BM Morzine aout 08 - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz
BM Morzine aout 08 - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz
2 this winter’s events in pictures 7 - 8 December 2012 Charity Telethon: Morzine locals get involved The annual Telethon charity fundraiser took place in its traditional venue, the Palais des Sports, for a festive evening whose profits went entirely to the French association against muscular dystrophy (AFM). Children had fun with the fairground games and sang, musicians played, and all eyes were glued to the donations tally, and all the while the food stands did a roaring trade. The following day, Saturday, volunteers organised more fundraising activities in Avoriaz, so in total € 10 009 was donated to the association (€ 9 278 from Morzine, € 731 from Avoriaz). 8 December 2012 The “Sainte Barbe” commemorated by Montriond and Morzine in unison For the first time, Morzine’s firefighters commemorated their patron saint with their counterparts in Montriond at the new Baron centre by the lake. The ceremony illustrated the common purpose shared by both fire stations which are on call all year. The authorities thanked them for their dedication; Morzine’s fire units were called out 1022 times (792 in Morzine, 230 in Avoriaz). In this year’s honours list, it’s worth noting the 3 medals and promotion for JeanMarc Berger: departmental medal, federal silver medal for service, silver medal with rosette for outstanding service, and promotion to the rank of honorary adjutant in recognition of 40 years’ service and his retirement. Thursday 20 December 2012 Grand opening for Montriond Gendarmerie The gendarmerie was declared officially open with the valley’s elected representatives present: the under-prefect, senators Pierre Hérisson and JeanClaude Carle, regional councillor Jean-Paul Moille and county councillor Denis Bouchet, as well as representatives from the firefighting brigades, the police, the ONF and customs... Representing the gendarmerie was chief of the Chablais division, Colonel François, in addition to the Montriond brigade and a detachment from Thonon too. All those present participated in the military ceremony in the police station courtyard, acknowledging the value of this brigade and its proximity to the community it protects from Morzine-Avoriaz to Bioge roundabout. Morzine contributed €163 000 towards the new building complex and is playing a key role in offering loans for accommodation in Morzine for seasonal staff. 20 - 24 March 2013 Rock the Pistes music festival This ski-music event was full of surprises and attracted thousands of fans. Every concert from the first – BB Brunes in Morzine – to the last – Superbus in Avoriaz Arare – was packed with between 2000 – 4000 fans. Schoolchildren from the CM1 and CM2 years also took part, meeting singer/songwriter Michael Jones as part of the “Teach your class to perform” project. With Jones’s help, the children sang the song he performed in a famous trio with Jean-Jacques Goldman and Carole Fredricks: “Je te donne”. 23 - 24 March 2013 33rd ESF “Etoile d'Or” race event This huge event saw 842 young racers arriving from different ESF ski schools and mountain ranges across the country. While ESF Courchevel 1850 won the event, Avoriaz ESF was also a winner, for its fantastic organisation which saw so many instructors on hand to help, all working together under the guidance of director Jean-Paul Vaudaine. For his part, Gilles Chabert, president of the French Ski Instructors’ National Syndicate, congratulated the organisers for the excellent organisation which saw two days of sport and celebrations featuring young racers who took part in an enormous torchlit descent down the Arare on Saturday evening. A messAge from the mAyor contents 3 Page 4 - 5 Inter-municipal development plan Winter sports were developed in our country for everyone’s enjoyment and to give as many children as possible the chance to benefit from the mountains. This, above all, was the main driving force behind the development of our village-resorts. So as we come to reflect on this past winter it is impossible not to remember the tragic death of little Marine, who died on the slopes on 4th March. Everyone in Morzine was terribly saddened by the accident, as elsewhere in France, and on behalf of the Town Hall team, I would like once more to offer my sympathy and sincerest condolences to Marine’s family. Also in March, we saw a blaze at the primary school; thankfully, no children were there that week because of the holidays. The families and facilities that used the building were quickly re-housed and I am most grateful to Montriond town hall which offered to help - immediately and without being asked – by giving a number of our schoolchildren a place to study until the end of the year. To conclude this sad episode, I would like to thank all those individuals and club members who showed their support during the episode, who with their kind words and actions helped bring some comfort at the end of a tough winter. In other news, the intermunicipal project deadline is fast approaching. The Prefect is not expected to take into account the fact that a majority of communes object to the proposal (see page 4), and is likely to press ahead with plans to create an umbrella group of communes comprising 15 members. We have often warned that the project will incur major costs, at a time when central government is reducing the amount of aid it gives to local authorities such as Morzine-Avoriaz, which itself faces pressure from having to contribute to the FPIC intermunicipal fund, hampering its role as