ITI Directory Annuaire de l`ITI - International Theatre Institute ITI
ITI Directory Annuaire de l`ITI - International Theatre Institute ITI
ITI Directory Annuaire de l’ITI Regularly updated Mis à jour régulièrement 1 International Theatre Institute ITI / Institut International du Théâtre ITI UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80 / Fax: + 33 (0)1 45 68 48 84 iti(at) / Addresses / Adresses – November 2011 / novembre 2011 A) Executive Council 2011 – 2013 / Conseil Exécutif 2011-2013 B) General Secretariat / Secrétariat Général C) National Centres / Centre Nationaux D) National and International Cooperating Members / Membres coopérants nationaux et internationaux E) Committees, Forums, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Groupes des Travail F) International Theatre Organizations in relation with ITI / Organisations théâtrales internationales en relation avec l’ITI G) ITI/UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO/ ITI A) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / CONSEIL EXECUTIF 2011 – 2013 President, Vice Presidents, Executive Board Members (EB), Executive Council Members (EC), Honorary Presidents – always in alphabetical order based on the Centre‘s name in English Président, Vice-présidents, Membres du Bureau Exécutif, Membres du Conseil Exécutif, Présidents d’Honneur – toujours par ordre alphabétique des noms des centres en anglais. President of the ITI / Président de l’ITI : Ramendu MAJUMDAR (Bangladesh) : President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Président de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Vice Presidents of the ITI / Vice-présidents de l’ITI : Ali MAHDI (Soudan/Sudan) : Vice President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Viceprésident de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Ann Mari ENGEL (Suède/Sweden): Vice President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Vice-présidente de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Executive Board Members (EB) / Membres du Bureau Exécutif (EB) : Mohammed Saif Al AFKHAM (Fujairah) Secretary/Secrétaire, Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Henk SCHOLTEN (Netherlands / Pays Bas)Treasurer/Trésorier, Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Christoph HAERING (Switzerland/Suisse) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Emilya CACHAPERO (USA / Etats Unis) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Executive Council Members (EC) / Membres du Conseil Exécutif (EC) Valérie CORDY (Belgium / Belgique) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Hamadou MANDE (Burkina Faso ) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC JI Guoping (China / Chine) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Giorgos NEOPHYTOU (Cyprus / Chypre) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Manfred BEILHARZ (Germany / Allemagne) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Nicole BROWN (Jamaica / Jamaïque) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Yoko ODAGIRI (Japan / Japon) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Il Soo SHIN (Korea Rep. / Corée Rép de) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Mario ESPINOSA (Mexico / Mexique) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ (Philippines) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Alfira ARSLANOVA (Russia / Russie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC Tatjana AZMAN (Slovenia / Slovénie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC 2 ITI UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO ITI : Corneliu DUMITRIU (Romania / Roumanie) Honorary Presidents / Présidents d’Honneur COIGNEY Martha (Etats-Unis / U.S.A.) KIM Jeong-Ok (Corée / Korea) PERINETTI André-Louis (France) BELIGAN Radu (Roumanie / Romania) Honorary Members / Membres d’Honneur BYRGESEN Heino (Denmark / Danemark) GEBARA Georgette (Lebanon / Liban) WALPOLE Jenny (Australia / France) SEPPÄLÄ Riitta (Finland / Finlande) B) Secretariat of the ITI / Secrétariat de l’ITI Director General / Directeur général Tobias BIANCONE, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 81, iti(at) Assistant Director for Intern. Development / Sous-directrice pour le développement international Petya HRISTOVA, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 82, p.hristova(at) Assistant Director for Communication / Sous-directrice pour la Communication Barbara STEINBECK, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 81, b.steinbeck(at) Partnerships Manager / Chargée des partenariats Charlene LIM, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80, charlene.lim(at) Special Projects Manager Zoé SIMARD, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80, z.simard(at) Secretariat of ITI / Secrétariat de l’ITI UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80 / Fax: + 33 (0)1 45 68 48 84 iti(at) / 3 C) National Centres / Centres Nationaux ARGENTINA/ARGENTINE Centre Argentin de l'ITI c/o Argentores Pacheco de Melo 1820 BUENOS AIRES 1126, ARGENTINE P: Jorge RIVERA LOPEZ ; V-P: Guillermo de la