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Illinois Spoonpluggers
Dedicated to the teachings of E.L. “Buck” Perry
The Father of Structure Fishing March Meeting Notes:
14 members attended the meeting in witch the club finalized the
details for the winter seminar. The club also discussed the
importance of speed control.
Club Notes:
The next meeting of the Illinois Spoonpluggers will be on
Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at 7:15 PM at the Elk Grove Village
Public Library. Club meetings are held on the second Thursday
of the month. We will take a look at the 17 Structure Situations
at the Thursday meeting and review some of Bucks material.
On Sunday, April 17, 2011, Jim Duplex will be conducting a
Spoonplugging Clinic at Cabela's in Hoffman Estates,
847-645-0400. The clinic will be from 12:00 to 4:00 PM and is
an effort to introduce Spoonplugging to fishermen who may
heard of Buck Perry but are unfamiliar with his methods and
Illinois Spoonpluggers 9th Winter Seminar
It’s a sure sign of spring around here when the ice comes off the
local lakes and the Illinois Spoonpluggers hold their Winter
Seminar. This was the 9th year Spoonpluggers from around the
Midwest gathered in Elk Grove Village for the annual event. As
always, the days’ activities served to jump start the season for
those who participated. The Illinois club played host to 65
Spoonplugging enthusiasts from Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana,
Illinois, Texas, and Iowa on a day that featured presentations by
two of best Spoonpluggers in the country, John Bales and Jerry
Scott Duff’s Friday night get together at Russell’s Barbeque got
things rolling. Fran Myers and Mike Beck came down from the
Minneapolis area. They joined Marty McAvoy and Claude Owen
from southern Indiana, and members of the Illinois club in
sharing a meal and talking fishing.
Saturday’s program began with coffee and rolls as attendees
registered and the room was set up. Those in attendance
included more than a dozen new participants as well as a couple
of individuals brand new to Spoonplugging. Over half of the
group had been to multiple seminars. The Certified
Spoonplugging Instructors were represented by John and Jerry
along with Chase Klinesteker and John Zaborny from Michigan
and Ted Walters from Indiana.
The program began with a presentation by John Bales. At the
2010 seminar, Jeri Perry declared that the future of
Spoonplugging was in good hands due to his leadership. John’s
knowledge and experience was on exhibit throughout his
presentations, the first of which dealt with fishing for walleyes;
an analysis of his seasonal approach to this species on a natural
lake close to his home.
He took us through the process of interpreting a contour map of
the lake, pointing out potential and sometimes subtle structure
situations. He noted areas that looked good but later proved to
be unproductive and vice versa. And he talked about the where,
when, why, and how of working both trolling and fishing water.
John’s presentation was followed by a discussion of questions
submitted by the group. Some, including Terry O’Malley, have
commented that the majority of these questions could be
answered by simply rereading the material in the Green Book
and the Home Study Course. Still, there’s something about
having a topic dissected by those present that helps to hammer
home the point. Some people are visual learners, others need to
hear it, and still others couldn’t get it if it hit them on the head!
But Buck says we all learn when we share and even he spent
many hours “in discussion on the merits of an observation or
working on a problem”.
After breaking for lunch and dessert, which included cookies
made by Jenny Hubbard and Valpovelvet ice cream provided by
the Brown brothers, everyone sang Happy Birthday to Marty
McAvoy. We then indulged in a delicious cake festooned with
edible Spoonplugs created by Sue, his significant other. Thank
you, Sue!
John’s second presentation followed: a discussion of fishing
reservoirs in general and Kentucky Lake in particular. John’s
main focus was on the structures around Kenlake Resort but
also included an interpretation of areas from the dam/tailrace to
the headwaters. The handout, created by Fran Myers, included
contour maps of the lake. This should be of considerable value to
those attending the jamboree in October 2011. A segment of the
video, Buck Talks Trees from the 1993 jamboree, followed. It
was noted that Buck was able to interpret the fishing situation
and arrive at the fish by relying mainly on his ability to observe
the terrain and make an educated guess as to what was present.
He was a true genius.