the principal economic motor for the whole valley. In terms of the local economy, this winter’s heavy and frequent snowfall has contributed to excellent visitor numbers which we should be delighted about. At the same time, the snowclearing teams have had to work flat out, once for 16 days non-stop. They deserve our thanks for their professionalism and hard work. We are all ready for spring which seems reluctant to show its face... I do hope you all have the opportunity to relax and even, should you wish, try the new Prodains Express cable car that many other ski resorts are going to be very jealous of... Gérard BERGER Mayor of Morzine-Avoriaz Pages 6 New “Prodains Express” cable car Page 7 Building work in Morzine Pages 8 - 9 The Morzine – Les Prodains cable car project Pages 10 Sports news Page 11 The carillon bell proposal Page 12 - 15 Children’s lives in Avoriaz Live better thanks to “Anah” A new fund to help reduce domestic energy bills Do you own your primary residence? Are your energy bills too high? Would you like to improve the insulation in your home? Do you want some simple and effective solutions? For all of these questions, the “Live Better” (Habiter Mieux) initiative could provide you with the cash to improve your property’s insulation (conditions: property must be more than 15 years old; income is also taken into account). This will help you to carry out thermal insulation work on your home and stay warm without higher bills. This subsidy comes from the national agency Anah and can account for 20 to 35 % of the cost of your work (limited to € 20 000). Residents can also apply for an additional subsidy from the programme worth € 1 600. Applicants will receive advice on which work is most useful, as well as help in filling out their dossier and request for aid. Page 16 Diary, civil announcements, news in brief... For more information please contact the Haute-Savoie’s Anah representative: • Tel: 04 50 33 79 60 or 04 50 33 79 61 • email: [email protected] visit our website For information about life in the community: latest minutes from council meetings, phone numbers for town hall departments, news and major projects… Publishers: Mayor Gérard Berger and the Communication Commission - Editing and layout: Chantal Bourreau - Design: EC Création - La Marmotte Bleue - Translation: [email protected] Printed on PEFC certified paper (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) by an Imprim’Vert certified printer: Imprimerie Nouvelle Sallanches. intermunicipAlity New From next January, MorzineAvoriaz joins the Aulps Valley’s Community of Communes, along with Les Gets and 4 other villages in Brevon Valley. The context of this unification Initially, the project was about extending the boundaries of the current intermunicipal arrangement, but this idea – proposed by the Haute-Savoie’s Prefect – was rejected in 15 villages, notably Le Biot, Saint Jean d’Aulps, Les Gets and Morzine (at town hall meetings, by majority vote). Subsequently, the central government representative is set to insist that six villages (Morzine-Avoriaz, Les Gets and 4 villages in Brevon valley) become part of the Aulps Valley community of communes. This should happen after a meeting of the Departmental Commission for Intermunicipal Cooperation on 5 April. To take into account the needs of these new villages, elected officials and technical representatives have been meeting regularly to plan for this new arrangement. Intermunicipality: Update Boundary The issue is now closed in the sense that the future community of communes will cover La Baume, Le Biot, La Côte d’Arbroz, Essert-Romand, La Forclaz, Montriond, Saint Jean d’Aulps, Seytroux, La Vernaz, Les Gets, MorzineAvoriaz, Bellevaux, Lullin, Reyvroz and Vailly. In total, these 15 villages are home to 12 294 residents, from the smallest (La Baume with 260 residents) to the largest (Morzine with 2 999 residents). Governance The question of how the villages are to be represented (and by how many officials) could well be decided by common agreement, on condition that each village has at least one representative. If an agreement is not reached, the following split will be imposed centrally thus: Key 4 New boundary Intermunicipality in action Morzine Les Gets Bellevaux Lullin Reyvroz Vailly La Forclaz La Vernaz La Baume Le Biot Saint Jean d'Aulps Seytroux Montriond La Côte d'Arbroz Essert-Romand residents N° of representatives percentage 2 999 1 284 1 360 858 491 879 217 298 260 470 1 201 413 845 268 451 7 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 23,33% 10,00% 10,00% 6,67% 3,33% 6,67% 3,33% 3,33% 3,33% 3,33% 10,00% 3,33% 6,67% 3,33% 3,33% In light of the town hall elections planned for March 2014, there will be no review of the existing community of communes president or vice-president until after the election. In another development, central government insists that each village representative must now stand in local elections (in 2014) to take account of their increasing remit, which they enjoy without having been voted in. This means that voters will have to elect someone to the Town Hall team and the Community of Communes. This central government-led move should bring an end to the so-called practice of “panachage” for villages of fewer than 3 500 residents whereby candidates’ names can be struck off the electoral list. The current threshold of 3500 residents will be lowered to 1000 or 500 residents, depending on the outcome of the current parliamentary debate on the issue. intermunicipAlity 5 w boundary from 1 January 2014 The financial set-up In view of the complexity of the issue and the fact that