Card Selection Method of Payment Information
Card Selection Method of Payment Information
“JUST FOR KIDS” Foundation - Season’s Greeting Card Order Form 2010 Information NEW E W Contact name:_______________________________________ Company name:______________________________________ A Joanne Gervais Address:____________________________________ C Marcel Ravary City/Prov/Postal Code:__________________________________ B Katerina Mertikas D Serge Brunoni Card Selection Tel: ( )_________________ Fax: ( )_________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ Quantity A_______ B_______ C_______ D_______ Donation / card (Min. $3/card) $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 Method of Payment Cheque payable to: “Just For Kids” Foundation OR Visa / Mastercard DONATION TOTAL $_______ (for which a tax receipt will be issued) $_______ $_______ $_______ Personalized printing $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 (@$75.00/order, B/W only, GST/QST incl. Call our office for colour logo quote) $_____.00 GRAND TOTAL $_______ Card#:_____________________________ Exp. Date: _____/_____ Signature _____________________________________________ $_______ $_______ $_______ Printing Details Delivery: Maximim three (3) weeks ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Please indicate printing details or e-mail info to [email protected] Thank you for helping us, help the kids! 3400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Suite 1420, Montreal, QC H3Z 3B8 Tel: (514) 989-7673 - Fax: ( 514) 939-3551 e-mail: [email protected] - web site: Form online: Fondation <<Pour les enfants seulement>> - Cartes de Noël 2010 - Bordereau de commande Information Nouveau o u v e a u Nom:____________________________________________ Nom d’entreprise:____________________________________ A Joanne Gervais Adresse:____________________________________ C Marcel Ravary Ville/Prov/CP:_______________________________________ B Katerina Mertikas D Serge Brunoni Sélection de la carte Tél: ( )_________________ Fax: ( )_________________ Couriel:___________________________________________ Quantité désirée A_______ B_______ C_______ D_______ Don par carte (min. 3$) $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 DON TOTAL (pour lequel un reçu sera émis) $_______ Mode de Paiement Chèque à l`ordre de: foundation <<Pour les enfants seulement >> OU Visa / Mastercard $_______ $_______ $_______ #Carte:____________________________ Date d’exp.: _____/_____ Signature _____________________________________________ Impression personalisée $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 $_____.00 (@75$/commande, N/B, TPS/TVQ incluses. Pour un logo en coleur, appeler pour une estimation) TOTAL DON ET COUT D’IMPRESSION $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ Détails d’impression Livraison: Maximim trois (3) semaines ____________________________________________________________ Merci de nous aider à aider les enfants! ____________________________________________________________ 3400 boul. de Maisonneuve O., bureau 1420, Montreal, QC H3Z 3B8 Tél: (514) 989-7673 - Fax: ( 514) 939-3551 couriel [email protected] - Site Web: Formulaire en ligne: ____________________________________________________________ Veuillez indiquer les détails d’impression ou envoyer par couriel à [email protected]
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Season`s Greeting Card Order Form 2014
(for which a tax receipt will be issued)
Personalized printing