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On the web:
A Publication of the River Valley Obedience and Field Trial Club
Seasons Greetings Everyone!
It’s always difficult this time of year to find time to do
everything we have to do, but I’m always amazed that Club
members find time to fit so many Club activities into their
already busy schedules.
Classes are winding down and will wrap up in early December
thanks to everyone who stepped in to offer to be instructors
and assistants.
The SPCA Pet Expo presented another opportunity to make
the Club more visible in the community while supporting the
Fredericton SPCA. Organizer extraordinaire Valerie Noel
worked her usual magic and Club members responded in
numbers. The set-up committee did a wonderful job and
presented the best booth ever; the booth was manned by at
least two Club members the whole weekend, and the Rally
demonstrations were amazing as well, drawing in spectators to
give it a try.
The Santa Claus parade will be Saturday November 28 on
Fredericton’s northside. Special Events coordinator Valerie
has lots of plans, and as usual, Club members have responded
with their usual enthusiasm.
The Club’s Christmas party will be held on Saturday,
December 5 at Oakland Farm & Lodge. It is always a fun night
for Club members to relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Training time should be coming up – keep an eye on your
RVO Group e-mail for available dates and times. There should
also be further opportunities in January and beyond.
November 2015
2015-16 Executive
Sue Wishart 455-5017
Karen Pelletier
Bonnie Horncastle 472-1028
Ed Reid 368-2875
Ed Reid 368-2875
Cathy Stevens 471-3494
Bonnie Horncastle 472-1028
Obedience Class Chair:
Bonnie Horncastle 472-1028
Class Registration:
Sue Wishart 455-5017
Obedience Trial Chair:
Ed Reid 368-2875
Obedience Trial Secretary:
Marie Lewis 454-3676
Social (Meetings & Parties):
Mary Wood 368-2660
Special Events:
Valerie Noel 451-6211
Canine Good Neighbour:
Valerie Noel 451-6211
Cathy Stevens/Kathy Boyd
Terry Wilkins/Trish Noble
Hospital Visitation:
Patricia (Trish) Eagan 455-2188
Sue Wishart
Tina White/Rob Loughan
Next Club meeting: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 beginning at 7:30
at the Botanical Club Building on Cameron Court, Fredericton.
If you have an item for the agenda, contact a member of the Executive.
Everyone Welcome!
Laura Brewer 472-3604
Meghann Douglas
On the web:
November 28: Santa Claus Parade, Fredericton North
December 5: RVO Christmas party – Oakland Farm & Lodge, New Maryland, NB
May 14-15: Dartmouth Kennel Club; 2 limited all-breed shows; 2 obedience, 2 rally obedience trials
Upcoming Events
**See page 3 for Fredericton Kennel Club training opportunities
Monitor your RVO Group e-mails for RVO training opportunities in December and into 2016….
Member news:
With Sympathy:
Sad news from Sandra Foster with the death of Giant
Schnauzer Eryx on November 14.
On the web:
From Pamela Dunn Blue (Ch Kare’s Little
Buoy Blue WC JH RN)
completed his
Championship in
Moncton. He is just
under 2 years old.