it will involve members of the extended intermunicipal entity for the long-term, the town hall’s representatives have decided to seek the help of specialists KPMG to explain the options. Of course, the financial set-up is not an end in itself, but it is how the community of communes’ operating costs will be paid. In the end it will provide a fair arrangement for all member villages by defining members' responsibilities and where the money is to come from to pay for everything. Today, the Aulps Valley community of communes (CCVA) uses the “additional tax” model. This means that the CCVA applies an additional tax to the 4 direct taxes already levied by member villages, namely a property tax on buildings, a property tax on unconstructed land, council tax and business property tax. As an example, this means that individuals from a village within the CCVA have to pay a 20% council tax to their village and an additional 5% to the CCVA. In total, the individuals’ council tax adds up to 25%. The other option is to implement a sole taxation system (FPU) which opens up the possibility of claiming state subsidies. Both options – additional taxation or FPU - are under discussion to find the best and most equitable way forward for the villages in the new entity, while also ensuring that the tax rates are harmonised. Key responsibilities At this stage in the discussions, Morzine is prepared to give the CCVA the remit to look after young children, by handing over responsibility for the nurseries and drop-in play centres in Morzine and Avoriaz, which will continue to be managed by associations l’Outa and Les Minots. In addition, responsibility for the music school and the two health centres under construction in Avoriaz and Morzine will be handed over to the CCVA. The aim in transferring these remits is to find a working model which offers the best service to the whole population without increasing spending or putting existing facilities in conflict with each other. The CCVA will also take over responsibility for waste collection and treatment, currently handled by the SIVOM, as well as road maintenance, river and pathway upkeep, economic development, improvements to the area, and a library network. Tourism remains a key subject in discussions and will remain in the hands of the village, as well as the tourist bus shuttles and major facilities, such as the ice rink and Morzine’s indoor pool complex. Sewage treatment, which is primarily handled by the SIVOM, could ultimately be handed over to the CCVA. The complexity of this issue, along with the need to harmonise the different tax rates and facilities in the different villages means that it will require serious investigation and reflection before a decision is made. Key dates June 2013: green light for the creation of an • extended community of communes with 15 • • • • member villages, New statutes, remits and fiscal model under discussion; approved by only 9 out of 15 member villages, 1 January 2014: incorporation of 6 new villages into the extended intermunicipal rump, March/April 2014: town hall and intermunicipal elections. Intermunicipal representatives are to be directly voted in by residents, April/May 2014: election of the Community of Communes office. Note: in future, the current Aulps Valley community of communes is to change its name since it will be joined by 4 villages from the Brevon valley. site internet : 6 new proDAins eXpress cAble cAr Prodains express cable car As skiers and walkers look forward to testing the new “3S” cable car, ski lift operator SERMA is pushing on with its other improvements to the ski area Prodains Express to open soon The last technical checks were carried out on the new Prodains Express cable car at the end of March; the aim is to open in mid-April, subject to authorisation. The Chavanette reservoir Replacing the Proclou chairlift Ski lift operator SERMA continues to invest in the ski area with its reservoir project at Chavanette, beginning as soon as the snow melts. Terracing work was completed last autumn so the next stage involves sealing the 80 000m3 lake which will supply the snow cannons in this sector. More than 2km of pipework must be laid to enable the new supply. The lake should be operational in the autumn. The plan is to replace this chairlift with a variable speed 6 or 8-seater model next winter, doubling capacity to 3600 or 4000 skiers per hour. This will ensure more fluid skier traffic in this beginners’ area, which is also used to get to and from Morzine and Avoriaz. Once the work is done, the current Proclou chairlift will replace the obsolete Séraussaix lift. The project requires the appropriate authorisation before it can go ahead. Pléney: new cable car next winter Plans to replace the Pléney cable car have passed the public consultation phase (ending 12 April) and the building permit should be granted in the coming days. The project will replace not only the white telecabines (installed in the 1960s) but also the gondola, which hails back to the 1930s. The new installation will follow the same path as the existing one, with 9 new pylons. The bottom station will also be totally rebuilt and the top station remodelled for improved functionality, although the restaurant building will be untouched. No cable car this summer There will be no cable car open this summer so that work can progress unhindered on the new installation (subject to planning permission). But the Crusaz chairlift (for the summer sledge track) and the Pointe de Nyon chairlift (for walkers) will be open. Various solutions are being explored for MTB riders getting from Morzine to the rest