TORRE ; SG: Francisco JAVIER Tel: + 54-1-41 25 82; Fax: + 54-1-343 27 33 itiargentina(at), artesdelespectaculo(at) ARMENIA/ARMENIE Armenian Centre of ITI Moskovyan 3/ Yerevan State Youth Theatre YEREVAN, ARMENIA 375001 D: Hakob Ghazanchyan Tel: +374-01-565 153 ; Fax:+374-01-581 974 itiarmenia(at) AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE Austrian Centre of ITI Türkenstrasse 19 (Mezzanine) A-1090 VIENNE, AUTRICHE P: Helga DOSTAL ; SG: Franz Eugen DOSTAL Tel: +43-1-319 47 00, Fax: +43-1-310 82 92 helga.dostal(at) AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIDJAN Azerbaijan Centre of ITI Kaqani Str. 10 BAKU 370000 AZERBAIDJAN P: Azer NEJMATOV ; SG.: Vahid SHARIFOV Tel: +994-12-93 1703, Fax: +994-12-98 5252 mamedova_lala(at) BANGLADESH/BANGLADESH Bangladesh Centre of ITI House 10A Road 25A Block A Banani Dhaka 1213, BANGLADESH P: Ataur RAHMAN; GS: Nasiruddin YOUSUFF Tel: +880-2-9567669 or 883 22 80 or 883 27 28; Fax: +880-2-8811664 iti(at) BELARUS/BIELORUSSIE Belarussian Centre of ITI Beletskogo str. 12, 2- 34, MINSK, BELARUS P: Serguey KORTES ; SG: Antonina MIKHALTSOVA Tel: +375-172-72 82 90 ; Fax: + 375-172-92 69 82 iti_belo_anton(at) 4 BELGIUM/BELGIQUE (C.Fl.) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Com.Fl.) Minderbroedersstraat 24 2000 ANVERS BELGIQUE P : Jaak VAN SCHOOR ; SG: Mark HERMANS Tel: +32-3-238 51 77 [email protected] BELGIUM/BELGIQUE (C.Fr.) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Com.Fr.) Nicole Leclercq Archives et Musée de la littérature asbl c/o Bibliothèque Royale, 4 Blvd de l’Empereur 1000 Bruxelles, BELGIQUE P: Luc Van Grunderbeeck, V-P: Valérie Cordy, Jean-Henri Drèze SG :Nicole LECLERCQ, T : Catherine SIMON Tel: +32-2-519 55 79, Fax : +32-2-519 55 83 nicole.leclercq(at) BENIN Centre Béninois de l'ITI 03 BP 4448 Jéricho- COTONOU BENIN P: Pascal WANOU, SG: Erick Hector HOUNKPE Tel: +229-979 834 74/+229 957 961 45 itibenin(at); wapas_bj(at) BRAZIL/BRÉSIL Centro Brasil ITI Praça Dom José Gaspar, 30 4º andar São Paulo- SP – CEP 04710-010 BRESIL P: Ney Luiz Piacentini ; V-P: Luiz Antonio Dias de Amorim; SG: Alexandre Binder Kavanji Tel: +55 11 2117 4711; Fax: +55 11 2117 4700 amorimluiz(at), central(at) BURKINA FASO Centre Burkinabè de l'ITI 01 BP 5743, OUAGADOUGOU 01 BURKINA FASO P: Hamadou MANDE, VP : Etienne MINOUNGOU SG: Minata DENE, SG 2: Modeste Wendyam COMPAORE Tel: +226 50 36 59 42, +226 70 22 42 12 ; +226-50 36 16 94, +226 50 36 56 35 Fax: +22650 36 59 42 theatrecorneille(at), espacegambidi(at), culturedequartier(at), CAMEROUN Centre Camerounais de l'ITI BP 8163 YAOUNDE -CAMEROUN P: Ambroise M'BIA, V-P: Samuel N'FOR, E. MEKA MBALLA, SG: Judith BISUH Tel: +237-2 769 65 65 (M'Bia), Fax: +237-2 222 1873 iti_cameroun(at) 5 CHAD/TCHAD Centre Tchadien de l'ITI B.P 4330 -NJAMENA TCHAD P: Vangdar Dorsouma; SG: Christophe NGAROYAL Tel: +235 66 29 39 07, Fax: +235-51 77 05 themacult(at) CHINA/CHINE Chinese Centre of ITI, ( Chinese Theatre Assoc.) B508, Bldg.32, No.1 Bei Shatan Chaoyang District BEIJING 100083 CHINA P: Mr JI Guoping; SG: WANG Ling (Int'l Coord.) Contact person: Pang Jinlai Tel:+86 10 59759516 Fax:+86 10 59759518 china_iti(at); ctawangling(at) COLOMBIA/COLOMBIE Centre Colombien de l'ITI c/o Festicaribe Calle 16 N 5-10 SANTA MARTA, COLOMBIE SG.: Luz Patricia MORENO-LINERO Fax: +57-54 31 12 81 fecaribe(at) CONGO Dem. ReP/ CONGO RéPDém. Centre Congolais (R.D.) de l'ITI BP 6264 KISHASA VI CONGO RéP Démocratique P: Mwadi Yinda MITENDO; Kosi-Basak NGAKI Tel : 0024 389 893 1731, 0024 399 290 8395, 0024 381 502 5746 iitcongokin(at), mitendosam(at) CONGO ReP/CONGO RéP Centre de la RéP du Congo de l'ITI BP 155 POINTE NOIRE, CONGO ReP P:Frédéric PAMBOU ; SG: Jean Léopold NGOULOU Tel: +242-557 50 66 / 553 39 68 iticongobrazza(at), pambou_frederic(at), ngoujel(at) COTE D'IVOIRE Centre Ivoirien de l’ITI 13 BP 1456 ABIDJAN 13 COTE D'IVOIRE P : Ouedraogo Abdoulaye ABLAS Tel: +225-07 67 23 50, Fax: +225-24 39 95 70 oablas(at), centreivoirientheatre(at), dramacriture(at) 6 CRIMEA/CRIMEE Crimean Centre of ITI c/o Crimea Tatarian State Academic Theatre Mendeleeva Str., 5\1 Simferopol, 95011 Autonomous Republic Crimea Ukraine P: Bilyal BILYALOV; V-P: Sergey PALCHIKOVSKY ; SG: Nina MAZUR Tel: +38 0652 251 385, Fax: +38 0652 256 431 ninamzr(at) CROATIA/CROATIE Croatian Centre of ITI Basaricekova 24 10 000 ZAGREB CROATIA P: Zeljka TURCINOVIC ; SG: Dubravka CUKMAN. Tel : + 385 1 4920 667 or 4920 669, Fax: + 385 1 4920 668 hc-iti(at) CUBA Cuban Centre of ITI Calle 4, Nº 257, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, CP: 104400 LA HAVANE - CUBA P:Carlos Celdran ; V-P: Osvaldo Cano, Antonia Fernández; SG: Alina Ricard Tel: 835-57-65. 