Recette pour anglais 2


Recette pour anglais 2
Preparation time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 300 minutes
Ingredients (for 8 people):
- 225 g prunes (pruneaux)
- 150 g candied fruit (fruits confits)
- 150 g grape Malaga (raisins)
- 150g sultanas (raisins de Smyrne)
- 150g currants (raisins de Corinthe)
- 2 apples
- 1 lemon
- 4 tablespoons of warm milk (lait chaud)
- 270 g butter
- 6 eggs
- 225 g flour (farine)
- 225 g of * dark brown sugar
- 75 g chopped almonds
- 1 teaspoon of spices 4 (épices)
- 15 cl rum (rhum) sucre roux
- 50 g of powdered sugar (sucre en poudre)
Tablespoon : cuillère à
• Teaspoon : cuillère à
Brown sugar : sucre
Sultanas : raisins de
Currants : raisins de
Preparation of the recipe :
Must be prepared the day before (la veille)
Preheat oven (préchauffer le four) to 180 ° C (gas mark 6).
Cut the prunes and candied fruit pieces. Seed the grapes
Cut : couper
Grate the apples and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Seed : épépiner
Dip bread in warm milk and then wring out and mix with the
melted butter (beurre fondu), beaten eggs (oeufs battus), dried
Grate : râper
fruit (fruits secs) and apple.
Sprinkle : arroser
Stir in the flour, brown sugar, almonds, spices and rum 10 cl.
Dip : tremper
Pour the mixture into a buttered charlotte mold (moule à
charlotte beurré) and place in a bain-marie.
Wring : essorer
Cover with aluminum.
Stir : Incorporer
Bake for 4 hours of cooking (cuisson)
Let cool overnight (pendant une nuit)
Pour : verser
The next day, put to bake (remettre a cuire) in a bain-marie for
1 hour.
Turn out hot, sprinkle with sugar and flambé with the remaining rum (rhum restant)
Enjoy your meal !!!
Bon appétit !!!