Compositions Pre historique


Compositions Pre historique
Angelini I, Artioli G, Belliantani P and Polla A (2005) Protohistoric vitreous materials of
Italy: From early faience to Final Bronze Age glasses Annales 16e Congres AIHV 32 – 36.
Cowell M and Werner A (1974) Analysis of some egyptian glass Annals 6e Congrès AIHV
295 – 298.
Hartmann, G, Kappel, I, Grote, K, Arndt, B (1997) Chemistry and technology of prehistoric
glass from lower Saxony and Hesse, J Archaeological Sci, 24: 547 – 559.
Henderson J (1985) the raw materials of early glass production Oxford J Archaeology 4: 267
– 291.
Henderson, J (2002) Tradition and experiment in the first millennium A.D. glass production –
The emergence of early glass technology in late Antiquity, Accounts of Chemical Res. 35: 594
– 602.
Nicholson P T (1995) Glass making and glass working at Amarna: some new work Glass
Technology 36: 125 – 128.
Nikita K and Henderson J (2006) Glass analyses from Mycenaean Thebes and Elateia:
Compositional evidence for a Mycenaean glass industry Jour Glass Studies 48: 71 – 120
Reade W, Freestone IC and Simpson St J (2005) Innovation or continuity? Early first
millennium BCE glass in the Near East: the cobalt blue glasses from Assyrian Nimrud
Annales 16e Congres AIHV 23 – 27.
Shortland AJ and Tite MS (2000) Raw materials of glass from Amarna and implications for
the origins of Egyptian glass Archaeometry 42: 141 – 153.
Shortland, A J (2005) Developments in the second and earlier first millennia BC Annales 16e
Congres AIHV 1 – 5.
Tite MS and Shortland (2003) Production technology for copper and cobalt blue vitreous
materials from the New Kingdom site of Amarna – a reappraisal Archaeometry 45: 273 – 300.
Tite MS, Hatton GD, Shortland AJ, Maniatis Y, Kavoussanaki D and Panagiotaki M (2005)
Raw materials used to produce Aegean Bronze Age glass and related vitreous materials
Annals 16e Congres AIHV 11- 13.
ISLAMIC COMPOSITIONS 8th – 12th centuries, eastern Mediterranean
Tal O, Jackson-Tal R and Freestone I (2004) New evidence of the production of raw glass at
late Byzantine Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel Jour Glass Studies 46 : 51 – 65
Barkaudah Y and Henderson J (2006) Plant ashes from Syria and the manufacture of ancient
glass : Ethnographic and scientific aspects Jour Glass Studies 48 : 297 – 321.
Bimson M and Freestone I (1987) The discovery of an Islamic glass-making site in middle
Egypt Annales 10e Congrés AIHV 237 – 254
Ermin K and Al-Khamis U (2001) Mamluk and pseudo-Mamluk glass in the National
Museums of Scotland Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 193 – 198.
Foy D, Picon M Vichy M (2001) Verres Omeyyades et Abbassides d’origine egyptienne: Les
temoinages de l’archéologie et de l’archéometrie Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 138 – 143.
Freestone, I and Gorin-Rosen, Y (1999) The great slab at Bet She’arim, Israel: An early
Islamic glassmaking experiment ? Jour Glass Studies 41: 104 – 116.
Freestone IC, Ponting M and Hughes MJ (2002) Origins of Byzantine glass from Maroni
Petrera, Cyprus Archaeometry 44: 257 – 272.
Freestone I C, Leslie K A, Thirlwall M and Goren-Rosen Y (2003) Strontium isotopes in the
investigation of glass production: Byzantine and early Islamic glass from the Near East
Archaeometry 45: 19 – 23.
Henderson J and Allan J (1990) Enamels on Ayyubid and Mamluk glass, Archeomaterials 4 :
167 – 183.
Henderson J and McLoughlin S (2001) Glass producction in Al-Raqqa : Experimentation and
technological changes Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 14 – 148.
Sawada T, Hokura A, Nakai I and Shindo Y (2005) Chemical compositions of the Islamic
glass from Egypt analyzed at their excavation sites with a new portable X-ray fluorescence
spectrometer Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 178 – 181.
Tal O, Jackson-Tal R and Freestone I (2004) New evidence of the production of raw glass at
late Byzantine Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel Jour Glass Studies 46 : 51 – 65
Ward R (2005) Big Mamluk buckets Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 182 – 185.
Post classic Medieval Byzantine period
I) VI – Xe siècles (Early Medieval or Post classical times in Byzantine and Europe 6th
century – 10th century)
Brill R H, Chemical Analyses of Early Glass, Vol II, Corning Museum, (1999) 553pp.
