here - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz


here - Mairie de Morzine Avoriaz
Autumn's news...
OCTOBER: celebrating two golden couples after 50 years together
The mayor together with CCAS staff took the opportunity to congratulate two
Morzinois couples on their golden wedding anniversaries at the annual seniors'
dinner at Petit Dru hotel. Marie-Louise and Joseph Baud were married on 28 June
1958 and went on to have three children. Jeanine and René Feuquières tied the knot
in October of the same year with two boys the happy result of their union. Both
couples received flowers and hearty congratulations from Morzine's CCAS team and
Elisabeth Anthonioz, deputising for the Conseiller Général, who could not be present.
OCTOBER: Prefect visits Morzine-Avoriaz
Haute-Savoie Prefect and government representative Michel Bilaud made an official
visit to the village on 29 October, starting at the town hall, before going to the
Ardoisières valley to see slate miner Franck Buet at the Ardoisière des 7 pieds. Mr
Bilaud then went up to Crêt to look at the pressure sensors installed there recently to
monitor the cliff's stability. The
group comprising the Prefect,
elected officials from MorzineAvoriaz and Thonon Subprefect Jean-Yves Moracchini
then continued on to Avoriaz to
see how the proposed UTN
expansion would look at first
hand. The proposal for a cable
car linking Morzine centre with
Avoriaz was also discussed, in
addition to myriad ongoing
NOVEMBER: 8th Fête du Cochon celebrated in the finest tradition
Pork in all its forms took centre
stage at the festival organised by
Thierry Thorens. Over two days
the region's produce and the
savoir-faire of breeders and
artisans were fêted to show
visitors the importance of
gastronomy in the mountains, as
well as Savoie's cultural heritage
and traditions.
NOVEMBER: a grand project for Histoire et Patrimoine de Morzine
The association's traditional autumn
exhibition from 8-9 November
offered a wide selection of themes for
visitors in addition to its traditional
fare. From details of plans to
highlight the historical value of the
village between Dérêches park and
the old post office, to a celebration of
the apple and the Baud family's 100year-old still, the autumn harvest also
took pride of place with recipes, cakes
and an exhibition of different apple
A word from the Mayor
Winter has arrived and so too the challenge of ensuring our holidaying guests and seasonal residents enjoy quality and excellence. In addition,
the Annecy – Haute-Savoie 2018 bid to host the Winter Games is hugely important; – our enthusiasm must be unwavering if the bid is to be a
crowning success, with all the economic benefits that we can expect to follow.
The almost unanimous vote (10 for, 1 against) to proceed with plans to extend Avoriaz (l'UTN d'Avoriaz) at the Comité de massif on 18 December
is the beginning of a new chapter for Morzine-Avoriaz. The main points of the development are presented in the following pages. It is essential
that everyone recognises how much the project concerns them and gets involved to benefit from this new impetus for the commune.
A common theme in all of these matters is cable car transport and it is one of the town hall's aims to find an alternative to the car to reach the
snow fields of Avoriaz – and at the same time demonstrate a practical, working relationship between our two resorts.
My work is also heavily involved in improving residents' day-to-day lives and I am here to listen to your suggestions and expectations. The New
Year celebrations and the start of the tourist season are always tiring so I look forward to outlining the town hall's various projects and findings
in greater detail.
Despite these turbulent economic times I would like to wish everyone an excellent season. I would also like to take this opportunity to send you
the best wishes of the municipal council; let us hope that 2009 gives us the opportunity to put in place projects that will ensure our long-term
The Mayor
Jean-Louis Battandier
“The Great Outdoors Bid”
the logo behind the “Annecy 2018” bid
Much has happened since 24 September when the Comité National
Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF) voted to back a French candidate for
the 2018 Winter Games...the tender process resulted in bids from Grenoble
and Nice, while Pelvoux took the place of Gap. Annecy is also part of the
adventure – the Haute-Savoie capital has many advantages – but it is clear
that the competition is stiff.
Morzine-Avoriaz has the good fortune of being chosen as a potential Olympic
resort after a delegation from Annecy (including Antoine Dénériaz) came to
see our slopes for themselves on 8 December.
The verdict: Avoriaz (Hauts-Forts) would host the women's downhill events
and the Pleney would host the women's technical events.
Many obstacles must be overcome before this can happen:
21 January 2009: all four French candidates must return their completed bids to the Comité National Olympique
et Sportif Français (CNOSF).
18 March 2009: CNOSF announces winning bid.
July 2009: supporting letters from national Olympic committees must be received by the IOC with the proposed
host city for the 2018 Winter Games. The proposed locations are called “Candidate Cities”.
