PEANUTS - my English pages


PEANUTS - my English pages
Fiche d’exploitation
How would you qualify this comic strip? Find adjectives !
 this comic strip is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Match the expressions and words with their translations.
Humourless *
To crack a joke *
A pun *
A comic strip *
To burst out laughing *
To enjoy something *
To entertain *
Hilarious *
A cartoon *
To laugh *
To be delighted with *
To say something tongue in cheek *
* Un jeu de mot(s)
* Prendre plaisir à qch
* Divertir, amuser
* A mourir de rire, hilarant
* Rire
* Dire quelque chose en plaisantant
* Raconter une blague
* Qui manque d’humour
* Une bande dessinée
* Un dessin animé
* Etre enchanté de
* Eclater de rire
Compléte les phrases avec des expressions ou des mots tirés de l’exercice précédent.
1-He …………………………………. such a funny ……………………………. that she ………………………. laughing
2-That cartoon is more than funny, it is …………………………….
3-Don’t take him too seriously, he’s …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4-People who can do ………………………. know very well their language and are rarely ………………………
5-I love reading US comic books. They are very ………………………………………………..
Read the cartoon again and find out the 8 possessive adjectives. Who do they refer to?
(highlight them + note down the name of the person they refer to below).
Now think !
-Que remarques tu sur l’usage des adj.possessifs en anglais?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
-Pour éviter la répétition des mots ……………, ………………….. ou …………………………, qu’auraient-pu utiliser les
personnages de la BD ?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ex : his (bed) ou MINE, YOURS, HERS, YOURS.
Que remarques-tu?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
-elle devrait changer de petit ami
-il devrait aller travailler
-il ne devrait pas rester au lit toute la journée
Ces phrases expriment toutes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Pour cela, on a utilisé………………………………………………………………………………………………….suivi de………………………………..
Les adjectifs et pronoms possessifs
1-Now complete the sentences with the right adjectives or pronouns.
-Schulz wanted ……………. comics to be funny, and to entertain people.
-The American people still read ………………….. comics and have fun with …………… !
-This bed is not ……………………….., it must be …………………..
-Give it back to me, this is ……………………………………….. !
2-Remplacez les mots soulignés par le pronom possessif qui convient.
-He brought a sandwich, and they brought their sandwich
-I prefer my teacher to your teacher.
-His cartoon is better and funnier than my cartoon.
-They went to their seats, we went to our seats.
3-Choisissez le mot qui convient (entourez-le, puis identifiez-le).
-They want
their / them / theirs
cartoons to be funny.
-We often visited him / his / he. He made us / our / we laugh so much !
-Is it a friend of
your / you / yours ?
-We have to look up new words in our / us / ours dictionary.
Otherwise we can’t guess their / they / theirs meaning.
-Cette BD n’est pas la mienne, c’est la tienne. Regarde, la mienne est sous le lit !
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
-Je suis enchantée de revoir ton amie, elle est très amusante. J’adore ses blagues !
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
-Nous nous amusons bien lorsque nous regardons ce dessin animé.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Divertir, le divertissement
Un parc d’attractions
La foire, la fête foraine
Eclater de rire
Le rire
Rire de quelqu’un (se moquer)
Avoir le fou rire
Se tordre de rire
Il vaut mieux en rire
Prendre du bon temps
Passer du temps à
Raconter Une blague
Dire qch en plaisantant
Un dessin animé/amusant
Une bande dessinée
Avoir de l’esprit
Hilarant, très amusant
Des personnages amusants
Un jeu de mots
Une passion
Avoir de l’humour
Faire de l’humour
L’humour à deux balles
Un trait d’humour
L’humour noir
Qui manque d’humour
L’humour décalé
C’était juste pour rire
Passer du rire aux larmes
Tu veux rire ? tu plaisantes ?
To enjoy oneself, To entertain oneself (doing sth)
To entertain, entertainment
An entertainment park
Fun fair, fairground
To laugh
To burst out laughing
To laugh AT someone
To smile
To have a fit of the giggles
To roll on the floor laughing
To be in stitches
You have to laugh
Laughing Out Loud
To have fun, to have a good time
To spend time (+ V-ING)
To crack a joke
To say something tongue in cheek
A cartoon
A comics trip
To be witty
Funny characters
A pun
A hobby
Humour (UK) / Humor (US)
To have a sense of humour
To try and be funny
Christmas Cracker Humour (UK)
Bubblegum humor (US)
A bit of humour
Black humour
Off-the-wall humour
I was just kidding around
To go from laughter to tears
Are you kidding ?
The English « S »
What do these pictures have in common ? can you comment on each grammatical case and explain it?
PIC.2: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
PIC.3: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
PIC.4: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Let’s Practise !
-Les loups sont des espèces protégées.
-J’ai besoin de deux boîtes d’allumettes.
-Le téléphone est un bon moyen de communication.
-Attention ! L’escalier est raide !
-Cette nouvelle me fait plaisir.
-Regarde ! Son pantalon est vraiment sâle.
-Il y avait deux moutons dans le jardin des Smith hier soir. Où sont-ils passés ?
-Ce sont les lunettes de mes enfants, pas les vôtres !
2.Dans ces phrases soulignez les structures au génitif, puis remplacez-les par un déterminant possessif, lorsque c’est possible.
-She was wearing a man’s shirt.
-She was wearing her boyfriend’s shirt.
-It looks like a woman’s handwriting.
-It looks like her sister’s handwriting.
-This is a man’s job.
-Roald Dahl was a famous children’s writer.
-We need a double room with a child’s bed.
-She was killed with a butcher’s knife.
-The butcher’s son has married the baker’s daughter.
3.Corrigez les phrases, en utilisant le génitif là où il doit être utilisé.
-The mother of my boyfriend lives in Australia.
-The death of his father caused him to leave.
-The house belonging to your parents is too small for you.
-The new manager of our company has won the prize.
-The foreign policy of the government is risky.
-The events that happened yesterday caused a disaster.
-He returned home after a holiday of a week in Spain.
4.Formez un génitif avec les éléments entre parentheses. Faites les modifications nécessaires sur les groupes nominaux.
-This is (the car / the manager).
-I couldn’t believe (the boy / the sad story)
-After (a week / work), she felt very tired.
-It was (a decision / her husband) to leave the country.