Barrera J and Velde B (1989) A study of French Medieval glass composition Jour Glass
Studies 31: 48 – 34.
Cerna E, Hulinsky V, Tomkova K and Cilova Z (2005) Early medieval glass beads from
Prague castle and its surroundings – Typological and chemical classification of the finds
Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 335 – 339.
Dekowna M (1974) Problème de l’existence d’un atelier verrier à Szcecin au Haut Moyen
Age Annales 6e Congrès AIHV 143 – 158.
Dekowna M (1978) Les verres de Haithabu Annales 7e Congrès AIHV 167 – 188
Dekowna M (1985) Recherches sur la technique d’exécution des objets en verre du Haute
Moyen Age Annales 9e Congrès AIHV 157 – 179.
Dekowna M (1993) Les perles en verre de la nécropole du 7ème dt du 9ème siècle à Zalakomar
(Hongrie) Annales 12e Congrés AIHV 271 – 278
Freestone I, Bimson M and Buckton D (1990) Compositional cateories of Byzantine glass
tesserae Annales 11e Congrès AIHV 271 – 279.
Heck M and Hoffmann P (2000) Coloured opaque glass beads of the Merovingians
Archaeometry 42: 341 – 357.
Henderson H (1993) Aspects of early Medieval glass production in Britain Annales 12e
Congrés AIHV 247 – 259.
Hulinsky V and Cerna E (2001) Microanalysis pf early Medieval glass beads and its
importance in archeological research Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 116 – 121.
Jennings S (2005) Anglican glass from a recent and previous excavations in the area of
Whitby Abbey, North Yorkshire Annales 16e Congrès AIHV 207 – 209.
Lobbedey U, Dell’Acqua F and Wedephol K H (2001) Colored glass wall tiles from Corvey
(Germany) Carolingian or Romanesque? Jour Glass Studies 43:89 – 106.
Motteau, J, Verrerie de fouilles et ateliers de verriers dans le département d’Indre et Loire du
XIe siècle au XVIIe siècle. Rev Archéol du Centre de la France (1990) 29 : 31 – 61.
Szöke Miklos B, Wedephol K H and Krinz A (2004) Silver-stained windows at Carolingian
Zalavar, Mosaburg (Southwestern Hungary Jour Glass Studies 46: 85 - 104
Tal O, Jackson-Tal R and Freestone I (2004) New evidence of the production of raw glass at
late Byzantine Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel Jour Glass Studies 46 : 51 – 65
Uboldi M and Verita M (2003) Scientific analyses of glasses from late Antique and early
Medieval archeological sites in northern Italy Jour Glass Studies 45:;115 – 138.
Vaghi F, Verita M and Zecchin S (2004) Silver stain on Medieval window glass excavated in
the Venetian lagoon Jour Glass Studies 46: 105 – 108.
Wedephol K H (2005) Composition of Carolingian glass in Europe Annales 16e Congrès
AIHV 203 – 206.
II XI – XIVe siècles
Medieval European compositions (11 – 14th centuries)
Barrera, J et Velde, B (1989) A study of french medieval glass composition Archéologie
Médiéval 19 : 81 – 131.
Brill R and Pongracz P (2004) Stained glass from Saint-Jean-des-Vignes (Soissons) and
comparisons with glass from other medieval sites Jour Glass Studies 46 : 1115 – 144
Brill R H, Chemical Analyses of Early Glass, Vol II, Corning Museum, (1999) 553pp.
Cox G, Heavens O, Newton R and Pollard A (1979) A study of weathering behavior of
Medieval glass from York Minster Jour Glass Studies 21: 54 – 75.
Fleury, M, Brut, C and Velde, B (2002) 13th century drinking glasses from the Cour Carée,
Louvre, Jour Glass Studies 44: 95 – 110.
Foy D (1985) Essai de typologie des verres Mediévaux d’après les fouilles provençales et
langedociennes Jour Glass Studies 27: 18 – 71.
Foy D (1978) Vitraux découvertes dans les fouilles médiévales du Sud-Est de la France
Annales 7e Congrès AIHV 189 – 222.
Foy D (1989) Le verre médiéval et son artisanat en France méditerranéenne Editions CNRS
Gerth, K, Schops, D Heide, K and Woeremann, E (2000) Geochemische und glaschemische
Untersuchungen an fabrigne Fenstergläsern des Aachener Domes, Chemie der Erde 60: 67 –
Gerth, K, Wedephol, K H, and Heide, K (1998) Experimental melts to explore the technique
of medieval woodash glass production and the chlorine content of medieval glass types,
Chemie der Erde 58: 219 – 232.