2010: IOC announces qualifying Candidate Cities.
2011: Winning city announced for 2018 Winter Games.
2018: Winter Games 2018.
Pages 4-7: Avoriaz development (UTN)
Page 8:
Cable car transport
Page 9:
Ski area
Avoriaz Technical Services
Page 10: Ongoing projects
Page 11: News from CCAS
Pierre Bochent’s retirement
Page 12: Firefighters and Announcements
Mayor Jean-Louis Battandier and la Commission
Production and editing:
Chantal Bourreau
EC Création-La Marmotte Bleue
This magazine is printed on
renewable PEFC-certified paper
(Programme de Reconnaissance
des Certifications Forestières)
by the Imprimerie
Nouvelle-Sallanches which
carries the Imprim'Vert label.
Coming soon in Morzine-Avoriaz INFO
• Morzine's Histoire et Patrimoine project explained
• PPR (Plan de Prévention des Risques) revision
“Vallée d'Aulps 2020” plans outlined
• Morzine-Avoriaz and intercommunality: the 2012 deadline
• The Portes du Soleil “Pass'été 2009”
ou r web si te vi si t :
For information about public life: committee meeting minutes, useful
phone numbers, newsletters, news, planned works...
The essential redevelopment of Avoriaz
The urban and business model for Avoriaz has proved its worth for 40 years, with positive results for tourism and the economy in Morzine-Avoriaz,
the Aulps Valley and the Portes du Soleil. But in the last five years there have been clear signs that bookings have fallen along with skier numbers. A
solution is required, but rather than acting hastily, the town council has sought additional information to complement the action plan proposed by
the last administration, which also ties in with the current mandate's objectives.
The UTN (Unité Touristique Nouvelle)
plan presented on 18 December to the
Comité de Massif was an adaptation of
the original project dating from
November 2007. In the current project
totalling a development of 38,600m2
will accommodate tourists in the
resort's Crozats and Falaise sectors,
while the technical services unit will be
moved and other facilities built
(including a water park), principally in
or near to developed areas, to minimise
the impact on the surroundings.
More tourist beds
There was no question of the
development altering the existing
footprint in Avoriaz, so the extension
plans complement the current building
style and preserve the resort's unity,
without encroaching on the ski area.
The proposals offer holidaymakers something new since more than half of the planned apartments will
be of a higher standard than is currently available in Avoriaz. This should make it possible to attract
wealthier clients whose needs are likely to be different, hence the decision to build larger apartments
with a bed/space ratio of 15-20m2.
In addition, the holiday apartments will feature fitness and health facilities (spa, sauna...).
The sectors to be redeveloped in the UTN proposal.
The two sectors in question
Les Crozats and La Falaise are the two
quartiers principally involved in the plans
to boost tourist capacity.
Les Crozats
The first new sector – comprising
16,600m2 - will be in Les Crozats,
overlooking the resort. A group of four
residential blocks is planned in a nearlinear fashion from the area between the
Sirius and Club Méditerranée blocks. For
balance, the highest new building will
mirror the Sirius and be at the easternmost point of the development. The
height of the new blocks will gradually
decrease from east to west to blend into
the hillside. This sector also features
accommodation for seasonal workers.
Planned extension of Les Crozats
: new buildings
La Falaise
The second new sector – comprising
22,000m2 – involves La Falaise,
though much of the building work
will be at the entrance of the resort in
the area currently used by the resort's
technical services.
The project envisages:
− a group of apartment blocks close
to the underground car park and at
the southern edge of the site housing
the resort's technical services. These
high-rise buildings will comply with
existing planning regulations.
− below and in complement to this
first phase, two more buildings
between two and five storeys will be
built with sloping roofs that follow
the hillside's gradient.
− the holiday accommodation will
comprise a maximum of 220 4*
apartments - mainly with three rooms
- for 4 people, amounting to 1,050
beds. One of the new blocks could be
a 3* or 4* hotel with the same capacity.
Planned extension of La Falaise
: new buildings
− the apartments will feature a host of facilities taking up 2,000m2 of the projected
22,000m2: welcome lobby, lounges, games rooms, sauna, hammam, jacuzzi.
− a number of shops (2-3 units) will be built to cater for residents' needs close to the
apartments within the allocated 22,000m2: ski hire, laundrette, groceries.
− an 800-place underground car park will be located under the existing reception
area which will undergo a dramatic makeover.
The plans to boost tourist capacity include :
- Producing approximately 262 3* apartments in Les
- Building approximately 220 4* apartments to the east of
La Falaise.