of the Portes du Soleil and to/from Les Gets. builDing in morzine 7 The new medical centres are coming! Two buildings are under way in the commune to serve residents and tourists In Avoriaz Work began last spring and the major external work was done before winter, allowing work to continue on the inside. The centre should be open for the beginning of the summer season. In Morzine At the Muraille site, the old municipal building was knocked down this winter, and all the rubble sorted and taken away. By mid-March all that remained was a big hole in place of the old foundations. Construction on the new building will begin in the coming weeks, and is expected to be completed in 2014, allowing time for the internal refurbishment and installation of special medical equipment. Other work planned in Morzine A car park for seasonaires The car park at La Grand'Maison opened this winter; it will stay open non-stop and will be in use for the coming summer season. The “Tailles de Mas” roads Both of the “tailles de mas” roads in Morzine, the Joux road and the upper part of the Champs de La Plagne road were due for resurfacing last autumn, but the contractor commissioned with the job was delayed. The project will start once the weather warms up. The gendarmerie: it’s coming down! Tendering is under way to remove asbestos and demolish the old gendarmerie this summer if all goes to plan. Once done, the area will provide room for parking. Signage A study has been carried out by Lyon consultants ASCODE, specialists in the movement of people and signage. Their suggestions have been taken on board and will be made public soon. The next stage involves a tendering process for the manufacture of these signs. CCTV The gendarmerie is currently studying the best place to install CCTV cameras and whether it is in the interest of the village to do so. If the cameras are deemed likely to limit vandalism and ensure people’s safety, the police officers will present recommendations to the town hall team, which will then decide how to proceed. La Plagne road: the 3rd phase is coming This is the third and final phase of improvements to the tourist office square, with work to the area between the Baud shoe shop and the Super Morzine roundabout. There are to be new pavements, the utility networks will be buried, while the public lighting system will be modernised. There will also be new drop-off parking/delivery bays and busstops...Final surveys are under way with a view to starting work in September 2013. site internet : 8 the morzine-proDAins cAble cAr Artist’s impression of the proposed development Village news Development of the “Plan” sector The town hall held a public meeting on 8 March at the Palais des Sports during the school holidays so that holiday-home visitors could attend. The public meeting also discussed proposals to develop the Plan sector and other related projects. The mayor reminded those present of the project’s three principal facets: - tunnel access to the Plan sector (3rd lane) under the Grand Mas road, - the Morzine-Les Prodains cable car, - the town planning blueprint for the sector. The cost of tunnel access is estimated at around € 15 million and is only possible with outside funding. As the town hall has no intention of selling off public land to finance this proposal, it is a nonstarter. The new cable car: a publicprivate partnership solution The latest surveys have provided a clearer idea of where to put the bottom station and parking for 400 cars, given the constraints imposed by the direction the cable car must take and the lie of the land. The mayor has said that the town hall has no intention of paying directly for the facility, and instead will set up a public-private partnership for a 30-year period responsible for building and management (including the car parking). New surveys will show the likely demand and cost of the cable car, and help decide whether it is worth doing. The proposal was presented to the Portes du Soleil consortium, with a view to getting an idea of funding and how much the new facility might boost visitor numbers within the ski network. Given that the new cable car is to be used by skiers and walkers, it is also important to define its operating conditions in relation to other mountain lifts in the Portes du Soleil. All of these factors will have to be incorporated into the public-private partnership dossier, which is being prepared now. Tendering could begin before the end of the year for a new operating company, which will naturally dictate how the project progresses. the morzine-proDAins cAble cAr Morzine-Prodains link almost approved There’s already plenty of support for the proposed cable car, which would be similar to the new Prodains Express, guaranteeing continuous aerial transport between Morzine and Avoriaz. The project was first approved by the “Comité de Massif”, the SCOT du Chablais initiative and the territorial coordination scheme, which extends planning rules to 62 villages in Chablais. The county council has provided financial support for the surveys under way (overseen by a contractor) and has also confirmed there is a chance of getting a subsidy for the building. This last link in the Balad’Aulps Bus chain – the inter-village transport solution for Morzine, should fall within the new departmental tourist development plan. After consultation, Morzine’s business associations have also lent their support to the cable car proposal, namely: association of furnished • Morzine’s accommodation renters and Morzine • • • • residents’ association, which voted unanimously for the proposal at their respective