accredited colleges and universities in canada
accredited colleges and universities in canada
ACCREDITED COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN CANADA (Updated February 2007) Northwest Territories Aurora College Nunavut College Yukon Yukon College British Columbia Universities The University of British Columbia Open Learning Agency Royal Road University Simon Fraser University Trinity Western University University of Northern British Columbia University of Victoria Colleges British Columbia Institute of Technology Camosun College Capilano College College of the Rockies Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design Kwantlen University College Langara College Malapina University-College College of New Caledonia North Island College Northern Lights College Northwest Community College Okanagan University College Open Learning Agency Selkirk College Thompson Rivers University (formerly The University College of the Caribou) University College of the Fraser Valley Vancouver Community College College of the Rockies Douglas College Nicola Valley Institute of Technology Alberta Universities University of Alberta Athabasca University Augustana University College The University of Calgary Concordia University The King’s University College The University of Lethbridge Colleges Fairview College Grande Prairie Regional College Keyano College Lakeland College Lethbridge Community College Medicine Hat College Mount Royal College Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Olds College Red Deer College Grant MacEwan Community College Southern Alberta Institute of Technology North American Baptist College School of Radiation Technology Alberta College of Art and Design 1 1 Saskatchewan Universities Campion College Luther College The University of Regina St. Thomas More College Saskatchewan Indian Federated College University of Saskatchewan Colleges Carlton Trail Regional College Cumberland Regional College Cypress Hills Regional College Northwest Regional College Northlands College Parkland Regional College Prairie West Regional College Indian Institute of Applied Science and Technology Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology Southeast Regional College Lakeland College Ambrose University College (formerly Canadian Bible College) RCMP Academy Manitoba Universities Brandon University University of Manitoba Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface St. John’s College St. Paul’s College University of Winnipeg Colleges Assiniboine Community College University College of the North (formerly Keewatin Community College) Red River Community College L’Ècole Technique de Professionnelle Mesericordia General Hospital School of Nursing Ontario Universities Brescia College Brock University Carleton University Collège Dominicain de Philosophie Et de Theologie University of Guelph Huron College King’s College Lakehead University Laurentian University McMaster University Nipissing University University of Ottawa Queen’s University Redeemer College Royal Military College of Canada Ryerson Polytechnic University University of St. Jerome’s College University of St. Michael’s College Saint Paul University University of Sudbury University of Toronto Trent University University of Trinity College Victoria University University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Wilfred Laurier University University of Windsor York University University of Hearst University of Ontario Institute of Technology Colleges Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Collège Boréal Cambrian College Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Canadian Automotive Institute Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology La Cité Collégiale Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology St. Lawrence College Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology Sir Sanford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology Alfred College of Applied Arts and Technology Grand Lacs College of Applied Arts and Technology Kemptville College of Applied Arts and Technology The Michener Institute For Applied Health Science Ridgetown College of Applied Arts and Technology Heritage Baptist College-Theological Seminary RCMP College Ontario College of Art and Design 2 2 Quebec Universities Ecole Nationale D’Administration Publique Bishop’s University Concordia University Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales Université Laval McGill University Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Université du Quebec Institut Armand-Frappier Ecole de Technologie Supèrieure Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Télé-Université Université du Quebec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Université du Quebec à Chicoutimi Université du Quebec à Hull Université du Quebec à Montréal Université du Quebec à Rimouski Université du Quebec à trois-Rivières Université de Sherbrooke Université de Montréal Colleges/Cégeps Cégep de L’Abitibi-Témiscamingue Cégep Ahuntsic Cégep André-Laurendeau Cégep de Baie-Comeau Cégep Beauce-Appalaches Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne Champlain Regional College Dawson College Cégep de Drummonville Cégep Edouard-Montpetit Cégep Francois-Xavier-Garneau Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Iles Cégep de Granby-Haute Yamaska Heritage College John Abbot College Cégep Joliette-de-Lanaudière Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon Cégep de Limoilou Cégep Lionel-Groulx Cégep de Maisonneuve Cégep de Matane Cégep Montmorency Cégep de l’Outaouais Cégep de la Pocatière Cégep de la Région de l’Amiante Cégep de Rimouski Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup Cégep de Rosemont Cégep de Sainte-Foy Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richilieu Cégep de Saint Jérome Cégep d’Alma Cégep de Chicoutimi Cégep de Jonquière Cégep de St-Félicien Cégep de Sept-Iles Collège Shawnigan Cégep de Sherbrooke Cégep de Sorel Tracy Cégep de Trois Rivières Cégep de Valleyfield Vanier Collège Cégep de Victoriaville Cégep de Vieux Montreal Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy Collège André-Grasset Collège Bart Collège Laflèche Collège Jean de Brébeuf Collège Lasalle Collège Marianopolis Collège Mérici Collège O’Sullivan de Montreal Collège O’Sullivan de Quebec Ecole Commerciale du Cap Séminaire de Sherbrooke Cégep Marie-Victorin Cégep de St-Félicien Cégep de Saint-Laurent Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy Collège André-Grasset Collège d’Affaires Ellis 3 3 Quebec (continued) Universities Colleges/Cégeps Collège de l’Assomption Collège Centennial Collège de Lévis Collège Français Collège moderne 3-R Ecole de musique Vincen-d’Indy Conservatoire Lassalle Ecole de musique Vincen-d’Indy Institut Teccart Inc. Le collège dans la Cité Le Petit Seminaire de Quebec Le Grand Seminaire de Montréal Institute de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Quebec Conservatoire de Musique de Chicoutimi Conservatoire de Musique de Hull Conservatoire de Musique de Montreal Conservatoire de Musique de Quebec Conservatoire de Musique de Rimouski Conservatoire de Musique de Trois-Rivières Conservatoire de Musique de Val-d’Or Collège Macdonald Séminaire Saint-Augustin Institut de Technologie Agro-Alimentaire de St-Hyacinthe Institut Teccart New Brunswick Universities Université de Moncton Mount Allison University University of New Brunswick St. Thomas University Atlantic Baptist University Colleges CCNB-Bathurst CCNB-Campbellton CCNB-Dieppe CCNB-Edmunston NBCC-Moncton NBCC-St. Andrews NBCC-Saint John NBCC-Woodstock NBCC-Miramichi Maritime College of Forest Technology Nova Scotia Universities Acadia University Atlantic School of Theology University College of Cape Breton Dalhousie University University of King’s College Mount Saint Vincent University Nova Scotia Agricultural College Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Université Sainte-Anne St. Frances Xavier University Saint Mary’s University Technical University of Nova Scotia Colleges Nova Scotia Community College Nova Scotia Agricultural College Moncton School of Radiological Technology Collège de l’Acadie Miss A.J. MacMaster School of Nursing Bathurst School of Nursing Écolé d’infirmière de Bathurst Écolé de formation infirmiére d’Edmunston Écolé d’enseignment infirmiére Providence Saint John School of Nursing 4 4 Prince Edward Island Universities University of Prince Edward Island Colleges Holland College Newfoundland Universities Memorial University of Newfoundland Colleges Provincial College College of the North Atlantic Cabot College Eastern College Labrador College Westviking College Centre for Nursing Studies General Hospital School of Nursing Mesericordia School of Nursing St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital School of Nursing 5 5