Site internet :
Housing for seasonal workers
The project offers seasonaires' accommodation with
studios and duplex apartments. Around ten
bedrooms are also planned for the sledge-taxi
drivers as part of the renovation of the stables which
will improve and replace the existing inadequate
The extension of La Falaise means moving the technical services unit to the P2 open-air
car park. The lost parking spaces resulting from this move will be recovered in an
underground facility to be built beneath the current arrival area which will cater for the
demand generated by Les Crozats' extension. Parking for the expanded La Falaise sector
will be constructed beneath the new buildings.
The reception area will be redeveloped to improve visitors' arrival and departure. Designed around the principle of an airport hub, it will help add
to the feeling that the resort is special. Larger unloading areas will make for a better welcome since they will also be protected from the elements
on three sides and be more numerous than is the case now to speed up arrival times. The projected reception area will have a new arrival hall with
more space and comfort than is currently available (with direct access to underground parking), associated services (front desk, toilets, tourist
information point, ALDA residents' office, taxis...) The current reception will become a bag-handling facility for large groups. The existing park-andride shuttle service for between P2 car park and reception will be adapted accordingly.
Plans for La Falaise with new parking facilities
Technical services rehoused
A new medical centre
Relocating the resort's technical services headquarters is planned in association with the
redevelopment of La Falaise. It will free up valuable space for new buildings and
significantly improve visitors' first impressions of Avoriaz. The existing facilities - indoor
or outdoor – will transfer to P2 car park close to the stables (which will be renovated but
not moved) along with new buildings and annexes. The new logistical facility will be
responsible for the general day-to-day running of the car-free resort: communal services,
deliveries, stables, SERMA lift company, tour operators' coach station, underground
parking and waste collection (with a recycling unit that conforms to current
requirements). Moving technical services to a new logistical platform and at the same
time improving the resort's covered parking by providing a lane with direct access
should make for a more efficient arrivals system.
Too small and poorly located below the resort, the
medical centre is no longer suitably located to look
after injured skiers or offer adequate care for sick
holidaymakers. In particular, the helipad at Pas du Lac
used for emergencies no longer conforms
satisfactorily to current safety norms. The new
reception area is far more suitable in terms of its ease
of access and proximity to the heliport for skiers (who
can scoot across from the slopes) and pedestrians.
Aquariaz project water park – an attractive and essential addition to the Avoriaz label
The Aquariaz project that will replace the existing pool and ice rink.
The current site that houses the pool in the
“historic” Dromonts sector of the resort will be
redeveloped into Aquariaz – a covered water
and play centre. The ice rink next to it will be
renovated for the winter and transformed into
an open-air beach in the summer.
The new facility will feature:
• an indoor water and play centre (Aquariaz) open summer and winter,
• outdoor mobile ice rink measuring approximately 800 m2,
• open-air beach for the summer months (replacing the ice rink in winter).
In all, the covered facility will measure 2,750 m2 and include:
• a main, asymmetric pool dug into the bedrock and measuring 200 m2,
• Swimming lanes (25m x 4m / 2 lanes), aquagym, aquajogging and aquafitness,
• equipment for water-based play with slow-moving channel (100ml deep and 2m wide), tree houses
in a 100 m2 pool with 2 slides and access tower, theme-based toddlers' pool and two bubble pools.
Affirming the resort's green credentials
With regard to the resort's UTN development and in order to respect the pioneering and ecological philosophy behind Avoriaz since its
inception, the decision was taken to favour low carbon footprint building materials.
THPE certification for all residential buildings,
an Effinergie-certified building (the 3 star construction in Les Crozats),
Respecting efficient energy use with regard to Aquariaz and aiming to supply at least 20% of the power needed for its hot water usage from
renewable sources,
Choosing renewable or recycled raw materials, preferably with an ecolabel,
Employing traceable wood for construction and using local wood if possible.
Resourses and impact
Finance and timing
The dossier presented to the ruling committee includes an analysis of possible
impacts, notably on the environment (fauna, flora, natural areas...), as well as
the resulting demands on drinking water, and waste water treatment
(household rubbish and recycling), roads and parking. The redevelopment's
socio-economic impacts are also highlighted (seasonaires' and permanent
residents' accommodation will be provided), as well as thevnew jobs required
for the larger reception facility and higher quality of service on offer. Plans to
develop the skiing are not included in the UTN plan but are of huge
importance to the town hall and form part of its Plan Neige discussions with
the current lift company, SERMA (page 9).
