Nogha Enterprises - Verification of Final Quarry Permit 2012QP0104


Nogha Enterprises - Verification of Final Quarry Permit 2012QP0104
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Affairs and Canada
Northern Development
Affaires autochtones et
Developpement du Nord Canada
#16 Yellowknife Airport
Yellowknife, NWT X1A 3T2
Telephone: (867) 669-2762
Facsimile: (867) 669-2720
November 5, 2013
MV2009QOO 15
Gilbert Cazon
Nogha Enterprises Ltd.
P.O. Box410
Fort Simpson, NT XOE ONO
Dear Mr. Cazon:
Quarry Permit No. 2012QP0104- Final Quarry Pit Return -Verification
Location: Highway #1, km 521 (AKA 518)
Thank you for submitting the final return for Quarry Permit No. 2012QP0104 dated
October 28, 2013. Your final return has been reviewed by our Inspector and deemed to
be correct.
As you were authorized to remove 1,500 cubic metres of gravel under this permit and
report that 798 cubic metres was removed, a refund of $1,053.00 is due. By copy of
this letter to our Finance department, I am requesting that this amount be refunded to
Nogha Enterprises Ltd., which you will receive under separate cover. This quarry
permit is now closed in our records.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Charlene Coe at
(867) 669-2762.
Scott Stewart
District Manager
South Mackenzie District
RMO - Fort Simpson Sub-District
Finance - Gina Vincent
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I.I ·
Aboriginal Affairs and
Northern Development Canada
Affaires autochtones et
Developpement du Nord Canada
Yellowknife Airport
Yellowknife, NWT X1A 3T2
Telephone: (867) 669-2762
Facsimile: (867) 669-2720
November 5, 2013
Gilbert Cazon
Nogha Enterprises Ltd.
P.O. Box410
Fort Simpson, NT XOE ONO
Dear Mr. Cazon:
Quarry Permit No. 2013QP0097
Location: Highway #1, km 521 (AKA 518)
Further to your application dated October 28, 2013, enclosed are copies of General
Receipts C161759 and C161758 and Quarry Permit No. 2013QP0097. This permit
grants authorization to remove 1500 cubic metres of gravel from the location indicated
Please ensure that you comply with all conditions annexed to this quarry permit and
Land Use Permit MV2009Q0015.
Prior to commencing your quarry operation, please contact our Inspector,
Laurie Ozmun at (867) 695-2626.
Scott Stewart
District Manager
South Mackenzie District
Enclosures (2)
c.c: RMO - Fort Simpson Sub-District
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