Hartmann, G (1994) Late-medieval glass manufacture in the Eichsfeld region (Thuringia,
Germany) Chemie der Erde 54: 103 – 128.
Lagabrielle S and Velde B, (2005) Evolution of French Stained glass composition during the
Middle Ages – analyses and observations made on the Cluny Collection, Annales 16e
Congrés AIHV, 341 – 346.
Mendera M (1990) Some aspects of medieval glass production in central Italy Annales 11e
Congrés AIHV 303 – 315.
Motteau, J, (1990) Verrerie de fouilles et ateliers de verriers dans le département d’Indre et
Loire du XIe siècle au XVIIe siècle. Rev Archéol du Centre de la France 29 : 31 – 61.
Royce-Roll D (1994) The colors of Romanesque stained glass Jour Glass Studies 36 : 71 –
Smedley, J W, Jackson, C M and Welch, C M (2003) Unraveling glass compositions:
glassmaking raw materials at little Birches, Staffordshire, Annales 15e Congrès AIHV, 203 –
Stephan H-G, Wedephol, HK, and Hartmann, G (1992) Die Gläser der hochmittelalterlichen
Waldglashütte Steinmcke Bericht über die Grabungsergebnisse Zeit Archäol Mittelalteres
Jahr 20: 89 – 123.
Stephan, H-G, Wedephol, K H, and Hartmann, G (1994) Chemische Analysen von Gläsern
aus dem ehemaligen Kloster Brunshhausen bei Bad Gandersheim – Beiträge zur Geschicte
des mittelalterlichen Glass und zur archäologischen Datierung des Seidelungsablaufes, Zeit A
Z Archäol. 28: 353 – 369.
Strepnich J and Libourel G, (1997) Les Vitraux médiévaux: caractérisation physico-chimique
de l’altération Techné 6: 70 – 84.
Uboldi M and Verita M, (2003) Scientific analyses of glasses from late Antique to early
Medieval archeological sites in northern Italy, Jour Glass Studies 45: 115 – 137.
Vaghi F, Verita M and Zecchin S (2004) Silver stain on medieval window glass excavated in
the Venetian lagoon Jour Glass Studies 46: 105 – 108.
Verita M, Nicola C and Sommariva G (2005) The stained glass windows of the Sainte
Chapelle in Paris : Investigations on the origin of hte loss of hte painted work Annales 16e
Congrés AIHV 347 – 351.
Verita M, (1991) Some technical aspects of ancient Venetian glass Technique et Science : Les
arts du verre Acts Coll Namur 1989, Presses Universitaires de Namur p 57 – 68.
Verita M (1995) Analytical investigation of European enameled beakers of the 13th and 14th
centuries Jour Glass Studies 37: 83 – 98.
Viser Travagli A (2000) Vetri medievali da uno scavo urvano de Ferrara Annales 14e Congrés
AIHV 265 – 271.
Wedephol H (2000) The change in composition of medieval glass types occurring in
excavated fragments from Germany Annales 14e Congrés AIHV 253 – 257.
Wedephol K H (1993) Die Herstellung mittelalterlicher und antiker Gläser Akad Wissen
Literatur, No 3 1 – 38
Wedephol, K H (1997) Chemical composition of medieval glass from excavations in West
Germany, Glastech Ber Glass Sci Technol 70: 246 – 255.
Wedephol H, Frueger I and Hartmann G (1995) Medieval lead glass from northwestern
Europe Jour Glass Studies 65 – 82.
Wypyski M and Pilosi L (2005) Preliminary compositional study of glass from the crusader
castle at Montfort Annales 16e Congrès AIHV 194 – 202.
POST MEDIEVAL COMPOSITONS (later than 14th century)
Barrera, J et Velde, B (1989) A study of french medieval glass composition Archéologie
Médiéval 19 : 81 – 131.
Bimson M and Freestone I (1985) “Rouge clair” and other late 14th century enamels on the
royal gold cup of the kings of France and England Annales 9e Congrès AIHV 209 – 222.
Bonk H, Schulze G, Ritsema van Eck P and Bartel H-G (2000) Distinction of Venetian glass
from façon de Venise glass on the basis of chemical analysis Annales 14e Congrés AIHV 341
– 345.
Brain C and Dingworth D (2005) English seventeenth-century crystal glass study: Phase 1
Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 249 -253.
Brill R H, Chemical Analyses of Early Glass, Vol II, Corning Museum, (1999) 553pp.
Ciepiela S (1974) Les verres du XVIIIe siècle provenant des fouilles du vieux Varsovie
Annales 6e Congrès AIHV 195 – 212.