The green light for the UTN from the ruling committee is by no means the
final word; first and foremost, the dossier provides the chance to examine
the feasibility of the project from a technical, logistical and financial angle
and ensure its conformity with recent environmental measures
announced at the Grenelle de l'Environnement meeting. The town hall will
also produce a Plan d'Aménagement d'Ensemble (PAE) detailing the cost of
the municipal buildings and especially of rehousing technical services
(municipal and departmental). The priority is for a balanced financial
assessment which details how to optimise the sources of revenue and limit
the burden on the public purse. A contract with tour operators must also
be agreed vis-a-vis the new accommodation and water park. These
financial considerations will be discussed in future newsletters with a time
line for the completion of the project whose aim is to recreate something
special in Avoriaz within the town hall's economic constraints.
While Avoriaz will benefit first and foremost from the redevelopment,
both Morzine and the rest of the Aulps Valley stand to gain too.
Site internet :
A new mixed-use cable car for residents and skiers
The dream to link Morzine centre with Avoriaz (and bypassing Les Prodains) could become a reality...
Today the technology exists for such a venture without harming the environment. The new 2S and 3S* cable cars would require only 2 or 3
pylons, thus limiting the impact on the ground while passing as high as possible to
limit the visual impact. The system is already operational in Val d'Isère and Kitzbuhel
(measuring 3.6km) and two more are in construction in Spain, Whistler (Canada) and
in Switzerland at Saas Fee, where a group from the town hall visited in the summer.
2S or 3S: fact file
The 3S system (3 cables) allies fixed-loop twin-cable technology with springloaded single cable installations.
The cabins are propelled by a main, looped driver cable and are attached to
two load-bearing cables fixed at each station. The 3-cable system allows for
the transport of very heavy loads over long distances (at least 3km).
These cable cars have a reputation for high stability in windy conditions and a
low energy consumption ratio to passenger numbers.
The new generation S2/S3 cable cars
First steps: a feasibility study...
If the town hall is keen for such an installation, then so too are many other local players from the Région and Département who have
contributed to the “Chablais 2020” plan in which cable car transportation is a key element. Central government is also taking an active interest
according to the Prefect who visited the town hall last October. But if the project seems possible, grand though it is, it is perhaps better to be
pragmatic about its eventual worth. Hence the launch of a profitability study with technical data which will aid the town hall in its ultimate
The aim of the financial study is to examine the legal and financial steps needed to ensure the completion of the project while ensuring the
town hall receives the most advantageous investment terms and a long-term guarantees from the operator. The study aims to forecast the
number of users and potential turnover. Potential sources of subsidy and other financial avenues will be discussed.
An approximate budget for the project along with details on the tendering process (whether it is the town hall or a private operator) and a
time line featuring clear objectives are all essential tools that will contribute to making such an important decision.
An outdated cable car...
Since its inception Avoriaz has relied on a cable car capable of
carrying 600 people per hour which is now obsolete in terms
of capacity and the comfort it affords to skiers and pedestrians
who often carry luggage. The road traffic and parking
problems at this main access point to Avoriaz have also had a
negative impact on the quality of life in Prodains hamlet which
is overloaded with cars, ski shuttles and coaches...
A favourable environment.
The spacious cabins easily accommodate walkers and skiers
The SERMA company responsible for ski lifts in Avoriaz has undertaken to replace the existing cable car. It has also been a top priority for the town
hall to improve transport between Morzine and Avoriaz by finding a modern, high-speed solution that serves Avoriaz's slopes as well as its economic
and tourist needs.
This determination to act by the town hall and Serma is lent added weight by technological advances in ski lift transportation which offer the chance
to consider proposals far beyond the simple replacement of the existing cable car. Thus the actual project on the table concerns a mixed-use system
that fulfils the needs of those travelling between the two tourist locations and of skiers between Morzine, Avoriaz and the rest of the Portes du Soleil
The new cable car would link the centre of Morzine to Avoriaz and reduce parking demand in Prodains and in Avoriaz (with covered parking to be
built above the departure terminal in Morzine).
This new link highlights the town hall's willingness to commit to the long-term development of Avoriaz and reinforce its image as a car-free resort.
Developing the skiing in Morzine and Avoriaz
Discussions for a new Plan Neigefor
It is in the best interests of Morzine-Avoriaz to
develop the ski area and the town hall recognises
that it is high time to examine the long-term
options for Avoriaz to guarantee a smooth
passage between the village's two resorts
(Morzine and Avoriaz) for skiers and everyone on
all this, SERMA would be within its rights to do
nothing more than maintain the existing
facilities, though it has no intention of doing so,
since it knows it must continue to provide an
ever-better product in a highly competitive
tourist sector. The town hall is also keen to see
ongoing improvements which ensure growth
and add value to the industrial and tourist
Ongoing talks...
