Dancing for peace in Sri Lanka Media
Dancing for peace in Sri Lanka Media
Dancing for peace in Sri Lanka The Prince Claus Fund supported the two-year SINTAMU Dance Project in Sri Lanka that lasted from June 2009 until June 2011. The project was organised by nATANDA, a bold and energetic non-profit organisation situated in Colombo (Sri Lanka) founded by Kapila Palihawadana, which pushes the boundaries of dance theatre in Sri Lanka. The last three decades Sri Lanka has been plagued by ethnic polarisation and civil war. Since 1983 the minority Tamil population formed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to fight for separation from the Sri Lankan government that is dominated by the majority Sinhalese community. After 30 years of ethnic conflict the LTTE admitted defeat after the death of their leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran and other important commanders. However, hope o f sustainable development and peaceful coexistence have decreased and the development of young people has been limited. Mistrust and intolerance among different ethnic groups are growing, leaving little room for building stable relationship. With the SINTAMU Dance Project nATANDA wants to make a contribution towards conflict transformation at a local level while at the same time establishing a permanent dance studio and improving modern theatre dance. With workshops and trainings the organisers enabled people of all ethnic, cultural and religious groups in Sri Lanka to work together, sharing a common goal in the creative process. nATANDA is Sri Lanka?s first contemporary dance company. It investigates the potential of da nce for personal development, social inclusion and peace-building. The organisation goes beyond contributing to contemporary art and the value of nATANDA lies in the social and political issues that are addressed through dance. One specific event called Ravens was part of the Prince Claus Fund?s support. Scroll down for reviews about Ravens and nATANDA. nATANDA is currently implementing another project within the Culture and Conflict Programme of the Prince Claus Fund and the Commonwealth Foundation. Click here to read m ore about this collaboration. nATANDA pushes the boundaries of dance theatre Kapila Palihawadana Media: Links Website nATANDA Website nATANDA en savoir plus Programme: Subventions & Collaborations Subventions & Collaborations view programme Programme: Collaborations La Fondation collabore régulièrement avec d'autres organisations afin notamment de créer un plus grand soutien en faveur de la culture et du dév eloppement, d'accroître son expertise et son réseau, et d'élargir ses possibilités de financement. La Fondation fait ainsi cause commune avec de nombreuses orga nisations tant aux Pays-Bas que dans le reste du monde. Vous trouverez ci-dessous de plus amples informations sur quelques liens de partenariat plus structurels. view programme
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