Jerry Borst was the last speaker of the day and this was his first
time as a presenter at the seminar. Jerry’s growth as a
Spoonplugger has been phenomenal and his strong desire to
catch a fish was evident to those who heard him speak. Phil
Szafranski facilitated the segment and questioned Jerry with
regard to weather and water conditions, tools, mapping and
interpretation, and mental aspects that played so prominent a
role in developing the expertise needed to fish deep water. Over
and over again though, Jerry, and also John, spoke of the
importance of following Spoonplugger guidelines; emphasizing
the need to work the water from the shallows to deep and all the
in between. Both of these fishermen demonstrated Buck’s
admonition that you can be as good as you want to be, if you
have the desire. Thanks to both of them for their participation.
When all is said and done, the bulk of the credit for the
continued success of the Winter Seminar belongs to the
members of the Illinois Spoonpluggers. Phi Szafranski for
coordinating the presentations, Jim Taylor, Jim Perillo, and Bob
Pehlke for registration, Wayne Dylo for handling coffee and
rolls, Craig & Jenny Hubbard for lunch and dessert, Scott Duff
for the Friday night gathering along with drinks and snacks,
Rick Matus for the PowerPoint presentations, Joe Renholds for
the printing, Bob Roels for the picture board, and Jim Duplex
and Jerry Hein for moderating the days’ activities. We’re also
very grateful to our sponsors: Cabela’s, Dick’s Sporting Good,
Poor Boy Baits, and Custom Bass Jigs. In these difficult
economic times, your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks to
What’s the future of Spoonplugging? It’s us! Comments from attendees:
"Ya did it again"! This was my third year attending your
Spoonplugging seminar and as usual, I had a great time. How
the heck you put this together for twenty bucks is beyond me!
Now it's my challenge to utilize all this information and try to
put it to good use. Thanks again for a great day!
Sincerely, John Lukitsch
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to express my appreciation for all the work the club did
in preparing and putting on the seminar. I feel really lucky to
have a club like this even though I am not able to participate as
much as I would like. I brought 2 friends one who has read the
book and another that is going to. One took tons of notes and is
going to join our club because he was so impressed. Thanks
again hope to see you on the water. On another note I talked to a
friend who fished starved rock Saturday and just killed the 2-3
lbers. I told him I had a better day than that
Nick Tabor
You guys do a great job on the Seminar. Thanks for all your
hard work.
I hope to fish enough this year to send you some reports; time is
always the limiting factor.
Take care... Jerry Fronczak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks again for putting on a great outing. John Bales
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My brother and I would just like to thank everyone for another
great seminar. Being a fairly new Spoonplugger he was very
impressed with how devoted every one is. On our trip home he
commented how much he learned and how John and Jerry's
topics were so informative and gave him a thirst to really study
the books. Thanks, Guys.
Bill Beck.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Geez, you guys have gone high tech!! Thanks for all the stuff ... I
really didn't expect that! I appreciate you taking the time to
mail it.
I'm planning on Jackson, Muskegon and Kentucky and maybe a
trip to Madison. Hope to see you along the way.
Dave Bishop
Fishing Reports:
Scott Duff, Jim Duplex, Bob Roles& Mike Lynch, Have all
made the trip to Braidwood Lake for some early season fishing.
Scott Duff reported on a couple trips to the chain where he
found some walleye and white bass from a casting position and a
trip to Green Bay where he learned some very import Lessons.
Lesson: 1) small boats drift much faster than large boats; 2)
keeping your line vertical does not tell the whole story; 3) "All
fishing successes and all fishing failures must be answered in
terms of depth and speed control.” 4) If the weather forecast
doesn't sound real good and you can go, go fishing anyway.
Clay Russell reported on a trip to Arkansas where the caught a
number of white bass trolling spoonplugs including his personal
best a18 ¼ white bass. Great catch!!! Nick Tabor reported on a
trip to the Illinois River where he jigged and trolled 3 ways to
make a nice catch of Sauger.
Nick Tabor With some Illinois River Sauger
Jim Duplex & Mike Lynch with the Braidwood Blues!!!
Spoonpluggers of America:
Buck’s Baits:
Discussion Board, links, and more: Newsletter Editor: Mike Lynch [email protected] 708 655 7667