SERMA objectives achieved ahead of This is why the town hall is spearheading talks
with SERMA to introduce additional installations
Although ski lift owner SERMA's contract to run
Avoriaz does not expire until 2023, each of its
Plan Neige investment and development
obligations has been fulfilled since 2007. Recent
major projects include the installation of three
spring-loaded chairlifts: Le Fornet in 2004, ChauxFleurie in 2006 and Grande Combe in 2007. Given
to improve access to the slopes for everyone.
It is also the framework for projects such as the
cable car link from Morzine centre (le Bourg) to
Avoriaz, improvements to Proclou to ease skiers'
departure and to develop more accessible (and
profitable) skiing, along with a host of other skirelated measures.
Developing Morzine's slopes
Morzine's ski area is also a major holiday
destination and as such is at the forefront of
the town hall's objectives.
This is why the new team at the town hall has
worked with Pleney SA lift company on various
projects including purchasing the Mas Verjus
drag lift (now reintegrated into the Pleney
area) and landscaping the “retour de Nyon”
piste which required contacting landowners
before work began (levelling, terracing...).
In parallel, negotiations are under way
between the ski lift company and Morzine to
improve access to the top of the slopes, with
the existing cable car key to this objective.
Ensuring a coherent development plan on all fronts
The town hall's role is to drive forward these primary objectives (cable car project, Avoriaz UTN , developing Morzine's skiing) coherently and to
ensure that the work required to achieve them is carried out with care and coordination to limit disruption to village life.
Avoriaz: a technical support team for all seasons…
With Jean-Paul Peschaud-Ferrand at the helm and seconded by
Christophe Billy (buildings maintenance) and Tristan PeschaudFerrand (roads and events), the technical services team has 13
full-time employees with a contract plumber and secretary
Veronique Sanchez, who also fulfils the role of town hall annexe
receptionist for those unable to go to Morzine.
The team's objectives depend on the time of year:
Autumn: deconstruction and servicing
Once summer's over the team dismantles and stores seasonal
equipment: tennis courts, archery nets, agorespace, children's
games and circuits. Before it snows, piste markers and safety nets
are laid at the roadside to protect against falls... and all public
buildings must be maintained: “This year we've worked on the
gendarmerie and totally renovated the nursery. We've also built a
studio in an old garage, installed safety measures in the stables and
started redoing the water supply to the troughs – we've done half the 111 stalls!
We're all very handy so we can do most things: plumbing, wiring, tiling,
carpentry...and it's because of this that we've managed to overhaul Altiform!
Another aim is to renovate the 30 communal buildings here, doing 3 or 5 a year
– especially Acacia which is already 10 years old.”
And then the snow falls!
“This autumn the snow came early and there was lots of it, so we needed to keep
the roads clear so the trades could finish their work, the delivery lorries could get
stock to their clients, and residents, workers or owners could get home.
Managing the snow, traffic and security issues is very tricky! And then there's the
illuminations to do and lights to put on the spruces...”
The team's motorised section is also busy since every vehicle must be
operational at the start of the season: snowploughs, snow scooters, loaders
and caterpillars.
Winter opening...
A huge effort is required: the whole resort must be “snowed-up” just before
opening, usually the Thursday before (10/12 in 2008-9). “We use the snow we
set aside during the autumn snow-clearing: everything needs to be white and
clean ahead of the Fête de la Glisse!”
Winter jobs
The first job of the day is to clean the roads (litter, bottles...) and prepare the
slopes: guests must find the resort looking sparkling before 9am! “We're also
responsible for snow clearing and gritting on P3 car park and the road from the
roundabout to the arrival area. We maintain buildings and ferry meals to the
school and nursery.”
The team is also involved in tourist office events: “transport, setting up (stages,
barriers, stands...), electrical supply, cleaning...In fact, we fulfil the same role as
any other technical team, except that we work in the snow with specially
adapted vehicles...”
Site internet :
Current projects in the village
A wood-fired communal generator
Mains water and filtering
Plans to build a wood-burning generator started by the previous
administration are progressing apace. There have been modifications,
notably to the new building's location close to the Palais des Sports
and the pool. It is to be built into the slope and its silos buried. The
120-150m2 facility will be incorporated discreetly into its
surroundings and have two 600kw generators which will only
function together at peak seasonal periods. The pool's existing fuelpowered generator will be kept operational during its replacement's
running-in period. Two chimneys will be built onto the north wing of
the Palais des Sports (near Entrance B) to limit the visual impact. In
addition, 99% of the waste is water vapour and represents no threat
to the environment. The wood used in the burners will either be in
large sheet or pellet form. Suppliers will be invited to tender.