Ciepiela-Kubalaska S (1990) Les verres du 16ème siècle provenant des fouilles de Varsovie
annals 11e Congrés AIHV 391 – 406.
De Raedt I, Janssens K, Veeckmann J and Adams F (2000) Composition of façon de Venise
and Venetian glass from Antwerp and the Southern Netherlands Annales 14e Congrés AIHV
347 – 350.
De Raedt I., Janssens K., Veeckman J., Adams F., (2000) Composition of façon-de-venise
and Venetian glass from Antwerp and the Southern Netherlands, Annales 14e Congrès AIHV,.
De Raedt, I, Janssens, K et Veeckman, J (2002) On the distinction between 16th and 17th
century Venetian and façon de Venise glass, 95 – 121 in J Veeckman Majolica and Glass
from Italy to Antwerp and beyond, City of Antwerp.
Dungworth D (2005) The scientific study of late seventeenth-century glassworking at
Silkstone, England Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 254 – 257.
Freestone I Tatton-Brown V (2005) The Bonus Eventus plaque: changing materials, changing
perceptions Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 391 – 395.
Hartmann, G (1994) Late-medieval glass manufacture in the Eichsfeld region (Thuringia,
Germany) Chemie der Erde 54 : 103 – 128.
Hasse G, Arnold D and Pohl H (1987) Glas in Englischer Art aus der Dresdener Hûtte
chemisch analytischen untersuchung von Dresdener Gläsern Annales 10e Congrès AIHV 481
– 496.
Hurst Vose R (1972) Bickerstaffe and Haughton Green excavations Annales 5e Congrés
AIHV 137 – 144.
Jackson C, Smedley J, Booth C and Lane B (2000) Birinuccio on 16th century glassmaking
Annales 14e Congrés AIHV 335 – 340.
Janssens K.H., Deraedt I., Schalm O., Veeckman J., (1998) Composition of 15-17th Century
Archaeological Glass Vessels Excavated in Antwerp, Belgium, Microchim. Acta, 15, 315-320
Kunicki-Goldfinger J, Kierzek J, Dzierzanowski P and Kasprzak A (2005) Central European
crystal glass of the first half of the eighteenth century Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 258 – 262.
Kunicki-Goldfinger, Kierzek J, Kasprzak A and Malozewwska-Bucko B (2001) Analyses of
18th century Central European colourless glass Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 224 – 229.
Madl M and Kunicki-Goldfinger J (2006) Eiland: Georg Gundelach and the glassworks on the
Decin Estate of Count Maximilian Thun-Hohenstein Jour Glass Studies 48: 255 – 277.
Moretti C (2005) English lead crystal: a critical analysis of the formulation attributed to
George Ravenscroft – with points not yet clear on the process for the manufacture of ‘flint
glass’ Annales 16e Congrés AIHV 244 – 248.
Mucha M (1993) Die Glashütten in Grosspolen im 17. und 18. Jh. Suf Grund archäologischer
Untersuchungen Annales 12e Congrès AIHV 479 – 486.
Müller W., Torge M., Adam K., (1994), Ratio of CaO/K2O > 2 as evidence of a special
Rhenish type of medieval stained glass, Glasstechnische Berichte Glass Science and
Technology, 67(2), 45-48
Pause C (2000) Late medieval Venetian glass Annales 14e Congrés AIHV 321 – 325.
Schalm O, Wouters H and Janssens K (2005) Compositions of thirteenth to seventeenthcentury glass from non-figurative windows in secular buildings excavated in Belguim Annales
16e Congrés AIHV 352 – 355.
Schalm O., Caluwé D., Wouters H., Janssens K., Verhaeghe F., Pieters M., (2004), Chemical
composition and deterioration of glass excavated in the 15th-16th centuryfishermen town of
Raversijde (Belgium), Spectrochimica acta: part B: atomic spectroscopy, 59, 1647-1656
Smedley J, Jackson C and Welch C (2001) Unraveling glass compositions: Glassmaking raw
materials at Little Birches, Staffordshire Annales 15e Congrés AIHV 203 – 207.
Theuerkauff-Liederwald A-E and Ulitzka S (1993) Gebrauchsgläser des 16./17. Jhs. À la
façon de Venise aus dünner, leicht getönter Glasmasse in den Kunstsammlungen der Veste
Coburg Annales 12e Congrés AIHV 397 – 404
Velde, B (2002) Sixteenth and 17th century drinking glasses in France: composition, shapes
and geographic distribution, 201 – 214, in J Veeckman ed Majolica and Glass, Antwerpen, pp
492 (2002).