ITI Directory - International Theatre Institute ITI
ITI Directory - International Theatre Institute ITI
ITI Directory Annuaire de l´ITI Regularly updated Mis à jour régulièrement Click on picture to download Cliquez sur l‘image pour télécharger C45, M90, Y25, K10 K100 International Theatre Institute ITI / Institut International du Théâtre ITI UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80 / Fax: + 33 (0)1 45 68 48 84 iti(at) / Addresses / Adresses – July 2011 / juillet 2011 A) Executive Council 2008 – 2011 / Conseil Exécutif 2008-2011 B) General Secretariat / Secrétariat Général C) National Centres / Centre Nationaux D) Associate Centres / Centres Associés E) National and International Cooperating Members / Membres coopérants nationaux et internationaux F) Committees, Forums, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Groupes des Travail G) Regional Offices / Bureaux Régionaux H) International Theatre Organizations in relation with ITI / Organisations théâtrales internationales en relation avec l’ITI I) ITI/UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO/ ITI A) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / CONSEIL EXECUTIF 2008 – 2011 President, Vice Presidents, Executive Board Members (EB), Executive Council Members (EC), Honorary Presidents – always in alphabetical order based on the Centre‘s name in English Président, Vice-présidents, Membres du Bureau Exécutif, Membres du Conseil Exécutif, Présidents d’Honneur – toujours par ordre alphabétique des noms des centres en anglais. President of the ITI / Président de l’ITI : • Ramendu MAJUMDAR (Bangladesh) : President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Président de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Vice Presidents of the ITI / Vice-présidents de l’ITI : • Christina BABOU PAGOURELI (Grèce/Greece): Vice President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Vice-président de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC • Ali MAHDI (Soudan/Sudan) : Vice President of the ITI, Member of the EB and the EC / Viceprésident de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Executive Board Members (EB) / Membres du Bureau Exécutif (EB) : • Guoping JI (Chine / China) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC • Mohammed Saif Al AFKHAM (Fujairah) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC • Henk SCHOLTEN (Netherlands / Pays Bas) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC • Emilya CACHAPERO (USA / Etats Unis) Member of the EB and the EC / Membre de l’EB et de l’EC Executive Council Members (EC) / Membres du Conseil Exécutif (EC) • Neville SHULMAN (U. K. / Royaume Uni) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Jean-Pierre GUINGANE (Burkina Faso ) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Zeljka TURCINOVIC (Croatia / Croatie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Giorgos NEOPHYTOU (Cyprus / Chypre) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Heino BYRGESEN (Denmark / Danemark) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Manfred BEILHARZ (Germany / Allemagne) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Yoko ODAGIRI (Japan / Japon) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Il Soo SHIN (Korea Rep. / Corée Rép de) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ (Philippines) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Tatjana AZMAN (Slovenia / Slovénie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Ann Mari ENGEL (Sweden / Suède) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC • Christoph HAERING (Switzerland / Suisse) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC 1 ITI UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO ITI : • Corneliu DUMITRIU (Romania / Roumanie) Honorary Presidents / Présidents d’Honneur • COIGNEY Martha (Etats-Unis / U.S.A.) • KIM Jeong-Ok (Corée / Korea) • PERINETTI André-Louis (France) • BELIGAN Radu (Roumanie / Romania) B) Secretariat of the ITI / Secrétariat de l’ITI Secretary General / Secrétaire général Tobias BIANCONE, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 81, iti(at) Assistant Director for Communication / Sous-directrice pour la Communication Barbara STEINBECK, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80, b.steinbeck(at) Assistant Director for Intern. Development / Sous-directrice pour le développement international Petya HRISTOVA, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 82, p.hristova(at) Partnerships Manager / Chargée des partenariats Charlene LIM, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80, charlene.lim(at) Project Assistant / Assistante de projets Zoé SIMARD, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 82, z.simard(at) Project Assistant / Assistante de projets Ying GUAN, Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 82, info(at) Secretariat of ITI / Secrétariat de l’ITI UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tel. +33 (0)1 45 68 48 80 / Fax: + 33 (0)1 45 68 48 84 iti(at) / 2 C) National Centres / Centres Nationaux ANGOLA Angolan Centre of ITI PO Box 5520 LUANDA, ANGOLA P: Gabriel LEITAO; D: Noa WETE ARGENTINA/ARGENTINE Centre Argentin de l'ITI c/o Argentores Pacheco de Melo 1820 BUENOS AIRES 1126, ARGENTINE P: Jorge RIVERA LOPEZ ; V-P: Guillermo de la TORRE ; SG: Francisco JAVIER Tel: + 54-1-41 25 82; Fax: + 54-1-343 27 33 itiargentina(at), artesdelespectaculo(at) ARMENIA/ARMENIE Armenian Centre of ITI Moskovyan 3/ Yerevan State Youth Theatre YEREVAN, ARMENIA 375001 D: Hakob Ghazanchyan Tel: +374-01-565 153 ; Fax:+374-01-581 974 itiarmenia(at) AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE Austrian Centre of ITI Türkenstrasse 19 (Mezzanine) A-1090 VIENNE, AUTRICHE P: Helga DOSTAL ; SG: Franz Eugen DOSTAL Tel: +43-1-319 47 00, Fax: +43-1-310 82 92 helga.dostal(at) AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIDJAN Azerbaijan Centre of ITI Kaqani Str. 10 BAKU 370000 AZERBAIDJAN P: Azer NEJMATOV ; SG.: Vahid SHARIFOV Tel: +994-12-93 1703, Fax: +994-12-98 5252 mamedova_lala(at) BANGLADESH/BANGLADESH Bangladesh Centre of ITI House 10A Road 25A Block A Banani Dhaka 1213, BANGLADESH P: Ataur RAHMAN; GS: Nasiruddin YOUSUFF Tel: +880-2-9567669 or 883 22 80 or 883 27 28; Fax: +880-2-8811664 iti(at) 3 BELARUS/BIELORUSSIE Belarussian Centre of ITI Beletskogo str. 12, 2- 34, MINSK, BELARUS P: Serguey KORTES ; SG: Antonina MIKHALTSOVA Tel: +375-172-72 82 90 ; Fax: + 375-172-92 69 82 iti_belo_anton(at) BELGIUM/BELGIQUE (C.Fl.) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Com.Fl.) Minderbroedersstraat 24 2000 ANVERS BELGIQUE P : Jaak VAN SCHOOR ; SG: Mark HERMANS Tel: +32-3-238 51 77 [email protected] BELGIUM/BELGIQUE (C.Fr.) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Com.Fr.) Nicole Leclercq Archives et Musée de la littérature asbl c/o Bibliothèque Royale, 4 Blvd de l’Empereur 1000 Bruxelles, BELGIQUE P: Luc Van Grunderbeeck, V-P: Valérie Cordy, Jean-Henri Drèze SG :Nicole LECLERCQ, T : Catherine SIMON Tel: +32-2-519 55 79, Fax : +32-2-519 55 83 nicole.leclercq(at) BENIN Centre Béninois de l'ITI 03 BP 4448 Jéricho- COTONOU BENIN P: Pascal WANOU, SG: Erick Hector HOUNKPE Tel: +229-979 834 74/+229 957 961 45 itibenin(at); wapas_bj(at) BRAZIL/BRÉSIL Centro Brasil ITI Praça Dom José Gaspar, 30 4º andar São Paulo- SP – CEP 04710-010 BRESIL P: Ney Luiz Piacentini ; V-P: Luiz Antonio Dias de Amorim; SG: Alexandre Binder Kavanji Tel: +55 11 2117 4711; Fax: +55 11 2117 4700 amorimluiz(at), central(at) BULGARIA/BULGARIE Centre Bulgare de l'ITI 12 Place "Narodno Sabranie" SOFIA 1000 BULGARIE P: Iskra RADEVA, SG : Natasha KURTEVA Tel: +359-2-738 288 Fax: +359-2-443 290 natasha_kurteva(at) 4 BURKINA FASO Centre Burkinabè de l'ITI 01 BP 5743, OUAGADOUGOU 01 BURKINA FASO P: Hamadou MANDE, VP : Etienne MINOUNGOU SG: Minata DENE, SG 2: Modeste Wendyam COMPAORE Tel: +226 50 36 59 42, +226 70 22 42 12 ; +226-50 36 16 94, +226 50 36 56 35 Fax: +22650 36 59 42 theatrecorneille(at), espacegambidi(at), culturedequartier(at), CAMEROUN Centre Camerounais de l'ITI BP 8163 YAOUNDE -CAMEROUN P: Ambroise M'BIA, V-P: Samuel N'FOR, E. MEKA MBALLA, SG: Judith BISUH Tel: +237-2 769 65 65 (M'Bia), Fax: +237-2 222 1873 iti_cameroun(at) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC/ REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE Centre Centrafricain de l'ITI BP 1520 - BANGUI CENTRAFRIQUE P: Faustin NIAMOLO ; SG: Rassidi ZACHARIA CHAD/TCHAD Centre Tchadien de l'ITI B.P 4330 -NJAMENA TCHAD P: Vangdar Dorsouma; SG: Christophe NGAROYAL Tel: +235 66 29 39 07, Fax: +235-51 77 05 themacult(at) CHINA/CHINE Chinese Centre of ITI, ( Chinese Theatre Assoc.) B508, Bldg.32, No.1 Bei Shatan Chaoyang District BEIJING 100083 CHINA P: Mr JI Guoping; SG: WANG Ling (Int'l Coord.) Contact person: Pang Jinlai Tel:+86 10 59759516 Fax:+86 10 59759518 china_iti(at); ctawangling(at) COLOMBIA/COLOMBIE Centre Colombien de l'ITI c/o Festicaribe Calle 16 N 5-10 SANTA MARTA, COLOMBIE SG.: Luz Patricia MORENO-LINERO Fax: +57-54 31 12 81 fecaribe(at) 5 CONGO Dem. ReP/ CONGO RéPDém. Centre Congolais (R.D.) de l'ITI BP 6264 KINHASA VI CONGO RéP Démocratique (Zaïre) P: Mwadi Yinda MITENDO; Kosi-Basak NGAKI Tel : 0024 389 893 1731, 0024 399 290 8395, 0024 381 502 5746 iitcongokin(at), mitendosam(at) CONGO ReP/CONGO RéP Centre de la RéP du Congo de l'ITI BP 155 POINTE NOIRE, CONGO RéP du P:Frédéric PAMBOU ; SG: Jean Léopold NGOULOU Tel: +242-557 50 66 / 553 39 68 iticongobrazza(at), pambou_frederic(at), ngoujel(at) COSTA RICA/COSTA RICA Costa Rican Centre of ITI* Apdo. 3515-1000 San José COSTA RICA P: Daniel GALLEGOS ; SG: Gian Carlo PROTTI iticostarica(at); marcoguillen(at) COTE D'IVOIRE Centre Ivoirien de l’ITI 13 BP 1456 ABIDJAN 13 COTE D'IVOIRE P : Ouedraogo Abdoulaye ABLAS Tel: +225-07 67 23 50, Fax: +225-24 39 95 70 oablas(at), centreivoirientheatre(at), dramacriture(at) CRIMEA/CRIMEE Crimean Centre of ITI c/o Crimea Tatarian State Academic Theatre Mendeleeva Str., 5\1 Simferopol, 95011 Ukraine P: Bilyal BILYALOV; V-P: Sergey PALCHIKOVSKY ; SG: Nina MAZUR Tel: +38 0652 251 385, Fax: +38 0652 256 431 ninamzr(at) CROATIA/CROATIE Croatian Centre of ITI Basaricekova 24 10 000 ZAGREB CROATIA P: Zeljka TURCINOVIC ; SG: Dubravka CUKMAN. Tel : + 385 1 4920 667 or 4920 669, Fax: + 385 1 4920 668 hc-iti(at) 6 CUBA Cuban Centre of ITI Sr. Héctor Quintero Cruz del Padre n. 5/ Clzada del Cerro y Carballo Cerro CP 10600 LA HAVANE - CUBA P: Hector QUINTERO ; V-P: A. SUAREZ DEL VILLAR ; SG: Miriam MORALES Tel: + 53-731 13 57 (Telex: 511400 MINCUL CU), Fax: +53-753 57 73 escenart(at) ; hquintero(at) CYPRUS/CHYPRE Cyprus Centre of ITI 38 Regaena Street NICOSIA 1010 CHYPRE P: Christakis GEORGIOU ; V-P&D: Neophytos NEOPHYTOU ; SG: Giorgios NEOPHYTOU P Honour CIDC: Nicos SHIAFKALIS Tel: +357-22-67 49 20, Fax: +357-22-68 08 22 ccoiti(at) CZECH ReP/TCHEQUE RéP Czech Centre of ITI c/o Divadelni Ustav Celetna 17 110 00 PRAGUE, TCHEQUE RéP P: Tana FISCHEROVA ;V-P: Jan BURIAN, Nina VANGELI ; SG: Mirka POTUCKOVA Ondrej CERNY Tel:+420-2-24 81 27 54, Fax: +420-2-24 81 02 78 iti(at) , mirka.potuckova(at) DENMARK/DANEMARK Danish Actors Association Sankt Knuds Vej 26 1903 Frederiksberg C P: Katja ELGAARD HOLM; VP: Susanne DANIG; [email protected] ECUADOR/EQUATEUR Centro Ecuatoriano del ITI Los Rios N4-276 QUITO, EQUATEUR P: Eduardo Almeida NAVEDA ; VP: Pilar OLMEDO ; SG: José ALVEAR Tel: +593-2-316 01 96 eduardoalmeida_ec(at) EGYPT/EGYPTE Egyptian Centre of ITI 36 ABUBAKELSEDIDIK, DOKKI - LE CAIRE EGYPTE P: Ahmed ZAKI Tel: +20-2-360 00 63 or +20-2-335 73 33 ; Fax: +20-2-335 73 33 ( A. Zaki) ahmedzaki_iti(at) 7 ESTONIA / ESTONIE Estonian Centre of ITI Estonian Theatre Agency Vaike-Karja 12, TALLINN 10140 ESTONIE P: Ott Karulin Tel: +372 628 2342, +372 628 2330; Fax: +372 628 2344 info(at) FINLAND/FINLANDE Finnish Centre of ITI, TINFO Meritullinkatu 33 A 00170 HELSINKI 17 FINLANDE P: Maarit Pyokari; D: Hanna Helavuori ; Press and