meetings, Morzine ESF, via their director, also expressed their support for the project, on condition of the creation of a snow passage to and from Pléney, Morzine hoteliers’, cafe owners’ and restaurateurs’ syndicate (19 votes for, 1 against and 2 abstentions), Morzine business owners’ association voted unanimously for the project, Morzine tourist office commission voted 16-1 in favour of the proposal with one abstention. The constraints... This project to develop the Plan sector meets the positioning requirement for an elevated bottom station, located at the top of the mound to limit the number of pylons and ensure optimal clearance above housing. It will also allow for the construction of a 6-storey car park with around 400 spaces; this new space will offer the chance of a fine new public space for Morzine with terraces, balconies and new panoramas. The exact nature 9 Developing the “Plan” sector Whatever the result of tendering for this public-private project, the village needs to decide how to develop the entire Plan sector, since it is currently not constructible without providing an all-encompassing approach, as indicated by its 2AU status in the town planning blueprint (ie, construction is possible on condition that the whole sector is developed). At the beginning of February, the proposals for a cable car station and car park were put to landowners in the sector, with artists’ impressions to help better understand the impact of the new facilities, as well as people’s expectations and their concerns. The town hall’s aim is to provide a holistic proposal that will ultimately help this sector become a more coherent part of Morzine that is also in harmony with its environment. … the solutions of the improvements has yet to be decided. The car park will be linked to the cable car, whose route is strictly dictated by technical constraints (namely the arrival point of the Prodains Express) and geological limitations (risk of rockfall from the cliffs in Prodains valley). The town hall team has opted for a bottom station with access from the Chemin de la Vieille Plagne. Two lifts with panoramic views will provide access from top to bottom and vice-versa. This solution lessens the impact on surrounding housing and reduces the visual impact of the work too, in comparison with other proposals (only lower properties will be affected by the cable car passing overhead), while also providing a new car park. site internet : 10 sports news In 2012, and also at the start of 2013, Morzine-Avoriaz has been able to count on her champions to raise her profile. The commune’s athletes have produced podium finishes in all manner of sports, from paragliding to MTB, ice hockey, not forgetting skiing in all its forms (sit-skiing, downhill, Nordic and snowboarding...) This last ski season was a fantastic one for Yohann Taberlet, the best of his career to date in fact, with his second-place finish in the World Championship Super G event. Champions in every discipline! Morzine-Avoriaz ice hockey club Yohann TABERLET Cyprien RICHARD • At the World Cup finals in Sotchi, Russia, on 9 March: 3rd in the downhill; on 8 March: 2nd in the pre-paralympic downhill, • In the World Championships in Molina in Spain on 21 February: silver medal, runner-up in the World Cup Super G; on 20 and 26 February: bronze medal in the downhill and 5th in the Giant, • At the French Championships in Combloux on16 February: French Super G champion, • At the European Cup finals in Tignes on 5 and 7 February: 1st in the Super G and 3rd in the downhill, • In the European Cup at Tarvisio, Italy on 24 and 25 January: 3rd in 2 downhills, in the Super G and Super-combined, • In the World Cup in Saint-Moritz, Switzerland, on 15 and 16 January: 6th and 5th in the slalom, • In the World Cup at Sestrières, Italy, on 11 January: 4th in the slalom. Yohann ended the 2012/2013 season winning the crystal medal in recognition of his 2nd place finish in the overall World Cup rankings. World Cup, Giant • Beaver Creek: 11th • Val-d'Isère: 21st • Alta-Badia: 14th • Adelboden: 24th • Garmisch: 14th • Kranjska-Gora: 20th • World Championships in Schladming: 19th • Regular season: 7th in the Magnus League with 30 points (95 goals for, 95 against) • Play-offs: knocked out in the quarter-finals against Rouen, • League Cup: knocked out in the quarter-finals against Briançon, • French cup: knocked out in the last 16 by Briançon And not forgetting: excellent performances by Wilfried Cailleau in the World Cup B circuit in the Nordic combined. Alexis SEVENNEC-VERDIER World Championships in Pelvoux from 9 to 15 February • Bronze medal in the team event with Xavier Gachet, • 6th in the individual event, • 13th in the Vertical Race, • 3rd in the relay. Gold medal in the World Military Games at Annecy in the individual event.. European Mountain Football Clubs Championship Morzine to host 2016 event After the inaugural event in Gspon in Switzerland in 2008, the 2nd in 2012 in Kleinarl in Autriche, the 3rd European Mountain Football Clubs Championship is to be in Morzine in 2016! The central organising committee voted in February to accept Morzine’s bid by the Sporting Club Morzine Vallée d'Aulps to host the event, which is planned for the beginning of June 2016. Around 12 European teams are to take part. Morzine to host “Le Tour de l’Avenir” Morzine is to host a stage of the 2013 cycle Tour de l’Avenir, featuring some of the finest young riders in the sport. The stage arrives in the village on 29 August and departs the next day. Tennis: back in the swing Nicolas Geydet, outgoing president of the tennis school for the last 3 years, talks