FYI: Fredericton Kennel Club Upcoming Events: Handling practice begins again on Sunday, 22 Nov from 2 until 3 $5/handler Rally training also starts. This is a drop‐in. No registration required! $5/dog Novice 3.30‐4.30; Advanced and Excellent 4.30 onwards. The Fredericton Kennel Club Obedience and Rally Sanction Match is now Dec 5. $5/dog If you and your furry family are planning a move give me a call, send a text or an email. I love working with pet people! Obedience starts at 9.00am with Novice. - Rally starts at 2.00pm with Rally Novice. Lunch will be available. -
Jaclyn Watts 259‐4185 [email protected] On the web:
SPCA Pet Expo
Valerie Noel did her usual excellent job of organizing RVO’s booth at the recent SPCA Pet Expo. Valerie’s decorating team out‐did themselves and the booth looked awesome. Club members turned out in force to “man” the booth, to do demonstrations for the event, and to generally support the event. RVO donated a basket of doggy goodies and a Gentle Leader along with a lesson in its use from Sue Wishart for the Silent Auction. Well done everyone – your assistance and participation is appreciated by RVO and by the Fredericton SPCA. On the web:
Pumpkin treats (Brenda Boyd’s famous recipe for tummy-friendly dog treats)
2 eggs
3/4 cup Pumpkin
2 TBSP dry milk
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
2 - 2 1/2 cups brown rice flour
Roll out in cookie sheet
Use pizza cutter to score into bite sized treat squares
350 X 20 minutes
Take out while still soft in the middle
Remember to send Newsletter articles and information to Bonnie Horncastle at [email protected] We also accept newsletter advertising ($10 for a quarter page ad; $20 for a half‐page; $30 whole page. On the web:
An awesome group of people and dogs attended the recent Wag‐It games seminar in Presque Isle, Maine with Sumac Grant‐Johnson. Sumac is an engaging, enthusiastic and motivating speaker and trainer who shared her philosophy and training ideas during the two‐day seminar. Sumac is the originator of the Wag‐It games that aim to make competing with your dog more fun. From Trish Eagan: I would like to thank all of you who voted for Rosi in the Algonquin pet photo contest in the spring. We took advantage of our prize ‐ a nights stay at the end of October. They treated Rosi like royalty, she even had turn down service with fresh water and homemade biscuits delivered to the room. Also I have a wonderful update on her health. Her most recent blood work has come back 100% clean. She seems to be back to herself, which is such a big relief. Thanks for all of your well wishes and support. Trish and Rosi The Infrequent Flyer
December 2015
What?! December ALREADY?!?
It’s hard to believe it's December; even harder to believe that it has been TEN years since we opened our doors in 2005. We were a
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franchises and supercentres that have come to Fredericton since we opened. We appreciate that you spend your hard-earned dollars at
the ONLY independent, locally-owned pet supply store in Fredericton… we feel the love and we hope that you do too!
Read on for some upcoming "Invitation Only" events!
"Invitation Only" Shopping Parties
As our customers know, we are normally closed on Sundays.
This year, we are holding TWO "Invitation Only" Sunday
Shopping Parties... and we promise some good deals on
both days...
December 20 from 12 - 3 pm ONLY
December 27 from 12 - 3 pm ONLY
You're Invited to a
“New Year's Social"
for RVO Club Members
January 1 from 11 am to 1 pm
The Barking Lot's Training Room
880 Hanwell Rd, suite 101
Sociable Dogs Welcome!
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Regular store hours: Monday - Thursday: 9-6; Friday: 9-7; Saturday: 9-5; Sunday: closed
The Barking Lot | 880 Hanwell Road, Fredericton, NB E3B 6A3 | 506-459-4789 |
River Valley Obedience & Field Trial Club
November 11 2015 Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the River Valley Obedience Club was called to order followed the annual general
meeting and was called to order by President Sue Wishart at the Botanical Club building, Cameron Court, Fredericton
Present were: Heather MacLeod
Sharon Rosborough
Marie Lewis
Cathy Stevens
Kerry Atkinson
Sue Wishart
Ken Vokey
Wendy Anderson
Bonnie Horncastle
Mary Wood
Valerie Noel
Motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting: Marie Lewis, seconded by Cathy Stevens.
Treasurer’s Report: No report from Ed Reid
Executive meeting: Sue Wishart reported that the Executive met on October 24 to discuss the credit system for
instructors/assistants. Discussions included various options: limiting use of credits to educational purposes related to
class (seminars, DVD’s etc.); returning credits to the Club after one year of inactivity with classes, capping credits at
$1500 for instructors, $500 for assistants. They executive will be meeting again when everyone is available to make
recommendations to bring to a meeting. Sue commented that it was very useful to have the input of Karen Pelletier, the
new Vice-President since she has not been involved with the credit system previously and she can look at the issue with
fresh eyes.
Committee Reports:
Equipment: No report from Ed Reid
Membership: Cathy Stevens reported 6 new memberships and 22 renewals.
Newsletter: Bonnie reported that the newsletter was distributed as usual, via e-mail and mail. The secure version had
been e-mailed to Paul Wilson and to Tina White/Rob Laughlan for posting to the website.