830-41-26 [email protected] CYPRUS/CHYPRE Cyprus Centre of ITI 38 Regaena Street NICOSIA 1010 CHYPRE P: Christakis GEORGIOU ; V-P&D: Neophytos NEOPHYTOU ; SG: Giorgios NEOPHYTOU P Honour CIDC: Nicos SHIAFKALIS Tel: +357-22-67 49 20, Fax: +357-22-68 08 22 ccoiti(at) CZECH ReP/TCHEQUE RéP Czech Centre of ITI c/o Divadelni Ustav Celetna 17 110 00 PRAGUE, TCHEQUE RéP P: Tana FISCHEROVA ;V-P: Jan BURIAN, Nina VANGELI ; SG: Mirka POTUCKOVA Ondrej CERNY Tel:+420-2-24 81 27 54, Fax: +420-2-24 81 02 78 iti(at) , mirka.potuckova(at) 7 DENMARK/DANEMARK Danish centre of ITI Danish Actors Association Sankt Knuds Vej 26 1903 Frederiksberg C P: Katja ELGAARD HOLM; VP: Susanne DANIG; [email protected] ECUADOR/EQUATEUR Centro Ecuatoriano del ITI Los Rios N4-276 QUITO, EQUATEUR P: Eduardo Almeida NAVEDA ; VP: Pilar OLMEDO ; SG: José ALVEAR Tel: +593-2-316 01 96 eduardoalmeida_ec(at) EGYPT/EGYPTE Egyptian Centre of ITI 36 ABUBAKELSEDIDIK, DOKKI - LE CAIRE EGYPTE P: Ahmed ZAKI Tel: +20-2-360 00 63 or +20-2-335 73 33 ; Fax: +20-2-335 73 33 ( A. Zaki) ahmedzaki_iti(at) ESTONIA / ESTONIE Estonian Centre of ITI Estonian Theatre Agency Vaike-Karja 12, TALLINN 10140 ESTONIE P: Ott Karulin Tel: +372 628 2342, +372 628 2330; Fax: +372 628 2344 info(at) FINLAND/FINLANDE Finnish Centre of ITI, TINFO Meritullinkatu 33 A 00170 HELSINKI 17 FINLANDE P: Maarit Pyokari; D: Hanna Helavuori ; Press and communications: Sari Havukainen; Information Secretary: Piia Volmari Tel: +358 9 2511 2121 (HH), Tel: +358-9-25 11 21 24 (AK), Fax: +358-9-25 11 21 25 tinfo(at), FUJAIRAH UAE Centre of ITI - Fujairah PO Box 11778 Dibba Alfujairah - U.A.E D: Mohammed Alafkham Tel: +00 971 92 44 22 24, Mob: +00971 506 234 363 and +00971 504 708 080 Fax: +00971 92 44 61 96 and 0097192446789 afkham(at) ; afkham99(at) 8 GERMANY/ALLEMAGNE German Centre of ITI Mariannenplatz 2, D-10997 Berlin GERMANY P: Manfred BEILHARZ ; VP: Roberto CIULLI D: Thomas ENGEL ; Ass. D: Michael FREUNDT Tel: +49-30-791 17 77, Fax: +49-30-791 18 74 a.doffin(at); info(at) GREECE/GRECE Centre Hellénique de l'ITI 19 Soultani Street ATHENES 106 82 GRECE P: Konstantinos Arvanitakis; VP: Savvas Patsalidis; SG.: Maria Chatziemmanouil Tel / Fax: +30-210-33 06 115 / +0030-210-33 03 149 itigr(at), iti(at) HUNGARY/HONGRIE Hungarian Centre of ITI Krisztina Krt.57 BUDAPEST 1013 HONGRIE P: Anna LAKOS ; V-P: Janos NOVAK Tel: +36-1-212 52 47 or 375 23 72, Fax: +36-1-212 52 47 or 375 11 84 mail(at) ICELAND/ISLANDE ICELANDIC CENTRE OF ITI c/o Ása Richardsdóttir Lindargata 6 101 Reykjavik Iceland P: Ása Richardsdóttir tel + + 354 664 0404, mobile + 354 664 0404 [email protected] INDIA/INDE Indian Centre of ITI Bharatiya Natya Sangh, F-34 Shanker Market, Connaught Place NEW DELHI 110 001 INDIA Chairman: Shymanand JALAN P: Reoti Saran SHARMA SG: Ravinda (Ravi) TANEGA ; V-P:R.K. DHINGRA, Suresh BHARDWAJ, Rakesh PANDE Tel: Ravi Taneja: +91-981 121 10 96 R.S Sharma : +91-11-24 67 01 35 inditi(at), reotisaransharma(at) 9 IRAN Iranian Center of ITI (Dramatic Arts Center of Iran) Vahdat Hall, Ostad Shahryar Street, Hafez Avenue, Tehran 1133914934 IRAN P: Mansoor Parsaei SG: M. Tarkhan Tel: (+98-21) 66708861; Fax: (+98-21) 66725316 dac(at) IRAQ/IRAK Iraqi Centre of ITI Muntada AL-Masrah, AL Sinak, AL Rasheed str. BAGDAD, IRAK P: Dr. Sami Abdul Hameed Nuri ; SG: Dr. Fadil Khaleel ghassansami(at), awad-ali(at) ISRAEL Israeli Centre of ITI PO. Box 22543 Tel AVIV 61224, ISRAËL P: Gad KAYNAR Tel/Fax: +972 -3- 546 61 57 i.t.i.israel(at) JAMAICA/JAMAÏQUE Jamaican Centre of ITI c/o Sagicor Life - HWT Branch, 35 Trafalgar Road, KINGSTON 10 JAMAÏQUE P: 'Robin' BASTON ; SG: Lynette Nicole BROWN Tel. : +876-977 20 80 or +876-754 33 65, Fax : +561-431 01 53 [email protected] JAPAN/JAPON Japanese Centre of ITI c/o National Noh Theatre, Sendagaya 4-18-1, SHIBUYA-KU TOKYO 151-0051, JAPON P: Taeko NAGAI (Ms) ; VP: Ikuko SAÏMYOJI Yoshio HATANO SG: Shuji SOTA, D. of international liaison: Yoko ODAGIRI (Ms) Tel & Fax: +81-3-34 78 21 89, Fax: +81-3-34 78 72 18 iti(at) ; tae.n-1129(at) 10 JORDAN/JORDANIE Jordanian Centre of ITI in c/o NCCA Arjan-Ibn Al-Haytham Street – Building 70 PO Box 926687 AMMAN 11110 JORDANIE P: Sawsan DARWAZA ; SG: Lina ATTEL Mob: +962 777 460 146, Tel: +962-6-569 02 92/3, Fax: +962-6-569 02 91 ppc.sawsan(at), theater(at), lina.attel(at) KOREA Rep/COREE Korean Centre of ITI Hanyang Art Theatre, Olympic Gymnasium, Hanyang University 17 Bunji, Haingdang-dong, Sungdong-gu, SEOUL 133-791 COREE Rép. P: Il Soo SHIN ; V.-P:Chy-Rim Choi, Byung-Jin Cho, Mal-Bok Kim, Ja-Hung Koo Tel: +82-2-22 20 0789, Fax: +82-2-22 20 08 00 isooshin(at) ; jacst99(at) KUWAIT/KOWEIT Kuwaiti Centre of ITI PO Box 5338, Safat, N 13054 Kuwait – Khaitan P: Fuad AL SHATTI Tel: +965-47 42 574, Fax: +965-47 64 194 kciti(at) LATVIA/LETTONIE Latvian Centre of ITI Alberta iela 9-3 Riga, LV-1010, LETTONIE P: Brigita SILINA ; SG: Ivars PURGA Tel: +371-7-947 09 90, Fax: +371-7-22 90 17 itilatvia(at) ; litfom(at) LUXEMBOURG Centre Luxembourgeois de l'ITI c/o Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Théâtres Professionnels B.P 2683 L-1026 LUXEMBOURG P: Serge Tonnar Tel: +352-2648 0946, Fax (+352) 2487 3704, Mobile: (+352) 621 146 811 info(at), tonnar(at) 11 MACEDONIA F.Y.R./MACEDOINE A.R.Y. Macedonian Centre of ITI c/o L.Nikodinovski-Bish Kej Dimitar Vlahov bb, PO Box 690 1000 SKOPJE RéP de MACEDOINE P: Ljubisha GEORGIEVSKI ; SG: Ljubisha NIKODINOVSKI-BISH Tel & Fax: +389-2-32 15 115 iti-mac(at) MEXICO / MEXIQUE Centro Mexicano ITI Calle Pestalozzi 315 Col. Narvarte Poniente CP: 03020 