a little about the club: “The April elections will choose a new president; the new committee will also plan the coming summer season, although information on how to become a member will be posted up at the clubhouse at the start of May. Our tennis school offers weekly lessons for children aged 7-18 from Morzine and the whole valley. It’s a chance to try the sport by means of a fun version of the game, which is completely non-competitive. Along with Jean Demars, Benjamin Dangas and a few others, we reformed the club around 12 years ago. Since then the number of children has never stopped growing, with a record 95 child members in 2012! Good spirits and energy are guaranteed at Morzine Tennis Club for the 2013 season!” cArillon bell AppeAl 11 The town hall is supporting a project to erect a carillon bell in the tourist office square. The musical creation is an original idea by bell-maker Paccard de Sevrier and Lyon artist JeanMarc Bonnard. Jean-Marc Bonnard is a sculptor, plastic arts specialist and teacher at St Etienne’s National Art School. He has collaborated with bellmakers Paccard on similar projects in many other towns. As for Paccard, the name needs little introduction. The bell-maker has made more than 120,000 bells, among them the “Savoyarde”, France’s biggest bell which peals at the Sacré-Coeur in Paris, and the World Peace Bell, a 33-tonne creation smelted in 1999 and destined for the USA. A musical instrument Together, these two specialists in their field have created a unique concept: "Ars Sonora Flammes", an artistic piece as well as a top quality musical instrument. Using a preprogrammed computerised system, the carillon will ring every hour, but it can also be used as an instrument by musicians. Its 19 bells cover a wide range of notes, offering perfect pitch and optimum choice of tessitura for classical compositions or folk ballads. The art of sound in flame (Ars Sonora Flames)... in the heart of Morzine A regional tradition Carillon bells have a long heritage in the Haute-Savoie. Examples are on show in Taninges, Samoëns, Morgins and naturally in Les Gets, at the mechanical music museum. The new carillon will be a focal point in the Morzine landscape and provide a means of brightening up the already welcoming feel of the tourist office square. Once night has fallen, the sculpture will be lit up to show it off to full effect. Subscription appeal for the bells Several financing streams have come together to pay for this work of art and its 19 bells, not least the Haute-Savoie Conseil General, which via our councillor Denis Bouchet has agreed to pay 40 percent of the total cost. Morzine-Avoriaz will also pay 30 percent of the carillon, leaving a public appeal for the remaining 30 percent. Contributors can give either enough for a bell, or a smaller cash gift. Contributions can be written off as a tax break for the creation of an artistic work of general and cultural interest. Businesses can write off 60 percent of the cash gift, individuals are entitled to a 66 percent deduction. Everyone who makes a donation will receive a receipt to send in with their tax return. The appeal closes on 31 May 2013. To find out more, a contributors’ form is available at the town hall or online atés. It is thus possible to make a contribution by sponsoring a bell, or making a €50 cash gift. The sawmill project: let’s get it built! Last November, the inaugural stone was laid in Dereches park, on the site where Albert Richard’s old Udrezants sawmill (known as “the belligerent”) is to be rebuilt. The project – the brainchild of Morzine’s History and Heritage Association – continues this spring. A new association called “La battante de Morzine” was set up, with president Benoît Tavernier, vice- president Jean-Louis Battandier and Paul Bouchet as treasurer. This is no ordinary building project however, since instead of using skilled workmen, the association wants the end result to be a team effort by all those interested in it. So the association is making an appeal to volunteers interested in working on this prestigious project - under the guidance of skilled professionals. Tradesmen or handy DIYers, joiners, carpenters or other professionals who want to get involved should contact Benoit Tavernier, Jean-Louis Battandier, Paul Bouchet or Bernard Buet. site internet : 12 primAry school In a ski resort at 1800m, what’s a normal day for children before, during and after school? The school goes largely unnoticed by holidaymakers, but then it is well hidden in a natural hollow, especially in winter when the building is covered by a thick blanket of snow. Being in a ski resort, the most impressive thing about it is how it operates on a daily basis, given the changing number of pupils throughout the school year. This year, 18 children enrolled for the start of term at Avoriaz school in September 2012. But from All Souls in November to the beginning of December, pupil numbers continued to grow as more seasonal workers and their families arrived. In March, pupil numbers stood at 33, with fresh arrivals at the start of the month. In September, the school had just one class for nursery-age children (petite section) to CM2 children (age 9-10 years old), even if some academic levels were not represented. From All Souls to the end of April, a new supply teacher provided additional help to the current team, with Benoît Emptaz looking after the youngest children, while Aurélie Rosset (director for the last 10 years) and Céline Fréville (replacing Caroline Muffat on A school in a class of its own maternity leave this winter) each look after the older children on a part-time