Based on the library's regular and extended
acquisitions on IHL, this bibliography is aimed at helping students, professors and legal
professionals be up-to-date and have overview on issues being dealt with by academic authors
in specific subjects of IHL. It contains articles, chapters, books, reports and working papers in
English and French. Subject headings include general issues, types of conflict, armed forces
and non-state actors, multinational forces, detention and treatment of persons, private actors,
protection of persons, protection of objects, conduct of hostilities, weapons, law of
occupation, international criminal law, human rights, implementation, contemporary
challenges and countries. Easy to use, the bibliography also offers abstracts.
345.2/922 (2014)
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Droit international humanitaire / Dieudonné Kalindye Byanjira ; en collab. avec Jacques
Kambale Bira'Mbovote ; préf. de Nyabirungu mwene Songa Raphaël. - Paris : L'Harmattan,
2015. - 291 p. : ill., tabl., dessins ; 24 cm. - (Notes de cours). - Bibliographie: p. 280-284
Ouvrage sur les fondamentaux du DIH dans une approche jus-anthropocentrique. Divisé en deux
parties, l'une théorique et l'autre pratique, l'ouvrage aborde les deux facettes du DIH: le "droit
de Genève" et le "droit de la Haye".
Jus ad bellum economicum and jus in bello economico : the limits of economic sanctions
under the paradigm of international humanitarian law / Nema Milaninia. - The Hague :
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2015. - p. 95-124. - In: Economic sanctions under international law :
unilateralism, multilateralism, legitimacy, and consequences. - Bibliographie : p. 122-124. Photocopies
This chapter argues that economic sanctions — including sanctions imposed outside of the
armed conflict context — should be regulated by the principles underlying international
humanitarian law (IHL). It considers the challenges associated with applying other sources of
law, namely international human rights law and the law on countermeasures, to economic
sanctions and the benefits of viewing sanctions through IHL. The chapter then describes what
limits would regulate economic sanctions when borrowing IHL principles. In doing so, the
chapter constructs two general categories of rules: jus ad bellum economicum — or the
principles concerning when economic sanctions can be used — and jus in bello economico — or
the principles concerning limits governing sanctions programs.
345.2/907 (Br.)
Using force against terrorists "outside areas of active hostilities" : the Obama approach and
the Bin Laden raid revisited / Christian Schaller. - In: Journal of conflict and security law,
Vol. 20, no. 2, Summer 2015, p. 195-227
Military self-interest in accountability for core international crimes / Morten Bergsmo and
Song Tianying (ed.). - Brussels : Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2015. - XXVI, 444 p. :
tabl. ; 24 cm. - Index. - ISBN 9788293081616
Is it in the enlightened self-interest of armed forces to have perpetrators of core international
crimes brought to justice? This anthology adds the ‘carrot’ perspective of self-interest or
incentives to the common rhetoric of ‘stick’ – legal obligations and political pressures. Twenty
authors from around the world discuss why military actors themselves often prefer
accountability. The self-interests presented in this book are multi-dimensional: from internal
professionalization to external legitimacy; from institutional reputation to individual honour;
from operational effectiveness to strategic stakes; from historical lessons to contemporary
needs; from religious beliefs to aspirations for rule of law; from minimizing civilian interference
to preempting international scrutiny. The case is made for long-term self-interest in
accountability and increased military ‘ownership’ in repressing core international crimes.
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Rule of law in war : international law and United States counterinsurgency in Iraq and
Afghanistan / Tavers McLeod. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. - XVII, 286 p. ; 25 cm.