communications: Sari Havukainen; Information Secretary: Piia Volmari Tel: +358 9 2511 2121 (HH), Tel: +358-9-25 11 21 24 (AK), Fax: +358-9-25 11 21 25 tinfo(at), FUJAIRAH UAE Centre of ITI - Fujairah PO Box 11778 Dibba Alfujairah - U.A.E D: Mohammed Alafkham Tel: +00 971 92 44 22 24, Mob: +00971 506 234 363 and +00971 504 708 080 Fax: +00971 92 44 61 96 and 0097192446789 afkham(at) ; afkham99(at) GERMANY/ALLEMAGNE German Centre of ITI Schlossstrasse 48, D-12165 Berlin (visiting) PF 41 11 28, D-12121 BERLIN ALLEMAGNE P: Manfred BEILHARZ ; VP: Roberto CIULLI D: Thomas ENGEL ; Ass. D: Michael FREUNDT Tel: +49-30-791 17 77, Fax: +49-30-791 18 74 a.doffin(at); info(at) GHANA Ghana Centre of ITI c/o National Commission on Culture Ministrie's Post Office ACCRA GHANA P: George HAGAN ; SG: Evan Oma HUNTER (Acting) Tel: +233-21-66 49 98, Fax: +233-21-66 20 47 omahunter75(at) GREECE/GRECE Centre Hellénique de l'ITI 19 Soultani Street 8 ATHENES 106 82 GRECE P: Konstantinos Arvanitakis; VP: Savvas Patsalidis; SG.: Maria Chatziemmanouil Tel / Fax: +30-210-33 06 115 / +0030-210-33 03 149 itigr(at), iti(at) HUNGARY/HONGRIE Hungarian Centre of ITI Krisztina Krt.57 BUDAPEST 1013 HONGRIE P: Anna LAKOS ; V-P: Janos NOVAK Tel: +36-1-212 52 47 or 375 23 72, Fax: +36-1-212 52 47 or 375 11 84 mail(at) ICELAND/ISLANDE ICELANDIC CENTRE OF ITI c/o Ása Richardsdóttir Lindargata 6 101 Reykjavik Iceland P: Ása Richardsdóttir tel + + 354 664 0404, mobile + 354 664 0404 [email protected] INDIA/INDE Indian Centre of ITI Bharatiya Natya Sangh, F-34 Shanker Market, Connaught Place NEW DELHI 110 001 INDIA Chairman: Shymanand JALAN P: Reoti Saran SHARMA SG: Ravinda (Ravi) TANEGA ; V-P:R.K. DHINGRA, Suresh BHARDWAJ, Rakesh PANDE Tel: Ravi Taneja: +91-981 121 10 96 R.S Sharma : +91-11-24 67 01 35 inditi(at), reotisaransharma(at) IRAN Iranian Center of ITI (Dramatic Arts Center of Iran) Vahdat Hall, Ostad Shahryar Street, Hafez Avenue, Tehran 1133914934 IRAN P: Mansoor Parsaei SG: Mohammad Atebbai Tel: (+98-21) 66708861; Fax: (+98-21) 66725316 dac(at) IRAQ/IRAK Iraqi Centre of ITI Muntada AL-Masrah, AL Sinak, AL Rasheed str. BAGDAD, IRAK P: Dr. Sami Abdul Hameed Nuri ; SG: Dr. Fadil Khaleel 9 ghassansami(at), awad-ali(at) ISRAEL Israeli Centre of ITI/UNESCO PO. Box 22543 Tel AVIV 61224, ISRAËL P: Gad KAYNAR Tel/Fax: +972 -3- 546 61 57 i.t.i.israel(at) ITALY/ITALIE Italian Centre of ITI C/o Teatro Espace Via Mantova 38 10153 Torino, ITALY P: Nuccio MESSINA ; D: Barbara BERTIN barbarabertin(at) JAMAICA/JAMAÏQUE Jamaican Centre of ITI c/o Sagicor Life - HWT Branch, 35 Trafalgar Road, KINGSTON 10 JAMAÏQUE P: 'Robin' BASTON ; SG: Lynette Nicole BROWN Tel. : +876-977 20 80 or +876-754 33 65, Fax : +561-431 01 53 [email protected] JAPAN/JAPON Japanese Centre of ITI c/o National Noh Theatre, Sendagaya 4-18-1, SHIBUYA-KU TOKYO 151-0051, JAPON P: Taeko NAGAI (Ms) ; VP: Ikuko SAÏMYOJI Yoshio HATANO SG: Shuji SOTA, D. of international liaison: Yoko ODAGIRI (Ms) Tel & Fax: +81-3-34 78 21 89, Fax: +81-3-34 78 72 18 iti(at) ; tae.n-1129(at) JORDAN/JORDANIE Jordanian Centre of ITI in c/o NCCA Arjan-Ibn Al-Haytham Street – Building 70 PO Box 926687 AMMAN 11110 JORDANIE P: Sawsan DARWAZA ; SG: Lina ATTEL Mob: +962 777 460 146, Tel: +962-6-569 02 92/3, Fax: +962-6-569 02 91 ppc.sawsan(at), theater(at), lina.attel(at) KENYA/KENYA Kenya Centre of the the International Theatre Institute 10 Gardens Chamber Building (3rd Floor) Po box 13385 00200 NAIROBI KENYA P: Fred ODOUR ; SG: Benson ORIEDO Tel: +254 (020) 318 142, Tel:+254 (020) 344 031, Fax: +254-2-787 895 iti_kenya(at) KOREA Rep/COREE Korean Centre of ITI Hanyang Art Theatre, Olympic Gymnasium, Hanyang University 17 Bunji, Haingdang-dong, Sungdong-gu, SEOUL 133-791 COREE RéP de P: Il Soo SHIN ; V.-P:Chy-Rim Choi, Byung-Jin Cho, Mal-Bok Kim, Ja-Hung Koo Tel: +82-2-22 20 0789, Fax: +82-2-22 20 08 00 isooshin(at) ; jacst99(at) KUWAIT/KOWEIT Kuwaiti Centre of ITI PO Box 5338, Safat, N 13054 Kuwait – Khaitan P: Fuad AL SHATTI Tel: +965-47 42 574, Fax: +965-47 64 194 kciti(at) LATVIA/LETTONIE Latvian Centre of ITI c/o Riga Latvian Society Merkela 13-426 LV 1050 RIGA, LETTONIE P: Brigita SILINA ; SG: Ivars PURGA Tel: +371-7-947 09 90, Fax: +371-7-22 90 17 itilatvia(at) ; litfom(at) LEBANON/LIBAN ITI - Lebanon P.O.B. 377 (Hazmieh) BEYROUTH, LEBANON P: Maurice MALOUF ; VP: Georgette GEBARA ; SG: Abido BACHA Tel: +961- 3-33 23 04, Fax: +961-5-46 52 00 mmaalouf(at) LIBYA/LIBYE Libyan Centre of ITI C/o Libyan Artists’ Association TRIPOLI ARABIAN PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF LIBYA ReP: Mr Ahmed ALNOUIRI Fax: +218/214 78 00 35 11 LUXEMBOURG Centre Luxembourgeois de l'ITI c/o Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Théâtres Professionnels B.P 2683 L-1026 LUXEMBOURG P: Serge Tonnar Tel: +352-2648 0946, Fax (+352) 2487 3704, Mobile: (+352) 621 146 811 info(at), tonnar(at) MACEDONIA F.Y.R./MACEDOINE A.R.Y. Macedonian Centre of ITI c/o L.Nikodinovski-Bish Kej Dimitar Vlahov bb, PO Box 690 1000 SKOPJE RéP de MACEDOINE P: Ljubisha GEORGIEVSKI ; SG: Ljubisha NIKODINOVSKI-BISH Tel & Fax: +389-2-32 15 115 iti-mac(at) MALI Centre Malien de l'ITI BP 91 BAMAKO, MALI P: Gaoussou DIAWARA ; SG: Younoussa TOURE MEXICO / MEXIQUE Centro Mexicano ITI Calle Pestalozzi 315 Col. Narvarte Poniente CP: 03020 Del. Benito Juarez Mexico, DF. MEXICO P: Jose SOLE ; VP: Héctor GOMEZ ; SG: Isabel QUINTANAR Tel: +52 55 53 36 24 71, Fax: +52 55 56 89 66 08 teatro(at) MONACO Centre Monégasque de l'ITI Direction des Affaires Culturelles 4, boulevard des Moulins MC 98000 MONACO Rainier ROCCHI, Patrice CELLARIO Tel: +377-941 243, Fax: +377-93 50 66 94 [email protected] MONGOLIA/MONGOLIE Mongolian Centre of ITI Angarag Myagmar P.O. Box 711, UB 24 12 ULAANBAATAR MONGOLIA P: Sarantuya SAMBUU ; SG: Angarag MYAGMAR Tel: +976-11 322 235, Mobile : +976-9900 50 57, Fax: +976-11363500 iti_mongolia(at), angmyag(at) MOROCCO/MAROC Centre marocain de l'ITI c/o Syndicat national des professionnels du théâtre