ACTION: Sue Wishart will contact Paul Wilson about the transition of the website from Paul to Tina and Rob.
Obedience Classes: Monday and Thursday progressing well, at the half-way point. Deanna McHugh’s class on Tuesday
is progressing well, and is in its fifth week, but several dogs in Marie Lewis’s class on Tuesday are now suffering from the
Kennel Cough virus that is going around. She cancelled the previous night’s class.
Obedience Class Registrar: Sue Wishart reported 22 on the waiting list for January’s Level 1 class; 8 for Level 2, and 3
for Level 3. There are also 2 waiting for April’s Level 1 class. Ken Vokey indicated he would like to be on the Level 2 list
for January.
Obedience Trial Chair: No report
Obedience Trial Secretary: Marie Lewis reported nothing new, although the contract for judges needs to be reviewed
by the Trial Committee.
Social & Parties: Mary Wood – Our Christmas party is going to be on December 5 at Oakland Farm & Lodge. Meet and
greet will start at 5:30 with a turkey supper with all the fixins served at 6:30. Again this year we will be having our
Yankee Swap gift exchange. We suggest a “doggy related” gift valued at $15. This year we are going to allow 2 steals of
each gift. We will be having the boxes for the Fredericton and Oromocto SPCA’s also. Tickets are now available at The
Barking Lot or from Mary Wood at 368-2660. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Special Events: Valerie announced that the SPCA Pet Expo would be held November 21, 22. She has had good response
from members to man the booth. Brenda Boyd is organizing demos. The event will run from 10-4 Saturday and Sunday
with set-up on Friday after 3:00. ACTION: Kerry Atkinson offered a photo room divider for the booth, and will help to
make the booth display more attractive. Club information will be made available for the booth. Sue and Marie have
business cards. Mary Wood offered to make some tuna fudge for treats at the booth.
The Christmas parade will be November 28th on the north side, beginning at Nashwaaksis Middle School and ending at
Brookside Mall. Theme will be Sights and Sounds of Christmas. Kerry offered her driveway on Staples Court as a
decorating point for the float.
Canine Good Neighbour: : Nothing to report, but Valerie will submit a request to hold the next texting at the CARO
Rally: Cathy Stevens reported that the CARO trial is planned for April 23/24 and the Tri-County Complex in Fredericton
Junction has been booked. Cost will be $800 for the weekend, up $50 a day from last year. The canteen will be open.
Tracking: No formal report, but Cathy Stevens had the tentative dates: May 14/15 for TD, TDX and May 28/29 for
Urban; another Urban testing on October ½.
Hospital Visitation: Trish Eagan and Sue Wishart had nothing new to report.
Website: No report; Tina White and Rob Loughlan will be taking over the Club website.
Education: No report.
MOTION to accept Committee Reports: Mary Wood, seconded by Sharon Rosborough.
CKC statements
Bell Aliant statement
Statement from Coveys
Membership application from Andréane Boutet
-Educational presentations before meetings: Sue will contact the Education Committee to see if they can make
arrangements for these as requested at the annual meeting.
-Y’s Men’s Club: The Y’s Men are having financial difficulties at the Heritage Centre; they have let the cleaner go and will
be doing the cleaning in teams on a rotation basis. They will be holding extra fund-raisers as well.
-Dates for fun matches: Sue will check with Mark White about available dates for our free Saturdays for fun matches.
She will try for one in January, followed by one before the CARO trial and one in June.
-Wag-It Games: Sue gave a brief run-down of the Wag-It games seminar several Club members had attended in
Presque Isle the previous weekend. The weekend dealt with different games and heeling patterns. Some do require
special equipment, like steps and ladders, but it was an interesting learning weekend. Sue had lots of ideas for new
exercises and games.
-Training time will be available after classes end in December until classes resume in January. The plan is to leave one
evening free for Club members to practice during the January and April sets of classes. This will require someone willing
to organize opening, set up and cleanup.
MOTION to adjourn: Heather MacLeod
NEXT meeting: Wednesday, December 9, 2015