- Bibliographie : p. 247-276. Index. - ISBN 9780198716396
Rule of Law in War places International Law at the center of the transformation of United States
counterinsurgency (COIN) that occurred during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. It claims
International Law matters more than is often assumed and more than we have previously been
able to claim, contradicting existing theoretical assumptions. In particular, the book contends
International Law matters in a case that may be regarded as particularly tough for international
law, that is, the development of a key military doctrine, the execution of that doctrine on the
battlefield, and the ultimate conduct of armed conflict. To do so, the book traces International
Law's influence in the construction of modern U.S. COIN doctrine, specifically, Field Manual 324, Counterinsurgency, released by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps in December 2006. It then
assesses how international law's doctrinal interaction held up in Iraq and Afghanistan. The
account of this doctrinal change is based on extensive access to the primary actors and
materials, including FM 3-24's drafting history, field documents, and interviews with military
officers of various ranks who have served multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Warum wird humanitäres Völkerrecht eingehalten oder verletzt ? Perspektiven der
Durchsetzung des humanitären Völkerrechts - neue Entwicklungen und kritische Bilanz /
Michael Bothe. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht : Informationsschriften = Journal of international
law of peace and armed conflict, Vol. 28, 2/2015, p. 55-67
Standing idly by : IDF soldiers' inaction in the face of offenses perpetrated by Israelis against
Palestinians in the West Bank / [research and writing: Eyal Hareuveni ; ed. Ziv Stahl ; English
translation: Maya Johnston]. - [S.l.] : Yesh Din, May 2015. - 94 p. ; 24 cm
Report divided into 4 chapters: Chapter 1 : The duty to protect civilians in the occupied
territory. - Chapter 2 : Policing and law and enforcement powers granted to the army. - Chapter
3 : The military's failure to address criminal activity by Israeli civilians and the entrenchment
of standling idly by. - Chapter 4 : Soldier testimonies about standing idly by.
Identifying the enemy : civilian participation in armed conflict / Emily Crawford. - Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 2015. - XXIII, 255 p. ; 24 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 235-248. Index. ISBN 9780199678495
Over the past twenty-five years, significant changes in the conduct of wars have increasingly
placed civilians in traditional military roles - employing civilians to execute drone strikes, the
'targeted killing' of suspected terrorists, the use of private security contractors in combat zones,
and the spread of cyber attacks. Under the laws of armed conflict, civilians cannot be targeted
unless they take direct part in hostilities. Once civilians take action, they become targets. This
book analyses the complex question of how to identify just who those civilians are.
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Cyberterrorists : the identification and classification of non-state actors who engage in
cyber-hostilities / Andrea C. Goode. - In: Military law review, Vol. 223, issue 1, 2015, p. 157197
Humanitarian salafism : a contradiction in terms ? / by Sturla Godo Saether. - [S.l.] : [s.n.],
Autumn 2013. - X, 51 p. ; 30 cm. - Master's thesis in Middle Eastern and North African Studies,
Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, Autumn 2013. - Bibliography : p. 49-51. - Photocopies
341.215/261 (Br.)
Tuzla : grad humanosti : 100 godina Crvenog kriza/krsta u Tuzli, 1912-2012 = Tuzla : the
city of humanity : 100 years of the Red Cross in Tuzla, 1912-2012 / Sead Hasic. - Tuzla :
Red Cross of Tuzla Municipality, 2012. - 256 p. : photogr, tabl., graph., fac-sim. ; 25 cm. Bibliographie : p. 251. - ISBN 9789958936746
(In)sécurités humaines : les luttes pour la paix au XXIe siècle / sous la dir. de Bernard
Dreano. - Paris : Non lieu, 2015. - 215 p. ; 21 cm. - ISBN 9782352702191
Contient notamment: Sauve qui peut ? : la militarisation, la guerre et la sécurité des humains
au début du XXIe siècle / B. Dreano. - Regard sur les femmes dans la Syrie révolutionnaire / R.
Ghazzawi. - Une approche citoyenne des conflits : exemple, processus de paix et réconciliation
en Turquie / B. Dreano et HCA Turquie.
Legal normativity in the resolution of internal armed conflict / Philipp Kastner. - Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press, 2015. - XI, 217 p. ; 24 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 189-211. Index. ISBN 9781107107564
Les opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies depuis 1995 : état des lieux, progrès
et contradictions persistantes / Alexandra Novosseloff. - Paris : A. Pedone, 2014. - p. 195207. - In: Liber amicorum en l'honneur de Serge Sur. - Photocopies
172.4/270 (Br.)
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
Promoting peace through international law / ed. by Cecilia Marcela Bailliet and Kjetil
Mujezinovic Larsen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. - XLIII, 447 p. ; 24 cm. - Index.
- ISBN 9780198722731
Contient notamment: Human rights violations and conflict risk : a theoretical and empirical
assessment / K. Skarstad. - The potential of the arms trade treaty to reduce violations of
international humanitarian law and human rights law / G. Nystuen and K. Egeland. - Refugees
and peace / M. Janmyr. - Barely Begun : the inclusion of women as peacemakers, peacekeepers,
and peacebuilders in international law and practice / C. Weiss. - United Nations peace
operations and international law : what kind of law promotes what kind of peace ? / K.
