Press information New contracts in Australia and Asia for


Press information New contracts in Australia and Asia for
Press information
Christian Gerhardus
New contracts in Australia and Asia for
approximately EUR 379 million
Opernplatz 2
45128 Essen, Germany
Tel.: +49 201 824-2642
Fax: +49 201 824-2585
[email protected]
Passive fiber network in Down Under - Section and station for Downtown
Line in Singapore
Via its Group companies, the HOCHTIEF subsidiary Leighton has won new projects with a
combined volume of a good EUR 379 million (AUD 510 million). Thiess as part of a joint
venture has been selected to extend Australia‘s broadband network in the next two years for
approximately EUR 282 million (AUD 380 million). The Leighton subsidiary‘s share is almost
EUR 212 million (AUD 285 million). The contract includes an option of a further two years. In
addition, John Holland and Leighton Asia will expand the Downtown Line in Singapore for
just under EUR 97 million (AUD 130 million).
Work on the new passive fiber network which will cover almost 40 percent of Australia is
expected to begin in August 2011. Upon completion, the network will supply New South
Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. For the Downtown Line in
Singapore, the Leighton subsidiaries will construct the four-level Sungei Road Station and
bore twin tunnels approximately 770 meters in length. Construction works are scheduled to
begin in June 2011, with an expected completion date in 2017.
HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft , Sitz der Gesellschaft: Essen, Registergericht: Essen HRB 279, USt-IdNR. DE 1198 171 25, StNr. 5112/5710/0012,
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Manfred Wennemer; Vorstand: Dr. jur. Frank Stieler (Vorsitzender),
Dr. rer. pol. Burkhard Lohr, Dr. rer. pol. Peter Noé, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Rohr
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