Del. Benito Juarez Mexico, DF. MEXICO P: Jose SOLE ; VP: Héctor GOMEZ ; SG: Isabel QUINTANAR Tel: +52 55 53 36 24 71, Fax: +52 55 56 89 66 08 teatro(at) MONACO Centre Monégasque de l'ITI Direction des Affaires Culturelles 4, boulevard des Moulins MC 98000 MONACO Rainier ROCCHI, Patrice CELLARIO Tel: +377-941 243, Fax: +377-93 50 66 94 [email protected] MONGOLIA/MONGOLIE Mongolian Centre of ITI Angarag Myagmar P.O. Box 711, UB 24 ULAANBAATAR MONGOLIA P: Sarantuya SAMBUU ; SG: Angarag MYAGMAR Tel: +976-11 322 235, Mobile : +976-9900 50 57, Fax: +976-11363500 iti_mongolia(at), angmyag(at) NEPAL Nepal Centre of ITI GPO Box 4779 Baluwatar, KATHMANDU, NEPAL P: Puskar GURUNG ; VP: Badri KHANAL ; SG: Shiva RIJAL ; T: Bal Bahadur THAPA Tel: +977-1-442 6662, Fax: +977-1-442 8743 itinepalcentre(at) 12 NETHERLANDS/PAYS BAS Netherlands Centre of ITI Theater Instituut Nederland PO.Box 10783 Sarphatistraat 53 1001 ET AMSTERDAM PAYS BAS D: Henk SCHOLTEN ; Rep: Anja KRANS Tel: +31-20-551 33 00, Fax: +31-20-551 33 03 info(at); hscholten(at) PALESTINE (Associate Centre) Palestinian Centre of ITI (Associate) Centre Arabe d'Arts et de Culture rue Abou Oubaida, BP 20462 EAST JERUSALEM 97200 P: Jamal GHOSHEH Tel: +972/2/6280 957 ; Fax: +972/2/627 6293 pnt(at) ; jamal(at) PERU/PEROU Centre Péruvien de l'ITI Avda. Angamos Oeste 120, Lima 18 LIMA 18 PERU P: Ricardo MORA NTE ; SG: Jorge SARMIENTO Tel: +51-1-242 61 63 or 63 00 anexo 254, Fax: +51-1-242 49 23 rmorante3(at), [email protected] PHILIPPINES/PHILIPPINES Philippines Centre of ITI World Theatre-Dance Secretariat Unit 1203 Gotesco Twin Towers B, Concepcion St, Ermita, MANILLE PHILIPPINES Chairman: Alejandro ROCES P: Cécile GUIDOTE-ALVAREZ ; SG. : Malou JACOB Tel: +632-430 3841, Tel: +632-527 2193, Fax: +632-528 1931 itiphilippines(at); dreamcenterphilippines(at) PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico Centre of ITI Sociedad para la Accion Teatral en Puerto Rico P.O. Box 22998 SAN JUAN PR 00931-2998 PUERTO RICO P: José L. Ramos ESCOBAR; VP: Rafael Rojas; SG: Eduardo Bobren Tel: +1 787 754 1991 Fax: +1 787 765 7666 publico(at), jlramos(at), info(at) 13 QATAR Qatar center of ITI PO BOX 23700 Doha-Qatar P: Moussa Zainal Moussa Al-Zainal, VP: Dr. Marzoug Beshir bin Marzoug, SG: Hamad Abdullah AlRumaihi Tel: + 974 55 55 91 95, Fax: +974 44 67 03 63 malzaynal(at) ROMANIA/ROUMANIE Centre Roumain de l'ITI c/o UNITER Str.George Enescu 2-4 70141 BUCAREST I ROUMANIE P: Ion Caramitru ; SG: Doina LUPU Tel: +40-21-315 36 36 or 311 32 14, Fax: +40-21-312 09 13 office(at) RUSSIA/RUSSIE Russian Centre of ITI 10, Tikhvinskaya str Mosсow 127055 RUSSIA/RUSSIE P : Yuri SOLOMIN; V-P: Anatoly POLYANKIN Executive Director: Valery KHASANOV, SG: Alfira ARSLANOVA Tel: +7 (499) 978-2638, +7 (499) 978-2852, Fax +7 (499) 978-29-70 rusiti(at) SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia Centre of ITI PO Box 3060 Taif 21944 Saudi Arabia P: Ibrahim Q. Assiry, VP: Al Towaibi Jammaan Rowaijeh, SG: Sami Saleh Alzahrani Tel: +96 655 977 6622, Fax: +96 627 383 830 iti.saudi(at), ibrahim.assiry(at) SENEGAL Centre Sénégalais de l'ITI Théatre National Daniel Sorano BP 5500 DAKAR SENEGAL P: Moustapha M'BAYE, SG.: Ousmane DIAKHATE Tel: 221/33 823 93 36 or 221/33 822 17 15 sorano(at) SERBIA Serbian Centre of ITI 21000 Novi Sad, Zmaj Jovina 22/1 SERBIA P: Svetislav Jovanov; SG: Dusana Todorovic Tel: +381 21 451 077, +381 21 451 273, Fax: +381 21 6615 976 [email protected] 14 SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates/ Emirats Arabes Unis) U.A.E. Centre of ITI – Sharjah Department of Culture and Information, Government of Sharjah PO.Box 5119 Sharjah, U.A.E. ReP: Dr Yousuf AYDABI Tel: +9716-567 1116, Fax: +9716-566 2126 sdci(at); m.kumar(at) SIERRA LEONE Sierra Leone Centre of ITI Room E 809, 8th Floor Youyi Building Brookfields FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE P: Elvira M.J. BOBSON-KAMARA ; SG.:Foday JALLOH (acting) Tel: +232-22-240 911 or 221-240 670, Fax: +232-22-241 757 (c/oMohamed Sheriff) itislec(at); elvirabk255(at) SLOVAKIA/SLOVAQUIE Slovak Centre of ITI Theatre Institute (Divadelny ustav) Jakubovo nam. 12 81357 BRATISLAVA, SLOVAQUIE P: Martin PORUBJAK ; V-P: Darina KAROVA ; SG: Diana SELECKA Tel: +421-2-20487 102 103, Fax: +421-2-52 93 15 71 slovak_iti(at), diana.selecka(at), dana.tomeckova(at) SLOVENIA/SLOVENIE Slovenian Centre of ITI c/o Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije Cankarjeva 11, 1000 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIE P: Tatjana AŽMAN ; V.P: Maruša GEYMAYER OBLAK ; SG: Staša MIHELČIČ Tel: +386 24 11 728, mobile: +386 41 941 112, Fax: +386-42 62 249 tatjana.azman(at), marusa.oblak(at), stasa.mihelcic(at);, SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Centre of ITI Sausiripaya, 123 Wiyrama Mawatha COLOMBO 7 SRI LANKA ReP: Douglas SIRIWARDHANE Tel: +94-011 268 60 88, Fax: +94-011 267 85 17 towersl(at) 15 SUDAN/SOUDAN c/o Mr Ali MAHDI NOURI Sudan Centre of ITI Sudanese Dramatists Union PO Box 1988 Gamhoria St. KHARTOUM, SOUDAN P: Ali MAHDI VP : Dr. Osman Gamal ELDIN ; SG : Dr. Shamas Eldin YOUNIS Tel: +249-11-782 072, +249-11-781 419, Fax: +249-11-771 621 alimahdinouri(at), SWEDEN/SUEDE Svensk Teaterunion – Swedish Centre of ITI Kaplansbacken 2 SE-112 24 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN P: Lars EDSTRÖM ; D: Ann Mari ENGEL Tel: +46-8-462 25 30, Fax: +46-8-462 25 35 info(at), annmari(at) SWITZERLAND/SUISSE SwissTHEATRE ITI General Guisan-Strasse 174 CH - 4054 BASEL, SUISSE P: Christoph HAERING; SG: Ursula WERDENBERG Tel: + 41-61-301 85 15, Fax : + 41-61-301 85 16 info(at) TOGO Centre Togolais de l'ITI ITI-TOGO Julien Mensah 08PP 8089, LOMÉ TOGO D: Julien Y. MENSAH ; S: Ramses B. ALFA Tel: +228-949 37 55 and +228 931 77 23, Fax: +228-22 44 00 ititogo(at) ; julienmensah(at) TUNISIA/TUNISIE Centre Tunisien de l'ITI Théâtre National Tunisien EL HALFAOUINE BP 183 106 TUNIS TUNISIE P: Mohamed DRISS ; V-P: Chedly Ben YOUNES , Moncef SAYEM SG: Hassan MOUADHAN Tel: +216-71-565 693 or 351 783, Fax: +216-71-565 640 16 TURKEY/TURQUIE Turkish Centre of ITI C/o Refik Erduran A1-45 Blok D 15 Sinanoba, Bcekmece ISTANBUL, TURKEY P: Refik ERDURAN Tel & fax :+90-212-864 01 72, Mobile : +90-0532 344 01 92 refik.erduran(at) U.K./ROYAUME UNI Neville Shulman C.B.E. International Theatre Institute 35A Huntsworth Mews Gloucester Place LONDON NW1 6DB UNITED KINGDOM P/D: Neville SHULMAN, Mischa Twitchin (Administrator) Tel: +44-207-616 0777 (N. Shulman), Fax: +44-207-724 8266 iti(at), 888(at) U.S.A / ETATS UNIS U.S. Centre of ITI Theatre Communications Group 520 Eighth Avenue, 24th Floor NEW YORK, NY 10018-4156 U.S.A P : Rosalba Rolon, D: Emilya CACHAPERO, Assistant Dir: Kevin Bitterman Tel: +1-212-609 59 00, Fax: +1-212-609 59 01 iti(at), kbitterman(at) UGANDA / OUGANDA Uganda Centre of ITI Yumusico Building 2 Miles Bombo Rd KAMPALA, OUGANDA P: Jackson NDAWULA ; V-P: Sam Dick Kasolo; SG:Majanja Zaalijembikke Tel: +256-783 813 460, Fax: +256-414-345 598 itiugandacenter(at) URUGUAY Centre Uruguayen de l'ITI Mercedes 933 11100 MONTEVIDEO URUGUAY VP: Irma ABIRAD ; Contact : Ernesto CLAVIJO Tel: +598-2-900 48 69 or 901 9412, Fax: +598-2-902 40 54 17 VENEZUELA Centre Vénézuélien de l'ITI Ateneo de Caracas - Ter. Piso Plaza Morelos 1050 CARACAS VENEZUELA P: Maria T. CASTILLO ; D: Nelly GARZON Tel/Fax: +58-212-576 82 08 itiven(at) VIETNAM Vietnamese Centre of ITI The Vietnam Stage Artists Association (Hoi Nghe si San khau Viet Nam) 51A Tran Hung Dao Street – HANOI VIETNAM Director: LE TIEN THO Tel: +84-4-943 99 14, Fax: +84-4-943 42 93 vsaa51(at) ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Centre of ITI 1130 Lusaka Lines Highfield HARARE ZIMBABWE Chairperson: Zane Lucas, Vice chair: Joe Powell, Coordinator: Lloyd Nyikadzino Tel: +263 733 203 636 [email protected] 18 D) National and International Cooperating Members / Membres coopérants nationaux et internationaux National School of Drama Professor Dr. Anuradha KAPUT Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road NEW DELHI 110001, INDE Tel: +91/11/3387137 ; Fax: +91/11/338 4288 nsdr(at); drama_school_in(at) Centre for Performing Arts Dr. Shubhangi Bahulikar Head of Department (Lalit Kala Kendra),University of Pune, Pune - 411 007, Maharashtra, INDE Tel : +91-20-560 1163 ; Fax :+91-20-560 1162 bahulikar(at); satish.alekar(at) National Institute of Dramatic Art -NIDA Mrs Johanna Mulholland c/o UNSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, AUSTRALIE Tel: +61/2/9697 7600 ; Fax : +61/2/9662 7415 info(at) SCENEZ DRAMA and ARTS ACADEMY P.O. Box : 111270, DubaiUnited Arab Emirates Tel: +97150 55 22 750, Fax: +971 4 8823283 Academy Director : Mrs. Nadine Ch. BEKHAAZI Festivals Artistic Director :Mrs.Zeina Ch. AKIKI Int’l PR & Communication Director :Ms.Christina CHAMMAS festival(at) Ecole d’Art Feldenkrais « Autopoïésis » Mme Odette GUIMOND 1012 Mont Royal Est # 107, Montréal Québec H2J1X6 QUEBEC CANADA TEL : +514 522 8027, autopoiesis(at) Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema Margarida Saraiva Av. Marquês de Pombal, 22B, 2700-571 Amadora PORTUGAL Tel: +351 (21) 498 94 16, Fax : +351/ 21 493 76 20 estc(at); mmargarida(at) 19 Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo Mr. Luis Federico VILLARREAL MARROQUÍN Director de Cultura del Ayuntamiento Bvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio km 2.5 ote NUEVO LAREDO, TAMAULIPAS MEXICO Tel: +52/ 867/719-4503 staff(at) Association for Kurds Performers in Iraq -AKP Malkandi 42.206 -AKP Building Silêmanî , Kurdistan – Iraq Tel. +964 770 110 5802 nmaishkaran(at) Nrityanchal Music and Dance Company Muhammad JAHANGIR, Director HAL-MARS, 6/C, 66 Maghbazar Outer Circular Road, (6th floor) Dhaka 1217, BANGLADESH Tel/Fax.:+880 933 4656 cdc(at) Theatre Institute Chattagram Ahmad Iqbal HAIDER K.C: DEY Road Chittagong 4000 BANGLADESH Phone: +880 31 2861504/05, Fax +880 31 2861505 tic_bangladesh(at) Seoul International Dance Competition Ms. Young-Il HUR 2F 1057-13 Nam Hyun-Dong KwanAk-Gu 151800 Seoul, KOREA Tel: +82-2-588-7570 ; Fax: +82-2-588-7578 ballet(at) Astragali Teatro Roberta QUARTA c/o Eufonia Soc. Coop. Via Giuseppe Candido 23 73100 Lecce, ITALY Tel: +39 0832 306 194 ; Fax: +39 0832 