Mujezinovic Larsen. - It's about trust : transitional justice and accountability in the search for
peace / J. Garcia-Godos. - International fact-finding mechanisms : lighting candles or cursing
darkness ? / C. Hellestveit.
War and cultural heritage : biographies of place / ed. by Marie Louise Stig Sørensen and
Dacia Viejo-Rose. - Cambridge : University Press, 2015. - XX, 291 p. : photogr., cartes, tabl.
; 26 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 269-283. Index. - ISBN 9781107059337
The canon of love against the use of force in Islamic and public international law : part II :
the anatomy of love against violations / Farhad Malekian. - In: International criminal law
review, Vol. 15, issue 5, 2015, p. 861-895
Starvation as a weapon : domestic policies of deliberate starvation as a means to an end
under international law / by Simone Hutter. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2015. - XVIII,
305 p. ; 24 cm. - (International humanitarian law series ; vol. 46). - Faculty of law, University
of Zurich, March 2014. - Bibliographie : p. 270-297. Index. - ISBN 9789004288560
Beyond strategic rape and between the public and private : violence against women in
armed conflict / Aisling Swaine. - In: Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international
journal of the social sciences, humanities, and law, Vol. 37, no. 3, August 2015, p. 755-786
Les femmes et la guerre / CICR. - [2e éd.]. - Genève : CICR, juin 2015. - 26 p. : photogr. ;
30 cm
Cette publication examine comment les femmes peuvent être touchées par les conflits et
quelles sont les mesures prises par le CICR pour prendre en compte leurs besoins spécifiques.
Elle promeut en outre les règles de droit international humanitaire qui octroient une protection
particulière aux femmes en temps de guerre.
362.8/120 (2015 FRE)
Library's new acquisitions: August to Mid-September 2015
The landscape of silence : sexual violence against men in war / Amalendu Misra. - London
: Hurst, 2015. - XIV, 271 p. ; 23 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 241-258. Index. - ISBN 9781849042826
Transforming reparations for conflict-related sexual violence : principles and practice /
Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Catherine O'Rourke, Aisling Swaine. - In: Harvard human rights journal,
Vol. 28, issue 1, Spring 2015, p. 65-146
Women and peace in the Islamic world : gender, agency and influence / ed. by Yasmin Saikia
and Chad Haines. - London ; New York : I. B. Tauris, 2015. - XII, 428 p. ; 22 cm. - Bibliographie
: p. 389-407. Index. - ISBN 9781784530174
Women and war / ICRC. - [2nd ed.]. - Geneva : ICRC, June 2015. - 26 p. : photogr. ; 30 cm
This publication looks at the ways in which women can be affected by conflict and the actions
taken by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to take their specific needs into
account. It also promotes those rules of international humanitarian law which provide specific
protection for women in war.
362.8/120 (2015 ENG)
Le bon usage : grammaire française / Maurice Grevisse et André Goosse. - 15e éd.. Bruxelles : De Boeck, 2011. - 1666 p. ; 27 cm. - Bibliographie : p. 1595-1609. Index. - ISBN
Réf. LIN 2
Le grand Larousse illustré [2016] : 90'000 articles, 5'000 illustrations, 355 cartes, 160
planches, chronologie universelle, atlas géographique, drapeaux du monde et de la
francophonie. - Paris : Larousse, 2015. - 2106 p. : ill., cartes, pl., tabl., graph., portr. ; 29
cm. - ISBN 9782035901262
Réf. LIN 1-e
Le Petit Robert des noms propres : dictionnaire illustré / sous la dir. de Paul Robert ; réd.
dirigée par Alain Rey. - Nouv. éd. refondue et augm.. - Paris : Dictionnaires Le Robert, 2015.
- XXIV, 2470, 191 p. : ill., photogr., cartes ; 24 cm + clé USB. - ISBN 9782321006473
Réf. LIN 3-a
Le Petit Robert : dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française / texte
remanié et amplifié sous la dir. de Josette Rey-Debove et Alain Rey. - Nouv. éd. du Petit
Robert de Paul Robert ; Nouv. éd. millésime 2016. - Paris : Dictionnaires Le Robert, 2016. XLII, 2837 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 9782321006480
Réf. LIN 1-f