Avril 2013


Avril 2013


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Bonjour ! Hello! CAMMAC - Comité de Montréal / Montreal

Bonjour ! Hello! CAMMAC - Comité de Montréal / Montreal Hello! And a welcome to all CAMMAC-ers of the Montreal region, the old ones and the newcomers. What wonderful opportunities are given to us when we join others in making music. Would you consider e...

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Septembre 2015

Septembre 2015 l’ensemble a présenté un large éventail d’oeuvres chorales du répertoire classique, incluant le Requiem de Verdi ainsi que les Passions de Bach. Mr Willsher tient à engager, au seuil de leur carriè...

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- 1 - BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNÉE EN MUSIQUE A TOUS! A chairs" gives you a list of members who are ready to join you in a group. All you have to do is ask to be put on the list and give: 1. Your name 2. Your instrument or voice 3. Your telephone number...

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Une autre année CAMMAC à Montréal! Another year of CAMMAC

Une autre année CAMMAC à Montréal! Another year of CAMMAC 57 instrumentalists and 6 soloists took part in at least one activity, which gives a total of 127 persons. If we compare this to the total number of participants (306) in two years, we see that peo...

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