Doctor in Applied Mathematics - Scientific Calculus Work Experience


Doctor in Applied Mathematics - Scientific Calculus Work Experience
Dr. Sylvain AULIAC
Nationality : French
LJLL - 4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris CEDEX 05 France
[email protected]
Doctor in Applied Mathematics - Scientific Calculus
Work Experience
Scientific collaboration with the Metrolab company at the Laboratoire JacquesLouis Lions, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France
Development of a C++ software for the optimization of the suburban network exploitation.
Scientific collaboration with the Ferry Capitain company (last year of my PhD)
Free surface flows simulation coupled with transport equations for the simulation of cast iron flows
along with the prediction of defect localization.
PhD of Applied Mathematics, under the supervision of Pr. Frédéric Hecht :
Optimization tools development for FreeFem++
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions - Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France
C++ development of FreeFem++ interfaces for several optimization software and libraries, with MPI
paralellization of stochastic algorithms, and application to concrete optimization problems discretized
with the finite elements method (Bose-Einstein condensates simulations, computational fluid dynamics
shape optimization, contact problems, etc.). Development of a prototype version of FreeFem++
including automatic differentiation features.
April to September
Research internship for my 2nd master thesis at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis
Analysis of the ways of implementation of automatic differentiation tools for the FreeFem++ software,
development of a first fully differentiated version. Work supervised by F. Hecht.
Fully-qualified mathematic teacher, Lycée Alfred Kastler, Dourdan, France
February to July
Research internship for my first master thesis at the Institut d’Electronique
Fondamental, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France
FORTRAN development of a FDTD solver for the Maxwell equations with PML absorbing boundary
conditions. Validation by comparing results with other software.
April to May
Research internship at Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Université Paris Sud, Orsay
FORTRAN development of an interface for a particle scattering simulation software and application to
the case of nucleon scattering by exotic atomic nuclei. Supervised by Elias Khan.
April to May
Research internship at Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire, Université Paris Sud
Development of C++ tools for the sky noise and galactic component removal from spectroscopic
measurements of supernovae.
Université Pierre & Marie Curie - Paris, France
PhD in Applied Mathematics - with merit
Master of Science - Mathematics & Applications - Pass 70-80%
Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (Master ANEDP)
Université Paris Sud - Orsay, France
Preparation to the national competitive exam for mathematic teachers - Successful
Master of Science - Mathematics & Applications - Uncompleted
Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Calculus
Master’s Degree in Fundamental Physics - Pass 60-70%
Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamental Physics - Pass 70-80%
Lycée Claude Fauriel - Saint-Etienne, France
Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles MPSI & MP*
Intensive preparation in advanced mathematics, physics and algorithmic.
Lycée Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, France
Baccalauréat in Science - With Honors
Professional skills
Languages : French (native language), English (fluent, scientific)
Computer Science
➡ Programming languages : expert in C++ (development, debugging, optimization, compilation procedure
knowledge) and MPI parallel programming. Good level in FORTRAN and C. Initiated to XCode.
➡ Scientific software : Matlab, SciLab, Maple, FreeFem++, Paraview
➡ Office software applications : Keynote, Page, Open Office, Latex, Number
➡ Operating system : Mac OS X and Ubuntu (professional use, especially for development), Windows (only
to evaluate our applications portability).
Sciences : Numerical methods for scientific computations, high performance computing, optimization, linear
algebra, parallel programming, dual skills physics/mathematics
➡ Quadratic finite elements with non-matching grids for the unilateral boundary contact - S. Auliac, Z.
Belhachmi, F. Ben Belgacem and F. Hecht, ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
Colume 47, issue 5 (2013), pp. 1185-1205
➡ FreeFem++ : Third Edition - S. Auliac, F. Hecht, A. Le Hyaric, J. Morice, K. Ohtsuka and O. Pironneau, the
FreeFem++ user documentation.
➡ Développement d’outils d’optimisation pour FreeFem++ - S. Auliac, PhD Thesis.
➡ On the resolution of an inverse geometric problem in the context of computational fluid dynamics Database Workshop for Multiphysics Optimization Software Validation, University of Jyväskylä,
Finland, March 2010.
➡ Différentiation Algorithmique - Intégration au logiciel FreeFem++ - Groupe de Travail des Thésards du
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, September 2010.
➡ Interfacing an algorithm in FreeFem++ - Second FreeFem Workshop on Generic Solver for PDEs :
FreeFem++ and Applications, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, December 2010.
➡ A fast interior points method for FreeFem++ - Groupe de Travail sur les Méthodes Numériques du
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, May 2012.
➡ A robust interior points method for FreeFem++ - Application to a laplacian problem with SIgnorini-like
boundary conditions - International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, Gammarth,
Tunisie, June 2012.
➡ Bose-Einstein condensates simulations with FreeFem++ - Fifth FreeFem Workshop on Generic Solver
for PDEs : FreeFem++ and Applications, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, December 2013.
➡ Optimization tools for FreeFem++ - PhD defense, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, March 2014.
➡ Organization of Numerical Methods Workshop of the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions from November
2009 to October 2012 : webmaster, mailing list, speaker search, etc.
Extracurricular activities
Music (pianist and guitarist), literature, mountains.