An 800m pipe network
that goes as far as the
library will be installed
to carry the hot water
to existing plumbing
circuits in public
buildings. The vast
majority of communal
buildings in this sector
will benefit: the pool,
Palais des Sports,
(public) primary and
Floralies accommodation, the old post office, town hall and library.
Designers Etec 73 were chosen to provide the feasibility study for the
project and are also working on a preview presentation which will
feature in subsequent newsletters.
Work was carried out this autumn to improve the commune's mains
water network.
Initially, the Attray spring's treatment system was cleaned by the UV
method and the drains serviced. The work was carried out by Bianco.
Work was coordinated on the Vielle Plagne road by the commune's
department to replace 400m of pipework dating from 1938. This
was part of the ongoing programme to improve the water network.
Perrier TP commenced work on the Avoriaz road to extend
mains network above the Bois de la Croix.
Public buildings re-roofed
The town hall has agreed to
buildings. Contractor Profil
Bois won three roofing
contracts in the autumn for:
The riding centre (with
additional shingling and
copper guttering).
• Library (with local slate
tiling and new insulation to
The bus station (also with
protect against leaks and the
An indoor pool too...
The new wood-fired generator would also make it possible to review
plans for an indoor pool measuring 25m by 12m (or 15m) close to the
existing pools. The project has wide support given the need to
refurbish the changing area completely and the chance to create a
shared facility for the outdoor and indoor pools. The indoor facility
would complement the existing outdoor pools which are open for
July and August only. A new pool could also be used by schools,
sports clubs and, of course, tourists and the valley's residents. The
water would be heated by the new generator and by recycling heated
air from the Palais des Sports. Architects will be invited to tender; the
winner's first priority will be to define the size (and subsequent cost)
of this new leisure facility.
Dereches bridleway: soon back up and running
Morzine and Montriond's two new town hall teams met in the autumn to
plan the renovation of the Dereches walking and horseriding trail.
Landholders who will be affected by the changes have been contacted
ahead of a potential start date next spring. The aim is to restore the path
and put in place decent signposting after repairs to the worst areas. It is
useful to point out that the bridleway shared by both Morzine and
Montriond is popular for walking and sports (trail-running, fitness
circuits...) among residents and tourists in both villages, in all weather
and all year.
Projects in the pipeline...
• The town hall also wants to restore all the village's pavements for the safety of pedestrians and anyone with reduced mobility.
• Discussions are under way too to find ways to limit speeding in and around the village. The town hall administration has stated its willingness to
implement stringent measures in the interests of public safety if an initial campaign of roadside warnings has no effect...
• Updating the commune's inadequate lighting is another ongoing issue; this essential task is in the hands of Seleq 74.
News from the Centre Communal d'Actions Sociales (CCAS)
Floralies: offering sheltered accommodation for
the aged
CCAS oversees the Floralies centre for the aged with its 17 flats,
some of which are suitable for couples.
A healthy question...
Accommodation, jobs, health and safety,
seasonaires' medical issues: all important
factors in ensuring good service and a
successful season which employee and
employer should work on together.
For the last 4 winters the Conseil General's
Actions de Santé team has held drop-in q&a
sessions (“Pleine saison, pleine santé”) for
seasonaires in Morzine-Avoriaz to help them
with concerns about their living conditions,
potential risks, AIDS, hepatitis, drugs,
contraception, overworking, stress and
alcohol. Seasonaires can discuss all of these
matters in confidence with medical
In partnership with CCAS, the sessions are
planned for:
Each flat measures approximately 30m2 and has adapted sanitary
facilities and kitchen area to ensure residents' independence,
though the main kitchen service (on a lower floor) can be called
upon whenever necessary. Floralies does not have medical staff
and is suitable for autonomous residents, though home visits by
nurses and doctors are welcome.
On site, social worker Elisabeth Marullaz provides a point of
contact for residents and her office is open during daytime hours
from Monday to Friday. Elisabeth provides help with paperwork
and cleans communal areas.
Four apartments are currently available to rent. CCAS is keen to
stress that any valley resident who would like accommodation
offering peace of mind is eligible. Applicants should be aware of
current regulations which require a remote alarm in the building
to alert the emergency services.
Floralies is a genuine home for all residents who have total
independence to see who they choose. Rent is capped in line
with pensions and starts from 330€ per month.
For residential enquiries please contact the town hall or Floralies
(tel: 04 50 75 93 66).
• Thursday 8 January from 2pm-4am in the “fil
rouge” bus outside the Tourist Office.
• Thursday 15 January and Tuesday 27 January
from 1pm-9pm in the salle des exhibitions.