301 823 teatro(at) Theatre of Young Spectator of the Sakha Republic (YAKUTIA) Aleksey PAVLOV 25, Kirov street, Yakutsk RUSSIA, 677027 Tel/fax: +8(411-2) 35-07-82, +8-(411-2) 43-43-28, +8-(411-2) 43-35-90 smekh(at) 20 World Dance Alliance (WDA) Europe Joseph FONTANO Via Panfilo Castaldi, 14 00153 Rome, ITALY Tel: +39 06 589 7732 info(at) Chinese Opera Institute Deputy Director: Cai Bi Xia Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre 182, Cecil Street, #02-10 SINGAPORE 069547 Tel: +65 622 26 551, +65 622 26 557 Fax: +65 622 16 003 coisinga(at) Short+Sweet Theatre Mark Cleary PO Box 462 Newtown, 2042 NSW Australia Tel: +61 2 95195081 mark(at) Consejo Argentino de la Danza Beatriz Durante, President CAD Laprida 1563 Pº7 A ( 1425) Buenos Aires, Argentina durantebeatriz(at) NEPAA - Núcleo de Estudos das Performances Afro-Ameríndias (Center for Afro-Amerindian Performances Studies) Zeca LIGIÉRO, Coordinator Av. Pasteur 436 fundos. Escola de Teatro, UNIRIO Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22290-240, Brazil Tel and Fax: +5521 25423162 mobile: +5521 88269533 zeluco(at) Professional Association of Canadian Theatres Lucy White, Executive Director 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 555, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7, CANADA tel: +1 416.595.6455 x 11 lucyw(at) ; FREEDOM TO CREATE Priti Devi, Director Level 46, UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place SINGAPORE 048624 Tel : +65 6210 5560, Fax: +65 6210 5589 info(at) 21 THEATRE DESIGNER’S INSTITUTE Nasirul Haque, Member Secretary 81/A, Kakrail (1st floor) Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh theatre.designers(at) Banga Naya Samhati Arun Mukhopadhyay, President CK-43, Salt Lake, Sector-II Kolkata 700 091 INDIA anyatheatre(at) Theatre Embassy Berith Danse, Artistic director 1e Keucheniusstraat 3 1051 HN Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: 0031-20-4214339 Mobile: 0031-6-51483513 berith(at), info(at) National Theater Institute Mrs Rathna Pushpa Kumari, Director No. 70/B/14/SP, YMBA Building Colombo-08, Sri Lanka Tel and fax: 0094 112672718, 0094 112689536 Mobile :0094-714113457, 0094-777645921 csdp1998(at), nationaltheaterins(at) 22 E) Committees, Forums, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Groupes des Travail COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE / COMITE DE LA COMMUNICATION (ComCom) President: Nicole LECLERCQ (Belgium/ Belgique Fr.), Tel: + 32 496 785 886, Email : nicole.leclercq(at) Vice-President : Alfira ARSLANOVA (Russia/ Russie), alfira.arslanova(at) Secretariat: Babul BISWAS ((Bangladesh), waterflowerbd(at) CULTURAL IDENTITY AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE / COMITE pour L'IDENTITE CULTURELLE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT (CIDC) President: Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ (Philippines), dreamcenterphilippines(a) Vice-President : Isabelle QUINTANAR (Mexico/Mexique) teatro(at) Vice-President: Fabio TOLLEDI (Italy / Italie), fabio.tolledi(a) Secretariat: Lydia FORT (USA / E.U.), lydiafort(a) DRAMATIC THEATRE COMMITTEE / COMITE DU THEATRE DRAMATIQUE (DTC) President: Dorothy CUNNINGHAM (Jamaica), Tel: + 876 869 3136, yarico8(at) Vice-President : Neophytos NEOPHYTOU (Cyprus/ Chypre), 38 Regaena Str. 1010 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 674920 Fax: + 357 22 680822, ccoiti(at); Vice-President : Angarag MYAGMAR (Mongolia), angmyag(at) Secretariat: Ellada EVANGELOU (Cyprus/ Chypre), ellada11(at) Artistic Representatives: Mia LIPSCHITZ (Denmark/ Danemark), mialipschitz(at) and David Alberto BECERRIL (Mexico/ Mexique), davidalberto_1(at) Honorary president: Faynia WILLIAMS (U.K./ R.U.), fayniaw(at) INTERNATIONAL DANCE COMMITTEE / COMITE DE DANSE INTERNATIONAL (IDC) President: Joseph FONTANO ( Italy/Italie ) via Panfilo Castaldi 14, 00153- Rome, Italy, Tel: +39 065897732, Mobile: +39 3477779785, Email : joseph.fontano(at) Vice-President : Andromachi LINDHAL (Cyprus / Chypre), lindahl(a) Secretariat: Paola BANONE, paola.banone(a) INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FORUM / FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES FESTIVALS (IFF) President: Christine BOCKSCH (Switzerland/ Suisse), Mobile +41 79 573 36 05, czeebo(at) Vice-President: Ablas OUEDRAOGO (Côte d’Ivoire), [email protected], dramacriture(at) Vice-President : Susanne DANIG (Denmark/ Danemark), susanne(at) Vice-President: Vilma L. Labrador (Philippines), Vllabrador(at) Secretariat : Dusana TODOROVIC (Serbia/ Serbie), dusana.todorovic(at) INTERNATIONAL MONODRAMA FORUM / FORUM DES MONODRAMES (IMF) President: Mohammed AL AFKHAM (UAE /EAU), UAE Centre of ITI – Fujairah, P.O Box 11778, Dibba Alfujairah - U.A.E, Tel : +00-971-92 44 22 24 Mob: +00-971-506 23 43 63, Fax: +00971-92 44 61 96, Email : afkham(at); malafkham(at) Vice-President Jolanta SUTOWICZ (Germany/Allemagne), Kiel Thespis Intl One Man Show Festival, Osloring 41, D-24109 KIEL, GERMANY; Tel / Fax: 49-431-528.307 ; Email: j.sutowicz(at) Vice-President : Nina MAZUR (Ukraine) ninamzr(at) Secretariat: Olga