BP 15604 CASABLANCA 20001 MAROC Rep : Khalid AMINE Tel/Fax: +212-022 48 33 46, GSM + 212-061 32 40 01 khamine(at) NEPAL Nepal Centre of ITI GPO Box 4779 Baluwatar, KATHMANDU, NEPAL P: Puskar GURUNG ; VP: Badri KHANAL ; SG: Shiva RIJAL ; T: Bal Bahadur THAPA Tel: +977-1-442 6662, Fax: +977-1-442 8743 itinepalcentre(at) NETHERLANDS/PAYS BAS Netherlands Centre of ITI Theater Instituut Nederland PO.Box 10783 Sarphatistraat 53 1001 ET AMSTERDAM PAYS BAS D: Henk SCHOLTEN ; Rep: Anja KRANS Tel: +31-20-551 33 00, Fax: +31-20-551 33 03 info(at); hscholten(at) NIGERIA Nigeria Centre of ITI University of Ibadan, Dept. of Theatre Arts Ibadan NIGERIA P: Wole SOYINKA ; SG: Dapo ADELUGBA ; T: Domba ASOMBA Tel: +2-810 11 00 or 1119 Ext. 1020 * Direct line + 2-810 65 87, Fax: +2-810 30 43 decampos(at) (attn Nigeria Centre of ITI) PAKISTAN Pakistani Centre of ITI c/o Pakistan National Council of the Arts Plot 5, F-5/1 ISLAMABAD, 44000 PAKISTAN Tel: +9251-920 53 36 or +9251-920 53 87, Fax: +9251-920 53 92 P: Mr. Naeem TAHIR iti.pakistan(at) PERU/PEROU 13 Centre Péruvien de l'ITI Avda. Angamos Oeste 120, Lima 18 LIMA 18 PERU P: Ricardo MORA NTE ; SG: Jorge SARMIENTO Tel: +51-1-242 61 63 or 63 00 anexo 254, Fax: +51-1-242 49 23 rmorante3(at), [email protected] PHILIPPINES/PHILIPPINES Philippines Centre of ITI World Theatre-Dance Secretariat Unit 1203 Gotesco Twin Towers B, Concepcion St, Ermita, MANILLE PHILIPPINES Chairman: Alejandro ROCES P: Cécile GUIDOTE-ALVAREZ ; SG. : Malou JACOB Tel: +632-430 3841, Tel: +632-527 2193, Fax: +632-528 1931 itiphilippines(at); cecilealvarez(at) PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico Centre of ITI Sociedad para la Accion Teatral en Puerto Rico P.O. Box 22998 SAN JUAN PR 00931-2998 PUERTO RICO P: José L. Ramos ESCOBAR; VP: Rafael Rojas; SG: Eduardo Bobren Tel: +1 787 754 1991 Fax: +1 787 765 7666 publico(at), jlramos(at), info(at) QATAR Qatar center of ITI PO BOX 23700 Doha-Qatar P: Moussa Zainal Moussa Al-Zainal, VP: Dr. Marzoug Beshir bin Marzoug, SG: Hamad Abdullah AlRumaihi Tel: + 974 55 55 91 95, Fax: +974 44 67 03 63 malzaynal(at) ROMANIA/ROUMANIE Centre roumain de l'ITI c/o UNITER Str.George Enescu 2-4 70141 BUCAREST I ROUMANIE P: Ion Caramitru ; SG: Doina LUPU Tel: +40-21-315 36 36 or 311 32 14, Fax: +40-21-312 09 13 office(at) RUSSIA/RUSSIE Russian ITI Centre 10, Tikhvinskaya str Mosсow 127055 14 RUSSIA/RUSSIE P : Yuri SOLOMIN; V-P: Anatoly POLYANKIN Executive Director: Valery KHASANOV, SG: Alfira ARSLANOVA Tel: +7 (499) 978-2638, +7 (499) 978-2852, Fax +7 (499) 978-29-70 rusiti(at) SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia Centre of ITI Saudi Arabia Association for Culture and Arts PO Box, 3060 Taif 21944 Saudi Arabia P: Ibrahim Q. Assiry, VP: Al Towaibi Jammaan Rowaijeh, SG: Sami Saleh Alzahrani Tel: +96 627 333 316, Fax: +96 627 333 830 ibrahim.assiry(at) SENEGAL Centre Sénégalais de l'ITI Théatre National Daniel Sorano BP 5500 DAKAR SENEGAL P: Moustapha M'BAYE, SG.: Ousmane DIAKHATE Tel: 221/33 823 93 36 or 221/33 822 17 15 sorano(at) SERBIA Serbian Centre of ITI 21000 Novi Sad, Zmaj Jovina 22/1 SERBIA P: Svetislav Jovanov; SG: Dusana Todorovic Tel: +381 21 451 077, +381 21 451 273, Fax: +381 21 6615 976 [email protected] SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates/ Emirats Arabes Unis) U.A.E. Centre of ITI – Sharjah Department of Culture and Information, Government of Sharjah PO.Box 5119 Sharjah, U.A.E. ReP: Dr Yousuf AYDABI Tel: +9716-567 1116, Fax: +9716-566 2126 sdci(at); m.kumar(at) SIERRA LEONE Sierra Leone Centre of ITI Room E 809, 8th Floor Youyi Building Brookfields FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE P: Elvira M.J. BOBSON-KAMARA ; SG.:Foday JALLOH (acting) Tel: +232-22-240 911 or 221-240 670, Fax: +232-22-241 757 (c/oMohamed Sheriff) itislec(at); elvirabk255(at) SLOVAKIA/SLOVAQUIE 15 Slovak Centre of ITI Theatre Institute (Divadelny ustav) Jakubovo nam. 12 81357 BRATISLAVA, SLOVAQUIE P: Martin PORUBJAK ; V-P: Darina KAROVA ; SG: Diana SELECKA Tel: +421-2-20487 102 103, Fax: +421-2-52 93 15 71 slovak_iti(at), diana.selecka(at), dana.tomeckova(at) SLOVENIA/SLOVENIE Slovenian Centre of ITI c/o Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije Cankarjeva 11, 1000 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIE P: Tatjana AŽMAN ; V.P: Maruša GEYMAYER OBLAK ; SG: Staša MIHELČIČ Tel: +386 24 11 728, mobile: +386 41 941 112, Fax: +386-42 62 249 tatjana.azman(at), marusa.oblak(at), stasa.mihelcic(at);, SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Centre of ITI Sausiripaya, 123 Wiyrama Mawatha COLOMBO 7 SRI LANKA ReP: Douglas SIRIWARDHANE Tel: +94-011 268 60 88, Fax: +94-011 267 85 17 towersl(at) SUDAN/SOUDAN c/o Mr Ali MAHDI NOURI Sudan Centre of ITI Sudanese Dramatists Union PO Box 1988 Gamhoria St. KHARTOUM, SOUDAN P: Ali MAHDI VP : Dr. Osman Gamal ELDIN ; SG : Dr. Shamas Eldin YOUNIS Tel: +249-11-782 072, +249-11-781 419, Fax: +249-11-771 621 alimahdinouri(at), SWEDEN/SUEDE Svensk Teaterunion – Swedish Centre of ITI Kaplansbacken 2 SE-112 24 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN P: Lars EDSTRÖM ; D: Ann Mari ENGEL Tel: +46-8-462 25 30, Fax: +46-8-462 25 35 info(at), annmari(at) SWITZERLAND/SUISSE SwissTHEATRE ITI General Guisan-Strasse 174 CH - 4054 BASEL, SUISSE P: Christoph HAERING; SG: Ursula WERDENBERG 16 Tel: + 41-61-301 85 15, Fax : + 41-61-301 85 16 info(at) SYRIA/SYRIE Syrian Centre of ITI Director, Dept. of Theatre Ministry of Culture DAMAS SYRIE Rep: Jihad Al ZOUGHBI Tel/Fax : +963-11-334 67 73, Fax: +963-11-224 94 02 TOGO Centre Togolais de l'ITI ITI-TOGO Julien Mensah 08PP 8089, LOMÉ TOGO D: Julien Y. MENSAH ; S: Ramses B. ALFA Tel: +228-949 37 55 and +228 931 77 23, Fax: +228-22 44 00 ititogo(at) ; julienmensah(at) TUNISIA/TUNISIE Centre Tunisien de l'ITI Théâtre National Tunisien EL HALFAOUINE BP 183 106 TUNIS TUNISIE P: Mohamed DRISS ; V-P: Chedly Ben YOUNES , Moncef SAYEM SG: Hassan MOUADHAN Tel: +216-71-565 693 