F492 - Readings in French for Graduate Students


F492 - Readings in French for Graduate Students
F492 French for Reading Knowledge
Summer Session II 2002, sections 4431/4432
Monday through Thursday, 8:30-9:55 a.m., Ballantine Hall 244
Joseph Price
E-mail: [email protected]
Office of Department of French and Italian: (812) 855-1952
Mailbox: 642 Ballantine Hall
Office hour: Thursday 10-11 a.m., BH 606, or by
Required texts: These should be available at the IU Bookstore or at TIS Bookstore
Palmeri & Milligan, French for Reading Knowledge (P)
Nachtmann, French Review for Reading Improvement (N)
Brée and Markow-Totevy, Contes et Nouvelles, revised (B)
Nelson, Reading Expository French (REF)
A good French-English dictionary, such as the Collins-Robert French-English EnglishFrench Dictionary, Unabridged
Grading and exams:
Your final grade will be based on four exams and an outside translation of your choice.
Each of these will be worth 20%. Dictionaries may be used on the text-translation section
of an exam but may not be shared between students. Additionally, you are required to
provide a translation of a journal article of your choice, in your major field or a related
area. You will be required to submit a first draft of this translation for comments.
Journal Article Assignment:
20% of your grade is based on an outside translation of your choice. The reading should
be a French-language journal article from an academic journal in your major field or in a
related field of study. The translation should represent an entire academic journal article
and thus should be approximately 10 to 12 pages in length, but shorter articles will be
permitted if the language is sufficiently challenging. Similarly, parts of articles may be
permitted in certain circumstances. The due dates are as follows
Wednesday, June 26: A photocopy of a prospective article must be submitted to the
instructor for approval.
Monday, July 15: A first draft of your translation and the original photocopied article
must be submitted.
Thursday, August 1: Final draft, first draft and photocopied article must be submitted.
Any incomplete submissions will mean a zero for the entire assignment, and 10% will be
deducted from your final grade for this assignment for each course day that any part of
the submission is late, unless prior arrangements have been made. Your final translation
should be in good academic English, printed and presented neatly as if submitted for
publication. Your assignment will be grade as follows:
Presentation, spelling, punctuation, etc.: 10%
Accuracy of translation of meaning: 50%
Stylistics, use of English, naturalness of English use: 40%
Your translation should be such that a native speaker of English should be able to read
the article and understand it easily -- ideally, without knowing that it had been translated
from another language.
Be sure to pick an article which interests you, which is neither too difficult nor too
challenging, and which has not been translated into English already. Don’t look for the
shortest or easiest article to translate, but rather one which interests you and can teach
you something useful.
Use of Translation programs:
Computer translation programs (such as freetranslation.com or babelfish.altavista.com)
are helpful for some simple tasks, but they are notorious for producing inaccurate
translations when given difficult texts to translate. Moreover, the use of translation
programs is very easy to identify and to prove, as they make numerous specific mistakes
that a learner using a dictionary will never make. The use of a translation program is
considered cheating and is therefore not allowed in this course. Use of a computer
translation program in this course will result in a failing grade for an assignment or the
course. You will learn far more by doing your own work than relying on a technology
that produces inaccurate and unsatisfactory results.
Daily Assignments:
The syllabus indicates what will be covered in class on that day. You should come to
class with prepared translations of the assigned grammar exercises and texts.
*Special note:
Because this class meets Monday through Thursday, we will not have class on Friday,
June 14. Rather, you should prepare the indicated assignments for our first class meeting
on Monday, June 17.
Calendar of Assignments
Palmeri & Milligan, French for Reading Knowledge (P)
Nachtmann, French Review for Reading Improvement (N)
Brée and Markow-Totevy, Contes et Nouvelles, revised (B)
Nelson, Reading Expository French (REF)
Text translation
Mon. 6/17
P Section 62 (1-27), § 63 (1- REF Universités américaines 8215)
Tues. 6/18
P § 64 (1-7), § 65 (1-7), § 58 B Patience 21-23 / B Le Parc 24(1-10)
Wed. 6/19
P § 66 (1-8), § 67 (1-20)
B L’air des clochettes 31.1-35.29
Thurs. 6/20
P § 68 (1-11), § 69 (1-9; 120)
B L’air des clochettes 35.30-40.17
Mon. 6/24
P § 70 (1-9), § 71 (1-10; 110)
REF Les Faiblesses de Wilson 3235
Tues. 6/25
P § 72 (1-7), § 73 (1-8)
REF La biologie et le droit 145148
Wed. 6/26
P § 74 (1-7), § 75 (1-45),
Review 8 (1-60)
Photocopied text for
Translation project due
Thurs. 6/27: EXAM I ----
Mon. 7/1
N Lesson I, exercises A, B
B Le coffret 65.1-70.26
Tues. 7/2
N II A, B (1-10), C
B Le coffret 70.27-75.21
Wed. 7/3
N III A, B, C, D (1-10)
REF La notion du hasard 22-26
Thurs. 7/4:
Independence Day
No class
Mon. 7/8
N IV A, B (1-20), C (1-10)
B Les pompiers 53.1-56.20
Tues. 7/9
N V A (1-20), B, C
B Le retraité 58.1-62.5
Wed. 7/10
N VI A, B (1-19)
REF Défense de l’existentialisme
Thurs. 7/11
Mon. 7/15: EXAM II ----
1st draft Translation project due
Tues. 7/16
N VIII A, B, C (1-15)
REF La mentalité française 62-6
Wed. 7/17
N IX A, B (1-14)
REF Debussy 72-76
Thurs. 7/18
N X A, B, D (1-15)
B Contre remboursement 79.183.21
Mon. 7/22
N XI A, B (1-20)
B Contre remboursement 83.2287.27
Tues. 7/23
N XII A, B, C (1-20)
B Contre remboursement 87.2891.24
Wed. 7/24
N XIII A, B, C (1-20)
REF Le roman traditionnelle 231234
Thurs. 7/25
N XIV A, B (1-18)
Mon. 7/29: EXAM III ----
Tues. 7/30
REF L’absurdité 122-126;
B L’hôte 125.1-127.25
Wed. 7/31
B L’hôte 127.26-134.26
Thurs. 8/1
B L’hôte 134.27-140.26,
Final Translation project due
Mon. 8/5
REF La forme des villes 132-137
Tues. 8/6
REF De la resemblance dans l’art
Wed. 8/7
Thurs. 8/8: EXAM IV ----