Monday 19 January from 12pm-8pm in the Tourist Office.
We would encourage all employers to relay this information to their employees.
Seasonaires' welcome meeting (PAS)
Morzine is to host a seasonaires' welcome with CCAS
offering information on work, health and safety,
accommodation, medical services, personalised advice and
post-season training. A wealth of information is also
available in the Guide du Saisonnier from the PAS or from
the village's other welfare points.
PAS head Pierre-Eric Petitgonnet offers advice every
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2pm-5pm (at the
ANPE, route du Palais des Sports). Tel: 06 70 31 26 56.
Pierre Bochent retires after 35 years' service in Morzine
Last October, Pierre stood down as Palais des Sports director,
handing the baton to Eric Merciéca. Pierre arrived in Morzine in
1973 to work as a lifeguard before moving up through the ranks
as administrative and financial director of the National
Federation of Lifeguards (then based in Morzine) and finally
Palais des Sports director.
In his leaving speech Pierre recalled many happy and momentous
moments during his tenure which made it a pleasure to work at
the head of a large and dependable team: 15 Tours de France,
world cup skiing events, international figure-skating galas that
featured world champions, not to mention ice hockey, which he
has supported from D3 level to the top Magnus league!
Pierre will be spending his retirement in Allinges with his wife
Maryse. “It was a huge honour to serve Morzine,” said the brand
new retiree, who we hope to see here again soon.
Site internet :
Le 1er février : Lou BROSSAS de Christian et de Magali MENUAU
Le 18 février : Pérone BEUDARD de Didier et de Karine RICHARD
Le 26 février : Rose ROSSET de Guillaume et de Florence CHARPIN
Le 10 mars : Anna STRAGLIATI de Arnaud et de Amandine COCCOZ
Le 14 avril : Robin PAGE de Jean-François et de Céline MORIN
Le 30 avril : Martin VULLIEZ de Franck et de Delphine PASSAQUIN
Le 1er mai : Célie PREMAT de Jérôme et de Karine MICHAUD
Le 14 mai : William JOHNSTON de Ian et de Christelle COSSEDDU
Le 14 mai : Jordane BAUD-PACHON de Alexandre et de Sophia PERAIS
Le 6 juin : Adèle MARULLAZ de Vincent et de Alexandra MORALLET
Le 16 juin : Elise GAYDON de Bernard et de Isabelle ZIZA
Le 29 juin : Maxence MARCHAND de Thierry et de Véronique SEGUIN
Le 8 juillet : Maddy MICHAUD de François et de Elodie MICHAUD
Le 9 juillet : Arthur FAUCHER de Jimmy et de Isabelle PAGE
Le 11 juillet : Titouan HEU--REIGNIER de Benoît et de Sophie REIGNIER
Le 3 août : Maxime BERGER de Yves et de Coralie CELOTTI
Le 5 septembre : Liv PEILLEX de Frédéric et de Elodie MAZARD
Le 26 septembre : Alexis DUBY de Dominique et de Laurence COPPEL
Le 11 octobre : Hanaé RICHARD de Simon et de Capucine ANTOINE
Le 20 octobre : Mila BAUD de Laurent et de Ilja de JONG
Le 2 novembre : Dorian DIZAR de Arnaud et de Magali LION
Le 7 novembre : Margot DIDES de Simon et de Caroline COUTANT
Le 15 novembre : Maxime RACADOT de Mathieu et de Marilyne ROSSET
Le 25 novembre : Mathéo CHIPIER de Franck et de Isabelle THOMAS
Le 10 décembre : Alice RICHARD de Philippe et de Isabelle BOUVIER
Le 22 février : Jean-Philippe GIRAUD & Virginie BENOIT
Le 10 mai : Franck FOURCADE & Sophie PACHON
Le 31 mai : Claude PREMAT & Alice GEYDET
Le 7 juin : Christophe FÉLISAZ & Nadège BAUD
Le 28 juin : Jean-Christophe BIESSY & Fanny LHOMME
Le 5 juillet : Didier ALLOIN & Agnès BUET
Le 5 juillet : Johann CHASSAGNE & Aline PRUDHON
Le 12 juillet : Robert BOUVIER & Véronique FLANDROIS
Le 23 août : Pierre-Loïc CAÏJO & Lise VAN LONG
Le 26 août : Franck BATALLER & Monique PAGE
Le 29 août : Pascal MARGERIT & Céline DURAND
Le 30 août : Nicolas HUBERT & Stéphanie COLLIN
Le 13 septembre : Tony TABERLET & Rosella CIANCIOLO
Le 27 septembre : Jonathan BROUZES & Charlotte BAUD
Le 4 octobre : Philippe AMBROSINO & Alexandra BOUVIER
Le 11 octobre : Richard LEES & Karen GRIFFITHS
Le 11 octobre : Maxime ROSSET & Aurélie ARNAUD