or 351 783, Fax: +216-71-565 640 TURKEY/TURQUIE Turkish Centre of ITI C/o Refik Erduran A1-45 Blok D 15 Sinanoba, Bcekmece ISTANBUL, TURKEY P: Refik ERDURAN Tel & fax :+90-212-864 01 72, Mobile : +90-0532 344 01 92 refik.erduran(at) U.K./ROYAUME UNI Neville Shulman C.B.E. International Theatre Institute 35A Huntsworth Mews Gloucester Place LONDON NW1 6DB UNITED KINGDOM P/D: Neville SHULMAN, Mischa Twitchin (Administrator) Tel: +44-207-616 0777 (N. Shulman), Fax: +44-207-724 8266 iti(at), 888(at) U.S.A / ETATS UNIS 17 U.S. Centre of ITI Theatre Communications Group 520 Eighth Avenue, 24th Floor NEW YORK, NY 10018-4156 ETATS UNIS P : Rosalba Rolon, D: Emilya CACHAPERO, Assistant Dir: Kevin Bitterman Tel: +1-212-609 59 00, Fax: +1-212-609 59 01 iti(at), kbitterman(at) UGANDA / OUGANDA Uganda Centre of ITI Yumusico Building 2 Miles Bombo Rd KAMPALA, OUGANDA P: Jackson NDAWULA ; V-P: Sam Dick Kasolo; SG:Majanja Zaalijembikke Tel: +256-783 813 460, Fax: +256-414-345 598 itiugandacenter(at) UKRAINE Ukrainian Centre of ITI UKRAINE P: Bogdan STUPKA ; V-P: Nelli KORNIYENKO ; SG: Sergiy PROSKURNIA URUGUAY Centre Uruguayen de l'ITI Mercedes 933 11100 MONTEVIDEO URUGUAY VP: Irma ABIRAD ; Contact : Ernesto CLAVIJO Tel: +598-2-900 48 69 or 901 9412, Fax: +598-2-902 40 54 VENEZUELA Centre Vénézuélien de l'ITI Ateneo de Caracas - Ter. Piso Plaza Morelos 1050 CARACAS VENEZUELA P: Maria T. CASTILLO ; D: Nelly GARZON Tel/Fax: +58-212-576 82 08 itiven(at) VIETNAM Vietnamese Centre of ITI The Vietnam Stage Artists Association (Hoi Nghe si San khau Viet Nam) 51A Tran Hung Dao Street – HANOI VIETNAM Director: LE TIEN THO Tel: +84-4-943 99 14, Fax: +84-4-943 42 93 vsaa51(at) ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Centre of ITI 18 1130 Lusaka Lines Highfield HARARE ZIMBABWE Chairperson: Zane Lucas, Vice chair: Joe Powell, Coordinator: Lloyd Nyikadzino Tel: +263 733 203 636 [email protected] 19 D) Associate Centres / Centres Associés GEORGIA / GEORGIE Centre Géorgien de l'ITI 19 Rustaveli ave Tbilisi 0108 GEORGIE P: Atvandil VARSIMASHVLI ; SG.: Levan KHETAGURI Tel: +995 32 983075 ; Fax: +995/32/294306 lkhetaguri(at) IRELAND / IRLANDE Irish Centre of ITI (Associate)(att S.Wilmer) Samuel Beckett Centre for Drama & Theatre studies Trinity College, Dublin University DUBLIN 2 IRLANDE Rep : Steven WILMER Tel : +353/1/702 1239 ; Fax: +353/1/679 34 88 MOLDOVA / MALDOVIE Moldova Centre of ITI (Associate) c/o V. Turcanu, Dean, Theatre Faculty State University of the Arts CHISINAU, MOLDAVIE Rep.: Valeriu TURCANU Tel: +373/22/238210 ; Fax: +273/22/23 87 74 PALESTINE Palestinian Centre of ITI (Associate) Centre Arabe d'Arts et de Culture rue Abou Oubaida, BP 20462 EAST JERUSALEM 97200 P: Jamal GHOSHEH Tel: +972/2/6280 957 ; Fax: +972/2/627 6293 pnt(at) ; jamal(at) PAPUA-NEW GUINEA / PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE-GUINEE Papua-New Guinea Centre of ITI (Associate) c/o National Cultural Commission PO Box 7144 BOROKO N.C.D. PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE GUINEE D: Jacob L. SIMET Tel: +675/27 25 21 Fax: +675/25 91 19 POLAND / POLOGNE Polish Centre of ITI Pl. Pilsudskiego 9 00 078 VARSOVIE POLOGNE P: Bogdan HUSSAKOWSKI ; SG : Malgorzata SEMIL ; D : Malgorzata MAJEWSKA Tel: +48/22/826 17 71 or/ou +48/22/826 30 27 ; Fax: 48/22/826 3027 msemil(at) 20 21 E) National and International Cooperating Members / Membres coopérants nationaux et internationaux Professor Dr. Anuradha KAPUT Director of the National School of Drama Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road NEW DELHI 110001, INDE Tel: +91/11/3387137 ; Fax: +91/11/338 4288 nsdr(at); drama_school_in(at) Dr. Shubhangi Bahulikar Head of Department Centre for Performing Arts, (Lalit Kala Kendra),University of Pune, Pune - 411 007, Maharashtra, INDE Tel : +91-20-560 1163 ; Fax :+91-20-560 1162 bahulikar(at); satish.alekar(at) Mrs Johanna Mulholland National Institute of Dramatic Art -NIDA c/o UNSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, AUSTRALIE Tel: +61/2/9697 7600 ; Fax : +61/2/9662 7415 info(at) SCENEZ DRAMA and ARTS ACADEMY P.O. Box : 111270, DubaiUnited Arab Emirates Tel: +97150 55 22 750, Fax: +971 4 8823283 Academy Director : Mrs. Nadine Ch. BEKHAAZI Festivals Artistic Director :Mrs.Zeina Ch. AKIKI Int’l PR & Communication Director :Ms.Christina CHAMMAS festival(at) Mme Odette GUIMOND Ecole d’Art Feldenkrais « Autopoïésis » 1012 Mont Royal Est # 107, Montréal Québec H2J1X6 QUEBEC CANADA TEL : +514 522 8027, autopoiesis(at) Margarida Saraiva Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema Av. Marquês de Pombal, 22B, 2700-571 Amadora PORTUGAL Tel: +351 (21) 498 94 16, Fax : +351/ 21 493 76 20 estc(at); mmargarida(at) 22 Mrs. Elvia HOLGUERA ALTAMIRANO, General Director Espacio Cultural Metropolitano Blvd. Adolfo Lopez Mateos S/N, Laguna del Carpintero TAMPICO, TAMAULIPAS, MEXICO Tel.: +52/833/212 8288, +52/833/212 8289 elviaholguerametro(at) Mr. Luis Federico VILLARREAL MARROQUÍN Director de Cultura del Ayuntamiento Centro Cultural Nuevo Laredo Bvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio km 2.5 ote NUEVO LAREDO, TAMAULIPAS MEXICO Tel: +52/ 867/719-4503 staff(at) Mme Carole LANOVILLE, Directrice des Etudes CEGEP Saint Hyacinthe 3000 av. Boullé, Saint-Hyacinthe J2S 1H9 QUEBEC, CANADA Tel : +(450) 773-6800, poste -370 ; Fax : +(450) 773-9971 international(at) Association for Kurds Performers in Iraq -AKP Malkandi 42.206 -AKP Building Silêmanî , Kurdistan – Iraq Tel. +964 770 110 5802 nmaishkaran(at) Muhammad JAHANGIR, Director Nrityanchal Music and Dance Company HAL-MARS, 6/C, 66 Maghbazar Outer Circular Road, (6th floor) Dhaka 1217, BANGLADESH Tel/Fax.:+880 933 4656 cdc(at) Ahmad Iqbal HAIDER Theatre Institute Chattagram K.C: DEY Road Chittagong 4000 BANGLADESH Phone: +880 31 2861504/05, Fax +880 31 2861505 tic_bangladesh(at) Ms. Young-Il HUR Seoul International Dance Competition 2F 1057-13 Nam Hyun-Dong KwanAk-Gu 151800 Seoul, KOREA Tel: +82-2-588-7570 ; Fax: +82-2-588-7578 ballet(at) 23 Roberta QUARTA Astragali Teatro c/o Eufonia Soc. Coop. Via Giuseppe Candido 23 73100 Lecce, ITALY Tel: +39 0832 306 194 ; Fax: +39 0832 301 823 teatro(at) Aleksey PAVLOV Theatre of Young Spectator of the Sakha Republic (YAKUTIA) 25, Kirov street, Yakutsk RUSSIA, 677027 Tel/fax: +8(411-2) 35-07-82, +8-(411-2) 43-43-28, +8-(411-2) 43-35-90 smekh(at) Joseph FONTANO World Dance Alliance (WDA) Europe Via Panfilo Castaldi, 14 00153 Rome, ITALY Tel: +39 06 589 7732 info(at) Chinese Opera Institute Deputy Director: Cai Bi Xia Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre 182, Cecil Street, #02-10 SINGAPORE 069547 Tel: +65 622 26 551, +65 622 26 557 Fax: +65 622 16 003 coisinga(at) Short+Sweet Theatre Mark Cleary PO Box 462 Newtown, 2042 NSW Australia Tel: +61 2 95195081 mark(at) Consejo Argentino de la Danza Beatriz Durante, President CAD Laprida 1563 Pº7 A ( 1425) Buenos Aires, Argentina durantebeatriz(at) 24 NEPAA - Núcleo de Estudos das Performances Afro-Ameríndias (Center for Afro-Amerindian Performances Studies) Zeca LIGIÉRO, Coordinator Av. Pasteur 436 fundos. Escola de Teatro, UNIRIO Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22290-240, Brazil Tel and Fax: +5521 25423162 mobile: +5521 88269533 zeluco(at) Professional Association of Canadian Theatres Lucy White, Executive Director 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 555, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7, CANADA tel: +1 416.595.6455 x 11 lucyw(at) ; FREEDOM TO CREATE Priti Devi, Director Level 46, UOB Plaza 1 80 Raffles Place SINGAPORE 048624 Tel : +65 6210 5560, Fax: +65 6210 5589 info(at) THEATRE DESIGNER’S INSTITUTE Nasirul Haque, Member Secretary 81/A, Kakrail (1st floor) Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh theatre.designers(at) 25 F) Committees, Forums, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Groupes des Travail COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE / COMITE DE LA COMMUNICATION (ComCom) President: Mofidul HOQUE (Bangladesh), SHAHITYA PRAKASH, 87 Purana Paltan Line , 7th Floor, Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH Tel: +88-02-935 50 58 or 935 16 57 or/ou: +88-02-863 16 22 or 967 21 49, Email : mofidul_hoque(at) Secretariat: Heino BYRGESEN (Denmark/ Danemark), DR Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR Byen; Emil Holms Kanal 20 opg.1, 2 sal; 0999 Copenhagen C, DENMARK, Tel: +45-35 20 59 49, Mobil : +45 2627 5979; Email: heinoby(at) CULTURAL IDENTITY AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE / COMITE pour L'IDENTITE CULTURELLE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT (CIDC) President: Ali MAHDI (Sudan / Soudan), Tel: +249/11/782072, +249/11/81419 Fax: 249/11/771621 ; Email : alimahdinouri(at), alimahdi(at) Vice-President : Cécile GUIDOTE-ALVAREZ (Philippines) itiphilippines(at) Vice-President: Isabelle QUINTANAR (Mexico/Mexique) teatro(at) Secretariat: Alexander STILLMARK(Germany/Allemagne); Am Friedrichshain 6, D -10407 Berlin GERMANY; Tel : +49-30-425 17 74, Mobil : +49-179 887 54 93 ; Email : stillm(at) DRAMATIC THEATRE COMMITTEE / COMITE DU THEATRE DRAMATIQUE (DTC) President: FAYNIA WILLIAMS, 28 George Street, BRIGHTON BN2 1RH, UK ; Email : fayniaw(at); Tel: +44 (0)1273 620297 ; mob: +44 (0)790 00 88 191 Vice-President : Neophytos NEOPHYTOU, 38 Regaena Str. 1010 Nicosia, Tel: +357 22 674920 Fax: + 357 22 680822; Email: ccoiti(at); Vice-President : REINHARD AUER, Email : info(at); auer.reinhard(at) Tel:(home) 0043.699.10539571(work) 0039-0471-911661 Secretariat: Prof. Glecy C. ATIENZA; Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature,College of Arts and Letters,Faculty Center, University of he Philippines,Diliman,Quezon City Philippines 1100; Telefax.: +632-924-4899/ 632-928-7508; Tel: +632-951-9539 Mobile : +632-927-783-9159; Email: glecy_atienza(at) INTERNATIONAL DANCE COMMITTEE / COMITE DE DANSE INTERNATIONAL (IDC) President: Neville SHULMAN (U.K. / R.U.), 35A Huntsowrth Mews, Gloucester Place London, NW1 6DB, United Kingdom, Tel: + 44 207 616 0777; Mobile + 44 7768 053 167, Fax + 44 207 724 8266; Email : 888(at) Vice-President : Joseph FONTANO ( Italy/Italie ) via Panfilo Castaldi 14, 00153- Rome, Italy, Tel: +39 065897732, Mobile: +39 3477779785 Email : joseph.fontano(at) Secretariat: Sari LAKSO (Finland/Finlande), Finnish ITI-Center, Meritullinkatu 33 A FIN-00170 Helsinki, Finland, Mobile : +358 505480086, Email : lakso(at) INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FORUM / FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES FESTIVALS (IFF) Coordinators of the working group: Martin ROEDER-ZERNDT (Germany/Allemagne), IsoldeKurz-Straße 9, D-74074 Heilbronn, Tel: +49 -170-938 71 57, + 49 – 30 – 791 17 77; Email : mzerndt(at); Christoph HAERING (Switzerland/ Suisse); Migros Genossenschafts-Bund; Direktion Kultur und Soziales; Postfach 1766, CH 8031 Zürich; Tel: +41-44-277 20 82 Fax : +4144-277 22 74 ; Mobile : +41-79-449 93 62 ; Email : christoph.haering(at) Development of the forum : Jan GRUBE CHRISTIANSEN (Danemark), Tel : + 45 – 20 14 40 47, Email : jangrube(at), INTERNATIONAL MONODRAMA FORUM / FORUM DES MONODRAMES (IMF) President: Mohammed AL AFKHAM (UAE /EAU), UAE Centre of ITI – Fujairah, P.O Box 11778, Dibba Alfujairah - U.A.E, Tel : +00-971-92 44 22 24 Mob: +00-971-506 23 43 63, Fax: +00971-92 44 61 96, Email : afkham(at); malafkham(at) 26 Vice-President Jolanta SUTOWICZ (Germany/Allemagne), Kiel Thespis Intl One Man Show Festival, Osloring 41, D-24109 KIEL, GERMANY; Tel / Fax: 49-431-528.307 ; Email: j.sutowicz(at) Vice-President : Nina MAZUR (Ukraine) ninamzr(at) Honorary President : Valery KHASANOV, Moscow International One Man Show Festival, Russian ITI Center, tel. 7-495-600.35.18, fax 7-495-625.82.31, Email: rusiti(at), Secretariat: Olga POZELI (Greece / Grèce) mail: olga.pozeli(at) INTERNATIONAL PLAYWRIGHTS FORUM / FORUM DES AUTEURS DRAMATIQUES (IPF) President: Jasen BOKO (Croatia / Croatie), Krusevica Gummo 25, 21000 SPLIT, CROATIA; Mobile: +385-911 012 444, Fax: +385-21 383 110, Email: jasen.boko(at) Secretariat: Ursula WERDENBERG (Switzerland/Suisse), SuisseTHEATRE ITI ; General GuisanStrasse 174 ; CH - 4054 BASEL;SWITZERLAND, Tel.: + 41-61-301 85 15, Fax : + 41-61-301 85 16, Email : info(at) ; ITI EUROPEAN FORUM / ITI FORUM EUROPÉEN Coordinator: Thomas Engel, ITI Germany, PF 411128, 12121 Berlin, GERMANY, Tel : +49-30-791 17 77, Fax: +49-30-791 18 74, mail: th.engel(at), MUSIC THEATRE COMMITTEE / COMITE DU THEATRE LYRIQUE (MTC) President: Laura BERMAN (Germany / Allemagne), Bregenzer Festspiele GmbH, Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1, A-6900 Bregenz, Tel: +43 5574 407 232, Fax: +43 5574 52266, Email : ljberman(at) Vice-President : Roland QUITT (Germany/Allemagne) Nationaltheater Mannheim , Am Goetheplatz, 68161 Mannheim GERMANY, Tel: +49 0621 1680 384, Email: roland.quitt(at) Vice-President for Communications : Christina CHAMMAS (Libanon, Liban) festival(at) Secretariat: Paola SARCINA (Italy/Italie) info(at), Production & consulting for the performing arsts, via Metaponto 8 - 00183 Rome – Italy, Tel : +0039-06-77 20 30 07, Fax : +0039-06-207 18 32, Mobile : +0039-338 151 53 81 Coord. Asie du Sud Est: Lutgardo LABAD (Philippines) Coord. Pays Arabes: Hamadi BEN OLHMANE (Tunisia/Tunisie) Coord. Pays Scandinaves: Pia ROSENBAUM (Danemark) NEW PROJECT GROUP (NPG) Coordination: Emilya CACHAPERO (U.S.A/ Etats-Unis) Centre of ITI, Theatre Communications Group, 520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor, NEW YORK, NY 10018-4156, Tel: +212-609 5900 Fax: +212609 5901, Email : ecachapero(at) ; www.npg.iti-worldwide,org THEATRE EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE / COMITE POUR L’EDUCATION ET LA FORMATION THEATRALE (TECOM) President: Christine SCHMALOR, (Germany/Allemagne) schmalor(at) Vice-presidents : Shafi Ahmed (Bangladesh) acea(at), Peter GOLDFARB (USA/EtatsUnis) peter(at), Nick Lizaso (Philippines) email : nlizaso888(at); Secretariat: Philippe Laurent (Belgium/ Belgique) email : pcallaurent(at) Research Centre of TECOM: AKT-ZENT International Theatre Centre, Skalitzer Str. 97, D-10997 BERLIN, ALLEMAGNE, Tel/Fax : +49-30-61 287 274 Email : akt.zent(at), YOUNG PRACTITIONERS COMMITTEE /COMITE DES JEUNES PRATICIENS (YPC) Coordination: Kevin Bitterman (USA/Etats-Unis), Assistant Director, International Programs, THEATRE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, 520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10018-4156, Tel: +212-609 5900 extension 230, Fax: +212-609 5901, Email: kbitterman(at), 27 G) Regional Offices / Bureaux Régionaux African Regional Office / Bureau Régional Africain de l'ITI Jean-Pierre Guingané (Président), 01 BP 5743, OUAGADOUGOU - BURKINA FASO Tel/Fax : +226-50 36 59 42, Tel: +226-50 36 16 94 (D) Mobil : +226-70 25 07 32, mail : espacegambidi(at) ITI Asia Pacific Regional Bureau / Bureau Régional de l'ITI pour l’Asie et le Pacifique Il Soo SHIN (President), Korean Centre of ITI - Hanyang Art Theatre, Olympic Gymnasium, Hanyang University, 17 Bunji, Haingdang-dong, Sungdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Rép. de COREE Tel: +82-2-2220 0789, Fax : +82-2-2220-0800, mail : isooshin(at), Regional Office for Gulf Countries / Bureau Régional de l'ITI pour les pays du Golfe Fuad Al-Shatti, President, Kuwaiti Centre of ITI, PO Box 5338, SAFAT, N 13054, KUWEITKHAITAN Tel: +965-47 42 574, Fax: +965-47 64 194, mail : kciti(at) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean / Bureau Régional de l'ITI pour l'Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes c/o Centre Vénézuélien de l'ITI, Apartado 51-440, CARACAS 1050 - VENEZUELA Tel/Fax: +58-212 576 8208, mail : itiven(at) ITI Inter-regional Liaison Bureau (Arab Countries, Subsaharan Africa, Mediterranean Basin) / Bureau de Liaison interrégional de l'ITI (Pays Arabes, Afrique subsaharienne, Bassin méditerranéen) Mohamed Driss (Président), Centre Tunisien de l'ITI, Théâtre National Tunisien, Palais du Théâtre, EL HALFAOUINE, BP 183, 1006 TUNIS – TUNISIE. Tel : +216-71-565-693 or/ou +216-71-244-779, FAX : 216-71-565-640, email: driss_tnt(at) Documentation & Archive Centre for Asia / Centre de documentation et d'archives pour l'Asie c/o Bangladesh Centre of ITI, 144 New Bailey Road, DHAKA 1000 - BANGLADESH Tel : +880-2-956 23 80, +880-2-956 83 26, FAX: +880-2-956 08 82, mail : iti(at) ITI/UNESCO Chair “ Theatre and Culture of Civilizations ” Director : Corneliu DUMITRIU – ITI/UNESCO Chair, 75-77 Matei Voievod , Bucharest 2, ROMANIA Tel/Fax : +40-21-252 7456, Visiting: Catedra UNESCO, Blvd. Magheru 12-14, Ap 47, Bucharest 010000 . Tel/Fax : +40-21-311 8701, mail: unescochair.iti(at) 28 H) International Performing Arts Organizations in Relation with ITI / Organisations internationales des arts de la scène en relation avec l’ITI INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE AT THE UNIVERSITY (IATU) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE A L’UNIVERSITE (AITU) Collège de Valleyfield, 169, Champlain, Valleyfield, Canada, J6T 1X6, Tel: +1 450 373 9441, extension / poste 211, Fax:+1 450 377 6048, contact(at), P : M. Jean-Marc LARRUE, Collège de Valleyfield, Profil Théâtre, 169, Champlain, Salaberry-deValleyfield, J6T 1X6, Canada (Qc), Tel: 1 450 373 9441, ext. 211, Fax: 1 450 377 6048, jmlarrue(at), SG : M. Alain CHEVALIER, Théâtre Universitaire Royal de Liège et Ritu Universite de Liège, Quai Roosevelt 1b, B-4000 Liège Belgique, Tel: +32 (0)4 366.5295, Fax: +32 (0)4 366.5672, alain.chevalier(at),, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE POUR L’ENFANCE ET LA JEUNESSE (ASSITEJ) P: M. Wolfgang SCHNEIDER, ASSITEJ Germany, Guthenbergstrasse 25 D-65474 Bischofsheim Germany, Tel: +49 6144 74 54, Fax: +49 6144 96 49 82, soltau-Schneider(at) SG : Ms Ivica SIMIC, Theatre Mala Scena, Medvescak 2, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: +385 1 468 3 52 , Fax: +385 1 468 33 70, sec.gen(at) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATRE CRITICS (IATC) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES CRITIQUES DE THEATRE (AICT) P: M. Yun-Cheol KIM, Korea National University of Arts, San 1-5 Sokkwan-dong, Songbuk-gu, Seoul 136-150, Korea, Tel: +822 7469 405/ +49 172 946 7446, Fax : +822 7469 449, yunckim(at) SG : M. Michel VAIS, 54 Avenue Elmwood, Outremont/Montreal, Quebec, H2V 2E 4, Canada, Tel : 514 278 57 64, vais(at) Trésorier : Ms Irène SADOWSKA-GUILLON, 17 rue du Dr Paul Brousse, 75017 Paris, France, TEL: +33 1 4627 4630, FAX : +33 1 4627 1608, E-mail : guillofo(at), INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR THEATRE ASSOCIATION (IATA) / ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DU THEATRE AMATEUR (AITA) P: M. Paddy O'DWYER, 28 Morehampton Terrace, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland, Tel: +353 1 668 0079, Fax : +353 1 889 2755, odwyerpaddy(at) General Secretariat: Ms. Kaja POLD, Administrator, Vene 6, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia, Tel: +372 6418 405, Fax +372 6418 406, secretariat(at) English speaking secretary: Ms. Anne GILMOUR, 19 Dorset Avenue, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 4 HF, Great Britain, Tel: +44 (0) 208 574 2182, ub24hf(at) Secrétariat francophone: M. Jacques Lemaire, 7 rue Ambroise Pare, 95520 Osny, France, Tel : +33 1 307 32 270, thea(at) Spanish speaking secretary : M. Guillermo Rodoni, c/o La comedia de Campana, Modarelli n°821, 2804 Campana, Argentina, Tel: +54 348 944 1954, kirin(at) INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ACTORS / FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ACTEURS (FIA) P: Ms Agnete HAALAND, 31, rue de l’hopital, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 234 56 53/ +32 2 235 08 65, Fax: +32 2 23 50 861 SG : M. Dominick LUQUER, Guild House, Upper St Martin's Lane, London WC2H 9EG, U.K, Tel: +44 207 379 09 00, Fax : +44 207 379 82 60, dluquer(at) 29 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR THEATRE RESEARCH / FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECHERCHE THEATRALE (FIRT) P: Professor Brian SINGLETON, Trinity College Dublin University, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland, Tel: +3531 608 1239, Fax: +3531 679 3488, bsnglton(at) Co-SG: M. David Whitton, Dean of Arts & Humanities Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YN, Great Britain, Tel: +44 1 524 592 664, Fax: +44 1 524 593 942, d.whitton(at) Co-SG: M. Frederic Maurin, maurin.frederic(at) INTERNATIONAL PUPPETEERS UNION / UNION INTERNATIONALE DE LA MARIONNETTE (UNIMA) P: M. Dadi PUDUMJEE, president(at) SG: M. Jacques TRUDEAU, jacquestrudeau23(at), 10 Cours Aristide Briand, BP402, 08107 Charleville-Mézières, France, Tel: +33 3 24 32 85 63, Fax: +33 3 24 32 76 92, sgi(at) INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS / SOCIETE INTERNATIONALE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES-MUSEES DES ARTS DU SPECTACLE (SIBMAS) P: Ms Claire HUDSON, V&A Theatre and performance, Blythe House, 23 Blythe Road, London W14 0QX, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 20 74 71 98 60, c.hudson(at) SG: Ms Sylvie François, Cirque du Soleil, 8400 2e Avenue, Montreal (Quebec), H12 4M6 Canada, sylvie.francois(at) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF SCENOGRAPHERS, THEATRE ARCHITECTS AND TECHNICIANS / ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DES SCENOGRAPHES, TECHNICIENS ET ARCHITECTES DE THEATRE (OISTAT) P: M. Louis Janssen, louis(at) / president(at) Executive Director: M. Wei-wen Chang, OISTAT, Suite A, 2F, No.7, Sec. 2, Renai Rd.,Taipei, 10055, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Tel: +886 2 77260088, Fax: +886 2 7726 0808, weiwen.oistat(at) / executivedirector(at) ARAB THEATRE INSTITUTE / INSTITUT ARABE DU THEATRE SG: Isamail Abdallah, ARAB THEATRE INSTITUTE ATI, P.O. Box 71222 Sharjah – UAE, Tel: +971 652 40 800, Fax +971 652 40 770, gsata(at) INTERNATIONAL DRAMA/THEATRE AND EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (IDEA) P: Ms. Patrice Baldwin, president(at) V-P: Ms Mercy Mirembe, vicepresident(at) Director of Projects: M. Jean-Henri Dreze, Chaussee de Nivelles, 6A 4300 Waremme, Belgium, Tel: +32 495 54 45 61, jean-henri.dreze(at) INTERNATIONAL THEATRE OF THE OPRESSED ORGANIZATION EUROPEAN THEATRE CONVENTION P: M. Jean-Claude Berutti, Head Office of the European theatre convention ETC-CTE, c/o Comedie de Saint Etienne, 7 avenue Emile Loubet, 42000, Saint Etienne, France, jcberutti(at) SG : Ms Christa Mueller, cmueller(at) General Delegate : Ms Heidi Giebel Wiley, ETC Delegation Office : ETC-CTE, c/o CNT (Centre National du Theatre), 134 rue Legendre, 75017, Paris, France, Tel : +33 1 42 63 53 64, +33 9 50 24 04 40, + 33 6 75 22 32 14, Fax : +33 1 44 61 84 86, hgiebel(at) / hwiley(at) 30 WORLD DANCE ALLIANCE (WDA) SG: Dr Cheryl Stock, PO Box 5467, West End, Queensland 410, Fax: +61 7 3844 4310, c.stock(at) P. Americas: M. Jin Wen Yu, UW, Madison Dance Program, Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Ave, Madison, W1 53 706, USA, Tel: +1 608 26 26 655, Fax: +1 608 26 53 841, jwyu(at) P. Asia/Pacific: M. Anis Mohd Md Nor, c/o Prof Mohd Anis Md Nor, Cultural Center, Universiti Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 603 796 734 58, Fax: 603 79 67 35 76, anisnor55(at) P. Europe: M. Joseph Fontano, Via Panfilo Castaldi, 14, 00153, Rome, Italy, Tel: +39 065 897 732 / +39 393 693 0219, info(at) I) ITI/UNESCO Chair / Chaire UNESCO/ITI ITI/UNESCO Chair Theatre and Culture of Civilizations Chaire UNESCO/ITI Théâtre et cultures des civilisations Director : Corneliu DUMITRIU ITI/UNESCO Chair 75-77 Matei Voievod, BUCHAREST 2, ROMANIA Visiting: Catedra UNESCO Blvd. Magheru 12-14, Ap 47, BUCHAREST 010000, ROMANIA Tel/Fax : +40-21-252 7456, Tel/Fax : +40-21-311 8701 Email: unescochair.iti(at) 31
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