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full presentation
The Transatlantic Trade
Investment Partnership
And why it could affect the
information sphere
Ellen Broad
Manager, Digital Policy & Projects
Transatlantic Trade Investment
Partnership (TTIP)
Transatlantic Free Trade Area
EU and the US
•  Together, 60% of
•  $4 trillion in
•  “2 billion EUR
each day”
Money designed by Sebas.an Langer from the thenounproject.com For the EU
“It’s expected that every year an average
European household would gain 545 EUR, as
economy would be boosted by 0.5% of GDP, or
120 billion EUR annually, once fully
TAFTA/TTIP is not, primarily, a
trade agreement
Another European Commission study:
•  Benefits in 2027 would only be 24 billion
EUR added to GDP (for contrast: EU GDP in
2012 was 12,900 billion EUR)
•  Most favorable outcome presented by the
European Union (120 billion value add) is
predicated on “removing non-tariff barriers”
Source: h*p://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2013/march/tradoc_150737.pdf “Non-tariff”
Sanitary and Phytosanitary
Intellectual Property
Competition policy
Energy and gas
Lock designed by Jeremy J Bristol from the thenounproject.com Intellectual Property
Leaked memo – March 2014
Very early in negotiations
“Exchange of views”
Interest in enforcement
Update on consultations
As of 6th round of negotiations:
“defining architecture of the chapter
and potential topics to be
Stop Piracy designed by Simon Child from the thenounproject.com Investor State Dispute Settlement
•  149,399 submissions
•  52,000 from UK alone
•  Concern from trade
•  Any need? Foreign
Direct Investment
stands at 1.5 trillion
EUR today
Jean-Claude Juncker, EC President-Elect:
“As Commission President, I will also be very clear
that I will not sacrifice Europe’s safety, health,
social and data protection standards on the altar
of free trade. Notably, the safety of the food we
eat and the protection of Europeans' personal
data will be non-negotiable for me as Commission
Impact on the information sphere?
Possibly, no impact:
New “international standards” of copyright
enforcement, protections…and exceptions?
Reduced protection of personal data
More alarming...
Secrecy in an era of “open government”
Side-stepping established, inclusive
international entities for setting “international
The myth of ‘free trade’
Ha-Joon Chang:
“Free trade economists have to explain how
free trade can be an explanation for the
economic success of today's rich countries,
when it simply had not been practised very
much before they became rich.” Thank you.