Le 20 décembre : Arnaud BLANCHARD & Aline BENOIT
Le 25 février : Camille RICHARD – 83 ans
Le 27 février : René LENVERS – 64 ans
Le 23 avril : Suzanne TAVERNIER, née BRON – 87 ans
Le 5 mai : Yvonne GUILLEMIN, née BARNAVON – 93 ans
Le 20 mai : Jack LEBLANC - 74 ans
Le 1er juin : Marcel DUCRETTET - 55 ans
Le 15 juin : Claire GROROD - 34 ans
Le 16 juin : Léa SIEBERT, née BAUD - 98 ans
Le 18 juin : Marie-Louise CHALENÇON, née GRIVEL - 79 ans
Le 22 juin : Thérèse TABERLET - 56 ans
Le 26 juin : Michel MARGERIT - 64 ans
Le 10 juillet : Thibault COTTET-PUINEL - 16 ans
Le 2 août : Lauriane GAYDON - 25 ans
Le 5 septembre : Lucien DELERCE - 86 ans
Le 25 septembre : Pierre BOUVIER - 71 ans
Le 4 octobre : Maurice FOURNET - 89 ans
Le 8 novembre : Lucienne LAPERROUSAZ, née BOSSON - 91 ans
Le 26 novembre : Marie, Eugénie MUFFAT, née GARNIER - 95 ans
Le 27 novembre : Brigitte BERTIN-BOUSSU - 65 ans
Firefighter news
Sainte Barbe celebrations with diplomas and certificates
The traditional Sainte Barbe
dinner took place on 13 December
with VIP guests Commandant
Petitpoisson (Groupement du
Chablais), Lieutenant Melmoux
(Gendarmerie de Morzine),
Morzine-Avoriaz Mayor JeanLouis Battandier and Conseiller
Général and SDIS administrator
Denis Bouchet
Fire Chief Thierry Bassani and Amicale des Pompiers President Michel Lavanchy
presented the yearly round-up before handing out diplomas and promotions for
Gilles Lamboley (sergeant), Roland Taberlet, Henri Marullaz and Guillaume
Domingues (chiefs corporal), Ludovic Gloanec (corporal) and Cédric Gaydon
(firefighter). The outstanding service medal was awarded to Bernard Tavernier for
his 25 years in the force.
Become a volunteer firefighter...yes, you can!
There are 3089 volunteer firefighters in Haute-Savoie (198 women,
2891 men) engaged in providing a rescue service to the region.
Precious as this human resource is, it is proving ever more
inadequate in coping with all the demands placed on it.
Becoming a volunteer firefighter (SPV) offers you fulfilment as part
of an emergency services team while demonstrating your social
commitment. It's also a way of playing an active role in your
community by becoming part of a dynamic team that participates in
civil security matters.
Volunteers must be aged between 18 and 55, enjoy public service
and pass a medical check. After enlisting, recruits are given initial
training adapted to the missions they will encounter, then ongoing
training throughout their career to ensure their skills remain up-todate.
To find out more, visit, or contact Morzine Fire Chief
Thierry Bassani.
Anselme Baud: Légion d'Honneur for a true Morzinois
Ski champion Emile Allais had the pleasure
of awarding Anselme Baud the Légion
d'Honneur on 14 December. He recalled that
Anselme was a member of Morzine ski club
before joining the brand new ESF at Avoriaz
when it opened.
Those present also heard how Anselme had
barely completed his ESF diploma before
tackling celebrated Alpine climbs (including
among the first climbs of the north face of the Aiguille du Jardin and others in the
Grandes Jorasses...) and taking part in expeditions to all parts of the globe. At the
same time he excelled in extreme skiing with a long series of firsts alongside Patrick
In 1975 Anselme began teaching at the Ecole Nationale de Ski et de l'Alpinisme
(ENSA), where he passed on his knowledge and enthusiasm to future guides, though
his experience has also been in demand around the globe in Bolivia, Nepal, Japan, the
Equator and Chili. During an expedition on the Nepalese border in 2005 Anselme
volunteered to search for the 18 victims (with some from Savoie) of the Kang Guru
avalanche. He is also a driving force behind the Himalayan Children's Foundation
which provides assistance to the orphan children of Nepalese guides killed on the
mountain during expeditions by European teams.
Born and bred in Morzine, Anselme maintains his links with the village and also with
Bormand, where his mountain chalet enables him to get back to his roots...