POZELI (Greece / Grèce) mail: olga.pozeli(at) INTERNATIONAL PLAYWRIGHTS FORUM / FORUM DES AUTEURS DRAMATIQUES (IPF) President: Jasen BOKO (Croatia / Croatie), Vukovarska 12, 21000 SPLIT, CROATIA; Mobile: +385-911 012 444, Fax: +385-21 383 110, Email: jasen.boko(at) Vice-President : Malou JACOB (Philippines), Unit 33s Midland Manor II, Ortigas Avenue/Madison Street, Greenhills, San Juan 1502 Philippines; Tel: 0917-4065661, jacob_malou(at) or jacobmalou(at) 23 Secretariat: Ursula WERDENBERG (Switzerland/Suisse), SuisseTHEATRE ITI ; General GuisanStrasse 174 ; CH - 4054 BASEL;SWITZERLAND, Tel.: + 41-61-301 85 15, Fax : + 41-61-301 85 16, Email : info(at) ;, ITI EUROPEAN FORUM / ITI FORUM EUROPÉEN Coordinator: Thomas Engel, ITI Germany, PF 411128, 12121 Berlin, GERMANY, Tel : +49-30-791 17 77, Fax: +49-30-791 18 74, mail: th.engel(at), MUSIC THEATRE COMMITTEE / COMITE DU THEATRE LYRIQUE (MTC) President: Laura BERMAN (Germany / Allemagne), Bregenzer Festspiele GmbH, Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1, A-6900 Bregenz, Tel: +43 5574 407 232, Fax: +43 5574 52266, Email : [email protected] Vice-President : Roland QUITT (Germany/Allemagne) Nationaltheater Mannheim , Am Goetheplatz, 68161 Mannheim GERMANY, Tel: +49 0621 1680 384, Email: roland.quitt(at) Vice-President for Communications : Christina CHAMMAS (Libanon, Liban) festival(at) Secretariat: Paola SARCINA (Italy/Italie) info(at), Production & consulting for the performing arsts, via Metaponto 8 - 00183 Rome – Italy, Tel : +0039-06-77 20 30 07, Fax : +0039-06-207 18 32, Mobile : +0039-338 151 53 81 Coord. Asie du Sud Est: Lutgardo LABAD (Philippines) Coord. Pays Arabes: Hamadi BEN OLHMANE (Tunisia/Tunisie) Coord. Pays Scandinaves: Pia ROSENBAUM (Danemark) NEW PROJECT GROUP (NPG) Coordination: Emilya CACHAPERO (U.S.A/ Etats-Unis) Centre of ITI, Theatre Communications Group, 520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10018-4156, U.S.A Tel: +212-609 5900 Fax: +212-609 5901, Email : ecachapero(at) ; www.npg.iti-worldwide,org THEATRE EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE / COMITE POUR L’EDUCATION ET LA FORMATION THEATRALE (TECOM) President:Apostolos APOSTOLIDES (Cyprus/ Chypre), Mobile: +35799870784, rectuscentrum(at) Vice-presidents :Shafi Ahmed (Bangladesh) acea(at), Peter GOLDFARB (USA/EtatsUnis) peter(at), Nick Lizaso (Philippines) email : nlizaso888(at); Secretariat: Marine LIARD (Belgium / Belgique Fr.), marine(at) Research Centre of TECOM: AKT-ZENT International Theatre Centre, Skalitzer Str. 97, D-10997 BERLIN, ALLEMAGNE, Tel/Fax : +49-30-61 287 274 Email : akt.zent(at), YOUNG PRACTITIONERS COMMITTEE /COMITE DES JEUNES PRATICIENS (YPC) Coordination: Kevin Bitterman (USA/Etats-Unis), Assistant Director, International Programs, THEATRE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, 520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10018-4156, U.S.A, Tel: +212-609 5900 extension 230, Fax: +212-609 5901, Email: kbitterman(at), 24 F) International Performing Arts Organizations in Relation with ITI / Organisations internationales des arts de la scène en relation avec l’ITI INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE AT THE UNIVERSITY (IATU) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE A L’UNIVERSITE (AITU) Collège de Valleyfield, 169, Champlain, Valleyfield, Canada, J6T 1X6, Tel: +1 450 373 9441, extension / poste 211, Fax:+1 450 377 6048, contact(at), P : M. Jean-Marc LARRUE, Collège de Valleyfield, Profil Théâtre, 169, Champlain, Salaberry-deValleyfield, J6T 1X6, Canada (Qc), Tel: 1 450 373 9441, ext. 211, Fax: 1 450 377 6048, jmlarrue(at), SG : M. Alain CHEVALIER, Théâtre Universitaire Royal de Liège et Ritu Universite de Liège, Quai Roosevelt 1b, B-4000 Liège Belgique, Tel: +32 (0)4 366.5295, Fax: +32 (0)4 366.5672, alain.chevalier(at),, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE POUR L’ENFANCE ET LA JEUNESSE (ASSITEJ) P: M. Wolfgang SCHNEIDER, ASSITEJ Germany, Guthenbergstrasse 25 D-65474 Bischofsheim Germany, Tel: +49 6144 74 54, Fax: +49 6144 96 49 82, soltau-Schneider(at) SG : Ms Ivica SIMIC, Theatre Mala Scena, Medvescak 2, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: +385 1 468 3 52 , Fax: +385 1 468 33 70, sec.gen(at) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE CRITICS (IATC) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES CRITIQUES DE THEATRE (AICT) P: M. Yun-Cheol KIM, Korea National University of Arts, San 1-5 Sokkwan-dong, Songbuk-gu, Seoul 136-150, Korea, Tel: +822 7469 405/ +49 172 946 7446, Fax : +822 7469 449, yunckim(at) SG : M. Michel VAIS, 54 Avenue Elmwood, Outremont/Montreal, Quebec, H2V 2E 4, Canada, Tel : 514 278 57 64, vais(at) Trésorier : Ms Irène SADOWSKA-GUILLON, 17 rue du Dr Paul Brousse, 75017 Paris, France, TEL: +33 1 4627 4630, FAX : +33 1 4627 1608, E-mail : guillofo(at), INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR THEATRE ASSOCIATION (IATA) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE AMATEUR (AITA) P: M. Paddy O'DWYER, 28 Morehampton Terrace, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland, Tel: +353 1 668 0079, Fax : +353 1 889 2755, odwyerpaddy(at) General Secretariat: Ms. Kaja POLD, Administrator, Vene 6, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia, Tel: +372 6418 405, Fax +372 6418 406, secretariat(at) English speaking secretary: Ms. Anne GILMOUR, 19 Dorset Avenue, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 4 HF, Great Britain, Tel: +44 (0) 208 574 2182, ub24hf(at) Secrétariat francophone: M. Jacques Lemaire, 7 rue Ambroise Pare, 95520 Osny, France, Tel : +33 1 307 32 270, thea(at) Spanish speaking secretary : M. Guillermo Rodoni, c/o La comedia de Campana, Modarelli n°821, 2804 Campana, Argentina, Tel: +54 348 944 1954, kirin(at) INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ACTORS / FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ACTEURS (FIA) P: Ms Agnete HAALAND, 31, rue de l’hopital, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 234 56 53/ +32 2 235 08 65, Fax: +32 2 23 50 861 SG : M. Dominick LUQUER, Guild House, Upper St Martin's Lane, London WC2H 9EG, U.K, Tel: +44 207 379 09 00, Fax : +44 207 379 82 60, dluquer(at) 25 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR THEATRE RESEARCH / FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECHERCHE THEATRALE (FIRT) P: Professor Brian SINGLETON, Trinity College Dublin University, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland, Tel: +3531 608 1239, Fax: +3531 679 3488, bsnglton(at) Co-SG: M. David Whitton, Dean of Arts & Humanities Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YN, Great Britain, Tel: +44 1 524 592 664, Fax: +44 1 524 593 942, d.whitton(at) Co-SG: M. Frederic Maurin, maurin.frederic(at) INTERNATIONAL PUPPETEERS UNION / UNION INTERNATIONALE DE LA MARIONNETTE (UNIMA) P: M. Dadi PUDUMJEE, president(at) SG: M. Jacques TRUDEAU, jacquestrudeau23(at), 10 Cours Aristide Briand, BP402, 08107 Charleville-Mézières, France, Tel: +33 3 24 32 85 63, Fax: +33 3 24 32 76 92, sgi(at) INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS / SOCIETE INTERNATIONALE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES-MUSEES DES ARTS DU SPECTACLE (SIBMAS) P: Ms Claire HUDSON, V&A Theatre and performance, Blythe House, 23 Blythe Road, London W14 0QX, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 20 74 71 98 60, c.hudson(at) SG: Ms Sylvie François, Cirque du Soleil, 8400 2e Avenue, Montreal (Quebec), H12 4M6 Canada, sylvie.francois(at) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF SCENOGRAPHERS, THEATRE ARCHITECTS AND TECHNICIANS / ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DES SCENOGRAPHES, TECHNICIENS ET ARCHITECTES DE THEATRE (OISTAT) P: M. Louis Janssen, louis(at) / president(at) Executive Director: M. Wei-wen Chang, OISTAT, Suite A, 2F, No.7, Sec. 2, Renai Rd.,Taipei, 10055, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Tel: +886 2 77260088, Fax: +886 2 7726 0808, weiwen.oistat(at) / executivedirector(at) ARAB THEATRE INSTITUTE / INSTITUT ARABE DU THEATRE SG: Isamail Abdallah, ARAB THEATRE INSTITUTE ATI, P.O. Box 71222 Sharjah – UAE, Tel: +971 652 40 800, Fax +971 652 40 770, gsata(at) INTERNATIONAL DRAMA/THEATRE AND EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (IDEA) P: Ms. Patrice Baldwin, president(at) V-P: Ms Mercy Mirembe, vicepresident(at) Director of Projects: M. Jean-Henri Dreze, Chaussee de Nivelles, 6A 4300 Waremme, Belgium, Tel: +32 495 54 45 61, jean-henri.dreze(at) INTERNATIONAL THEATRE OF THE OPRESSED ORGANIZATION EUROPEAN THEATRE CONVENTION P: M. Jean-Claude Berutti, Head Office of the European theatre convention ETC-CTE, c/o Comedie de Saint Etienne, 7 avenue Emile Loubet, 42000, Saint Etienne, France, jcberutti(at) SG : Ms Christa Mueller, cmueller(at) General Delegate : Ms Heidi Giebel Wiley, ETC Delegation Office : ETC-CTE, c/o CNT (Centre National du Theatre), 134 rue Legendre, 75017, Paris, France, Tel : +33 1 42 63 53 64, +33 9 50 24 04 40, + 33 6 75 22 32 14, Fax : +33 1 44 61 84 86, hgiebel(at) / hwiley(at) 26 WORLD DANCE ALLIANCE (WDA) SG: Dr Cheryl Stock, PO Box 5467, West End, Queensland 410,Australia Fax: +61 7 3844 4310, c.stock(at) P. Americas: M. Jin Wen Yu, UW, Madison Dance Program, Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Ave, Madison, W1 53 706, USA, Tel: +1 608 26 26 655, Fax: +1 608 26 53 841, jwyu(at) P. Asia/Pacific: M. Anis Mohd Md Nor, c/o Prof Mohd Anis Md Nor, Cultural Center, Universiti Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 603 796 734 58, Fax: 603 79 67 35 76, anisnor55(at) P. Europe: M. Joseph Fontano, Via Panfilo Castaldi, 14, 00153, Rome, Italy, Tel: +39 065 897 732 / +39 393 693 0219, info(at) G) ITI/UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO/ITI ITI/UNESCO Chair Theatre and Culture of Civilizations Chaire UNESCO/ITI Théâtre et cultures des civilisations Director : Corneliu DUMITRIU ITI/UNESCO Chair 75-77 Matei Voievod, BUCHAREST 2, ROMANIA Visiting: Catedra UNESCO Blvd. Magheru 12-14, Ap 47, BUCHAREST 010000, ROMANIA Tel/Fax : +40-21-252 7456, Tel/Fax : +40-21-311 8701 Email: unescochair.iti(at) 27
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