Detailed program for - monaris


Detailed program for - monaris
CHITEL 2017, PARIS FRANCE, first circular
4th january 2017
The congress Chitel, or QUITEL, is a historical meeting devoted to
theoretical chemistry. The XLIIIth edition of this conference will be
held in Paris in July 2017, in the Latin Quartier – 5th district.
The topics will cover both methodological aspects and applications of modern quantum
chemistry and theoretical chemistry: electronic structure, dynamics, spectroscopies,
biological systems, materials, excited states, photophysics and chemical bond analysis. It
will be organized in 7 half-day sessions, with seven plenary lectures given by worldrecognized experts, keynotes and oral contributions. A round table about current challenges
in the field, as well as two poster sessions will stimulate the dialogue between the
participants. A gala dinner will allow enjoying together an uncommon place in Paris.
Local Organizing Committee
Chair: Prof. Esmaïl Alikhani, Université P. & M. Curie, Paris
Members: Carlo Adamo, Monica Calatayud, Ilaria Ciofini, Franck Fuster, Laurent Joubert,
Frédéric Labat, Vanessa Labet, Bruno Madebène, Jean-Philippe Piquemal, Peter
Reinhardt, Johannes Richardi, Vincent Tognetti, Emilie-Laure Zins
Official Institutions :
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne Universités, CNRS, Chimie ParisTech.
Where and When?
The conference will be held at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie (ENSCP Chimie
ParisTech) Paris, France, July 3rd to July 7th, starting on Monday 12:00 am to Friday 2:00
Conference fees :
Registration fees (including V.A.T.) are modulated as
Early bird
(until 15 mai)
(15 may – 30 june)
Participant registration
500 €
600 €
Student registration
350 €
400 €
Congress dinner
50 €
50 €
Accompanying person for
congress dinner
80 €
80 €
and cover lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception and poster session. The housing can be
estimated around 80 € – 120 € per night for a single or double room in a *** hotel within
walking distance to the conference venue.
Website: (Opening before end of January)
Contact: [email protected]
See you soon in Paris,
the local committee