basis, including the only child in the eldest level (CM2). Brigitte Benedetti, a teaching assistant for the youngest children, known as an ATSEM, also helps with extra-curricular reception, providing a friendly face from 8am before lessons start at 9am. “You have to adapt to the changing numbers and above all be very well organised so everyone has something to do... a lot of children complete their entire school curriculum here, so they are used to this mix of ages...overall, there’s no problem,” says Aurélie Rosset. Many congratulations to this hardworking teaching team, whose work isn’t always made easy by the arrival of children from all over France...or even further afield! primAry school School...and school dinners …and extracurricular care! It’s often the case that both parents are required to work long hours and as such many families need to know their children can be looked after at all times during the season. For this reason, the school canteen is open from the beginning of December to the end of April. Outside this period, children can go home to eat. A hot dinner arrives fresh from Morzine and is then transported by caterpillar track taxi to the school. A portacabin was used for many years as a dining room for children, but the rise in numbers meant it had to be used as a sleeping area for the youngest children, so a second portacabin was brought in next to the first to give the children somewhere to eat. Nearly all the pupils eat at school, so the current solution cannot be a long-term fix. Nothing short of an extension of the current school facilities is needed to cater for the children, whose numbers show no signs of dropping in view of the new residences in the resort. The school has offered after-school care for children since the start of the school year in September. Organising this is a little bit complicated owing to the trip to the nursery, but it offers several advantages. After school is over, children are taken to the Minots nursery in caterpillar track taxi, and they can stay there until 6.30pm. 13 Changes to the school day The government is keen to change the school day; one of the main changes is the reintroduction of a 4.5 day week (as opposed to the current 4-day week). As a result the school day will be shorter, which was in fact the motivating factor of the reforms. Faced with the problem of childcare – particularly during the winter season – the resort will have to increase the amount of time it looks after children outside school, and introduce new activities. This kind of reorganisation cannot be done rashly and needs to be carried out in consultation with teachers, associations and of course parents. For school transport reasons, one of the goals is to harmonise the changes throughout the valley's schools. For all of these reasons, the town hall team voted at a meeting on 22 February to postpone the implementation of these reforms to the school week until 2014. site internet : 14 chilDren in AvoriAz Before and after school, families can put their children with other carers The Avoriaz Children’s Club A club for children of all ages The Avoriaz Children’s Club (Les Enfants d'Avoriaz) brings together the resort’s three childcare organisations: Les P'Tits Loups, the drop-off nursery for tourists (30 places) Les Minots, a nursery for residents’ children The extracurricular club (15 places) Together, the organisations have permission to look after 63 children with 9 staff. • • • • There’s even time for skiing! “We have worked with service providers in resort, including the ESF and the Village des Enfants to ensure that the children get to ski during the school holidays. They ski in the morning, with staff from the Minots nursery taking them to and from the plateau for lessons. A lot of families appreciate this “all-inclusive” service and the ski schools give us a price reduction too. It’s important that these children do outdoor activities and can enjoy the mountains,” says Emilie Eard. Development projects Les Minots: a nursery and extra-curricular care With 18 spaces for children aged from 2 months to 5 years old, the nursery is open 7 days a week from 1 December to 20 April and in the summer, from Monday to Saturday. Since the start of term in September, the Carolina building is used for extracurricular care (during school days from 4.30pm to 6.30pm) and as a home for the leisure club. “We wanted to provide a service in complement to the school, which takes over when school closes. The issue is being able to provide help to families who work,” says Emilie Eard, director at Les Minots. After school is over for the day, the term used to describe the childcare is extracurricular. When there is no school, the Minots nursery becomes a leisure club open during the season on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, and during school holidays (excluding All Saints and Easter if the holidays fall after the resort closes). The facility is open to children aged 3 to 10 years old who are at school in Avoriaz or whose parents work in the resort (so children at school in Morzine can come up on Wednesdays with their parents, for example). The growing number of activities and children at the nursery and needing childcare has not gone unnoticed by the town hall team, which is planning to extend the facilities. “The drop-off nursery for tourists regularly turns away children for want of space; in March 2012 we had to say no to 50 families in just one week,” a nursery spokeswoman said. It was deemed important to come up with a solution for the good of the resort’s image and to keep visitors happy. The project envisages adding 20 places to the drop-off nursery for tourists, so it would occupy all of the ground floor of the building, while the residents’ nursery (which would get space for another two children) and extracurricular care facility would move upstairs into what are now apartments. The work is planned for this summer, and the new system should be operational by Christmas 2013. chilDren in AvoriAzz 15 Fire at the primary school The blaze caused serious damage to four apartments and classrooms. Work needs to be organised now so the school can reopen as soon as possible. The fire that broke out on the morning of Friday 1 March destroyed much of the building’s roof, some 200m² in all. The four apartment on the third floor were left uninhabitable, but thanks to the support of the community, teachers’ families and town hall employees who lived there were housed elsewhere in no time. After apparently starting in the loft, the fire also ravaged classrooms, so a temporary solution had to be found for children who needed somewhere to work after the February school holidays. Working together, the town hall team, along with the Schools Inspector and teachers, arranged for 2 classes of children in CM1/CM2 and CE2 to go to Montriond school, while children in CP were found room in the infants’ school. School transport was also reorganised between Montriond and Morzine, as were the canteen and extra-curricular childcare. Major works planned Overwhelming solidarity Once the fire was put out, the building was made safe rapidly and the site cleared; burned timber was removed, the loft was made safe, rubble removed and people’s belongings that could be saved - as well as school equipment - were gathered. Making the building safe involved reconstructing a temporary roof and covering it with a tarpaulin to protect the inside from bad weather. The investigation into the causes of the fire began as soon as it was put out. A team of experts in concrete structures has been commissioned to assess the building, and a specialist project manager chosen to lead the rebuilding work. The town hall team would like to thank all those who showed their support at a difficult time, whether by offering to take in the families affected by the fire, or by clearing up the site, or helping move the families, or lending their vehicles to help move the classrooms to their new premises. A big thank you to everyone! site internet : 16 mAjor DAtes this summer JUNE th 16 : 23rd: 28th – 30th: JULY 7th: 11th – 14th: 24th -27th: 25th – 27th: AUGUST th 11 : 15th: 17th: 29th – 30th: SEPTEMBER th th Du 5 – 7 : Football - Tournoi des Montagnes in Montriond. Cycling - Cyclosportive Morzine/ Vallée d’Aulps (starts in Montriond, finishes in Morzine). 10th Pass’Portes du Soleil MTB festival (bike fair in Châtel). Crève Coeur mountain race, organised by the Club Alpin du Haut Chablais, Secours en Montagne and La Daille club. Morzine Harley Days: motorcycle rally organised by HOG France. With ZUCCHERO in concert on Saturday 13 July in the tourist office square at 9.30pm. 6th Lind’art festival; special theme Turkish Sufi music. “Le Monde de Morzna” festival. Cycling – Morzine-Avoriaz bike sprint. Edelweiss fair. Running - Hauts-Forts race. Cycling - Le Tour de l’Avenir, international-level competition. Find out more at : BIRTHS Laura BAUD PACHON, a daughter for Alexandre and Sophia PERAIS Iris CHLOPAS, a daughter for Paul and Rebecca RUDD Charlie BAUD, a son for Laurent and Ilja de JONG Gaspar VOIRON, a son for Pierre-Louis and Valérie BAUD PACHON Vadim VOIRON, a son for Vincent and Audrey MAZUET Mathilde HEU REIGNIER, a daughter for Benoît and Sophie REIGNIER Thomas SERRAULT, a son for Gérald and Lysiane MONIER Nolann THEDE, a son for Mehdi and Ingrid BARRERE MARRIAGES 8th December: 15th December: 29th December: 30th January: 23rd March: 30th March: Jean-Marc PRINCE & Maria CALVO FELIPEZ Simon CLOUTIER & Hélène COUTURIER Florent DUCLOS & Agnès HERNU Pierre GERBAZ & Chantal JOURNEAULT Steve MARCHAND & Lenaïc CAVROIS Lionel TOPHIN & Brigitte GRAVA DEATHS 19th December: 29th December: 31st December: 2nd January: 2nd January: 9th February: 10 February: 12th February: 21st March: The new Dereches Park logo represents all the public sports and leisure facilities located near the Palais des Sports. In total, around 10 activities are on offer to families, summer and winter. The aim of the new logo is to highlight all the activities in the park and raise the profile of this unique space. Its advantages include modern facilities, sport and the mountains, and all these features are encompassed by the logo, which evokes Nyon’s summit. Motorsport - 65th Mont-Blanc Rally. Announcements 15th November: 21st November: 3rd December: 27th December: 28th December: 5th January: 11th January: 17th January: New-look Dereches park! Jacques ROMMÉ - 93 Antoine MECHOUD - 90 Raymond VIVIAND - 89 Jean-Claude VULLIEZ - 64 Jacques CARRIER - 82 Jean-François MECHOUD - 92 Alice BAUD - 92 Henri BONNET - 85 Fernande GARNIER, married name DEFFERT - 88 15 March 2013 The Magnolias residence inaugurated The Magnolias residence opened last December for seasonal workers in Avoriaz, with 39 apartments shared between 2 buildings in the centre of the resort. The official opening ceremony was overseen by Thonon’s sub-prefect Jean-Yves Le Merrer, Charles Riera (president of Léman Habitat) and Mayor Gérard Berger, all of whom praised the quality of the build and its design by architect Simon Cloutier. This building - the first of its kind for seasonal workers in the mountains - cost €3.385 million.
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